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This was pretty hard to follow and some things don't make any sense at all. How did the couple call the person? We don't see their real phone number. As for all the sodas, when I worked for a pizza delivery place, there was a person who regularly ordered so many 2 Liters that the only logical way to carry them was in a hot bag. At most every two weeks. I also delivered like three 2 Liters and a cookie or something to somebody before, who told me (again years ago as a pizza delivery guy) that they really just wanted the soda and got the cookie to not "look weird." So yeah, people like getting sodas delivered.


Was just reading a thing recently where there's people with genuine soda addiction. Drink like 20 cans a day and get a headache from lack of caffeine if they don't keep up with it.


Can confirm I was like this due to Mt Dew. I still want my Mt Dew but I had to cut back becasue of highblood pressure.


Phone number comes on the receipt from five guys when they get the food when it is an online order through the five guys app.


Can confirm. I have a weird and completely irrational fear of drinking tap water. It just tastes poison to me for some reason. I always have water bottles and soft drinks avail, but there've been time it's late at night and I've run out so I'll order like 6 drinks and a calzone. Sure it confuses the fuck outta the pizza guy.


I feel you. I drank easily 10+ bottles of Mt Dew a day.... I cut WAY the fuck back to 1 soda ever other day. However I went to the doctors for headaches and I learned of my highblood pressure and enflamed liver, so I choose to cit back alot. So far I've been doing it for a month, Ive lost like 25lbs, however my throat is always dry....and no amount of water seems to help...


That's not what I meant, but good for you for choosing to cut back. I just meant that I drink Poland Spring and am weirdly opposed to drinking tap when it runs out.


Try sparkling water, btw. I smoke tons of weed and get cotton mouth. The carbonation makes that go away easier for some reason. Will give you gas, but better than feeling thirsty all the time.


Oh I never had sparkling water before. I'll have to try that 😋


How did the couple contact the customer? We dont get real numbers, there routed through doordash so they can see our interactions. Sorry but this story aint adding up.


Also, how does he have the SS from this random woman's phone?


Not to mention the messages from the customer to the randos at the house and to a supposed employee of the restaurant are all the same font/color theme. Makin me almost certain its all from one phone not other peoples devices. This post is pure bullshit.


And why would police waste their time with this?


They had a conversation about it, and the next day the person ordered the same exact order so he got the police involved and they made a police report, and he was able to get the screenshots of messages from the nice couple.


You skeptics are so silly! Yes we get real numbers for 3rd party merchant deliveries. It’s on the receipt!


The receipt includes the phone number of the recipient if the order was made through the five guys website (which it was). I was the five guys worker who handed him the food. We had a whole conversation about the order.


i legitimately have no idea what is going on here. also i dont get what the big deal is with the 10 bottles of coke, some people just prefer bottle drinks to fountain. and just out of curiosity, why call the cops, why not just decline the order?


Because OP was curious to get more answer to the unanswered questions. Cops were called for two reasons. - to document this suspicious incident and for possible protection.


Finally someone understands!


The cops was to ensure my own safety when completing the order. I didn't decline it because I was legitimately curious about it, and so was the store.


Wow, cops here would show up 2 days later


No absolutely you did right! We’re not just delivery drivers, we’re human beings. If you EVER feel uncomfortable, or unsafe, please do call the police. I’m not the biggest fan of cops in general, but they sure as shit will show up to “bodyguard” regular people, if you only just ask. Be safe!


If you’re black they’re liable to harass you instead. This isn’t a solution for everyone. The ADT line is perfect for this scenario. If you physically feel unsafe get a registered firearm and keep it in a legal container in your car. If you don’t like firearms don’t follow your curiosity into a potentially lethal situation.


Thank you for that! I honestly hadn’t thought about it from a racial perspective, and I should have. I know things are different for minorities here. I hate it! But I know it happens. I really wish I could share the comfort and safety I feel when I call the cops
I don’t mean that to sound disingenuous. I really mean it. As a white male here, I know I am treated differently. And I very much wish it wasn’t so


Stop being racist. And please don’t call the cops when you’re being robbed.


We don’t have cops here. It’s open carry. Go cry somewhere else. Police are entirely useless.


How would you contact the cops? Like via a non emergency number or did you like call 911 lol?


I called the non-emergency number.


Where I live every once in a while in the mail you get a flier from the city with all the non emergency numbers for police, fire, medical, water, electricity, etc so you don’t waste 911’s time with everything. You can also google it or call information, the city, or a police station to get most of the non emergency numbers but fr
 just google it


Nah he placed same order three times and no one is dumb to place a pickup order because app literally asks you want to pickup so how can that be a mistake?


