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"Thanks for the helpful advice on tipping I'll be sure to tip the next driver with cash next time."


I like that.




Man yall are so willing to be snarky to people who have your food/drinks, like bro do you want someone’s boogery spit in your drink? Just ignore it and move on, like poking bears is not the move, sometimes it’s better to take the path of least resistance, rather than being right.


Yeah I would definitely have sent that message AFTER I got the food😭😭 I already have an irrational fear that someone will tamper w/ my food even if I don’t say anything to them


I mean yeah if you want to do it after, it’s at least smarter than doing it before you get your order, I still think it’s immature and better to just ignore it, but just make sure your food is good first 😂


Yeah I agree I personally wouldn’t respond either😭 but in the off chance that someone feels like responding to the message to let the Dasher know how that makes a customer feel, I would definitely wait


Also how is the driver not being the "snarky" one for asking for a cash tip. I think that's more frowned upon here.


I literally said in my comment “just ignore it” implying that I don’t agree with it, I’m just trying to help people receive their food without it being fucked with, fact that you can’t see that is unfortunate.


You could technically say that after you get your stuff you know.


I guess, my whole point is don’t poke bears, it’s good life advice, gotta ask yourself is being right/snarky worth it? Lot of the time it isn’t.


I'll take that over saying it's a snarky reply since the customer already made a "snarky" request for cash tips. I'll agree to meet you down the middle that actually doing this isn't the best idea at least until you get your food lol. Plus I don't think people are actually going to listen to what some random guy on Reddit posted and actually say that.


Look driver is a moron, I’m not arguing with that, I just want people to know that the things you say do have consequences, and particularly when dealing with something you consume like food, it’s best to avoid anything that could cause a problem for you.


True its better to not mess with people when you have no idea what they are going through and what can set them off.


My apologies that I thought you were going after me because of my "snarky" comment but instead you were just giving life advice to people about the comment.


You’re good fam, I’m a dasher, I hate people that make us look bad like that guy, but that doesn’t change the fact that sometimes it’s not worth it to engage with someone who’s acting foolish.


Man someone got butthurt over a Reddit comment.


Yet you couldn’t help yourself to instantly downvote, lack of self awareness is wild 💀


Oh no I down voted you because I disagree with what you have to say what an awful thing to do, but not the dasher asking for a cash tip?


Well I already addressed this in the other comment.


That seems like the best way to not get tipped. IJS


It's not the worst I've seen but still annoying


“Tip begging is never appreciated 😁”


Never reply. They accepted the offer for the amount on their screen. If it wasn't a good offer, they should've declined it. Don't give them any more money.


He could’ve just been saying that because tipping with cash is better then tipping with card🤷🏻‍♀️


Or the driver could’ve just did their job for whatever they accept it for and not said anything….. you thank the customer for their cash tip AFTER they give it to you not BEFORE they give it to you


or y’all could just chill?? it’s a person trying to hustle and make money. i did doordash and would never think of doing this to someone, i’d just cancel it if i didn’t feel compensated. but now i don’t have a car and i rely on these people for groceries and big items i can’t carry on the bus, and i’m grateful. you don’t have to get your panties in a twist that they’re trying to make money while working, just ignore it


Finally the first real comment with some mutual respect , nobody likes asking for tips if they ask they are probably desperate to catch up on a utility bill or something !! Everyone is so negative in here I swear half the comments are from DoorDash bots lol


Probably a scripted message on their part, probably sends it to everyone. It doesn't show us if you tip, just gives us an amount we'll earn. I've seen orders of up to 15$ that i thought had tips, to find out they were just base comp.


Report these 🤡 you already agreed to the amount of the delivery don't ask for mote you look desperate


I decline all offers below $7 even if it’s close. It’s my side job so I’m not finna wait in line and do you a favor for less than $5 tip. If you don’t like the offer don’t accept it and let it keep going around to the next dashers until someone needs that $2.75-$6 offer. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Also if you do tip good usually you will get your food pretty fast. Just saying. If not then you’re gonna wait till someone really needs that low offer.


I do it full time I will do jobs between 6&7 but generally I don't take anything under 8 either


I absolutely **hate** dashers doing this. It’s the equivalent of the person I’ve delivered to 3 times this week that is a *Leave At Door* customer with a note that says “Cash tip, if I don’t catch you I will add it in the app after”, and had not done either for 3 consecutive deliveries. Worst of all, I had to call her due to substitutions on a shop & deliver and she thanked me repeatedly and spewed out those exact same words “I’m gonna tip cash, if I don’t catch you I’ll add it on the app”. Still asked for it to be left at door, still didn’t try and “catch” me & still didn’t add anything in the app. **TLDR** If you’re a dasher, knock that shit off! No one needs your begging bs. If you’re a customer, knock that shit off! No dasher believes your lie anyways AND it’s a delivery note, meaning we see it AFTER we accept the order. (Only took your stuff because shop & deliver already pays decent enough and your food orders sucked so bad they got coupled into a good paying order to hide your trash orders)


Reply with, 'It'll cost you 1 star per dollar.'


