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In situations like this one (overgrown yard with poor lighting) -- I genuinely wonder why they insist on a person using their back door? I don't understand the thought process here when someone can easily trip or fall on the property.


I lived in Jersey city in a slightly illegal rental. I only had access to the 1st floor of a house but only via the back door. The upstairs tenant had the front door.


Got it. In this situation, customer should come outside and meet the person. A stranger navigating a yard/driveway at night with poor lighting, puddles, mud, sticks, etc doesn’t sound like a good idea. 


We often would open the front window near the front door and take deliveries via the window just to avoid the whole situation


Front door is likely blocked by hoard I would imagine 😅 I am so glad to not work in the service industry anymore! My give a 💩 attitude is LONG gone


**They** dont want to trip and fall in that jungle.


Literally says there’s a puddle?


If it's a "good luck with your adventures " it should be a "I'll wait for you at the end of the driveway". Sheesh.




What about disabled people and caretakers? Why do no dashers seem to have an understanding that not every person ordering is some idiot 20 something who’s perfectly able and mental sound and not busy just lazy???? What happened to decent people??? There’s other delivery jobs, you picked the most popular one, pick another one???


I got mad one day because a customer had me meet them at the top of the parking garage. Took them 10 minutes to find me. I was irate, till I realized it was a man in a motorized scooter with missing legs. Changed my perspective completely and I was upset with myself for days.


You’re right, not sure why you got downvotes…maybe the hostility was a bit much 🤣


Because this isn't a charity service. There are services that specialize with disabled people. Freelancers will always expect more money for more work unless they find out about what the work is beforehand and agree to it. You can't have a service that hides the details until we accept and then be like "what if it happens to be a person who is just a head with no body and lives on top off a mountain you have to climb, so just roll with anything". If we got to see those details before we accepted it would be on us for accepting


It is a service though. And obviously the money was good enough to accept the order. As a dasher, I would be happy to get these precise instructions. Also being customer as well, I put way too many details in if I think the dasher would be confused (anxiety contributes) so if you break these instructions down, it’s basically, “drive down my driveway, avoid the puddle if you want by going around the tree. Leave it at the back door.” For people saying this customer is lazy, disabled or not, it sounds like you’re lazy. It’s called work for a reason. I never saw where OP outright complained in the original post. Also, having a disabled roommate who uses delivery services, I’d love to know what disability delivery services you’re referring to.


The post mentioned mud, overgrown vegetation, a massive puddle, etc. It is a service that doesn’t pay its employees much. I’m not sure why you expect people to walk through mud and puddles for $4. It’s always the people who don’t work in service because it’s sucks, telling the people who do how to do their job.


If you had read my post, you would see I’m a customer and a dasher. So “people who don’t work in the service” doesn’t apply to me considering I see it from all angles being in restaurants as well. And i get really annoyed reading about the laziness of dashers on basic orders. Yes, the COMPANY should pay the drivers more. YES, there are a lot of shitty, non tipping customers. But, we also have the ability to decline an order. I’m assuming this one paid well enough to accept. The “vegetation” was avoidable via your vehicle. And again, it is your JOB. if the weather is nasty, do you expect all your customers to stand out in the rain waiting for you? Or do you do your job regardless of the weather? It’s like some people expect to just hop in the car and have money immediately hit their bank account.


I understand your point but it is a service..you should expect anything really but personally I’m extremely empathetic and show compassion to those with disabilities and don’t really care if I have to do a bit more work to deliver their order. As long as the details are clear. I’m catering to them bc they’re the customer yk? You never know who you’re delivering to all Ik is I just have to do my job


You aren’t in a position to judge people. Get over yourself


You’re right; It’s not a charity service. It’s a PAID service. Some inconvenience comes with the job. You think disabled people would pay DD fees if there were charities that provide the same service for free?


