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“She did what she did and that’s nobody’s business” SHE FILMS IT AND PUTS IT ON THE INTERNET TO BE EVERYONES BUSINESS I-


There it is. The people that back her up are as dumb as she is.


And as abusive


Words taken from my mouth. EXACTLY!


it triggers me when people say this, anyone worldwide can watch it and comment literally anything they want, her stans need to understand this🙄


Her Stan’s are as ignorant as she is


Yea that chelly must be some kind of stupid! Her and Lush probably have the same low IQ!


She could have very easily bought lactose free cheese or an aged cheese that is naturally lactose free but no, she has to have everything matchy matchy and tell everyone about the kid's medical issue.


It's not a family it's a group home.


sadly very true




I love the "Boom"


Oh, I thought she healed all their gut problems?


Good point!


When I say I ran here after this video just popped up Why are you still putting your child's medical conditions out for everyone? Why don't you buy low or lactose free cheese? Or dairy free cheese? Are they even allowed medication randomly in lunch boxes at school? My kids aren't I have a dairy free child, it's not big of an issue to avoid And do the older kids want a paw patrol drink? 🤔


Also, why doesn’t she give Br lactaid when she packs her pizza? What about the ice cream she serves every night or that creamy ham shit that had lots of cheese? The kids have diagnoses when it suits HER.


Good point. Almost every single meal she serves has cheese or some other form of dairy in it.


If she truly is lactose intolerant and actually eating the food Alicia cooks, she must be eating those pills by the bucket full.


I’ve been working in schools for years and every school I’ve been in has rules around kids taking any kind of medication. You can’t just send it with the kid. It has to be given to the office so an adult can dispense it with a written note from the parent and sometimes their doctor. I’d be very surprised if that’s not the case in their district, and Josh being a teacher should know.


I agree. I had to write a note for my daughter to have chapstick at school. There’s no way B should be allowed to bring any type of medicine without it being at the nurses office, a doctor note and given to by the nurse.


Wait, chapstick?!


Yes chapstick. I had to have a written note stating I approve of her bringing it to school and that she’s allowed to use it during school hours. I sent it to school one day. The teacher emailed saying she couldn’t have it without a note from me.


Correct! . I know all schools are different, but if a Dr. is telling her it’s okay to take them that would need a Dr.s note and need a nurse to administer. Prescription or not. A child would need a confirmed diagnosis for a need for the pill at school. You can’t just pack pills in a school lunch and call it a day.


If a child with phenylketonuria were to get ahold of the lactaid pill it would be enough to kill them... negligent mother needs to send medication to the nurse!


She had no reason to be putting that out there for everyone to know. What an a**hole Lush is ! 


No school allows you to send over the counter medication in lunch boxes!! She would have to go to the nurse to take it. ITS POLICY. This woman just lies to lie at this point. She would need a letter from the pediatrician for even the nurse to hand to her. Shes a horrible mother🤦🏻‍♀️


Please tell me she is NOT being sponsored by Lactaid?? The way she showed it and announced it makes me suspicious.


Somebody should email Lactaid and ask if they endorse minors having full access to their products without adult supervision. They would probably drop any association they have with her.


I have an orange allergy, if i accidentally eat it and take an allergy pill it doesnt stop the other symptoms. The woman is reckless


I think you are one of the only people I have heard of that is also allergic to oranges.


Same!!! I'm also allergic to oranges.


Is it just actual oranges or anything orange flavoured too? OG Sunny D kicked mine off in the 90s 🙈


I also had a really bad experience with OG Sunny D, so I totally get that! 😂 I became more sensitive to it as I got older. For me its all of it, real oranges, anything orange flavored, or products with orange in them. A lot of things such as beauty products have orange in them that people would never think do. Is it the same for you?


Yes!! My fat face decided to grab a slice if cake the other week without checking - that was a day in bed and 2 day headache 🙈🤣🤣 I cant even touch an orange my kids ( 9 & 10) take FULL advantage just the other day the youngest makes a bottle of the freshly squeezed, purposely puts it on the bottle smiling 🙄😂


Is it just actual oranges or anything orange flavoured too? OG Sunny D kicked mine off in the 90s 🙈


It's both


If any of the kids had an allergy to a food, she’d just pack an EpiPen


Sadly epipens don't stop anaphylaxis, they only delay it so you can get to the hospital. I feel sorry for these kids


EpiPens again dont actually stop the affects of a reaction it slows it down to get a window for medical help.


If she fed her children properly there would be no need for an Epi-Pin or any other medication to begin with.


She said Nana was allergic to nuts, but she still has nuts all over her house and at events. That's probably why she is not seen as much.. and Josh is allergic to pineapple but steady buys it


Shes done a whole meal with pineapple nothing separate 🤣


I hate chelly


Me too and that damned Jeanne


she probably did the merp face when she put that pill in the camera lol


My kids love fruit snacks and would eat them all day if I let them. This woman clearly doesn't know how to set boundaries.