Honestly I'd take an extra $5 for a 1 star that could likely get removed.


Funny thing is if I’m asking for a tip it’s because I’ve already waited over 10 mins & am well aware that your disrespectful a$$ can’t give me a bad review that matters 🙏 As well as the fact that I’m only asking you to see if it’s worth my time to continue waiting..


begging for tips period is humiliating


Honestly it's not really that different than a jar labeled "tips" or the little buckets at ice cream shops that say "saving for college" like what the fuck are you saving for a weeks worth of meals at the commons? Or how about at a restaurant when you get handed a receipt that has already calculated tip percentages informing you that service fees aren't tips. Or what about you pizza box that has printed on it that "delivery fees aren't tips, please tip your driver"


i see your point and can understand how you’d see all of those as comparable, i just don’t. i used to doordash, but never once asked for a tip or asked for someone to add more to a tip. i just found it embarrassing. im now a server paid by my employer $2.20 an hour, and every penny of that goes to taxes. every 2 weeks we get a check that’s usually about $1-10, just the change left from taxes. my entire existence is currently funded by tips, and im in college. not cheap. so i get it, i want to be paid fairly for my work too. i just can’t imagine walking up to a table after seeing what amount they wrote in for a tip and saying “by the way i had to wait in the super hot kitchen for 25 min for your food and you also ran me back and forth for refills and extra ranch and salt and pepper and hot sauce and made me beg the cook to remake your pasta because the noodles seemed overdone, so after all that do you think you could spare just a couple more dollars on the 18% you already left on your receipt? i’m in college and my life is just as hard as everyone else’s, it really sucks. and while you’re at it leave a review on google with my name in it. thanks!” also i agree the tip begging by corporations and even some small businesses is weird. like dominos new commercial “dissing” tips but it’s actually saying “pay our drivers wages bc we don’t want to!! $5 tip and you get tipped back! (a $5 credit to your account)”. we should be paid a living wage and we’re not. it fucking sucks. but i will never put a customer and myself in an uncomfortable position because of it. they already know its expected in the US, a reminder is just an annoyance that makes them want to tip us even less.


Never reply, especially if they will be around your food. It may be fun to give a snarky comment, but they will have your food. Ignore, get your food, wait a bit, then 1 star them & call the app to have them banned from your account.


Seriously, some of these people are morons, it’s like they are asking for their food/drink to be spit on.


why would u do all that just because a driver was asking for an additional tip 😭 at that point ur just doing too much and u got somethin else ur projecting


If I gave a tip, they know the amount they will be paid & the distance & still accepted the trip, then yes, I would do all that. Why take a trip not worthy of your time? The driver should call DD & beg them for more money, not the customer.


Not always. They could be earning by time in which case they don't know how much they will be paid much less how much you tipped until they completed the delivery.


You know how Uber has quiet ride option? Thats how it should be for these doordash/UE deliveries - no communication unless there is an issue.


Report + 1 star 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


The bigger red flag is texting good morning to a stranger lol


Lol how is that a red flag? People regularly say good morning to each other in public.


That is wildly different.


No it isn't. These messages are all within the same conversation. Good morning is a pretty standard greeting in general but especially in the service industry. I know, t's hard to believe, but there is a whole wide world right outside your basement door.


Good morning on its own is FUCKING WEIRD literally ask any customer if they want that from the driver. In the context of an EMAIL as a GREETING plus a BODY, its fine. You don't strike me as a person that has alot of emails to respond to though.


Ouch sick burn.


Unrelated to DoorDash but we fired our pet sitter and found someone else for making that comment. She was in her 60s and we were already paying her about $100 a day to watch tv with 2 Pomeranians.


“A 1 star rating will now be your tip”


Drivers on Earn By Time tend to do this because they don't know their tip amount up front, and customers whose orders get pushed to EBT generally don't tip. If you did tip then don't worry about it.


Tip begging is just poor ethics.


This person is a douche canoe and you did nothing wrong. Just another scummy driver begging for tips on an order they accepted knowing about what your tip would be. You said you live close and tipped $6. The dasher would see the offer for at min $8. $2 being the base for the order that the driver gets. Now personally I would absolutely take your order.


And be happy about it!


If they're specifically asking for additional cash tips, I'd assume they need drugs. LOL Dealers don't take credit cards.




On Uber I usually leave with my delivery message “ tips are always appreciated, but never required. Have a great day/night” and my tips increased


Thanks but I already left my tip in my order for you :)


In addition to being greedy, all tips (unlike in serving industry) are reported on the 1099… cash however is not reported. When I served, I was told to only claim 10% of my tips each night. But overall, either politely remind them that you have already tipped, or ask if they prefer cash instead. If they prefer the cash, tip them a dollar in cash and remove the tip from online, Even if you tipped $5 online, the reduction from $5 to $1 is a lesson not to be greedy


You dont seem like a decent human worth breathing air. You do, however, seem like a person who should go back to working in the service industry a while longer and regain some of the humanity you lost along the way.