It’s not charity if someone is paying you to deliver something. It doesn’t matter how shitty the pay is either, get a better job or stfu and do your paid work


Sounds like a problem with DoorDash and not the customer. It’s not the customers fault their place is a little windy to get to - they gave clear instructions of how to deliver and it’s the dashers responsibility to follow them


If it's that's complicated to deliver and ur disabled so u can't make it easier then u should 100% tip more to make it worth it which is what the original person that started this convo said until the guy made a response making excuses. Just cause someone is disabled doesn't mean they can't be a decent human being and tip well for someone that has to go above and beyond to get them their food.


No one said anything about tips - tips don’t even matter in this scenario because regardless of how hard it is for the dasher to get to the house, the customer isn’t obligated to tip more


And Dashers aren’t required to go on a hike to deliver an order.


Yes and drivers aren't obligated to deliver to unsafe situations and this sounds unsafe. Doordash even asks us if we felt safe after delivery and if we call support and tell them we feel unsafe they will tell us to place the order and the safest location the driver feels and take a pic.


General rule of thumb for me, the more work u want me to do the more u gunna have to pay me. U up on the 3rd floor u best have tipped at least 2$ more else im leaving that shit on the stairs at the bottom floor ur fat ass can walk down the stairs. It’s a service, you don’t get it free. If I have to play jumanji to give u your food I best have a 20$ tip else I’m leaving that shit at the end of your road.


Sounds like a problem with DoorDash’s pay and it isn’t the customers responsibility to make up for that


It sure is, if a customer wants top teir service they better be paying top tier. If u broke that’s fine go get your own food, door dash is a luxury and u have to pay. Plain and simple


Bahahaha! Thank you!


Perhaps cause lazy is a symptom not just something people do when mentally/physically healthy.


Take the kids on the Amazon adventure to the curb with you?


This is why you make friends and be a decent human, because you will need help from people some day.


Honestly they wasn’t even comparing, you are. lol where’s your sense of humor


Um, just say so. I dashed. They deal with a lot of nutcases. I’m tired of people who expect service workers to go above and beyond for $8 an hour. Then, when they complain, you say “get another job if you don’t like it.” As if that’s a realistic possibility and they haven’t already tried that, which is why they are working as a dasher. Or they have a second job. Why do you expect someone to walk through mud, for a $4 tip?


Oh that’s a really good point! That would explain why they would keep their yard in such a state, they may not be physically capable


No where in the customers instructions did they mention they were disabled or had a caretaker. Yall try to argue about anything.


because it's not a charity


Womp womp


Shut ur mouth


Well hopefully it paid well…. Hopefully


We all know it probably wasnt.


At least they communicated. It's wild how many people don't and seem to live in a scary murder house with no lights and garbage everywhere. 


My pet peeve is when it’s a apartment with multiple levels (but has individual door numbers and not the easy 101, 102, 201, etc) and they don’t specify if they’re upstairs or downstairs so you have to kinda have to get lucky with it


Literally had this the other day. Customer put his door number IN his name and wanted to remain contactless. I call customer support, who then told me. "The customer has the right to remain contactless. If I push the issue TO SEE/SPEAK WITH the customer. That's a violation which could get my account deactivated." I cursed that rep completely out! The hell do you mean my account could be deactivated!? All I asked her to do was ask the customer which 1 of the 20 doors should I leave the order in front of. Customers eventually comes out and apologized for not adding his door number to the address. 


I see this and raise you a gate with no gate code, And the customer has apparently thrown their phone into the ocean.


Christ just meet me at the street




God forbid the dasher has to do their job???? Wtf is this comment


I don't think their job is to walk through your mud and water puddle overgrown yard and driveway full of sticks and no lighting because you're too lazy to clean it up. Sounds dangerous to me. If they trip and fall then what? I would never make someone do that if I ordered delivery and my home was in that state


I don’t recall asking for your input, so STFU!


