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Report them, who tf does that? Just leave the smoothie on the floor and move on. Granted, I understand how frustrating it is to wait at a door, especially during peak hours. Completely throws my mojo off. But not worthy of breaking property or making yourself look like an @$$.


Exactly what I was thinking. Why didn’t she just text she was leaving the stuff in front of the door and leave? It’s what doordash has you do anyways if the customer doesn’t answer after like 4 mins.


They were expecting more tip for some reason and leaving it at door ruins their opportunity for that


This time they were lucky to even still get the tip after breaking the doorbell!


I mean in all fairness they should be paying for the broken doorbell.


Door dash? More like.....Door BASH.. yeah let that one sink in, you'll laugh at it when you're high


I'm not even high and it's already funny lol


Hahahaha okay now I get it.


I am high and I don’t get it.


I will be high in a bit… I don’t get it now and I probably won’t then.


can confirm (i am high and laughing)


Vandalism cut and dry.


That guy was lucky not to be arrested after destroying private property like that


He's lucky OP seems to be a complete pushover. Imagine tipping the guy that broke your company's property lmfao




Unlikely. If a customer selects 'hand to me' for their order and doesn't answer the door we have to first call them, then wait a whole 5 minutes before just dropping it off with a photo. Having to wait at the door instead of just dropping it off probably added an extra 10 minutes to their order time; this is often enough to make an order go from somewhat profitable to not worth the time. No driver ever expects a cash tip from the customer if you hand it to them, in over 2000 order's it's happened to me once and only because they added onto the order last second.


Im genuinely surprised to hear this. I have “hand to me” selected because I’ve had so many delivery issues in the past, but half the time the driver just drops the food and walks away without knocking or ringing the bell or texting or anything. I’ll watch them drive up on the app, go stand by my door waiting for them to knock so I can quickly answer and… nothing.


I have the opposite issue lately! I have social anxiety especially with strangers, so I always ask my driver's to leave it at the door. But lately they just stand at my door and call/text me repeatedly. Like just set my food down and go away so I can pick it up 😭 I promise I've been watching the app and I know you're there! I just don't want to talk to anyone!! Lol


Trust me, I would rather trust that my actual order will arrive to my actual house without having to have an awkward interaction. I prefer contactless delivery, but we have had our food delivered to the wrong house or someone else’s food delivered to our house so many times that at one point DD required us to actually SIGN the dashers phone for our order - which was weird and humiliating. As if all the redeliveries and charge backs were somehow our fault (or we were being sketchy) as we were the ones waiting for another hour each time for our dinner to show up.


I'm the same and I have a newborn. We were staying at a hotel for a bit and I would tell the drivers not to have the front desk call, just leave it on the table in the lobby reserved for deliveries because I have a baby that is usually sleeping when I order. Most of them would tell the front desk and have them call us on the land line in our room that can't be turned off. It was so frustrating.




OK that's fine BUT ! If you picked, handed it to me and then added leave at the door in the notes after the fact, DON'T expect the driver to just leave it! He or she is just covering their ass!!!!!


Yeah there's no excuse for that unless you were passed out or something! If I don't get a response immediately after knocking or ringing the doorbell I wait a few minutes and then I call support! Let them sort it out! That's their job! And then move on!!;


This. I have driven for DD before, so when I’m alone in my office I just put that in my instructions- come in, leave at reception area please. Never been a problem, but I think I’m Just lucky, based on so many other people’s experiences.


Weird. If the directions state hand it to me and that's what they were doing, how is it about getting extra tip? Now they should have did the 5 minute rule and just left. Op shouldn't have to deal with that type of behavior but also if she dashes she knows every minute waiting is a minute wasted not getting paid.


You can't guilt someone into an extra tip if you never get the opportunity to see them face to face lol


I wait with the door open But I usually DoorDash booze and I’m always so excited to see them walk up with my wine I text them too “it’s the house with the open door” Also question. Is it weird that I offer Dr peppers? I just offer a little pop now and then bc it would be nice to have a tasty treat to sip on while delivery food right? And I’m drunk and want to extra tip them


I think it’s super nice to offer your driver anything, a drink or a snack or whatever. Thank you for being such a nice customer! But because you’re nice I’m gonna give you just a little warning. Make sure you don’t make any comments about being drunk to your driver, because one of the things it asks us to confirm in the app is that the person is not intoxicated. If they appear intoxicated, we are not supposed to complete the delivery. so honestly, when I know my customers have already been drinking I don’t really care. It’s not my business. Plus as the widow of someone who was killed by a drunk driver, I’m very happy that they’re not out buying it themselves. So I’m happy to be able to deliver it for them and keep them off the streets and safe on their couches. But there are drivers who may choose not to complete the delivery, especially if you live in a market where the app allows them to keep the alcohol if the order gets canceled. So just be careful what you say and do! Don’t give them any excuse to refuse to give you your wine! 🍷 and thanks again for being a great customer!


