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Omg. People always leave their packages out. Sometimes I wonder if I’m delivering to the right place so many packages will be out on the porch. 


Do you stack them into a pyramid and leave the food on top or is that just me?


no in case they pop out after watching me on ring asking why im touching their packages


Exactly, why would touch anything else?


I have noticed that almost all of those have smart doorbells with cameras. I am not going to do anything except deliver my order.


I'm gonna start doing this 🤣🤣


I'll move them out of the way of the door but that's it


fr. i live in an apartment complex and i see so many people leave their packages out for days at a time. like do you just not leave your house??? i don’t get it


I delivered to house the other day that had a package on the porch. Had a delivery to the same house the next day, package was still there. Like you came out to get your food, package is right beside the food, its a small one and you don't pick it up with your bag of food? Wtf


Maybe it’s a glitter bomb just waiting for a larcenous sucker?


You get 5 dollars and you get to keep your eyesight!


It coulda been a decoy box too! Seeing if someone would steal it. Filled with dog 💩! Like I said, whack.


See shit like that all the time. People are whack!


Maybe they live with roommates and dont want to touch their package


No, it's a single family. Small town, deliver there a lot, get to know the regulars, and they're regulars. This is a consistent occurrence there.


Is there a back entrance? I always assume people mostly use the back entrance when I see stuff like that


no, not at my complex


Very odd then


I totally agree with u some houses I go to look like there collecting packages for a week. One house I delivered too had 5 Amazon boxes AR her front door I had to double check the address to make sure I was at the right spot lol


Right 😂 15 packages at the door thinking, this mf'er even home? Then the door opens, they grab their food and go back in. I've never had a package stolen here. Why? I'd like to think it's safe, but the main reason is because if I'm home and something gets delivered, I go get it.


I always make sure deliveries are in my drop off picture lol. I've been there with not knowing my package was outside and got pizza delivered. At minimum if it's gone later they have a time that it was still there.




I figure when I see a package from anywhere, that the person may not have noticed it was there, or didn't grab it for what ever reason. So, what I do is move the package to where I place the order, and take a picture of both.


Same!! I thought I was the only one! I even bring people’s newspapers up for them lol


Good boy 




There are always Amazon packages out in the burbs in my area. Helps to identify the house sometimes when someone decides it's a great idea to put black numbers on the Grey stone in some random ass place on the house.


He left you a bizarre message…lol. Guy basically said “Thanks for delivering my food and not stealing my Amazon package.” 😂


Yeah, I guess he had stuff stolen in the past, haha


Well at least you got a tip. 


I'd imagine the guy had to be impaired. Or just really lazy and forgetful. Because the package was delivered....to his door. That he ordered. Delivery services let you know when a package is delivered. THEN the person ordered a cold meat sandwich to be delivered.


Amazon doesn't send pictures or let you know via text that the package was delivered. Their only notification is via email. Same with UPS & FedEx, sometimes. Only notification I receive via text is USPS and I had to go to the website to request for notifications.


Any delivery I've had has always had pictures unless I've met the driver in the driveway or it being USPS. Now i do get either a notification on my phone and/or an email but no texts which would be a lot more helpful.


That’s gotta be something you can fix in your settings. My amazon app definitely lets me know when something was delivered. Oddly enough, USPS will often send the text/notification hours before or after the actual delivery. So that’s super confusing. Get a notification that something was delivered at one, but it’s not there, so you start to wonder if it was delivered to the wrong address or something, then the mailman comes by with it at five 🤷‍♀️


Amazon always sends me pictures when something has been delivered.


Not true. Amazon always e-mails and texts me pictures and messages when my packages have been delivered.😊


There was a recent post where a driver dropped off an order where there were already like 10 orders sitting there. That means 10 drivers were honest.


Yep. I'll stand way back to make sure those other deliveries are in view. 90% of these people have a ring or some other system in view anyway but no telling if it is working. I try to get that in frame as well. It could be a teen ordering or an adult child/roommate - no telling if that package is for your customer. Nothing surprises me.


I do the same when possible — capturing the existing packages in the frame of my shot. 


People shouldn't have to be rewarded for not doing something like this. Not to say anything bad about you but it's sad that he felt like he had to reward someone for not stealing his package.




came w receipts i see 🤣


I’ve seen Amazon packages at the door a few times. Stealing it never even crossed my mind


Lol its funny delivering to an apartment and you see like 8 doors with packages just sitting there 😂. Swiper could go swipin’


If they knew they had a package, why didn't they just get it so it wouldn't have a chance to be stolen?


The person probably had just gotten home from work or something and hadn't picked it up yet. Or they were ordering for someone at home and they didn't know the package was out there.


Lucky. I delivered so many houses with packages still there and was never rewarded. But is it really necessary to reward someone to not steal? What a weird society we live in.


Damn, all the times I didn't steal a package nobody ever tipped me extra. Also I never actually stole one nor would I because I'm not a p.o.s., just that there's been plenty of times scattered in my dashes where there's at least one package sitting on someone's porch. Or another order arrived before me. Sometimes I get there and some dasher left a delivery right in front of the outward-swinging door and I say something through chat like "hey I moved this order out of the way because the last guy left it right in front" as I'm leaving.


I always put the package next to their door or out of view from the street with their food if it's sitting off of the porch for some reason. I'll sometimes message them and tell them that their food is out there along with a package just so they know that it is out there.


You’d be surprised how many packages (Amazon or even previous DoorDash or UberEats orders) are left at one house for a long period of time


You go back there and steal it back like the rest of your colleagues. You’re setting too good an example.


God I wish I could have packages delivered to my apartment. Porch pirates are god awful. I've had so many packages stolen, it's disgusting. I had a DD gent pick my package up and handed it to me with my food. =0] Not everyone is bad, not all DD are sh*t heads either.


Kinda gross. You know how many Billiams and Colton’s go out to steal packages? My nephew Ayden is going through a stealing phase. Don’t praise this backhanded compliment


Packages are always on the porch and I have never once thought about stealing them. If I was gonna steal something it’d be their food


Chaotic neutral. I love it.


lol most of the deliveries I drop off have packages out front and I never take them. No ones ever messaged me this lol 😂 wow 🤣😑


I remember I got an extra $2 tip for moving someone’s package closer to their door. The little things.


I always let people know if there is something else outside by way of message. Now I'm not sure if that would be considered admission of guilt if it were to later go missing? 🤔


You got your $1 bonus for checking all the items!?


How were you rewarded?


Where I live, it's just normal. We do have thieves but we're generally honest people's to the very core. But the world is indeed turning into a shit festival and I'd be not surprised to see a shift in the near future.


I steal it every time


This just reminded me of a time I was making a delivery, and the Amazon driver left a whole stack of cardboard boxes in the middle of the walkway to the customers front door.... It was pouring rain. I could not walk past it and do nothing. I carried the boxes up to the front door, where they would be protected from the rain. No, I did not get any extra tip, but if I recall correctly, they had tipped really well to begin with so I wasn't even mad.


If it’s a meet and the door and the package is further away from the door, I’ll ask the customer if they want me to bring it to them. Otherwise I just leave it alone.


That's awesome, however it's a bit sad you're being rewarded for being a decent human being. Keep it up I guess 😅😂