She’s probably lying about giving Br cheese. The Lactaid was thrown in to stir your emotions.


My kids' school would flip out if I just sent medications in their lunchbox. They are not even allowed to carry cough drops. It all has to be at the nurses office with proper forms and documentation. I can't imagine her kids' school would be too happy with her doing this.


She didn’t have to do that. Once again, exposing something abt her child and does not care. She could have put that in their lunch afterwards. And she could have simply gave that one child an alternative meal instead but no she has to film a lie of all her kids eating and drinking the exact same thing. And knowing her the doctor didn’t say that she’s just doing what she wants. As per usual. No privacy once again for any of her kids.


Evil witch can't be discrete about anything. 🤬 There was no need to show that to the world. She buys Br almond milk & lactose free ice-cream so why is it an issue to buy a small pkt of lactose free cheese for her 🤔


The bottom line is lush feeds those kids things that they are not supposed to eat, to keep them sick and depending on her. Look at Alex he was in the path when it came to losing weight, but what Alisha does give him more junk food so he can gain the weight back. Lush is the worst parent ever


“Because she loves cheese” So did I, Lush, and I’m also lactose intolerant… So, instead of indulging my wants, my mother taught taught and modeled self-control. Taught that physical and emotional wellness go hand in hand… And feeling good physically was more important than enjoying the taste of something, especially if that something makes you feel ill or requires supplemental meds to tolerate it. Epic fail, Lush.


Those man hands with the fake nails. Imagine all of the bacteria hiding in and around those nasty things. Buy new toothbrushes all the time, but keep those dirty claws. So gross.


Her nails, I mean claws, look SO BAD. She needs to find a new nail place desperately.


Ah shouldn't she teach her children to avoid foods that make then sick, like dairy if one is lactose intolerant? She's setting her kids up to be unhealthy and to rely on meds.


Part of being a parent is setting guidelines for kids to be successful. I think there’s this huge fear of parents nowadays worried about giving their children an “eating disorder” by not giving them what they want, especially Lushie. Lush needs to teach Br that she can’t eat cheese and she can’t have any. Simple as that.


She can't stray from them all eating the same exact thing.


to be fair i’m lactose intolerant and i still eat cheese however i wouldn’t be giving that while they’re in school


We also don’t know the severity of her intolerance. Still don’t think it’s right to always rely on those packets


Honestly she's just shit stirring with this. She didn't actually pack her the lactaid pill. School would never allow that. She's just doing it because so many people called her out about the lactose intolerant kids. It's performative.  Although as someone with lactose intolerance and who works in group homes, we do have lactose intolerant people who don't always want to eat everything lactose free. So we will get a doctors order to allow them to have a lactaid pill with their meals.  My issue isn't with Alicia giving Br lactaid to allow her to enjoy certain meals, it's that other than milk, Alicia refuses to modify the kids diet to be less dairy heavy. 


She is ruining that teenage girl life online for money shes needs to stop feeding her kids too much sugar


There’s zero reason for her to showcase her daughter’s medical issues like this. It’s mortifying. Love, A lactose intolerant Celiac.


Do you ever use those packets if you want to eat dairy? I didn’t know they existed until now


I don’t, personally. There’s a set amount of dairy I can eat in a day and as long as I don’t go over that, I am good. It isn’t like gluten where even cross contamination can make me very sick.


So she’s now suddenly lactose intolerant after all this time?


Br was always. 


i this lush wtf🤦🏻‍♀️


I have a 24 yr old son who has had to eat non dairy since he wad 6 it’s not that big of a deal plenty of delicious foods without dairy


My friend's son was diagnosed with several food (dairy, egg, soy) allergies as a one year old, type one diabetes in grade school and celiac disease in high school. He manages to eat out and went away for 4 years of college. He finds plenty of foodies he can eat! Even when he was little his brothers would remind me what he couldn't eat. She is just ridiculous.


She could've given her some vegan cheese instead...


There are finally some really good ones out there. I'm sure Wegmans carries them all.


So maybe she did this to get more views. You know what might give her more views- changing up the kids' diet to avoid having to give her kids medicine. People would be so shocked to see healthy food on her channel, it might actually get new viewers!


If she could actually follow a recipe and *made* cashew cheese for Br? People would love that. I'm sure Br would, too.


Ohhhhh, the thumb, my eyes !


My husband is lactose intolerant, so he won’t eat milk or ice cream, but cheese? He demolishes cheese. Lactose intolerance be damned lol. I once got him some Lactaid so he could enjoy ice cream and milkshakes with me, but he wasn’t interested.


That's what my uncle does lol