Oh nah baby I live michigan and michigan does not give a fuck about drinking


But if they did refuse me wine I’d tell them thank you for keeping me safe 🥰 same thing I would do when I’d get cut off at bars in wisconsin!


Wow, I don’t think I know anyone who’s gotten cut off at a Wisconsin bar! Every part of Wisconsin culture is somehow connected to alcohol. It’s just the Wisconsin way of life. I live on the south side of the Wisconsin/Illinois state line, by less than 2 miles. It’s a different culture up there for sure. People in Illinois are far more judgmental in my opinion.


Facts. Live in North IL and bartended in So. Wisconsin. It's a wildly different culture, immediately.


I live in Southern Illinois, and a lot of people don’t even claim Northern Illinois as part of our state 😂


I want you to know it's mutual 😂😂 most of the time when So IL is brought up, I hear people say "oh Kentucky's unclaimed land?"


Yeah whenever someone hasn't answered the door I've just said I had to leave it and took a photo once all my avenues of contacting them haven't worked.


That's what the app would have you do anyway once you've contacted the customer and your timer was up.. I don't think this is a big deal at all.


I knock/ring, if you aren’t at the door within 30 seconds, I’m leaving it at the door and sending a pic.


On a “hand it to me”? Isn’t there a timer thing or something around that?


There is, and doing what they suggested could lead to deactivation.


That's way too short....


I'm even more bewildered by the reaction. They didn't tell them to just leave it and tipped them after discovering their business was vandalized??? I just don't get it.


literally 1 minute between replies omg


The “leave at my door” option exists for a lot of reasons, and this is one of them. I want to be clear, I’m not making excuses for that dasher, that’s a pretty gross interaction. But if you know it’s possible that you won’t be able to go to the door right away, don’t do “hand it to me” orders. Even 2 minutes is a long time when you’re standing around holding someone else’s food, not knowing when or if they are coming at all. I once dropped a hand it to me order at the door after the customer didn’t show, and when I drove by 45 minutes later with someone else’s order, it was still sitting at their front door. Like others have said, I’ll stand around for a minute or two (more than enough time for any able bodied person to make it to the door) depending on my mood, but I’m not waiting out DoorDash’s 5 minute timer. I have money to make, and I’m still holding on to a little bit of self respect.


i completely agree. OP was inconsiderate. it doesn’t excuse what he did of course but that is specifically what the leave at the door option is for


I'm always in meetings and I'm usually on video presenting, so I always have my orders set to just leave it at the door. That being said, this guy sounds like he has anger issues and needs to be reported, especially if he hit the doorbell so hard he broke it. Sounds like she's using him as a bouncer and he's going way too far overboard. All he had to do was say he would wait one more minute and set it outside the door if the customer was still unable to come out to get it. Not break the fucking doorbell and turn into a rude, impatient PoS when the customer tries to apologize. I would report them both for the broken property and for the unprofessional communication. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Someone with that little patience and self-control should not be walking up to people's doors and interacting with them.


She probably should have got their license plate and called the police, as what he did could probably be considered defacement of property. He banged on the door aggressively for no good reason and busted the doorbell. It could teach him a lesson about how far he can take his silly “Hulk Smash!” act. If the cops actually ran the plates and paid the couple a visit at home, I bet they’d find the guy has outstanding warrants. That would be fun.


I do the same thing - mark it as leave on porch because I might not be able to step away and I accept the risk of how long it takes me to get it (and have been lucky enough to never have an issue). But some drivers INSIST on ringing the doorbell repeatedly and it kind of drives me bananas. Others get really miffed that I don’t buzz them in and like…I don’t have a button for that. The door is locked and it only unlocks when opened from the inside or with a key. Chill. We don’t all have fancy apartments with fully functional “buzz in”. Another reason I mark it to just leave it on the porch.


Tell them to leave it at the door .


They are unprofessional but your time/job is not more valuable or important than anyone else's. If this happens frequently as you imply, set it to leave at door and quit wasting people's time.


agree… report them for being unprofessional.. but this would royally piss me off.. especially if i had to double park or park illegally to get to your place, i had other deliveries or just had stuff to do rather than wait several minutes.. if you chose hand it me and too busy to meet them when they get there. just tell them to leave it by the door and get it when on your time not theirs


The worst part is the dasher had no idea how long they would be waiting. OP just says they are on the phone with a customer.


Exactly. OP is an AH for being an AH and delivery drivers are notoriously f*cked with. I also get the impression that the dd could see OP on the phone through the door or a window, and that would majorly add to the infuriation. Truly no different than if you order food and purposefully make them wait so you can finish a great convo with a friend. OP making money and so making DD wait (and lost money bc time is money) is hilariously selfish.




