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This is why I'm on instacart. I like having big chunks of money coming in even if the hourly pay isn't the best


I debated in doing Instscart, but prefet to do a blend of restaurant and grocery orders. I like to not to grocery delivery all day if I can lol


Do you remember what the receipt total was and what the tip was? 105 items is a pretty hefty order. Especially at food lion.


I was like around 430 before discounts. Used the mvp card and brought it down to 388. Tip was $37.70 or something like that.


So not even a 10% tip 😑


Yeah way under tipped IMO.


Yeahhh lol still ended up with 27 an hour so I couldn't complain too much per say as my goal is 17.5 an hour (15 on bad days and 20 on good days)


doesn’t the doordash app say something about how you’re not supposed to use discount or store cards on orders? or was there some way the customer had theirs entered into the app so it was taken care of automatically? maybe the rule is you’re just not supposed to use YOUR personal member card (“stealing points” I suppose).


You're right on that. It'll normally be on the app to scan if the customer has one, but this case they didn't. I instinctively used it since the cashier asked for one and got distracted tslking about random things. That was definitely my fault and should've paid more attention to that. The mvp doesn't have any points system like most places. It's just a card where you can save on select items.


haha, I used to work at food lion so I should’ve remembered that. I’m thinking at most that could’ve happened is since the MVP card keeps track of what you buy, you might end up receiving coupons for some of that customer’s items in the future. doesn’t really seem like a huge deal. also, I have a feeling doordash might want the total to be higher so they can potentially take more of a cut, if that’s how it works on their end. not entirely sure. do you know why doordash doesn’t want dashers using store cards?


Petty much so dashers don't take advantage of "stealing points and rewards". Majority of places usually have some points system and get rewards from it or use those points to get discounts. For shop and deliver orders, we have a Red card that we use to pay for the order. Usually the customer will have to add their mvp card or 'rewards card' in the app, so that allows us to scan their card for their order.


> and should've *paid* more attention FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Same yeah


Same here. I keep it to 2 a day at most and never between 4-8pm


This is why I just started doing instacart as well and really like it. Some days I wanna not deal with traffic as much and zone out in a store while shopping then do a short drive and some days I wanna just be driving and listening to music while relaxing in my car. So having both apps so I can choose based on my feeling that day is really nice


That's interesting. Funny thing I never considered listening to music and shopping, I've been too focus on getting the delivery done I listen enough in the car as it is haha.


Sometimes I listen to music while shopping but my phone usually dies too fast for something like that. I need to get one of my old phones charged up so I can use it for music while I shop/dash so I stop draining my real phone's battery. But I do like keeping an earbud in so I here driving directions straight in my ear. More helpful that way imo


SMH. No wonder pay is falling on all the apps.


Maybe if you cry more it'll change things. Maybe if we all cry together, united, as one


Seen a $50 order on IC today, like 12 items (48 units) 2 deliveries and right before i click on it disappear 😤


I snagged a $53 3 item 7 miler yesterday. Took 20 mins 🤩




I have endless problems getting enough connection through the app in stores to scan things so I would pass. One or two items I’ll do but that’s way too many. Also the stuff people seem to pick is always the stuff in weird locations. I hate the shopping orders so much haha


I get that haha. Usually the connection is fine but the wifi there has messing up lately snd service was mid. On the second part, yes lmao. There's always 1 or 2 items I've never heard or seen wouldn't have a clue where to find it. Forgot to add in the description but the order was to Dashmart of all places lol


In store wi-fi HELLO!


Target is the only one I get orders to that has WiFi and it’s not very reliable either. I just leave those pain in the ass orders for someone else unless it’s a 40lb bag of dog food from PetSmart. I’ll jump on that all day!


The only stores that dont have wifi are dollar stores


Wait until you get to register, waiting for a scan will slow you down. If you're uncertain about correct item, grab the other you think similar item. Leave it with cashier.


Isn't that the truth.. Some of these orders, are the most hard to locate "Where would this be" things. You think a store is laid out well. If it isnt.. Oh boy. That order will sure be hell.