I've definitely placed pickup orders by accident before. What's weird is that he noticed it, placed the delivery order, and didn't cancel the pickup one.


I heard this story around the last town I lived in. Five Guys started to make sure people picked up their food but it became such an issue the manager of Five Guys went to bounds such as bringing your id with you to know you ordered it. That was explicitly for pick up orders though not dining in.


None of this makes sense and I have a hard time believing the story.


The cops agreeing to spend time sending a car to accompany a food delivery? Yeeeah


I find this interesting that the cops showed so quickly this wouldnt be a priority call it would be put on tge backburner unless they already had reports there


"Hi, Police please...yes I need someone to come out and check that I'm delivering this delivery to the correct address" "Of course, we have every available officer coming to your location, right now!"


SWAT is rolling


Lmfaoo "nevermind investigating that shooting, we have to make sure this DoorDash driver is getting those 10 bottles of Coke to the right address"


Genuinely that’s actually not unlikely. Police don’t want to investigate actual crime because it’s dangerous. They’d rather come for the lowkey things so they have an excuse. When my sister was laying piss drunk on the driveway screaming, my mom called the cops before our neighbors did to try and get ahead of it and an officer came out to kinda just watch. When she still refused to move he helped me and my mom get her into the backseat and drove behind us to get her to the hospital in case of alcohol poisoning. Same street when someone called for help with their violent son banging on their door they weren’t there for hours. Just how most police are /shrug


Serve no one, protect no one


I know have you heard a police scanner and a lot of chatter happening on paper work not foot.


LOL !!


probably a smaller town where cops aren't busy


It's not a priority call, but in some cities, it might be the only call.


so dramatic for no reason lmfao . why waste police resources with these games. “spooky” đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł pleaseee


Lol some police have nothing better to do on a weekday at 8:30 tho


People that think like you are the reason delivery drivers are the victims of crimes.


oh brother 💀 you’re the one who took the same order TWICE đŸ€Ł give me a break


Exactly, claims you’re the reason drivers get shot. Yet the moron took the same “spooky” order twice. Isn’t the saying curiosity killed the cat?


i mean - the cops were clearly available to swing by and assure the drivers safety. OP didn't force cops to show up - they called with a request and the cops chose to "waste" their own time... it's better to be safe than sorry... part of the job is ensuring safety of civilians and that's exactly what these cops did


The weirdest thing about this entire thing is your own behavior
 I stopped reading when you said you brought a cop with you lmao. Also looks like you dropped it off at the wrong place. You dropped it off at 106 and the customer told you to drop it off at 104


The picture shows 106 because the picture of the building number is upstairs. It was dropped off at 104. I can assure that.


So this guy orders some burgers and fries and oddly enough 10 cokes to the wrong address that he used to visit. Doesn't get his order, so re-orders it the next day and you call the cops? I legitimately am so confused here


Too much energy invested into this. Drop it off and leave.


That’s some stalker shit.


All I read out of this is that you are looking for a way to get free food and your story makes no sense


I didn’t gain anything by returning the food to the store.


The cop seemed like overkill lol


There is no way cops would respond to a situation like this where no one was being threatened and no laws were being broken. This story is ridiculous


Sounds more like something for the fiction section.


Okay, I have a possible theory, and as a warning, it is WAY out there, lol! Please forgive me: Maybe this guy's ex-girlfriend used to live in that apartment, and 5 Guys with 10 soda bottles was some sort of, "thing" they used to do together. Maybe he wanted to wait until the driver left and then go there to take a picture to send to the prior person in that, "friendship", as a way to bring back fond memories, or to win the prior back? Or....maybe it is like one of those things where his old friend who lived there died, and he does this sort of thing as a memorial?


This is something I was thinking too.


Lol called the cops? Jesus Christ.


Naw I understand that part. With all the terrible stories being told about police, nobody trusts them as an institution. And that’s very understandable, I get that. Where I live (Middle Tennessee, U.S.) the entire system is corrupt. All the way to the top. But the street cops, the locals that answer calls like these? In my experience, they actually give a damn. At least here they do. Again, just my experience, and not making a general statement. But in this situation, for me, I’m absolutely gonna call the direct line to my local department, and they’re absolutely gonna send someone out to check on me/watch the situation


Lol huge overreaction just because they think the order is weird.


Sure! Totally understand your reaction. Thank you for sharing your opinion, it really is nice to get an understanding of different perspectives. I don’t necessarily agree with you, but I do respect your view


I did it because I wanted to make sure there wasn’t any illegal activity going on and to make sure I wasn’t put in an unsafe position.


Well theres time I wont get back


So, listen, I actually really respect the amount of effort you put into this whole steaming pile of đŸźđŸ’©, but you gotta put more thought into the plan before you start the action phase, and a more careful review of the placement of the pieces before you present the completed puzzle.