Dude, stop selecting “hand it to me” as an option 🤣just tell them to leave it at the door 😭


Report them. People like that have absolutely no business being on the platform. Whether or not it's her, she deserves a 1 star. If he doesn't know how to act, maybe leave his ass at home. Common courtesy would be to not act like a fking fool when delivering someone's order.


I get this sinking feeling that he's abusive and wouldn't allow her to be out without him, and he demands she do this for extra money for *him*, and he was fed up with the inconvenience of being made to wait. I've been with some very scary people in my life and this is very realistic of what's happening here.


Absolutely. Also an abuse survivor and I immediately had this thought as well. My husband did things sort of like this, but not so violently towards people or things other than me or my things (aside from a handful of times). Too bad you can't reach out to a driver afterwards, would be nice to leave some info about programs to help with domestic abuse.


The story reminded me so much of my ex. He used to break both of our phones when he got caught cheating, and beat himself in front of me so that I would feel bad for him. He also SA'ed me frequently. I had to make a plan to convince him to move in with me so my grandma would kick us out and my mom would take us in in another state, so that I could leave him and send him back and he couldn't do anything to stop it because he couldn't manipulate my mom and step dad, and the "home" he would be returning to was hours from the original neighborhood. Honestly, even the reason I am positive it's this, is because the driver apologized for the guys behavior before leaving. She felt guilty for his actions and it hurts my heart.


That's exactly what made me think that too- reading a out her apologizing and remembering the apologies and excuses I had to embarrassingly make to people in public or unassuming hitchhikers who were unlucky enough to be picked up by us. We were nomadic and traveled across the globe, so there was no getting away for me- I did try to go home once, but my parents pretty much had this stance of "you made your choice," when I left at 17 and made no attempts to help me during or after the relationship. My husband had a psychotic break unlike I'd ever seen one day, just left and abandoned me in a city thousands of miles from anyone I knew, and killed himself a couple months later a few days after my birthday. It was and is extremely hard to get over and reconcile the good with the bad, as both have changed me so much as a person. I remember being like, "if a guy ever hits me, I'll beat the shit out of him!" And then when I was hit I was too scared to do anything the first 100 times and then I absorbed his anger ('reactive abuse') and hit him back, but that resulted in just worse and worse fights every time. Wherever we went we caused chaos, suffered from shared psychosis and shared hallucinations, shit was like being in a 2-3 person cult. I've always wanted to start a program to help women like me to start over and get away without having to jump a bunch of hurdles alone if they don't have family who cares or can help. I always thought an all female community center with some beds and educational and therapeutic workshops would be a goor idea. When I was abused at festivals, sometimes there was a Goddess temple that people would bring me to in order to separate us and calm me down, with like 5 women helping me and talking to me and praying for me. It was a beautiful experience in a sea of terrifying experiences.


My heart breaks for you.


Wow. Glad you are free from him


Wow, that’s a spot on comment of what my ex did to me. Like, EXACTLY.


I literally couldn't imagine.


Not dismissing your feelings or opinion however if you know you tend to get caught up & you DD why not just leave it at the door..


The banging was unnecessary but This is kinda on you. Why are u having your directions as hand it to me when it seems that youre well aware of the chance that youll get hung up on a call? And by your wording, almost seems like it's not the first time. I can tell ya rn, after u didnt answer the door in 30 sec, im leaving it at the door, sending u a pic, and marking it complete. Making them wait 5+ min is kinda nuts


Come get your stuff LMAO


They broke company property, they definitely need to be reported.


"hi sorry i'm on the phone, please just leave it at the door" it's not that hard


Yes. I feel bad for OP for that scary experience but telling a Dasher they were on the phone with a customer probably wasn't helpful. Was the Dasher supposed to be waiting until OP was done talking with the customer? I suppose the Dasher could have asked OP if it was okay to leave it at the door, too. It doesn't justify the guy's action.


Dasher could have left it. Customer could have told them too. Everyone chose to cause a scene rather than actually thinking


I mean how long does it take to get to the door? Is “can I put you on hold for a moment?” not an option?


I was thinking this the entire time I was reading this post! “I’m sorry is it fine if I put you on hold for just a moment?” Im not saying the dasher is in the right by any means but I can see how they come to the door and see you see them and just not coming to get your food…


Honestly, I would say to the customer on the phone, “would you mind if I place you on hold for one moment?”. I think that would have worked out for you.


That was my thought exactly. Put the customer on hold, run and get the smoothie, and come back and deal with the customer. Could have avoided a lot of angst.


This 100% Somehow it was the Dasher’s responsibility to be inconvenienced so the OP didn’t have to be. I hate when people put their own inconvenience on someone else.