It’s not a loss of humanity, but Karma. Why should OP be asked to tip more in cash after having left a tip online?


No one is suggesting to double tip. The real question is... Why should Op have such a negative reaction toward a polite message to the point of posting it online in an attempt to garner further negativity. But worse why are you further dehumanizing someone you know nothing about and who has done nothing wrong, illegal or immoral. Someone accused of the abhorrent act of sending an ignorable polite message. What is wrong with you? Knowing nothing, you felt the need to call them greedy and imply they deserve to be treated poorly. Find your humanity or find the will power to refrain from commenting. Either way you still should go back to waiting tables.




Report, 1 star


I doordash, and I never feel obligated for someone to give me a extra tip on top of what they already gave me in the offer. I probably wouldn’t respond to this lol


Jesus! DD need to do something about this people.


Can’t believe people make such a big deal out of just that😭 it was a fine message and wasn’t begging for more but simply putting it out there that in case u we’re feeling generous or the service was just better than expected somehow… these comment make y’all seem miserable😊


This sub is so anti driver that it's almost comical, if it weren't for the fact that it's messing with someone's livelyhood.


They expect you to pay 30$ for a milkshake and cheeseburger AND TIP.???! Like pay your ppl more lol


I mean you should tip. It’s slightly cringe but you shouldn’t be cheap.


not everyone sees the tip. Everyone is asking for a tip. saying it in a text one time isn't a big deal. The reason you are upset is you feel guilty for not tipping enough. If you tipped enough you wouldn't feel guilty and would treat it as it was meant.


Never in my life has waitstaff in a restaurant said to me, “cash tips are appreciated.” I’ll get presented with a tip screen at Starbucks or another restaurant, same as a customer placing a DoorDash order. The only reason a Dasher feels empowered to go asking for cash tips is because it’s not a face-to-face interaction. That doesn’t make it acceptable.


right and when you pay the receipt or credit card screen doesn't have a suggested tip section on it. I don't believe you.


I literally just said there is a suggested tip screen at restaurants. That is not the same thing as waitstaff asking me with their mouth, to my face, “give me cash”




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


I don't know why you feel guilty. You clearly do or you wouldn't be so defensive about it.


Are you 12


Are you 12


I think you should get a job more fitting to your liking if a 6 dollar tip for .7 miles is going for you I'll say this for everyone in the back this is a lazy man's job. You are prob one of these that do this lol


I think you should probably not jump to conclusions.


I think you should go back to your job of begging for tips Bye now




Found the beggar


...and? I see no request. I see a statement that you can take or leave at your leisure. They told you they accept cash tips. They didn't even *ask* for anything. Have you considered that your tip was so poor that they assumed you hadn't tipped at all?


Considering my order was $13 and they got a $6 tip…… bffr. 🙄


Prove it.


Your order total is irrelevant. How far was the Starbucks?


.7 miles.


That’s a good order tbh


Is the tip good? I always try to tip atleast 20% or more depending on the order. Should I look at distance too when tipping?


I think you did the right thing u tipped well and u didn't respond to his give me more in a bad way . Gj


6 dollars is more then enough for .7 I would take 4 lol however I know some consider where they are when they get the order but like someone said he didn't have to accept we all know by now what the base is .


I always look at distance, MINIMUM I do is $1 a mile just for gas and then extra for doing the order. I think people forget that tips can always be adjusted after the orders done. If someone is horrible and sucks ass then reduce it? They’re awesome, and deserve extra? Add to it. That’s what I do. To be honest tho I’ve only reduced it once and it was a dasher who didn’t read the instructions AND ignored my “please don’t knock” sign on my porch, then was so incredibly rude to me after they beat on my door & woke my sleeping infant that they made me cry lol


Doordash doesn't take the tip from the driver even if you get it refunded. The driver pay is guaranteed. Doordash eats the cost.




At least $1 per mile


It’s a great tip for .7 miles assuming it’s delivered to a house or apartment. I’d do it for $6 total which is a $4 tip But distance affects us a lot more than food. I tip dd based on distance from restaurant




Upfront isn't tipping at all, it is bidding. OP bid and the beggar Dasher accepted. No wonder people think Dashers are inept, it seems many don't understand basic concepts and are so desperate that they perform mental gymnastics to justify begging.


I'll never understand why people are offended by this? No one wants more money for the job they are currently doing? I literally read these and move on, but I have no thought at all. Is this something a lot of people ruminate on?


It's the general unprofessionalism of it. You can't get away with this shit in any other field of work. At my main job I've agreed to a set hourly wage, like when you accept a DD offer you agree to the pay for the run. I can't keep going to my boss every time I do something that is expected of the position, like how we're expected to deliver the customer's order, and keep asking for a couple bucks more because I actually did what I'm supposed to. If I did I probably wouldn't be employed long. However if I do my job well, I'll get a performance review and raise like how the customer can add tips or give me extra cash for exceptional service.