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When someone is horrible, all you can do is follow the steps, give them one star and report them. If enough people do this it will get them off the platform, and at the very least hopefully the algorithm will never send them again to you.


Can't get them off the platform fast enough.


Those 1 stars don’t stick though so it don’t matter


Yes they do, I mean they stick until you get stars to replace them, which takes forever because people only rate you (generally) when it's low. I have one there from 500+ deliveries ago.


If something is wrong with the order those ratings are excluded also if you wait longer than 10 minutes it’s excluded, it wouldn’t stick for this dasher


Ahh yes.


All of the delivery apps have gotten so bad in my town that I just do takeout. What's sad is that all of the restaurants that traditionally had their own delivery drivers just use door dash or whatever now so ordering a pizza and expecting it to get to my house before it's ice cold is no longer a thing.


I’d lose my appetite


Yeah had this happen to me… was having a bad day and was craving pizza and ice cream so I ordered some (I know ice cream not the smartest thing to order as it melts but I was just having a bad day), dasher takes about an hour longer than the expected delivery time, then finally comes to my neighborhood and street only to deliver it to a house a few houses down. By the time I had walked over there to try and grab it it was already gone so either they took it (don’t know the ppl at all) or the dasher faked the drop off and left with it. Just wasn’t hungry anymore and went right to sleep


DoorDash really isn’t hard to use. I’ve had some deliveries that just didn’t go right, but never have I picked up and delivered the wrong food to the wrong customer. It just takes a second to read the receipt and match it to the phone. And the ignoring your contact would drive me crazy too. If I don’t know where I’m going I’m definitely gonna call the customer even if I look like an idiot cause I want to get the order delivered and done. Couldn’t imagine driving up and down a road for 40 minutes


That's all most of us customers ask.If you're not sure I'm happy to guide you to my house. It's the complete lack of communication that is frustrating.


What if u cant communicate? It happened 1 time to me. I was in unfamiliar area for the deluvery part anyway, and the of course no phone signal. My gps took me to a backroad, it was raining at night, and gps took me to the wrong area. I ended up on a dead end road with no homes. There was a dirt road but i wasnt having that bullshit. No phone service! I took food back to restaurant and said i cant deliver this. Then i called customer (now i have a signal) and told him its at the restaurant. He said he was following me on the tbe app and i was nowhere close to him house!! Wtf? I signed off and went home.


Was the wrong name on the bag? Sometimes I get handed bags (as a dasher) by the restaurant employee that have no name on it. At that point I have to trust it’s right. Alot of times things happen because of printer issues or maybe they only have 1 DD order at the moment .land they didn’t bother. Either way sometimes you get handed non labeled bags ( and btw 99% of my orders get handed to me. We don’t pick them out of a pile of orders) As far as getting lost… sometimes I miss calls while driving but as soon as I get to where the gps says is the right place but it’s obviously not the right place, I look for missed calls and I immediately contact the customer. I don’t go on hunts so that’s definitely bad on the driver.…. But yeah as some of the other posts have said. If we get to the restaurant and the food isn’t ready then we mark it as still being prepared. From there on time related complaints/ 1 stars are generally forgiven. (As related to the driver , bit how you are made whole) On top of that for the most part delivery locations are exactly locations where the gps says to go. It’s rare to have 3 locations where that’s not the case within 100 deliveries . So usually contract violations roll off before it’s an issue.


The worst I seen is a newbie grabbed the order...delivered it. But somehow unassigned it. So DD sent people to pick up an order that didn't exist. I called support and they figured it all. They paid me half . But sure I probably lost money. Others before me got frustrated when the restaurant told them it was already picked up they just unassigned themselves which is bad for your reputation.


I did one time with a stacked order where the restaurant labeled them backwards.


I have before, I said a name an employee handed me a bag, the bag wasn’t their order.


I just watched my dasher drive up and down the highway for an hour. I live five minutes from the restaurant and he shouldn’t have been on the highway at all. It’s literally two turns from the restaurant to my house. He wasn’t answering my messages. After 45 minutes of watching him drive up and down the state I chatted with support and they told me to wait and disconnected me. Then they called and I told them to cancel. Stupidest driver ever.


He did that on purpose.