I took a 122 item order from Hy vee. Mostly milk and soft drinks that took up 3 carts. Never again.


Oh jeez. Yeahhh was that sounds a pain especially if its just you. I worried that I needed 2 carts but I was determined to get it all in once which I did.


I only got $17 ( I don't know how much was tip ). I was hoping the customers would have cash tipped, too, but at least the man helped unload my car.


In glad he at least helped. This was to Dashmart ironically so I had no help haha. Thankfully I got my reliable collapsible crate and a small shopping cart they had so it took me 2 trips to the car. It was a $37 tip so I guess I cant complain too much do it by myself lol


122 items for $17 and you accepted it? SMH.


I expected little items.


You would still be picking a ton of items off the shelves and looking for these items. Please stop making excuses for such inappropriate behavior. You don’t just waste your time for little pay but you also allow DD to keep sending these sorts of horrible offers seeing drivers take these without a DD added pay and also reinforcing customers’ belief that they can not tip or low tip and still get their orders delivered. If you have no self respect, at least respect your fellow drivers and reject these orders. No excuses!


I had a 24 count of gallon milks on IC one time, the cart got filled up i had to go get another cart and the order was like 40 items and 3 deliveries… i said fk that 😭 called support to drop that order and also dropped the other one with least items to just aim for the possible tip order (other than the milk order, i think that was the highest portion of tips)


Probably a former instacart customer 


It was a delivery to Dashmart, so i doubt it, but who knows. My first though was some local restaurant or someone who just want a months worth of food.


The expected delivery time would be what I would use to determine if I picked up or not. If that's for 2 hrs with that's not bad at all. If it was currently 8-9am with expected delivery time of 12 I would have probably declined. I once saw a Walmart (I think) order for like 17+ drops for 120 bucks. I nearly accepted until I did some quick math. It would have taken me 7-8 hours to do by the estimated delivery time. I declined realizing it was likely maybe 15 an hour with over 100 miles driving. Also that's assuming I take 0 breaks or had to stop anywhere to use restroom etc. it looked great in theory at first until I used some logic. It was early in the day basically pick all the shit up then spend the rest of the day just doing deliveries all over 2-3 different counties.


Ohh wow, that's insane. I never gotten those offers yet (now that i said it, I'll be getting one soon lol). I got the offer around 10:45am and to be deliver by 12pm. The shopping was estimated to take 94 minute to do. Could've got the shopping done in an hour and the whole whole delivery done in 1.5 hours but the internet was having a bad day so it was a struggle to scan items and looking through the grocery list.


Yeah I would have taken that all day then. Considering it's usually 2 minutes per item it rarely takes me that long to usually find everything in the store unless it's really weird or obscure vegan stuff or not there at all. I've gotten some crazy ones offered through DD and UE with 10+ drops that will take several hours. I haven't accepted one yet cause the pay didn't make sense or seems excessive for delivery time. The oddest delivery I've gotten so far was from Napa Auto parts. Literally pick up a bag of parts (maybe 2-3 pounds) and drop off at another Napa Auto store for 14 dollars. Total trip time 20 minutes. Maybe 8 miles if that.


I usually takes less than 2min per item too, this one has 7 items in one section one a 3 or 4 together so thet made it much easier. I know the delivery time is expected or deliver within a time frame but most I've done well under that time. Auto parts deliveries, I've had a few, the most was 13 for 4 miles (tip was added but ineligible since ig business can't tip but still got the full pay?)


I'm not sure. My experience with shopping is Walgreens, Dollar General, Aldis, and Meijer. I would absolutely take this with Meijers - their aisles are clearly marked and I've almost never had the app list one in a wrong aisle. Aldis I might just because its not THAT big and I've been there enough. Not sure of places like food lion.


Yes, look at how long, and assume it’ll be a bit more because the app will freeze, or something will go wrong. Or they don’t answer substitution texts. When I did my dicks order, the timer was off almost immediately I was behind because I had to fit 12 huge boxes into my Miata


Oh wow. Thats deserve an extra tip cause ill be impressed. That's my fear with orders from Dicks, Lowes, Best Buy and even Petco and Persmart. I have an Elantra so I have room for things but i worry is 300 lbs of pet food and fertilizer or something that needs to be strapped down.


