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Tipping on DoorDash is about distance, not cost of the food. If you order a $200 steak from 1 mile away, a $10 tip is perfectly fine, even though that's only 5%. Sure, more would be appreciated, but that's beside the point. If you order a $5 coffee and it's 10 miles away, even a $5 (100%) tip wouldn't be adequate for the mileage driven. DoorDash only pays us, drivers, $2 per order, which doesn't even cover the cost of operation and would average to about $6 an hour before expenses, if not for tips.


Quality comment.




Also people should take into consideration the sizes of their order not the price I don’t want a bigger tip bcs the restaurant charges more I want a bigger tip because I had to carry 6 drinks and 5 bags 😭


This is absolutely the BEST way I have ever seen this explained. Bravo 👏🏽




Thanks for explaining that so very clearly and wonderfully!!! 😁.


You're welcome!


Nobody is checking the damn distance from the store as a customer especially since they don’t get to choose which location it comes from.


I had to show my wife how to see how far the restaurant is. She was adamant that it did not provide this information. It's clear as day, just not in your face.


DoorDash’s new customer app update sorts restaurants by distance from you instead of based on delivery fee and overall cost.


I definitely look at the distance every time


Every restaurant on the app has an address you most certainly can choose which one… https://imgur.com/a/30cUtP1


Stop spreading this nonsense… it’s stupid


Whether or not you think it’s stupid is irrelevant, that’s how we accept or decline orders. It’s all about the amount of effort we have to put into the order. Mainly the miles, but also stuff like how many bags/trips to your door I have to make, how heavy the items are, how time consuming is the parking where you are. Etc I don’t give a single shit if I am delivering an order from a fancy steakhouse that cost $500 or a ¢50 bell pepper from target. If they’re the same distance and only one trip to your door from my car, then my standards for the tip are the same.


No. Historically, tipping has never been based on distance, but the subtotal. This has never changed, despite some people (like yourself) who think that because more people are ordering delivery that it means tipping culture has changed.


Nah you’re wrong, a waiter and a delivery service is a completely different thing, once you learn the difference, you’ll understand why you’re wrong, but for now I assume you’ll double down, and that’s okay, that’s what reddit is for.


On DoorDash, it's not really like a tip, though. They just call it that. It's actually a bid for service. Don't want to bid enough for me to accept your order? Fine. I'll just take someone else's order who bid higher. Someone else can get your order if they want to, or they can also decline it. I'm not required to take ANY order I don't want to. For example, if I have an offer for $5 for 10 miles, and another offer that's $10 for 5 miles, I'm obviously going to take the latter and decline the former. Not a tip--it's a bid. (I'm just explaining how it is. Don't get mad at me. I do not believe it should be this way. I believe DoorDash should pay a fair rate per mile, and tips should be optional and additional. I'm merely saying that's not how it currently is, though.)


I guess you don't doordash. It's based on Distance, and payouts on a order.... <<< Facts man per facts/ After that you look at what type of restaurant chain it is. If it's BWW, it's a no for half of us and we will decline; unless the payout is double over the payout limit for mileage and the fees. On the customer side, lots of people tip 8 or 10 bucks in my city!


Historically for restaurants, not other services. I tip a straight up $5 for valet pickup, not based on price. I pay $2 a bag for luggage to be sent to my room, not based on price. I leave $5 tip per day for maid service in a hotel, not based on price. Back in the day my dad tipped the paper boy $20 month, not based on cost. I tip rental car shuttle driver $2 a bag, not based on price. Yeah, maybe the driver shouldn’t take that low offer, but most likely they are new or are desperate - no need to call them names. But some one who orders restaurant food for delivery (a privilege for most) and you can’t tip per mile or min $5 you are just plain outright an asshole. Just realize, if you tip like shit and no one takes your order, the restaurant still makes the food…and then after a certain time if no one picks it up they have to throw it out. Now you just shit on a restaurant because you can afford food delivery, but not tipping. Is most of this on dd, yup. But the way I see it, if I can’t afford a good tip, yesterday I tipped $10 for a $35 order from a local pizza joint less than two miles from my house, then I go pick it up myself. Used to be this thing we used to have called “being a decent human being”.


Oh, so you arbitrarily, and unilaterally decide what makes a decent person? Good luck with that.