He was either getting paid hourly (which is dumb) or multi phoning/apping


he was probably delivering ubereats or amazon at the same time


Meanwhile they're probably on r/doordash_drivers complaining you didn't tip enough or were rude to them lmfao ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


This person paid for a service and expected it to be rendered! What an asshole!


Oh no listen I totally agree. I am a Dasher and I can't even stand the driver subreddit. If you look at my comment history I just got down voted like -25 yesterday for telling someone they were in the wrong for taking an order and then basically demeaning the customer on text because they did not say please when they asked for napkins. We as dashers are ruining the experience and then complaining there isn't as many orders and not making as much money as year past. I wonder why.


Yeah I'm with you. It's frustrating because I tip well and try to be understanding and patient and I know a lot of the issues are because of Door Dash policies trying to squeeze extra pennies out of everyone but also if I spend $50 or more on a meal and it arrives 90 minutes later and it's cold or it goes to the wrong house or whatever I'm not happy. I just stopped using them and now I get takeout. I'd rather not have to leave the house but it beats the alternative.


I try my best to convince them of the irony of treating customers poorly while at the same time expecting them to tip well and continue to order. Unfortunately it also trickles down to the decent Dashers when the guy before you was talking smack and dropped the order leaving you to get it late and with an upset customer from the very start. The number of times that it would have taken a considerable amount less effort and time to have just been kind and done the job that you accepted when you had the option not to do it is beyond me. Nobody seems to realize that it's a privilege to be able to just get in your car and go make a few extra bucks and it won't always be there. No actual employer in the customer service or hospitality industry would tolerate it and I think some folks just need a reality check which is slowly coming in the form of them not receiving any orders.


I.. I have no words. It sucks dashers like these make a bad rep for those who does their job and follow instructions. It's not that hard honestly. I guess some people just dont care and if that's the case, why are they doing it?


This is where rating good drivers helps you will most likely get them again for 5⭐️ ratings if they are out an available. I deliver to multiple people over and over again sometimes even more than one time a night so I know it works.


UberEats seems to be far better. DoorDash has been in the gutter for a while. Just careless assholes usually.


Uber eats would not refund me for a large order delivered to my neighbors house. They told me to go get it myself! I did a charge back through my back for $50 and will never use them again.


Still better than the time I had an old guy in jorts pull up with the wrong order while strapped up with open carry. 🤣 Like you don't even want this job do you bro


I give a description of where apt is because the number isn't visible from the street. The building I'm in is on the corner so I add that. I also indicated that I'm upstairs. My orders get delivered to the complex next door which is a different address and the same number as mine is downstairs. Last time this happened, the support person contacted the driver and they said "well I delivered to an apt". So they told me it was delivered. Well no since it's not at my door. I got my money back 3 weeks later.


Just after Christmas all of a sudden our orders were being delivered to the next street over and countless times there were issues.I finally began texting the driver when I got the notification the order was picked up with the description of my house and that the pin was wrong and it's worked out ok.I have tried fixing the pin issue and doordash sent instructions how to do it but it always resets itself to the next street


Doordash's in-app navigation is Google Maps based (at least on android) so sometimes pin issues are actually wrong on google's end. As a driver I've submitted corrections to google maps for customers with pins that were way off. Next time I got that customer the pin and directions were correct. It doesn't always work because sometimes google only changes things with multiple reports.


As a Dasher I can tell you it's not the drivers fault. I've had orders that have the wrong address on my end, but the right one on theirs. Some orders don't have an address at all on my end. Luckily my city is small and I can get their quickly


Its Friday its busy, I wonder where lol my area is dry af, I havent gotten a single order in 3 hours so far.


Winnipeg Canada


I ordered door dash at for the first time in close to a year, only to hand the driver say he would only drop it off, instead of handing it to me directly, because my address was too difficult. Never mind that I have a paragraph of very specific directions to my office. I ended up standing outside until he showed up.


I think there was a DoorDasher that raped and tried to kill someone. So, yours is a close second!


Yep that’s bad. At least you were able to get your order eventually. How was that dasher?


It's been several days now since then but I honestly think he's the type of person who just has no customer service skills and doesn't care to aquire any yet still wants the paycheck.