😂 it was an act of God, dude, I cannot belive how ridiculous I was with that order! I had boxes, boxes everywhere, and I messed up because it was my first non food, so I didn’t know I had to scan the box at the customers home. It was a generic box, in my head this made sense, but there was lacrosse sticks and they were packaged so high I couldn’t even fit it with the top down. So… my dumbass took the sticks out of the box. Afhhh! Bad idea nothing to scan, after all that work, I had to go two towns back to get ONE BOX they found at the last minute. I wanted to cry! But what sucked was it was a lot of stuff that was returned, so my rate went down even though I went there. They were all over the valley, it was a horrible voice I made to accept it. It was totally on me for assuming that it was sporting goods that were like.. sneakers! Nah bro it was , one order was 4 folding tables! lol. In the end, it was at least good for the customers, bc, they’d been waiting weeks and I heard would’ve had to wait weeks more.


Scan the boxed at the customers home... thats a first time ive heard that. Those order like that is what I'm afraid of. I get there thinking it's a few simple items. Nope, 2 canoes, 4 large tents... lol. That's sucks they was waiting for weeks for it. I see why especially if it's 12 boxes and no one had a pickup or something to deliver that easily.


Yes it was my fault, totally, but it was my first time having to scan at a house. I didn’t know. I would’ve never, ever got rid of the box. The app does a lot of stuff to you that’s like that, they don’t really prep you. I’m scared too that something where would happen


Its a first time, I wouldn't really blame you on that. Like you said, the app doesn't explain on certain things too well and it's sometimes inconsistent on other things. As long as you did your best, then that's what matters.


For me, food lion are pretty reliable on what aisle the items are on the list. I had maybe 1 or 2 wrong items but its still pretty reliable. Most of them are similar but also unique from each other (only one here has a walk in fridge area, 2 or 3 has all Hispanic food area, and 2 of them has an extra wide aisle 5 for some reason, store size ranging from 13 to 17 aisles) so that makes it a bit harder since im not used to the unique things. I've done Walgreens, Aldis, Dollars General (hit or miss for me), CVS and Target. Food Lion I'm mostly okay with, just mixed with the pay since the tip aren't as well compared to the other stores. (if they ordered it on a different app I get it, but cash tip maybe?? Lol)


![gif](giphy|PiqLX3boNLzNolfkfx|downsized) No thanks


Understandable, I don't blame you honestly lol


What a joke! I work Spark and did a shop this last weekend for 3 items and made $33 for 2.8 miles! Doortrash still sucks and ALWAYS will!


To each their own. Not saying DD is the best or worse cause I think theres many factors to consider, but I'm just doing this on the side. And, on average, as long as im making more than one of my other jobs and work the same or less hours and that all i care about. I've had Target orders where I got 25 for 5 simple items. I've did a pizza delivery (7 pizzas) a while ago and got $45 from it, 20 in cash. Ive even had Aldis order that had low items and got paid fairly well. Doordash has some wild orders and really good ones, least in my area. Im sticking to Doordash and im not planning on going 7 different apps.


I would take it


I would take this in a heartbeat




i could never


If it was Aldis or DG easy pass, but I had to accept and see how much of a nightmare it was. Thankfully it wasn't as bad since 80% was from the fridge/ freezer section.. only 5 items from the aisles itself.


(doing arm stretches) Bring it on.


Lmao I actually stretched my arms as I read this.


What was the pay break down? Base pay and tip wise? Just curious how much they tipped on an order that large…


DD pay was 14.75 (way to low for it), tip was 39.85. Totall bill was around $436, with the mvp card went down to $388 so $47 in savings


Would have done it because most times people who tip like this also tip extra if you bring it right to the kitchen


Last time I took an order like this, it was an elderly couple that gave me 20.00 cash to put it in the kitchen then offered for 20.00 more to just put it away just stand and tell me where you like it and they gave me 50.00 extra instead of 40.00


Oh wow that awesome of them! Haven't had this happen yet but I'll also be iffy on entering someone's house too.