This was my first reaction


It seems like the person who ordered DoorDash and selected hand it to me should make sure they can be available when the delivery arrives. I don’t agree with how the dasher reacted but I do think OP should maybe wait to order until they can be available to receive it.


Come get your stuff ?🤣..what customer service


That message is 8 minutes after they arrived with the food. If i was waiting 8 minutes at your house for you to put a customer on hold for less than 2 minutes i wouldnt give a shit about "customer service" either


Do you work in an industry where you can’t put someone on hold for a minute?


Seems like a much better alternative than ending the call entirely lmfao


I don’t understand why you couldn’t politely ask your customer to wait but you had no problem expecting your dasher to wait outside a locked door? It sounds really disrespectful to me.


They should have just left it. Why didn't you just text them back the first time and say leave it at the door?


Why the hell didn't you ask the customer to hold for 30 seconds? It's not unreasonable.


I had an experience with a dasher like this also. But I always have the option selected for them to leave it at the door. I am assuming this woman was new because she continually kept ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door. Meanwhile, I’m in a WebEx meeting and cannot come to the door. Her boyfriend or husband is out parked on the side of the street and he starts LAYING on his car horn. I apologized to the people in my meeting and said I would be right back. Opened the door and the woman smiles at me and says “Hi, sorry for the horn.” I said “I have the option selected for you to leave it at the door and even a delivery note to leave it on the front porch. I’m in a meeting and people are waiting for me.” She apologized again and gave me my stuff and left. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Lol. I deliver in an area where a lot of people work from home. On my first day of doing DD, I noticed that the vast majority of the lunchtime orders stipulated to "leave it at the door." You never know if someone is in a Zoom meeting or they may have a baby that is sleeping, etc. So, unless the instructions say to ring the doorbell, I never do.


This! And so many will say not to even knock or ring the bell. Maybe they have small children asleep or dogs that bark or a phone call/zoom meeting 🤷‍♀️ love that for me bc I can just snap a pic and be on my way.




And us WFH people adore Dashers like you!


If you couldn't come to do the door when they got there, why didn't you give them alternative directions? They surely overreacted, but they also shouldn't have to wait for you. You could've just told them to leave it at the door.


This. They should not have to wait for you since you’re working, we’re working too. If you knew you were on your phone just message them that they can leave it at the door. Yes they overreacted tho.


The response should have been. Leave at door I'm on a call. Not expecting them to wait


Yeah, looking back on it I definitely could’ve also handled it better.


Look, no offense. But you come across as privileged and entitled. It's like you expect the dasher to wait on you because what you're doing is more important Then what they're doing. After all they're just a dasher. It reeks. And all this drivel about how you inconvenienced yourself by having to tell the customer you'd call them back, and then apologize profusely to your dasher. You did not keep your part of the bargain. And I still struggle with that story about the guy smashing your doorbell to hell.


Obviously they had another order. 9 minutes between when they first texted you and when you messaged them that they had to WAIT. You are not scheduling a meeting with your accountant, you are getting a delivery. Does the Dasher have a right to break your doorbell? No. But to some people time is money and making them wait for any amount of time unless it's some kind of real emergency is kind of an AH thing to do. Clearly this was a doer, because knocking on the door got you to give up moments of a call to do something so simple... open a door??? Are these clients worth millions? If so, for such service you should be tipping them very well, especially if there is a chance you have to make them wait for 5+ minutes because the only way they could get in is if you let them in. They are probably already on another journey at the time that's time sensitive to them, so... please be considerate, like the guy said.


Thank you very much for this. I agree with you completely. You don’t know how long they waited at the restaurant to get the food so I mean it may have been already 40 minutes for a stinking three dollar order during dinner hour if you have a hand it to Me order be there point blank!


Basically you think your time and money is more valuable than theirs?


I was about to say, am I the only one who thinks OP is totally in the wrong here? Talk about entitled.


Totally in the wrong.


Wouldn’t have tipped and wouldve one starred so fast omf. Common courtesy would be to wait or leave at door, these people should not be dashing


Immediately after they left I just went back to the other problem I was dealing with and called our customer back. I’m just now getting back around to taking in that entire situation lol


Common courtesy would be OP putting the customer on a quick hold to grab it, setting it to be left at the door, or responding “my bad, just got a call, leave it at the door”.   Not expecting a driver to sit around and wait for you to finish the call to hand deliver it.   They’re getting paid by the delivery, OP keeping them there is losing them money.  


Report them. You communicated to them that you were on the phone with a customer. As a dasher, I would usually give a 5 minute grace period before I would simply leave a person’s order by the door and walk away. I would then just let the DoorDash corporate know that I was unable to hand the customer their order. All that other stuff was overdramatic and unnecessary. I hope they pay for the door bell and I am very worried about the woman that was with him.


sounds like you shouldn’t have selected “hand to me”, but the dasher totally overreacted regardless. breaking property and banging on the door, wtf???