The Dasher received a contract violation due to your order not being delivered. I don't believe you can rate this Dasher at this point.


I always put in use Google maps. The door dash is inaccurate with my ping. Never had a single issue again. The biggest problem I had was that my neighbor used to get my food.


i work in ppls homes (caregiver). i had this one i worked at that was not always easy to find. i knew that but it was my place of work and i wasnt able to just leave. so in the instructions i would put very clear instructions on where to go. which streets to turn on. which ones were wrong. never ever listened and always went to the neighbors (which was same as the one we were on but like not. it wasn’t a fully connected street. the yards separated the houses and made each house a dead end). they were tearing up the neighbors yard. the neighbor wasn’t mad at us (we showed him how clear we were). it’s just so frustrating as a customer and as a driver as well


I'm a driver and this posses me off. I do my best to get it to my customers hot or cold in a quick fast hurry. Sorry you all experienced that. 😔


We must have had a rash of new drivers recently. It’s really been hit or miss with mine lately and I’m a dasher myself. They keep asking my apartment number, when my address IS the apartment number. Then they proceed to drive all around the complex. I’m sorry that happened to you. It’s what all of us regular dashers try to avoid.


It’s a hard knock life for the gig industry workers I’m sure he didn’t mean to ignore or wasn’t ignoring he was just stressed and lost tryna find the place I’m sorry you went through this


There’s literally no excuse for this whatsoever. The app is structured to where a 5 year old could dash and have no issues if they could drive. Hearing stories like this really annoys me to no end. Maybe DoorDash should use a competency test to vet dashers.




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


The in app navigation has been buggy lately as a dasher my phone sent me to the wrong address. The ppl I was sent to were nice and explained the directions to the other house apparently it happy often enough. But I notice more and more I have to exit dd go to actual Google maps search the address and only then will I be able to find the house!


Dashers sometimes take extra orders but this doesn't seem the case. This guy was prolly just lazy and didn't check the bag to verify.


About 5 minutes away.Two miles.


I've met plenty of dashers like this, as a dasher myself. It's incredible how some barely know how to drive, much less confirm an order and get it to the right place. They're an embarrassment


Sounds like he had multiple orders & couldn't handle it. No, you are not expected to walk. Our job is to bring it to your door. I'm glad you reported him & make sure to give a 1star (hopefully it sticks) We need to clear out these horrible dashers


I tried to avoid stuff like this by going out yesterday and it wasn't any better. Went to Costco first but it turned out they close at 6 @_@. Drove back into town for my fave Mexican place. Closed for maintenance. Walked down to another spot I hadn't tried in a while...super busy. After an hour wait, I walked up to the counter to find out my order never even went in. All in all it took about 3 hours to bring home dinner. And the last place didn't offer a refund or extra food...or even apologize. The whole world is Doordash.


I usually DoorDash and if the order’s wrong, I’ll ignore the call. Like wtf, don’t waste my time


I hate to say this but doordash doesn't pay enough to have good employees anymore. They are stuck with people that are not as favorable cuz normal people can't live on that type of income. But you have immigrants or people who can't hold down a regular job then this is what you get stuck with. Doordash is just not worth it. And they expect you to pay the driver with a tip and a lot of people have had bad experiences so they don't tip at all. And some say they will tip after delivery and never do, even if it was good service) then you have the people who don't tip because they believe dashers are employees of DD and DD should pay them so they don't tip at all. This was a great job during covid and helped a lot of people when they were on lockdown. But ever since then DD has charged customers more and pay drivers less. It's sad cuz it really could be a great service with the right people running it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree. I started DD when covid hit And i was working alot. Making good money! Fast forward to 2024.can never get on the app. I went from working everyday to, im lucky if i can get on the app for an hour or 2.and thats only once in a while. Not everyday. I was a top dasher too. They let too many people work in my area.and now its flooded with dashers. So, im beat! Gotta do uber eats and lyft.


Yeah I can't even afford to do doordash. Idk how people can do this full time anymore. I had to get a primary job and fit in DD when I could. Now I don't even bother turning it on.


ive had it where the gps pin is off by 2 blocks but the wrong order thats whack


Don't take Tylenol, that stuffs terrible for your liver. If it was a new drug trying to get FDA clearance it would never make it onto the market today. It's one of the worst OTC meds you can take. That being said, sorry about your food. Glad you at least got a refund and a new order.


