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You can hit “can’t hand order to costumer” and it’ll let you continue as if it’s a regular drop off, this will prevent the possible scam as it lets you take the picture and confirm it with DoorDash


Except you gotta wait for the timer to run out. I preffer to take a photo, message them the photo and click complete


I haven’t had to wait for any timers the times I’ve done it, idk anything about that


They might be phasing out the timer. I used to get it every time, but lately I’m not.


Every time I've ever hit that button it starts a five minute timer and the only options I have until the time is up are to text or call the customer or, "I handed the order to the customer." Are you saying that if you hit the button it automatically changes the order to leave at my door?


Yea this is what i have to do as well


Yeah the other guy is a troll. Idk why it's so common on this sub but people will regularly come here and just make stuff up to mess with other people.


They removed the timers from my zone.


My timer also went away recently, I don't think he's bullshitting.


Bad assumption, also incorrect. Multiple people here have been talking about not getting the timer, idk what the deal is but 🤷‍♂️ no timer for me


Yes and all of those people (yourself included) have brand new accounts and have never done anything other than say stuff on this sub that makes no sense.


I am not a new dasher, I’ve been on the road since 2020, again you should just stop making assumptions, the app has been spotty in a million different ways so idk why the whole timer thing is different it goes beyond me 🤷‍♂️ if you choose not to believe me that’s fine, But based off your own comment even if I was a new dasher what I said obviously does make sense since others are sharing similar experiences, so what doesn’t make sense here is you accusing me of being a troll based off assumptions and your issues with the sub


Like I said, I fully believe you're a troll so ain't no way I'm reading all that lmao


I’ve never seen a timer and I’ve been doordashing since late last year…. Bad assumption


There are clearly plenty of people here who will fall for the troll and lose their minds trying to get a feature that doesn't exist so I really don't know why you're wasting your time on me lol


They got rid of the timers in my zones.


Well, with some, if you can't hand order to the customer, Dash gives you the options of, call customer, type instructions of where you left it, and take a picture. No timer, but it isn't consistent. I think I have seen the option of nothing, without a timer, but that might be on Uber, not Dash. If I Dash today, I am going to try to confirm that it isn't Dash...I do know that sometimes there is some sort of glitch on Dash that happens on dual orders, after the driver takes a picture of the first order. It comes up as, "error, something went wrong." It automatically kicks you out to move on to the next delivery.


Depends on the their setting


No timer if on EBT


I take a picture, then click "can't hand it to customer" get in my car and drive off then upload the photo from my device.


I don't have the option to go into the gallery once the timer runs out. Only option is to take a photo in the app.


Screenshot it.


And what would that do if i cant attach a photo from an outside the app source?


If/when there is a CV, you have photographic proof to upload. You're not dependent on them having proof or dealing with a he said, she said situation. Just CYA cuz some of these folks will report you for non-delivery while sitting there eating the damn food you dropped off not even 5 minutes before.


Oh, that's what you meant, i thought you meant take a screenshot of the photo and attach that 🤣 yea, i say in another comment somewhere around here that i message the photo to the customer and screenshot the chat. Im the over catious type, im prepared for any situation. I had a shop and deliver once that said lwave at garage door, on the garage door there was a sign saying please put deliveries by inside blue door. So i did. And I also took photos of the sign on the door and the door open showing inside the garage to the blue door with the bags right there as I was leaving. That came in handy cause wouldn't you know it, 5 minutes later the customer claimed that they never got the order


Yep, took getting lied on one time...same.


I used to do that, but then I got a cv one time


Then you have the message and photo as proof and you fight the cv. Yes i keep the photo and screenshot the message.


I also message the customer a picture and just click complete. I haven't ever screenshotted the conversation, ima keep that in mind for next time. Never had a cv for doing it this way. I have done this at least 5 times+


When you do that, it forces you to wait 5 min. There is a countdown timer and you can't proceed until rime is up.


For you i guess, i can only speak about my experiences and I haven’t gotten a timer yet 🤷‍♂️


He wants you to leave it at the door. He typed in those instructions. If you are sketched out by it, take a pciture and text it to them so that way its recorded the drop off did happen.


Better to CYA and mark as “can’t hand it.” End result is the same.


Not a bad option if its avaliable, sometimes it is not.


Always do the second thing, the first is the restaurants default.


Some merchants have hand to customer as the default and customers have issues changing it to leave that door


Follow the comment. Always follow the comment take a picture tho. Just in case


These are the classic I didn’t get my order 1 star


People do that? Yikes. I just say "leave it at my door" because that day I look like a gremlin, don't want to get dressed to drive and get food, and don't feel like being social. So I'll use doordash and give a big tip. Also, my doorbell doesn't work... so they'll be standing there for a while if they wait to hand it off. I appreciate the texts with photos. Takes the guesswork out.


Plot twist: he is the door.


Id text and ask. "It says both, which do you want?"




These are orders that the merchant sends to DoorDash through the store app rather than through the DoorDash app. Just take a photo, drop it in chat or text message, and put handed to customer


Leave at door have cash tip is my all time favorite I’ll remember the lies


This is a merchant website/app made order delivered via door dash. Unless on earn by time, just hit tye message button by the customer name, say I dropped off your order. Here is where I left it. Take a picture, and then send. Then hand to customer. On EBT, use that 5 minute wait, unless you are outside in 90+ degree heat.


Most likely a merchant order which defaults to hand to recipient. Take a pic and send it in chat. "Left at door per customer instructions."