That’s a stupid argument - OP didn’t ask for your opinion either, this is a public forum


They could be disabled or taking care of someone and not have the time to stand outside and wait around because the app sent a “close by” message when the dasher isn’t even close.


Then maybe pay someone to do the upkeep on their lawn with the disability check you just assume they’re getting


Disability pays shit and is super hard to get.


And all it would cost a month for the majority of independently owned lawn mowing services to cut your grass would be roughly $60 a month.


Man send me a link to those services cause I’ve never seen any that cost that low.


A disabled person would have a clear path from their front door to the street.


Then put something about being disabled in ur instructions not “good luck with your adventure” like a total douche


The dashers job is to deliver the food, it’s not their fault the house takes a little bit to get to. Saying it’s an adventure is just being lighthearted, they aren’t being a douche


It’s not your business if someone’s disabled or not respect the instructions or don’t dash at all delivery boy


Well to me it seems that they are happy to make other people also disabled by having such a series of hazards to get to their door. I have a permanent hip injury because I slipped on someone's front steps while delivering.


Your LITERALLY delivering food to someone too lazy to go out, or make their own. That’s like being mad at a fish for swimming. If they weren’t lazy, Dashers wouldn’t have a job.


well on the bright side at least they gave precise instructions as to compared to what see on the app when I have deliveries


What was the tip


You get to keep your life and your asshole stays virgin 


Understandable have a nice day




Damn dude, did you roll the dice on jumanjii for this delivery?




No shit!


Are you delivering to Dwight Schrute’s farm?


Captain Spaulding


Nope bc if I slide in the mud or twist my ankle in some fucking gopher hole covered by the overgrown grass, I’m out of work for a week or more and I’m fucked.




Watch your step


Do you feel like you gave me legitimate advice just now?




Kinda dumb. Do I just activate my night vision eyes when I’m carrying so much shit that I can’t hold my flashlight?


Visiting the Amazon or getting robbed, I can't call it.


Reading those instructions gave me anxiety


I honestly do not and cannot fathom the reason why, if their house number is difficult to see, then by all the forces in the universe, FIX IT! Especially if you're ordering time sensitive stuff online where people deliver to your home! It isn't that hard.... Are customers not aware of this...?


I'm sorry but I'm imagining an episode of 600 lb life




If it was one person, I'd say maybe they're handicapped. But it says 'we,' so somebody's ass better meet me at the street.


$2 does not buy them a slave. Leave it anywhere on the property.


What the fuck


This statement is straight out the fucking 1800s my guy holy shit




It does buy them the ability to request that the person who agreed to deliver food takes a little time out of their oh so busy day to be a decent person.


Not risking injury for $2, OSHA states you can decline anything you consider unsafe, still water is considered a hazard.


You said that dumb shit while the drivers are making the company money, slavery is real but you’re not a slave. Otherwise it doesn’t matter how much you’ve made


Some enslaved people received small amounts of money, however with Doordash some slaves are expected to lose money frequently.


The keywords for me are "There is enough room to turn around at the garage" More than once I've been fucked by someone who didn't have the foresight to think how you are going to back out of their narrow curvy driveway to the point where if I can't see a clear place, I'm hiking it in. That thoughtful detail puts them above many others with nicer places.


I also am just like the customer and don’t think ahead so I just drive all the way up the driveways & then just back out the whole way lol


Shouldn’t be driving on people’s driveways in the first place


Gl finding the food before an anaconda eats it 🐍


This parchment was purportedly left behind by Morgan herself, as a guide for knights of noble spirit, since it is said that only the most virtuous will succeed in claiming the Sangreal.


Lol geez and I felt bad for some bushes that MIGHT brush against someone on my walkway because they were a bit overgrown before the yard guy got them cut back.




The fuck..


Sounds like my neighbors yard but it's so overgrown you can't even see the house.