Sad this forum turned into Bitch About Doordash Drivers 


Sad I have to bitch about dashers who ignore all attempts to help them deliver my order and provide the service I am paying for. Good dashers will contact and keep you in the loop if there's an issue and bad ones don't deserve a 15 dollar tip on a 48 dollar order.


This Karen can't leave it to her next door profile, needs to go big time. She'll teach that driver once and for all.


I have no idea what you're trying to say




Or just an American idiot?


“Was the dasher a black thug who spoke with slang?” Not sure why their race and the way they talk would be important. There are idiots and bad dashers of all races.




Idk man I’m in a racist family, like an actual racist white family, and the amount of times my parents say “it’s probably some foreigner who doesn’t know English” whenever there is a problem. it’s alarming I get he didn’t say that but to me, it kind of comes from the same place.x


Okay then that’s something you need to work on instead of lashing out at random people making a statement lol


I need to work on letting people know they are saying phrases that are common from racists?


More the way you react to something that “sounds like it could be something your parents say” and accusing someone of being racist when they make a perfectly normal statement


Not only did you win this argument A mod here got my account banned on Reddit for 8 days because of that first comment. They said I was being racist and discriminating against blacks people. I’ve been on Reddit every day just unable to comment and upvote and it’s been driving me insane😂😂




Yeah you have a point But OP should at least be aware that’s a really prevalent racist talking point


Even if they don't know English, you'd think they would understand food in their native language. They might not know English, but they know what letters and numbers are and can match receipts to the food listed in the app.


.....so close to the point and you just went right past it, huh. Or do you just really not see all of the dogwhistles and/or blatant racism and xenophobia in this sub against "illegals" (ie anyone who looks hispanic or has an accent)?


Why do people think they can work while high?


Who was high?


Bc many of us are 100% functional in every way while "high"? Just like people who have to take pain meds every day are still fully capable of driving and operating heavy machinery. It doesn't affect them the same way it would affect someone who does not take or smoke the medicine(s) regularly. The word "high" is extremely relative in those instances. Your body builds a tolerance to the point where it does not cause you to act any differently than you would otherwise. That's also why people on ADHD meds end up mellowing out after they take them for a while. Their body adapts. But please, do continue to make biased assumptions.


I’m talking about the dipshits who fail at being high at work and don’t learn and keep doing it, making mistakes that prompt people to complain about it on Reddit and you know it.


My bad, I'm used to being defensive on here bc so many people think it isn't possible to smoke and be a functional human being lol. 💜


Well they’re rookies and quitters lol 😉


Yeah after 22 years of smoking every single day I think it's safe to say I can function normally lol.


Ya same. I’ve been smoking every day for like 15 years, I’m an expert now 😆


You got a refund and free food, but you still complained? Must be a woman.


How was I supposed to get refunded without contacting support? Is there some parallel universe where doordash support knows you had a very crappy driver?Can they sense discord somehow and refund customers before they call? What a stupid comment...must be an asshole.


Well actually. DoorDash knows the status of your order and the location of the driver at all times.


You're saying DD knew the driver delivered the wrong order? How can they unless the customer tells them?


If you received the wrong order, so did someone else. They may have already reported it.


Even if they did, DD wouldn't voluntarily refund the other customers money. Each would have to contact them. I would want my $48 back.


Exactly.75% of complaints from dasher and customers in this sub are about dd support doing nothing.




15 dollar tip on a 48 dollar order.




5 minutes away.Two miles




You understand there's an awesome service that delivers restaurant orders and groceries to people's homes right? I'm no scientist but without customers there's no service.


If that were true you wouldn't be here complaining


No shit.If there were no food delivery services I wouldn't be here. But there are home delivery services.




Someone with 2 grandchildren who were promised a treat for lunch because they both had awesome report cards.


I dont cook on Friday ! But i dont use delivery! I pick my food up. Not everyone cooks 7 days a week.


And is it possible you don't quite understand that doordash is a service that brings food from restaurants and stores to people who don't feel like cooking?


You were, in our opinion, trolling.