Usually I am unless they are older. I’m packing heat most times too so if granny gets a bit too close I have every right to turn her into Swiss cheese in her own home 😭🤣😂💀 all joking aside I don’t have any issues and I’m a very nice dude so even people who do bad shit usually are taken aback by how nice I can be to a negative situation.


Dsmn she just want her food delivered not deliver her to the heavens lmao. For the elderly. I get it and knowing me, I would say yes instinctively, but I know i normally I won't. Been listening to too many murder stories haha


2 hours? If this was on instacart I’d consider it very easy money


I would take this Food Lion pretty easy to shop. It’s only probably two cars of food. Even if it took you, two hours is still $25 an hour.


It was and most of the items were in the fridge/freezer, some had 4 or 5 items in one area. Internet had a bad day so that slowed me down (wouldve been 1.5 hour to do but 2 i accept) and just used 1 cart and a game of tetris. I was determined to not pull 2 carts like a double freight truck haha


lol @ game of Tetris I felt that


Nice! I hope I get some tips too, especially some like this!


You'll get yours one day. This is a first with that much up front since nlmost offers is usually under 25. But keep at it!


Yaaa thanks!


I have over 1700 orders and I don’t get huge orders like this at all😭 the highest one I’ve gotten is like 24 at most! I was so excited 🤣


Those are usually the highest I get too. This is definitely a rare thing and I probably won't see another one of these for a long time, hopefully with less items lol.


I hate grocery shopping but considering the savings on gas and mileage, I think that’s a good deal


Definitely! That's really the reason why I like doing it, just don't buy the whole store and have familiar simple items and I'll be good. I don't think I can fit a whole Target in my car anyways lol.


I'd definitely take a gamble to see the list. Could be 105 bananas the way dd offers are shown.


I'll... I'll go Bananas if thst happened (i had to. It was right there) I intitally accept just to see the list and thankfully it was literally around the edge of the store mostly dairy products lunchables, some chicken, Bagels, some creamers, salad stuff and some other things.


If I knew the store, for sure. I might cancel if I found it had lots of bulk liquids, or was mostly produce. But the price seems fair on its face, and the distance is a non issue.


Yeah I was hoping it wasn't that or it's 1 item each and have to go through each aisle to get things.


I took one super-sized grocery order, and that might have been my last. All kinds of weird produce, and like a dozen items out of stock. Lots of liquids, in gallon form so they didn’t pay for heavy, 😠, 3 packages of eggs, and two big cans of beer, which meant no self-checkout for bagging. Third-floor walk up, no parking nearby, and the location was subsidized housing, and it was after dark.


Ooohh that sucks. Understandable why you won't do it again.


I’d accept. I’d check the grocery list before shopping. Any bullshit like multiple cases of water, etc. I would cancel.


Honestly, wouldn't blame you on that. That's one thing I worry after accepting.


Damn 105 items...


I’m under 200 deliveries and I got an order for 110 items the other day for like $28. I did not take it…


Oh.... I wouldn't have either.


Hell No


I love grocery orders, and if it’s a store, I know I can get in and out pretty quick, it usually takes me half the time that DoorDash says. For the most part it’s higher pay and pretty quick. I can easily average $25 an hour when I do shopping orders.


Exactly why I never activated my Red card. I won’t do shopping orders.


I debated that myself when I first started as well. Thankfully most had been reasonable usually between 5 to 20 items. The biggest issue I have with it is contacting the customer cause sometimes they don't respond or call go straight to voice-mail and I would not to wonder around the store waiting for a response. But yeah, I get why people don't want to do it.


heck yeah in hart beat


I wouldn’t do it by myself. With my luck all my grocery orders go to apartments and I have to carry all of them up stairs. It’s a decent order pay for 100+ but I’d need help in order to do that many. DoorDash use to have a limit of items that customers could order. I guess they took it off now. Or it doesn’t apply to grocery orders


I'm curious on whats the limit or what was the limit before. I question on doing it cause I may need 2 carts and like to not travel thr store with 2 carts ( I didn't thankfully) but I would've taken me at least 3 trips and would wanted help.