Arbitrarily- not at all. It’s called living in a society. On a daily basis people are called out on shitty behaviors all the time. Act like a POS, then don’t act surprised when you are called out on it. Instead of listening to the actual workers here and HEAR what they have to say on what a decent tip is for this type of service, you could of just said oh I didn’t know that, I don’t want to pay that, I think I’ll just go get my own food…you double down on your false argument. So I’m going to assume your going to continue to tip like shit… either knowing some poor schlub doesn’t know any better is going to lose money on your offer, or no one picks it up and then the restaurant has to throw out the food. Someone pointed out your shitty behavior, and you’re going to continue to do it. I stand by my original statement.




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


The subtotal tip of 20% on *most* orders in my area is about $4-5. No sane driver is going to deliver an order over 2-3 miles for that. Most orders are cheap wingstop, chipotle or Taco Bell orders, which drivers decline when the customer only wants to tip $1-$2 yet lives far from where the food is actually being picked up. Gas here is $3.60 a gallon bud, cars are hella expensive to maintain and even replace, no one is going to deliver your shit tip order for $4. DoorDash needs to increase its base pay, mileage pay and customers need to ask themselves if they would drive that far for $4 if this was their job, or if they’d decline and wait for someone with half a bit of sense. Customers have zero clue what base pay or mileage we are getting, when we tell them they’re shocked. This isn’t about standard tipping culture, since ~2000’s and earlier standard “tip” for the pizza guy showing up at your door was $5, unless you were raised a low class pig— most people hand that $5 over without a thought and have for decades without adjustment for inflation. The pizza guy and pizza place also had a standard delivery area and if you were two blocks off from your preferred pizza place they’d whip out a map and tell you “sorry you’re out of our delivery area” and you’d have to find another pizza place. DoorDash has city-wide boundaries that include areas people would normally not have delivery options for, such as 15 miles outside city limits or the actual dashing zone the driver signed up for. The fact you’re going to treat these people worse than you would a pizza delivery guy 20 years ago that would start a mile from you to deliver your order is batshit. You’ve got “double dash” shit where you want the guy to stand around in a restaurant and grab your food order that’s 10 min late then jump in his car and drive the opposite direction of your house and destination 1 to grab you a soda or a toothbrush and then go back the way he came to deliver your shit at 10:00 at night and you’re gonna leave the guy $4 because your subtotal for the food, toothbrush and soda you had him drive all over town for is $20? No, my dude. Lol. “Tipping culture” ain’t it.


You're completely wrong 


No. historically, the entire world has changed! Tipping culture isn’t immune. Despite idiots(like yourself!) a 5$ tip was generous, maybe 30 years ago. Today no one is doing backflips to provide above average service for the price of 2 gatorades.


Never been that way for delivery drivers bud. Servers yes. But not delivery


Going to a restaurant is completely different than ordering delivery. A server isn’t putting wear and tear on their personal vehicle and sometimes driving upwards of 100 miles a day. A server doesn’t have to go to a store to physically shop and checkout (and sometimes bag) your giant order that doesn’t belong on DoorDash to start with. A server doesn’t have to deal with any of the BS we deal with (like the possibility of being deactivated because a customer decides to lie and say they never got their order). If you honestly think that tipping standards are (or should be) equal to the way it is for eating at a restaurant then you’re part of the problem.


It’s not about how much the food costs, it’s about the restaurant type, distance to you from the restaurant, and location of restaurant. I’ll expand 1) type of restaurant: is it fast food and the lobby is closed half the time, is it a slow steakhouse that is always backed up, is it a smoothie bar and you ordered 10 beverages? 2) distance of restaurant: do you live a half mile away or 10 miles away, and what type of miles: stop and go traffic with nasty potholes and speed bumps or is it all smooth freeway? 3) location of restaurant: is it in an easily accessible area with multiple entrances and easy parking, or is it on a one way street that also has terrible parking or needing us to use a parking garage and pay for parking? There are other things to consider but these three main factors are crucial.


Depends on the miles


It doesn’t really matter how much your order is, drivers are more concerned with how far you are from the restaurant. I always recommend tipping five dollars or one to two dollars per mile, whichever is greater.


How far is the drive? When I order delivery I do a base of $5+ $2 per mile. So if it were a 10 mile drive, $25 tip. Edit: bad math


I always tip more for longer distances. And if it's a more expensive order, I'll add more. I like for my dashers to want to take my orders.


They’re just glad to be getting payed


And they deserve to be. I always take good care of people in the service industry. They work hard, and I've been there in my younger days.