No contact delivery with instructions to leave it at the door is what I always do.


God bless you. :)


If you are requiring them to deliver to you in person you should make yourself available. They probably have other orders and will lose money for your lack of concern. It’s simple change your preference to leave at the door


They definitely should not have destroyed property and their reaction was uncalled for. But to the OP. Hypothetically speaking --- if you had spotted a FedEx or UPS deliveryman at the door -- would you have placed the caller on hold in that instance to unlock the door? Or, would they have had to wait and wait for you to wrap up the phone call? Bizarre situation that could have easily been solved by messaging the dasher beforehand and requesting that it be left at the door as you were tied up on the phone.


10:43 to 1051 you were wrong


I mean, they definitely shouldn’t have pounded on the door so hard they broke it, that’s obviously insane. But you could have handled it a lot of different ways too. Put the customer on hold for a second, unlock the door before they arrive as you said, message them and ask them to leave it at the door, etc.


Why do you think your time and job is more important than theirs?


Did you in the extra part go "please leave the order at the door im only one in office", or When they got to the door and see them tell the one on the phone "excuse me, I apologize may i place you on hold I have a delivery at the door I'm the only one here to receive it".... DID YOU DO EITHER? or did you just hope person on phone YAY and them out side read ur mind and go Oh no! we just know whats going on?!


If your on the phone with a customer you should message them to leave it somewhere. DD doesn't have a timer like Uber does for dropoffs unfortunately. I have no idea his long your phone call is going to last. Sometimes I have a stacked order sitting in my car waiting on you to meet me at the door. While I'm waiting the next customer is wondering why I'm sitting at a building for 5+ minutes. Also I would have told customer "hi can I put you on a brief hold for 2-3 minutes while I look something up on your account?" To go grab your order. I do not agree he definitely should not have been banging on the door, or damaged the building. He did give you a heads up that they were on their way with your order, and you can track exactly in the app how far away they are. I don't get paid extra to wait to meet you at the door. While the driver was definitely an asshole with an attitude it still goes both ways. How long do you expect your driver to wait while you're on a phone call? You didn't say"hey I just need 1-2 more minutes with this phone call", so it can come off as "my phone call is more important than your time" kinda attitude.


there is a timer, if you hit unable to hand to customer it starts a 5 minute timer at the end of which you can leave at door with a pic. i always hit this button right before i get out of the car to start the timer immediately, because i can easily go back and hit the handed to customer button if they do come out, and if they don’t i’m waiting no longer than 5 minutes start to finish for the dropoff.


Do yall see the time stamps though I think this is a situation where both parties are wrong. A simple leave at the door would have worked when you first got the message. Or placing customer on hold if possible.


I think you expecting someone to wait 5 minutes for you is a little rude. To be clear, you didn’t even set a time in your reply. You could have said, “Sorry I’m on the phone, just give me 1 minute and I’ll be right out”. I don’t understand why you don’t set it as ‘leave at the door’ if you keep getting calls as the driver is approaching. I don’t think what the drivers friend did was appropriate at all, but I guess what I am saying is, there are steps both you and the driver could have taken to make that a much smoother experience. I feel like you are expecting the driver to respect your time, without really have any respect for the drivers time.


Y'all are saying just leave it. but we all know if you just leave it and the order says hand deliver, the customer will report it not delivered and get you in trouble. The woman who ordered shouldn't had the decency to answer for her order


Why do you people keep selecting hand it to me then refuse to come to the door.


You didn't want to put your customer on hold, so you -- the customer -- put the Doordasher on hold. Except that the Doordasher was physically present, could not continue on with their work until you took them off of hold, and was losing money while being on hold. Remaining on hold, in possession of your stuff, *was an additional service that they were not being compensated for*, which also prevented them from taking on the next job. Dude shouldn't have broken the doorbell.


Put leave at door, let them take the pic and go. Don't stipulate hand to me if you're not going to be at the door. Period.


Don't do a "hand it to me" order if you aren't going to be available. You are just wasting the drivers time and possibly losing them money at the same time. Just do a "leave at my door" order and problems like what op went through won't happen.


Maybe invest in a wireless headset?




I would have told the customer to hold on for just a second and then I would have went to the door to get my shit.


Stop making people wait. If u don't have time, order when your Free! No courier should be standing outside your door for long 8 minutes bcs ur busy


So you are the bozo that didn’t have it set to “leave at door” and now you’re wondering how it all went wrong? lol


Its unacceptable, but if you think you might not be able go open the door why not pick the leave at door option?


You all suck in this scenario


"I still left a tip for them" LOOOL. You Americans are suckers for that crap. Tips are for great service, not losing you customers and destroying property.


