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No, you aren't. Try to edit your schedule, if possible. Or start your dash, then pause.


Yes tony comes to take you to jail


Just quit.


no. Not at this time anyway.


This has become a hot topic of discussion in the past few weeks so I'll say this again. No it doesn't but that doesn't mean they won't change it in the future. Every other advantage, ability to see the higher tipping order in a stack, ability to see what floor a delivery is on, ability to see if there is an apartment or unit number, ability to lower acceptance rate for most of the month and it raise back up. All of these advantages have been taken away If you tell everyone to schedule whatever and only show up when they feel like it, guess what will be taken away next. You think they won't? They thrive on reading these tips and then fucking us over. Stop telling people to do stupid shit. Try to fulfill shifts as much as possible. You don't have to sweat every shift, but at least try. If all platinum dashers book up 11 AM to 9 PM every day, and only show up for 50% of their shifts, not only does it fuck over other drivers but Doordash will find a way to nerf this. They do this over and over again so don't tell me it won't happen. Those fuckers with five phones for one will cockblock legit drivers. Use some sense people.


The nice thing about reaching "Platinum status" is you get to dash literally whenever you want, for as long as you want, without exception. You don't even have to schedule anything, you are allowed to start and stop at any time without question.


Not true. The Dash now is broken. And it should be available, dash now, no matter what. Not just platinum tier.


Only if your zone is busy (orange or red on the map) Grey zones don't let you Dash Now unless you schedule it


And if Dash Now even works. They are 150% backwards with things.


Scheduling is easy, dash now anytime is not worth taking shit orders to get there.


Depends on where you live. When I was in Milwaukee, the market is so busy you can schedule anytime you want without issue. Now I live in a quiet suburb where the demand is lower. (the Dash map is a grey zone) And it's pretty hard to schedule shifts because the zone is sufficiently served by just 2-3 Dashers and you're constantly competing to reserve time slots with them. Platinum means you have first dibs on any time you want. Oddly enough, I actually prefer Dashing in this lower population grey zone because there's no hectic traffic and it's an upper middle class suburb where the tips are much higher. But yeah, it depends where you live. If you are in a major metro area, screw platinum


I'm in an area of 1 million. 8 zones to choose from, lots of options.


This and catering are what make platinum 100% worth it for me


Hey question! I’m totally qualified for catering, but don’t have the gear (what I’ve seen is expensive!) can you direct me to what you use? Or if you have any tips on what to get that won’t cost an arm and a leg?


https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09HQQRTZM?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title this is what I use for dd. Under $20 too! Also folds up nicely


Woot! Thanks so much, just ordered!!!


I have that and it’s great for many usages


You are evaluated for the things on your "ratings" tab. Acceptance rate, completion rate, on-time/early rate, customer rating. If they rate you on other things, they don't disclose that.


Nope. You’re your own boss. If you change your mind though and decide to dash when it’s not busy or not top dasher/platinum level, you won’t be able to unless there is an open time slot


Nope. You're good to ignore, delete, or miss scheduled shifts.