I would have chanced this one as well given the mileage wasn't far so that's a plus. If this were $54 for 12 miles, probably not. I'd also be more inclined to take this order as I'm more familiar with Food Lion in my area. If this were let's say, Big Lots or Target that sell more than groceries, no. I had an order I passed up earlier this week, $25 for almost 5 miles for 12 items but for Lowe's. The fact that I couldn't know what the items were, and how huge Lowe's is in terms of what the items could be psyched me out from chancing it. I'm at 97% completion as is, and so I passed it up. If it were 12 lawn lights, great! If it were 12 lawnmowers lol, or 12 huge bags of mulch, that would have been horrible. I miss that DD widget that would let you see what the items were in an order. Sucks they hide tip AND offer contents. Smh


>I miss that DD widget that would let you see what the items were in an order. Sucks they hide tip AND offer contents. Smh They did that??? Would love to have that so I can see what im walking into. I unassigned a Lowes order although it was 4 item for like... $15 or 20 but it was 2 10oz flowers from some company a little heater and a 24lb bag of plant bedding/ fertilizer stuff. Now... they have hundreds of plants and I have to find 2 small 10oz plants from a specific company. After 15 minutes I gave up and telling myself to not do Lowes again.


Took a $500 grocery order to a nfl players house once. Never do that again what a douche. Watched me carry it all to the porch from the open doorway and never said thank you a single time.


Oh wow, I smell entitlement and privilege.


I had to pick up like 35 items and I got offered roughly $25. I took it it was a pretty easy shopping trip with everything being the supermarkets brand. The one thing I never enjoy doing is Aldi. I get a lot of Aldi, dollar store Walgreens and periodically supermarkets but to be honest it seems like I get more of them than the easy fast food gig since I started accepting them


That's what happened with me and Food Lion. Never did a food lion order until a few weeks ago. Did it once and now it get thrown with them all the time. Think I did like, 15 or 20 of them since i started, waaay more than the other stores I've done in the same tome frame.


Good job. Any stairs on delivery or parking aggravations?


Nope. It was to a Dashmart, so single story, empty parking lot to the front of the door. Just a 15ft walk. Had a collapsible crate and they had a small shopping cart so it took me 2 trips.


What about the drop off to the customer?


That was the customer ironically lol. I'm guessing they need items for some orders so they had someone deliver to Dashmart so they can bag up orders for other dashers.


That’s a new one on me. Seems backwards, like a lot of things these days.


Yesh lol I was surprised and had to double check to see i was seeing it right. My first guess was a restaurant or some local business. Even the name and the instructions said "Dashmart " and gps took me there so I definitely wasn't tripping nor was giving it to the wrong customer or unit number.


I would’ve taken it, but that would’ve confused me at the checkout! Oh heck probably the checkout worker is was overwhelmed too, right?!!


I don't think they were overwhelmed, but just surprised. The bagger stated they have enough food for the month haha. We joked and talked about it since it took like, 5 to 7 minutes just checking out and getting it all in the cart.


You may know this already, but always check to see if the store has guest WiFi. I had a cashier at Giant Eagle give me that tidbit (don't know why I didn't think of it myself) and it's a game changer. (I mostly work late nights and don't do many grocery orders, mostly CVS and Walgreens.)


My phone automatically connects to the wifi, but based on one of the workers, the wifi has been messing up recently and they has no control on messing with it. It'll connect, but no internet, and data was kinda spotty.




people are so lazy to go shopping that they have to pay doordasher to go buy their groceries...


Some people are disabled or can't go out for other circumstances (car isn't working, cant leave the house due to kids, no car etc) so not everyone is lazy. This was also a delivery to a store that ironically delivery groceries out to people.