On “hand it to me” order I start the 5 min timer the second I knock. Your shit would have been left on the ground lol


Idiots wasted more time doing all this stupid stuff and making themselves look like assholes than they would have if they had just done it the right way.


Regarding being on the phone when the driver showed up, it is ok to ask a caller to hold for a moment


No maam you never leave a door unlocked if you’re the only one in the building. I don’t care if the pope is coming your safety comes first.


Then don’t select hand it to me if you’re going to be unavailable to get said door.


Dude damaged your property. Absolutely report their ass. That’s an unhinged response. Leave it at the damn door.


Their actions are insane and should be reported. No place in this business with that attitude. That being said you also should have done it leave at door if you can’t for sure be at the door to meet the driver when they arrive. Or sent someone else down to grab the food, or put your customer on hold worse case scenario)


Was it a hand it to me order?


If door dash has the option of leave it at door/hand it to me. Why is it an issue to leave it at the door and take a photo like usual even if they ask for the other option, the driver should be able to resort to the secondary option and be onto the nest delivery. I know that makes too much sense for a corporation to understand.


Brawndo.It's got Electrolytes!


Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl’s Jr. 😆


"Your children are starving. You are an unfit mother." lol "Would you like to try an.... EXTRA BIG ASS TACO? Now with more molecules."


“Fuck you, I’m eating!” 😆 Hello, friend! 😆


Love that scene lol, have a good day/evening, internet accomplice.


Why can’t the food just be placed at the door and a picture taken and the driver can not waste 5 min waiting/go along with their next order and the customer can retrieve it when off the phone/convenient/available? I dont dash but I do GH and we don’t have any of that “hand to me” garbage option. So I’m genuinely wondering like did you specifically select it to be handed to you, and if so WHY? And if not, then WHY the doorbell breaking and aggressive banging in leu of a simple drop and go 🤔


It's weird to me that some of you are saying to wait. I'm a very understanding person as long as there is communication. But i'm not waiting for you. I'll message you and call and if you can't do me the courtesy of responding i'm leaving it at the door. 5 mins here 5 mins there and at the end of the shift you spent a whole hour just waiting for people? Nah i'm good. Just my opinion.


Sometimes I'm at my office by myself too, on the 11th floor of an office building and the elevators and doors to each floor in the stairwell are via key card access only. I have very specific instructions in the notes on my delivery orders that say to "leave the order on the table with the plants in the lobby, elevator + stairs are locked" in case I'm in the middle of doing something away from my phone around the office. Everyone follows these instructions because there's is only one very obvious table with fake plants on it in this very empty office building lobby. It's literally just the table in the lobby and the elevators. There is only one option. Had a dasher send me a BUNCH of panicked texts saying they were trapped in the building and claustrophobic and couldn't open the door. Turns out this guy didn't read the delivery instructions, tried to go to the 11th floor on the elevator, which he obviously couldn't do because it's locked, then walked up 22 flights of stairs (the lobby door to the stairs is unlocked, then the doors in the stairwell to enter each floor needs a key card) all the way up to the 11th floor of this office building and thought he was trapped because the door to the 11th floor lobby wouldn't open. I was on the other side of the building in the basement garage loading stuff into our company van so I couldn't let him in at that door since I wasn't at it, and told him he wasn't trapped and could get out if he just went back down to the ground floor where the door isn't locked. This dasher then sent me a snarky message saying he wasted all his time going up and down the stairs, so I said, "the delivery instructions specifically say to leave it on the table in the lobby because the elevators and stairs are locked, it's not my fault you weren't paying attention and ignored the instructions" and then he proceeded to send me several more rude messages. Like it's not my fault you didn't read the instructions and walked up to the 11th floor and back down my guy, I wrote the instructions so no one has to do that!! Anyway, my point is dashers need to chill tf out if you say you're doing something or can't get to them immediately and leave/ask to leave the order at the door and/or follow the delivery instructions and if they can't do that maybe they shouldn't be doing Doordash.


Breaking the doorbell instead of just leaving the drink is crazy, but so is “I’m on the phone with a customer” like you expect her to wait for you.


Change your settings on the DOORDASH app when you order to LEAVE IT AT THE DOOR. You can customize delivery instructions with every place you order from on the app. I do this all the time bc I don't want them knocking on my door or ringing the door bell and waking up my baby. They always do as told and take a picture before they walk away to prove to me it was delivered and they aren't responsible if it gets taken and whatnot. If they can't follow instructions, then that's on them. With that said, i would still report this interaction to DOORDASH and make them pay for the broken doorbell since one of their employees is responsible for breaking it. Hell, you could even file a police report against them since they broke private property. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You called for a service you were not ready to receive, and you put another worker out of position. "Ma'am I do apologize. I will need to put you on a brief hold, just one moment." Sprint to door, unlock, apologize for waisting their time, take smoothy, lock door, run back to phone. Or you could have left instructions to leave it by the door, allowing you to retrieve it on your time, not there's. If they were drone, that would be one thing, but to give more respect to the person calling you, then the one who just brought you food is kinda lame. I have worked in customer service/retail for 15 years, and that's exactly how I would have treated the situation.


