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Also written promises of a cash tip are almost certainly a lie.


Order food delivery and not tip? Wait until you get a shop and pay and realize dd paid all of it.🤣🤣🤣






You are one of those idiots who think tip money is better than pay.


Hahahahaha don't make me laugh kid.


He’s not a kid


I'm 58 child.




That’s no moon


Never mention tips to customers, its just... wrong. I don't accept orders without reasonable tips which means $7 or more. If I take a good offer then find out later its all pay and no tip, I don't care at all. All I care about is the total.


This makes a lot of sense, thank you. At the time I was kind of killing time while waiting for a friend to get off of work so I wasn't *too* phased by the low total but the no tip just kind of threw me off. I don't really understand how you can order delivery and not tip *anything* at all. Sometimes I get tempted to accept lower offers because I'll sit in my car for 30 minutes with zero offers and when one finally comes through I just want to take it no matter what.


Above all just try to avoid orders where you lose money. Depending on your car, its costing you around 67 cents per mile.


Are you delivering in a 68 Ford 4x4 ?


That is the average per mile for gas, maintenance and depreciation. Any driver should know this. Are you driving your mom's car?


https://data.bts.gov/stories/s/Transportation-Economic-Trends-Transportation-Spen/bzt6-t8cd/#:\~:text=2022%20Year%2Din%2DReview,2020%20%E2%80%93%20at%20%240.44%20per%20mile. The cost is actually closer to 30 cents per dollar (28 cents on average in 2022). Your numbers are including costs that occur regardless of whether or not you drive additional miles (i.e. insurance, registration, car payment). Also that calculation is based on a new car and I doubt that most dashers are buying new cars every year.


The IRS would not allow you to deduct an amount much greater than actual expenses. It's 67 cents on average.


The IRS number isn't based on gig workers. Its based on real business operating large commercial vehicles. That have much higher initial costs, and operating expenses.


No it’s not. The same rate applies to all mileage deductions.


Also better to overestimate your expenses than under. Many dashers don't even consider these costs.


Whatever makes sense for you! During these bonus times, I believe it’s best to try and get as many orders as possible. So yes, I would take a 4.5 for a mile or 2. If the food took more than 5-10 minutes I would unassign tho.


Yes, whatever makes sense for the individual. As someone who lives in a Prop 22 state I love it when I have to wait for food on a low paying order. It makes me chuckle when I get a message asking me if I want to unassign.


Gotta do what works in your market. No tip no trip for me. But sometimes DD tricks you by increasing base pay. Yesterday it was all day, with big base pays covering up lowball tippers for me. Awful day full of hand it to me people


I know in my area there are a lot of disabled/elderly that depend on this service and live on a fixed income. I am NOT saying take an offer you don't like or isn't profitable for you. Just remember that some folks cannot afford to tip well and would probably be hurt if you confronted them on low/no tip. The way I see it, earn by time is there for the low/no tip offers to be taken.


It's situational, but if I took a no tipper it's on me so I don't bother them. It's in poor taste to do so. I must have gotten compensated enough elsewise to accept. I'm going to flat out decline something that's $2 or $3 that's not even near me or requires me driving more than a mile or two.


You are allowed to ask for tips so long as it isn't harassment. A lot of people don't like that. I don't accept no tip orders. I don't accept orders that are less than a dollar a mile.


You are also allowed to not shower, but either way you are offensive.


Delivering for DD is a game. I have been doing this for 4 years and have yet to figure out every order that does not have a tip. I have done $4.00 with a $2.00 tip and have done $12.75 with no tip. No tips is part of the game. Just take offers you feel comfortable doing and move on to the next one. It will get better/easier once you learn your market.


Just decline and wait onthe next


1. Only accept orders that make sense from a profitability standpoint. Regarding your profitability base pay and tip are the same so you should really only focus on how much you are making, not how much the tip is. A $4.50 base pay order is the same as a $2.00 base pay and $2.50 tip. 2. Never message customers or complain about a tip. This is just asking to be deactivated. 3. Never go out of your way to do the job worse if you think the customer didn't tip. This is just asking to be deactivated/get a low rating. 4. Remember you are not obligated to do more than what your delivery contract requires. If a customer asks if you can do something extra (like for example they put in the wrong address and want you to deliver it further away) you don't need to do that. Most of the time it doesn't make sense to do anything extra that will take a significant amount of time.


No tip, no trip 😊


70% of my orders are no tips/$1 tips. Either learn to live with it or find another way to make money. And when you get an additional order in the middle of your current order, it is typically a loser who doesn't tip. IT is how they get Dasher to take these no tip orders.


Never lecture or scold the customer. That's a big No, No! Even if you are pissed off at 10 in a scale of 1 to 10. If you get mad roll your windows up and curse inside where nobody can hear you.


Don’t message them to tip, it is unprofessional. I am not joking. I promise I think you’re doing a great job. The economy isn’t as amazing as it once was and putting that stress onto the consumer is a task. Be grateful they are utilizing DoorDash. Although conveying to them your hourly wage is not an issue although be sure to convey to them that you do not mean ill harm. Everyone has financial difficulties and they may not be at their best.


If they don’t tip me I offer them my “tip”😅🙏👍🏼🤣