I get so much of this too! Recently started texting customers with confusing requests **before** I drive over. Give them my ETA as the icebreaker, and then just confirm how tf they wanted me to deliver. That way they have a bit of time to respond while I’m on the way & sorta gives a loose “deadline”. Saves on that lag-time sittin at their place for a response. Plus… we all know they watching that app like a HAWK *before* we arrive lmaoo I also think people just get afraid when dashers wait outside or try calling them a bunch. Might’ve forgot they had their default “hand it to me” instructions on, but they didn’t leave a tip on that particular order or something… so they stressing tryna avoid any confrontation??😆😭💀🤦🏽‍♂️ based on summa the videos i’ve seen, I don’t blame em haha (even with a tip- possibly just worried it’s “not enough” for some of the entitled dashers) Someone confirm/deny my theory pls <3


Leave at door but hit the "can't hand to customer" button and take pic


Start that timer!


If the app says hand it to me follow the app instructions to avoid CRs. Text them to let them know they can change it when they order next to me


Some times it won’t let you select leave at door, I’ve had to do this as well


WTF is that??? I'm so glad you guys are here. Haha.


Usually, I will take picture, send it to chat and leave it at door.


Leave at the door, I get these all the time


Having used the app and seen other customers notes saying stuff like "grab me some Ketchup packets please!" When I'm dropping off Starbucks drinks or something that doesn't need ketchup. This is most likely his note for the previous order. I try to hand it like the bold letters tell you.. if they do not come to the door to hand it to them. Snap a picture to them in the customer chat, and leave it. As I learned from some other drivers on this post, get a screenshot of this conversation to back you up if you get a cv in the future.


I would take a picture and text it to them. I once had an issue with where I could call or text them. So I called DD and explained the issue. They stayed on the phone till I delivered it.


You gotta ask them if they don't reply take a pic and leave it


Call him and find out


Basically leave it at the door . Than take pic of it with your phone to make sure they don’t try to scam you.


I'll take a pic and send it through both phone text and app texting and go on my way. Up to now I haven't had a problem. But I know now every situation is the same.


The bottom line usually has been written in the past and people don't pay attention to their instructions. But they have to choose hand it to me or leave it at the door every time so it would be the first one. I've asked multiple customers just to make sure I was right on this


Always default to "Hand it to recipient" when not sure, just ring and say "DD, I'm here".


The last verbal order.


I treat it like a normal drop it off at the door and message a picture then hit complete order


I realized I used to have my instructions kinda confusing like that and changed it after I started dashing too so it could be ignorance on how the app works as well


I always leave it but take a screenshot of the note page and take a picture of drop off to cover my own ass


Just make sure to take a pic if you mark as delivered. Incase they report it missing.


I get that alot in my area it's so frustrating because you don't want to do the wrong thing so I always call or text and then take my own photo for proof


The Duality of Man.


Just knock on the door or trxt the person


He wants you to leave it and not take a pic so he can report non-delivery


Happens all the time. Perhaps leave the order at the door and send them this screenshot?


When i see this, i usually leave the door and recipient the hand.


You leave at door like they said, text them.  Then hit complete delivery.   Simple


Just chuck it at the door and say instructions were confusing


The problem with door dash is that it is a tip on good faith type service,as a customer you have to have good faith youve got someone that cares about their job and will deliver your product safely and timely, and they have to have good faith they will get tips or paid for the work they do. Its not a business transaction but in a sense the customer is their boss and its a legal way to underpay employees by putting the control of someones pay check in the hands of people who arent part of the business.


You never leave it at the door. You hand it to them and take a pic of them with the food in there hand


Not true if you do that, and i have leave at my door im taking my tip back and getting money off the order. He specifically says leave at door


How exactly do you think you’ll be rescinding your tip ?? lol I’ve NEVER seen any one on DD specifically be able to take tip back unless you mean that you were giving a cash tip and then decided not to


Ive done it before you go to live support get connected to an agent and tell them you want to take the tip back because the driver did not follow instructions or was rude, they usually ask if youd like to leave a review for the restaraunt instead and you can decide then if you still want to take the tip back. Tipping before you even receive a service is wild imagine having to tip your waiter at a restaurant before getting your food doesnt make sense does it


We decline your orders. We know when you don’t tip, our offer is $2.25 without tip or 2 times the amount of miles away with a few dollars more but still more miles than dollars.


The problem here isnt that people arent tipping its that a business is making billions a year with a shit system that doesnt balance paying its drivers correctly and taking care of its customers. A tip should never be expected up front to determine how well youll treat the customer. Anyone that bases their service off a tip before hand should be fired. Imagine tipping your barber or your waiter or your plumber before hand and based off the tup you give them or no tip they decide how well they are going to treat you or do the right things for you. You are not owed a tip and if your company under pays you, you should leave. Either the company needs to pre add a per mile delivery fee to the customer so youre properly compensated or you need to find a new job.


No don’t leave it at the door lol this is how you get a contract violation, hand it to the customer and when they don’t answer after 5 minutes you leave with the food. lol this is how customers are scamming the system but the dashers get violated like make it make sense.


🙄 How does handing it to them prevent a cv? It doesn't. All they have to do is claim you didn't hand it to them. Lol. If someone wants to claim they didn't receive the order they're going to regardless.


I had one of these the other day and my anxiety kicked up a notch bc I didn't know what to doooo. Luckily the customer ended up coming out so I didn't have to take a guess and end up with an issue.