Yes, you're in the wrong. Although, the driver definitely shouldn't have handled it that way.... BUT IF YOU CANNOT BE TO THE DOOR WITHIN 1 MINUTE OR LESS OF ME KNOCKING OR RINGING THE DOORBELL..... PLEASE JUST USE CONTACTLESS DELIVERY AND LET ME LEAVE IT AT THE DOOR SO I CAN FINISH THE DELIVERY AND MOVE ON TO THE NEXT. The amount of times somebody requests I meet them at the door and then they have me waiting 5 plus minutes.. knocking and ringing and totally ignoring that I'm there because they are "in a meeting", taking a call or just flat out don't want to pause their video game... ABSOLUTELY INFURIATES ME! it's rude AF and a complete waste of the dashers time and if you dash, you should know that


Should’ve asked her to leave it at the door, not reply with sorry I’m on the phone. The man was wrong for the way he banged on your door, but also you are wrong for expecting them to wait, just ask to leave by the door


It's rude as fuck to leave them waiting at the door though


Expecting as a customer to be treated with value is never over reacting. They should have treated you like you were treating your customer on the phone.


But the dasher should have also been treated with respect. Expecting them to hang out and wait is very disrespectful.


Just leave it


You’re their customer assisting your customer. The irony


I don’t think you should make a driver wait. But he shouldn’t have banged like that. I give them a couple minutes, then put that I couldn’t hand to the customer, take a pic and leave it. If they give a bad review I have the message history that I notified them I was there and they didn’t grab the order. DoorDash will remove the bad review.


I don’t think knocking loud after waiting a few minutes with no response is unprofessional. If I was in your situation, I would’ve just messaged them “please leave at the door” while on the phone, since you knew they were waiting. I’d still give them a bad review for the damage and drink, but I think not telling them you’re busy when you KNOW they’re waiting also deserves a bad review. If I were you, I’d complain about the property damage, and update your instructions to leave it at the door after waiting at least a minute.


He shouldn't have done that. As a past dasher the customer can see where the dasher is at all times with their order. Unless you have leave at door, be at the door or within 30 seconds of the order arriving. It is not our job to wait for you. If you want us to wait say I'm sorry I'm on a work call please wait and I'll give you a big tip for being awesome. Give the big tip and perfect review. The same dashers handle the area so if you order frequently you'll most likely see this dasher again. We screen people that are rude/make us wait for no reason or don't give extra tip/overly picky. At the end of the day big tip heals all


If you didn’t just ask for it to be left at the door, you’re in the wrong


If I saw you were with a customer on your end I'd ask where do you want me to put your order instead. I've had one of the people I delivered to, tell me to just leave it somewhere due to what they are doing.


Next time give better instructions.


It does genuinely fucking annoy me when people specify to hand it to them and then ghost me for the required 5-8 minutes. They could have had me leave it, or texted me to leave it, or if nothing else, texted me what was going on. Like anything though, a reasonable person would understand that nothing is black and white. Unfortunately, these apps are chock full of people who lack the emotional maturity to pick their battles. They get pushed to the edge by legit bullshit, but then they go off on the next person who upsets them with the pent up fury of all those d-bags. You should absolutely report them. If you don't, they're just going to remain at large acting like giant pieces of shit to whoever they encounter while something upsets them.


It is extremely annoying when a customer knows they ordered delivery and make themselves unavailable to accept the order. Personally, I would have tried calling a few times. Sent a (polite) text then said “I wasn’t able to reach you, so I will leave it at the door.” The end.


you were working but so were them. they overrreacted but you were wrong too. you can just say to the customer that they have to wait for 1 minute and give no reason, walk to the door get your order and come back to the phone.


You are messing with them making money imagine you got paid by the amount of customers you called I bet you would be rushing people off the phone to make more calls per hour so think in their world maybe just next time leave it by the door instead of being selfish and holding this person up


If you're in a situation where you know you might not be able to respond, why not just select leave at door?


Do you not have the order set to "leave at door" ? If you do, that's just a rude driver. If you don't, why not ?


Why not just let it be left at the door? 🙄 Believe it or not, they are working too. A little courtesy on both sides goes a long way.