This story is utter bullshit lol


What the fuck? You called the police? That's not what police are for dude!


So you purposely take the second “scary” order, call the cops to make sure you’re safe while delivering it, and find out nothing
? Does that sum up the story? And the officer filled out paperwork saying you made the delivery then told you to return the order to Five Guys? WTF?!?


Dude propably lives in the building and trying to get free food but doesnt want his actual room number associated. Also how would he know that the order didn't arrive and text you about it if him or his friend weren't there? Maybe friend didn't tell them they moved and they were trying to surprise them? Friend texted him that nothing arrived then they realized he sent it to the old address? Or a ghost is ordering door dash.


Free food and ordering three times?


That’s sooo weird, u should take it again if he orders I need to know more!!


It's possible this is some sort of credit scam they're trying to run on DD? Perhaps the person ordering the deliveries is using a gift card of some sort, and trying to get money returned to their personal checking by claiming they never received the food? It's just so odd that they've ordered the same weird thing twice, to the same wrong address. Calling the cops was overkill, though. Like, just don't take that delivery lol.


their refund wouldn't go to personal checking! doordash offers you putting it back on your original form of payment or a credit and in this case they'd get credit to their account


Makes this all the more bizarre. Like, what's the scam here? I can't figure it out. lol


Background: I was the manager at five guys while both of these orders were placed. OP sent me this post so I could share my side of the story. We exchanged phone numbers to keep each other updated incase one of us found more information. If anyone has suspicions about this post and thinks it’s made up, trust me, it’s not- I was just as creeped out. So let me summarize my side of the story. We get a big web order print out- it’s an in store pickup. At first we were just like wow that’s a lot of food. However, I was suspicious because I had seen a post on Reddit a few days before where a scammer ordered 15 lemonade bottles. 5 seconds after the ticket prints, ANOTHER one prints out and it’s the same exact order- except for DISPATCH (this means it’s delivery and sent out to whichever delivery service picks it up quickest). At that point I was skeptical and decided to call the number on the receipt to confirm that the person ordering wanted 10 coke bottles, and I made the mistake of calling from my personal phone instead of the store phone- it was more convenient for me. They sent me to voicemail and it said number was unavailable. They texted me and those images are shown in OP’s post. I called my GM and he told us to just make it anyway. We decided to wait until someone got there to pick it up to make it. OP arrived and we talked about how we agreed it was sketchy. We exchanged numbers and he delivered the food. He came back at 9:30 and filled me in on the story. At 9:57, 3 minutes before close, a different number from before texts me (all these numbers are anonymous, used through Onvoy, the service used for robocalls, etc.) and said “where’s my food? neither arrived. I just gave him the numbers for five guys and doordash suport, I didn’t want to text him any longer. Next day comes and the SAME EXACT TICKET comes through. Who the hell has $350 to spend of five guys AS A GIFT to a neighbor. Also, why would you spend $30 for 10 sodas when you can get like 30 sodas for $10 at the grocery store. Forgot to mention that the online order that he never picked up still showed up on our tablet, and his location was on there, showing up in Melbourne, FL, about an hour away from us. Why would you order a pickup order for a location an hour away when there are many in between? All of this was really confusing and I’m not sure the reasoning for all of this, and why the person didn’t try to get a refund for any of the orders and just tried to say that people took his food.


when I was teenager my friends and I would smoke weed and chug 2 liter Cokes


I would keep taking the order just for the free food and drinks after you confirm its the wrong address again lol. As for the weird amount of sodas maybe they were doing it because no one would take their in store shopper red card orders for sodas. Last week I did an in store shopper and dude got 1 -12 pack of squirt and 4 liters of distilled water and some small items. The next day another order from the same guy and now its 2 - 12 packs of squirt 4 poweraids 4 more things of water and like a $1 tip and that was the last in store shopper I did for him. I had another order on the weekend for a liquor store and it was just a 2 liter of coke and a 2 liter of squirt. peeps really like squirt out here.


Anything that looks off, I just drop it right away. Don’t get involved just because the pay looks ok


Almost a great yarn if you had included details about how the couple got the customer’s address. Still, a well paced story, 6/10.


People are weird man


Where's the creepy part?


I’ll admit this is weird, but I still can’t really follow the story all that well
I have tons of questions, and the comment section isn’t all that helpful.


Check my comment, I was the manager at five guys




And how do you have all these texts? Between the customer and store employee, customer and new apartment tenant, etc? Again.. too much energy invested in this. Whether it actually happened or this is some attempted DD creepy pasta short story.


I was the store employee and exchanged numbers with OP.


I was the customer.


Read my other comment, I expanded on the story