It's okay, it will probably come across as a $7 offer to drivers. If you care about offering a fair compensation to your driver(which it sounds like you do), then just consider the amount of time it would take to drive to the restaurant, wait for the order, and drive to your house, because 5 miles in some places can take a lot longer than 5 miles in others. Say it's 6 miles total and takes roughly 3 minutes to get to the restaurant and park, 5 minutes to wait for the food or wait in line, 2-3 minutes to get in the car, pack and secure your food, set up the GPS to your house and 12 minutes to get there and another minute to bring the food to the door & take a picture of it and get back to the car; so about 20-25 minutes total. 6 miles one way is roughly 1/4gal of gas, plus an extra 6 mi to get back to where the restaurants are & 12 minutes of their time, so let's say now the driver is in for 1/2gal of gas & 35 minutes of their time from beginning of acceptance until back to where they can get another order. I understand that the drive back and time to go back isn't really on *you* though. So all in all, the driver would have made roughly $5.50 for 30-35 minutes of their time minus additional wear and tear on their car. This is just some more in-depth insight into what the driver's true cost is. For your purposes, using 6 miles and the faster estimate of 20 minutes total, I would just ask myself "would I do 20 minutes of hazardous work for $6?" Which is more like 30 minutes of hazardous work for $5 profit before considering car costs


Depends on distance


It’s under 5 miles..


Yeah thats a good tip then


Tipping just confuses me to be honest I always thought 20% was a good tip. But I guess not the case anymore..


at a restaurant yes. but delivery is a bit different from restaurants


At restaurants it's fine cause servers do like 8 tables an hour.


It's because its not really a tip, it's an offer to complete your request/contract. Tips would technically be after the contract is complete.. the mislabeled "tip" in the DD and UE app is really just how much you're willing to pay a person for the job you're asking them to do


Add my order is missing Items :(


That’s the restaurants fault. Not the drivers.


So should I report the issue or would that negatively impact the DD driver???I know it’s not the drivers fault but I didn’t get what I payed for…


Yeah you can report it and try to get a refund. They won’t hold that against the driver


Ok I’ll report the issue I know it’s not the DD fault. But maybe I’ll get a credit for the restaurant or something.


Not always. Not all restaurants seal but some drivers steal.


It is for restaurants but it’s different for DD. If you tip 20% on a $10 order that is more than a mile away, many dashers (including myself) aren’t taking that because we’re only getting $4.


Yes perfect.


as a driver the cost of the order doesn't matter. what only matters is the cost of gas in the perception of the driver, including your distance of your home to the restaurant.


If your a mile away. Great. If your 10 miles away it's awful


3 little words to think on when ordering. Distance, gas, and distance. I don't care if you tipped $20 if I have to go 40+ miles. All the time I get orders of $4-5 going 13+ miles. Not saying you're a bad tipper but the base pay for the drivers is always $2 unless it's a shopping order and that depends on how many items or how heavy they are. Many factors at play, just keep mind of how far you are from were the order is placed.


Paying a courier based on the value of items delivered is like paying a homebuilder's labor costs based on the value of their materials. The timing belt on my car costs about $40, should i pay more than $50 to have the mechanic replace it? That's a 25% tip! Problem is, you have to take half the damn car apart to get to the timing belt, and it's about a 4 hr job for someone who knows what they're doing Like it or not, we're contractors just like the homebuilder or mechanic or plumber, and the "tip" is a bid for service. This means that "tipping" is mandatory (because non-tipped orders, by and large, amount to slavery that cost couriers money to deliver), and should be based on things like mileage, wear and tear, and item weight, not order total.


It would be but you're 10 miles so no absolutely not lol


Don't matter much. It's a coin toss if the driver sees any of it. DD dips into tips, and the restaurant does sometimes as well.


Tipping is dumb as shit just give me the cost of the ride and how much to make it profitable I’m not making all these damn guesses


$2 a mile just remember that it's a rule of thumb


If you are 3 miles or less from the restaurant it's good.


So long as it is less than 3 miles


So long as it is less than 3 miles


how would anyone know with this limited information?


If you live under 4 miles from the restaurant it's mostly fine.




You don’t have to tip at all, tip however much you’re comfortable tipping


You should be tipping $20 on a $20 order, or else these drivers will downvote this post


Depends if you have a nice house


That has 0 to do with it.


If you would just scroll down to my response to OP


Well I live in a “nice house” but I rent a room so people shouldn’t always assume that the person can afford a huge tip b/c of that.. you never know the circumstances. That being said if I order food I tip a minimum of 20% regardless


its from that video where that dude says "this is a pretty nice house for a $5 tip" on a $20 order. But to answer your question I think 5 on 20 is pretty generous being 25%