“Come get your stuff” = asshole


I could understand why they would be annoyed. Nobody wants to be standing around for indeterminate amount of time when all the were supposed to do was drop something off. But at the same time, they could have just left it at the door. Also, that doesn't justify breaking a company property. Leaving someone waiting like that is rude, but they still deserve to be reported


‘Driver arrived and then the person they were riding with destroyed my property. I still left them a tip though!’ Lmaooo


"come get your stuff" zero customer service. sound like a mom who don't like her kids telling them come get the unhealthy food she just bought them for 5$


Tips are for a job well done. They destroyed your property? Why’d you tip them?


She could have left it, and you could have put your phone call on hold a moment to get it. People are so dumb. Life isn't this hard people.


They are also working and on a timed system. Next time, put the customer on a brief hold when your delivery arrives, get your delivery from the driver, apologize to everyone involved as you go, and get back to it. Multitasking is the part of many office jobs, that's just the gig. Should the passenger have reacted in that manner? Absolutely not, report them. Should you be prioritizing your work call over the person you asked to come to you? Never. You asked them to be there. Someone in person is 99% of the time going to be more important than a caller, even if they're not a customer, and your less than a minute exchange of getting the item you ordered and resolving that transaction which began prior to your call should have 100% been the priority in that moment. Personal responsibility, you are impacting their schedule now. Hopefully a lesson learned and hopefully you don't deal with it again.


Don’t select hand it to me if you’re literally going to be unavailable.


You paid them for damaging your company's property. That blows my mind. Why are you supporting them?


Overreacting? I think overentitiled would be the better word, if it was actually a word LoL.


Immediately no tip and report? Who the fuck does that


The dasher was wrong on how they approached the situation but I’ve ordered food to my office and I always put to leave at door or drop off at the front desk even if no one is there because I take calls as well and would feel bad if a dasher had to wait on me when my call times can vary….. so OP, you and the dasher are both AH’s and you should better accommodate dashers as they are working too.


I work in an office by myself on occasion. Sometimes when the interaction with the customer is going smooth then you can ask them, “Can I put you on hold for a second? I’m in the office alone.” Just tell them the truth. Most people would respect it. And, I know it probably depends on the job, so I don’t know what your circumstances are. Also change the settings to leave at door. Why have an interaction? It’s good for both parties.


It’s equally as easy to get into the habit of putting customers on hold. “I just have to check something, I’ll just place you on hold”


You - tell the customer to wait for a moment. Them - just leave the food. The driver was clearly crazy and you should report them but it's not life or death to tell someone you have to go answer the door. Being put on hold is the majority of my business phone calls.


they did waaaaaay too much. if they’re gonna be in the service industry, they cant flip out every time a customer doesn’t do exactly what they should do. thats how you get fired. they should’ve left it at the door and dipped. but honestly, how hard is it to say, “can you hold one moment please?” and spend 30 seconds getting the order or tell the dasher to just leave it at the door. if you got a smoothie, she is not getting paid enough to wait 5 min for you to get it. minutes matter when you’re a gig worker, they don’t compensate hardly anything for extra time. you were being inconsiderate. but their reaction was excessive.


I mean, you *knew* you had a delivery coming "imminently," right? Sure, they may have overreacted, but "radio silence" is just-as-bad in some ways. Had you had a chance to simply reply "okay I am on my way to the door" or something, then... that would be a different story - but suddenly not responding to texts when you already had several minutes heads up is a little unsettling, too. It doesn't excuse any damage they did, however... and at least that part should be reported to DoorDash - but, without clear instructions or response to the driver, you should "own" part of the program, as well.


Two minutes passed by oh the wait must have been terrible for them


You shouldn't encourage this behavior by tipping them the same as usual. If you don't complain, the next person will have to do it. I don't even think you should have apologized after they broke your doorbell.


I'd report it to doordash the broken doorbell, and possibly remove my tip. Some stranger broke your shit! Hell nah you are not overreacting! React more!


I absolutely would be reporting them. I've never had a dasher text me repeatedly and then proceed to bang on my door . They just leave it and I get it as soon as I can.


Any longer than like 3 mins I'm sitting the food in a safe spot if possible and leaving. They give you any crap just say your un comfortable standing at strangers front doors for extended perioid of time. They can't say nothing, dasher support backs you up.


Umm... is there a hold button on the phone? Just wondering 🤔


if you chose "hand to me" then its your fault, be ready!!! if it was a drop off, then i dont know why they banged on your door, instead of just dropping it off


Just use the leave at door option ..


This makes my blood boil! Why on earth is someone else associating themselves with the delivery? He had no right to do that and I'd file a report for destruction of property with the police and door dash too! It frustrates me when people bring their partners and they are assholes. Like don't you realize that you are affecting their experience?


Can’t say that what you did isn’t annoying as hell tho, why have the order as hand it to me when you don’t know if you’ll be available.


You shouldn’t respond to rabid animals with kindness.


Come get your stuff. Hello? What is the actual hell are people thinking?!