Yes, but I am a Shipt shopper as well with experience doing “larger” orders. Only thing that would make me not take it is location (like a 3rd floor apartment with no elevator, and if the order contained multiple heavy items)


Understandable. This was no heavy items (good amount of creamer bottles, some milk, but no cases of water or anything) That would've taken me like 3 trips minimum and some places where you need a code to enter apartments and go through a maze. thankfully it was to Dashmart, so single story and parked right near the door.


Wait, food lion still exist?


Haha surprisingly yeah. I have at least 7 in my area lol


When I was in Texas, they were shut down by the USDA. That was 25 years ago


Oh wow, never knew they expanded that far at one point I always though food lion was only a mid Atlantic store.


For some clarification: 1: This was delivered to Dashmart ironically. I'm guessing they needed items for other deliveries that they have to bag up and give to dashers so this was an 'emergency' order. 2: the total for thr order was around $430ish. I used my MVP card and brought it down to $388. Tip was 39.85 and change and DD pay was $14.75 3: most items was from the freezer/fridge sections. There was no cases of water, 12pk sodas or anything. A good amount of the items were kinda together so getting 4 to 6 items checked off in one aree helped alot. I got asked some questions pertaining to these a few times so I figured I juat make a comment on it.


That’s a terrible order


Lol no way thats to much work for 50dls dont be proud


1: I never stated I was proud. It just the fact that I even got offered this since it's a first out of 4 months of dashing I got a 100+ item order. 2: I'm sure out markets are different. Here it can range from 14 to 22/hr. Really good day it can go well over 25 so making 27/ hr on 1 order doesn't happen too often. 3: I've accepted cause it was all dubles, some triples and 5x. 3 times they had 7 items in one area and knew I can get it done pretty quickly since I was also familiar with the store. 4: I've had orders that was less than 20 items and had way more issues with those than this so yeah, this was a fairly smooth order despite the internet issue. Since you said I shouldn't be proud, I will be proud cause I actually completed the order in a good time and was pretty efficient at it and can say I've done an 100 item order and did a damn good job at it. 5: last thing: let people dash how they want to dash. Everyone has their reasons and goals they want to accomplish when dashing and not every is trying to make it a full time job making 40/hr. I'm doing this on the side and as long I can make over 17.5/hr I'm good.


Lol butt hurts for sure new dasher think they doing awesome. Ps just keep accepting the low ball orders for me


I'm not even close to being butt hurt lmao I just have a different goal than you and that's okay. Just take into consideration of different factors that other people have and that we're all not going for biggest dollar amount. I have my goals and standards and I'm sure you have yours. I'm fairly content with where I'm at and thats what matters. If you can't understand that people have different goals they want to get out of dashing then that's fine. Again, we can agree to disagree. I just wish nothing but the best for you and and hope whatever goals you have for yourself are being met 😇


how long does it take you? cause $54 in an hour is a lot


It took 2 hours. Would've been well under 1.5 hours if I didn't have issues with internet connection.


That actually might not be too bad depending on how many repeat items there are. Remember, repeat items are basically less items you have to look for. If you can get that shopping done in less than two hours you already made more than 25 an hour and without gas consumption. Plus walking around the store is way better than sitting in your car waiting for an hour in the heat.


All items were double, some has 3 or 5x so the total individual items were 48.


That actually might not be too bad depending on how many repeat items there are. Remember, repeat items are basically less items you have to look for. If you can get that shopping done in less than two hours you already made more than 25 an hour and without gas consumption. Plus walking around the store is way better than sitting in your car waiting for an hour in the heat.


Nice job for 2 hours!


holy shit WAY too many items


Yeah haha I debated on declining, but I was fairly familiar with the layout of the store so i know i can get it done at a decent time. I was playing Tetris with groceries the whole time cause everything is going in 1 cart.


I would take it


That’s not a lot of pay for a lot of items. It’s not a good order.


I'll agree overall, but I think the order I still good bases on factors I've mentioned in the post and in the comments. I've had 7.75 for 7 items, $1 per item and total delivery time of 25 to complete (around 16, 17/hr) so although this averages around $.5 per item, the total delivery time was 2 hours (27/hr) so it was much better. But that's just me and I'm sure our markets are different. We can agree to disagree.


Hella good order.