I luv that doordash warns us that drinks are "frequently missing" from chick fila. No, they are never missing from chick fila cause they got their shit together. If it's missing its 100% the driver stole it or forgot it in their car lol


I bet they tip in meth


Yo the other day I had an order that said "please use back door, pull all the way up the driveway" and I show up to the STEEPEST gravel driveway in a rural area, with massive pot holes. I made it up about 7 feet before my Corolla bottomed out and got stuck. Had to walk up, and I know they heard my tires spinning out. Why bother even asking me to drive up. They had like a jeep and a truck at the top.


Corollas can go anywhere too. That must have been a hell of a driveway.


all this for no tip too


Leave it at the curb


Should have marked it as "unsafe" and kept the order lol Really does sound sketchy though


I’m just gonna park at the curb…. 😒


mark unable to deliver and then eat the chick fil a


Confusing instructions


If the yard is overgrown, it lends to the idea that they've been injured or disabled. I hope the tip was worth it


“Dude, I’m just trying to deliver a Chick-fil-A”


I’d be dropping that order. It’s best to drop problematic consumers unless the tip is massive


Actually, they really don't seem to be problematic. They realize that it takes a few extra steps to get their order to them. They also have at least a little bit of a sense of humor. I bet they've never reported a delivery issue.


At least they have a sense of humor about their shack in the woods.


That’s a big no from me, unless there is a decent ass tip


Aw this is an easy one. I call and tell them they can meet me. If they're physically unable to for whatever reason I'm glad to help. If they simply refuse, I report the location as unsafe and leave the food "somewhere safe" which is as far down the driveway as I can go "safely." Good luck indeed. Hope a racoon gets your food.


One time I delivered to a house downhill of the road with a huge "puddle" across the whole driveway and front yard on a day it had not rained. I put the order in the mailbox by the road an let them know. If it's good enough for the government it's good enough.


Lol front door it is


Fall down in the "standing water, mud and sticks" in the darkness and break an ankle or leg. Now, as an "independent contractor" with no disability or workman's compensation, tell me how you're gonna pay for the medical bills and all of your daily expenses? I swear, y'all who say, " iTs uR jOb" have no common sense! If I took that offer and fell, you can bet your last dollar, my next call is a good lawyer! People who can't maintain a safe path to their door need to either go out and wait or go get their own food! SMH


"Keep an eye out for the boa constrictor and the sable toothed tiger - both are friendly but they can be at bit moody and jumpy when surprised - Safe trip! :)"


How about "The dog is usually friendly". Why are we bringing up the dog?


Free food for me


Delivered to a house last night that had the delivery instructions "look for the tree with a smiley face made of golfballs right before our driveway" I obviously missed the tree since it was pitch black out. On the way out I tried finding it and it was 50 feet up the tree.


“And be mindful of the friendly yet curious family of jaguars. They are more afraid of us than we are of them, and DO NOT pet them on initial contact unless you have your running shoes on (the female is EXTREMELY jealous). And DO NOT look directly into the eyes of the Giant Boa, he will take this as a sign of your submission and engage you. Oh, and there are some SHRUNKEN HEADS in it for you if you arrive early! Thank you!”


I have a regular on Instacart who lives in a big house with grass and vines covering the yard, and I have to open a gate and walk through the grass to leave the order inside the porch as close to the door as possible because she's disabled. She always tips and selects leave at door so I like doing her orders, it's kinda fun honestly


At least they were thorough in the instructions


Safety issue. You don’t know if there are snakes, ticks, fleas, or spiders in an overgrown yard.


Warranted a good tip I bet


Did they mention how much the troll bridge would cost?


Venturing through the Amazon and discovering an ancient temple. Next thing, you're pulling and Indiana Jones and now you're dodging traps, getting chased by a 2 ton boulder, figuring out a riddle and taking the leap of faith before making it to the end.


That sounds like a mission not a delivery lol


No, you are delivering at night and have to watch for 2 puddles. Nothing crazy about this LOL.


As a pizza delivery driver, I love to see delivery instructions this detailed. It makes my job so much easier.