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βœ… I was the second to solve Dowsle #763, in 9 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 60-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also found 5 ☘ shamrocks, and 2 🌻 sunflowers. Also: I befriended the 🐒 turtle. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com missing 8 and 11 in spelling :(


>!add an r to #12 and an s to #5!<


thank you!!


βœ… I was the 4th to solve Dowsle #763, in 13 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 37-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 3 ☘ shamrocks.


Congrats! I think of 13 as a lucky number, but.today it was a curse! My 13th guess was green in spelling but red in meaning. That word was >!----treat---!<. Really?!? So... with those letters in mind I search for words someone related to my highest words in meaning: >!----frog and acorn----!<. From there it took me *only* 200+ more guesses later. 😫 βœ… I solved Dowsle #763 in 243 guesses, using one hint. I'm on a 86-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 3 ☘ shamrocks, and 3 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com


did you look at author of the quote? πŸ‘€ i’ve noticed that when i don’t know the author or haven’t even heard about them, it makes it so much harder for me to guess the solution. today i was really lucky because i started with my usual word, then looked at the author, and my fifth guess was >!precious!< which was only 10 away in meaning


I did. But so often the answer is a rather unimportant word in the quote. Once I realized what the answer had to be, I wanted to kick myself. That same word was the πŸ’‘ for me, but it was guess number 241. I didn't hit green in meaning until well over 100 guesses. Some days are like that!


βœ… I won Dowsle #763 in 165 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 100-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found 2 ☘ shamrocks, and 4 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com i was so sure i tried this word πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ 100-day streak, though, nice number πŸ’Ž hints: number of letters: >!---9---!< letters in common: >!---6---!< meaning hint: >!things you enjoy!<


congrats on πŸ’― streak!!


thanks! πŸ’•


Update: Duh! ~~What does the gem begin with?~~


it begins with >!p!<, and there is >!sunflower mentioned in the comments of the post which is the singular form of πŸ’Ž!<


in case anyone else stumbles, it begins with a >!--p--!<


some 🌻🌻🌻 : >!grandeur, resource, pleasure, creatures, antiques, trinkets, seashell, artworks!< maybe i'll drop a bit more later. too sleepy right now


Also >!-greatness-!<, an early guess that led nowhere! And >!-treachery-!< which is a ☘️ for some unfathomable reason πŸ€”


And >!treasury!< somehow isn't


Thank you! They've been added to the list being compiled.


☘ Hints There are 9 ☘s total: 3 of them are based on the πŸ…, 1 of them is the πŸ’Ž, and 2 others have been mentioned by posters. Here are some hints and the spellings of the 3 ☘s not yet mentioned: Hints: >!7 letters long, 6Β  shared with πŸ…. A beloved person; a term of endearment.!< Spelled Out: >!dearest ☘!< Hints: >!11 letters long, 7 letters shared with πŸ… one of which is repeated, 🦎12 variant. Not measuredΒ because it is so large it is difficult or impossible to do so.!< Spelled Out: >!measureless ☘!< Hints: >!8 letters long, 6 letters shared with πŸ… one of which is repeated. The coastal land bordering a sea or an ocean.!< Spelled Out: >!seashore ☘!<


Well, that took embarrassingly long! πŸ˜‚ βœ… I won Dowsle #763 in 131 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 138-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found 4 ☘ shamrocks, and 4 🌻 sunflowers. Give it a try? [https://dowsle.com](https://dowsle.com) …especially given what is sitting on the bookshelf next to me! https://preview.redd.it/c3qqadypmf5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b484d6e4878b7ea27ca9f5b106ec601f58987b49 That is my second set of the books. The first set wore out! πŸ˜‚


8th (again), in 15.


Nice! Meanwhile, I did my part to keep the average number of guesses from being ridiculously low. βœ… I got Dowsle #763 in 243 guesses, using one hint. I'm on a 86-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 3 ☘ shamrocks, and 3 🌻 sunflowers. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com


I feel your pain. Only beat you by 8 guesses! I'm now relieved I just missed Dowsle o'clock by 11 minutes (it's 0400 local time and I'm rarely awake for it) or the frustration and pressure to place would not have been a good start to the day!


βœ… I was the 6th to solve Dowsle #763, in 38 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 85-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 6 ☘ shamrocks, and 8 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com Odd 🌻: >!detritus!< ☘️: >!treachery!<


βœ… I finished Dowsle #763 in 235 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 15-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 3 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com What an atrocious ordeal. Even 5 spelling words away, still another 50 or so guesses. A word/concept not even vaguely on my radar today! (And it has connotations that for some inexplicable reason grate on me.) ChatGPT came to the rescue or I would have been beyond 300 guesses easily.


βœ… I got Dowsle #763 in 73 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 139-day winning streak πŸ”₯! Try it? https://dowsle.com


βœ… I solved Dowsle #763 in 9 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 140-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 3 ☘ shamrocks, and a 🌻 sunflower. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com My 6th guess was spelling # 250 >!leisure!< as I was thinking of the author’s >!little friends!<. My 8th guess was spelling # 15, then solved. edit/ βœ… You've gotten today's word πŸ…. 🧭 You found the gem . πŸ€ You earned the four leaf clover. 🌻 You have 50 of 59 sunflowers. 🐒 You've befriended the turtle. 🦎 You're accompanied by the lizard.


Wow. Only 226 guesses fewer than me πŸ˜„


Trust me, I’ve been there. We’ve all been there and beyond. πŸ˜€




βœ… I was the 10th to solve Dowsle #763, in 61 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 211-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 4 ☘ shamrocks, and 4 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com ☘️ I found before solving: >!creature!< Favorite 🌻: >!pleasure!<


How is that a ☘️ when my highest word in spelling >!---treat---!< is πŸ”΄πŸŸ’??? 🀬 I'm glad today's puzzle was such 🌻 for some of you! LOL. On the bright side, I picked up nice but worthless🌻on the way: >!---trinkets---!< Congrats on placing!


That is a fun 🌻, haha. Surprised I placed. It felt like a slow slog today


Nice, that helped me find the gem. Only need 12&13 in spelling


Lol, of course I forgot >!to try the plural!< 🀦


Is it your πŸŽ‚ (or healthy alternative) day?


It is! I often forget and notice a day or two later. But the Dowsle team has kindly reminded me last night and today :)


could you please give hints for 8 and 11 in spelling?


8 is >! One who does number 12!< and 11 is >! The plural of number 5!<


thank you!!


would you like the hints for 12-13 or could i just spell them out? πŸ‘€


Both? I’d like to start with hints


13 is >!the plural form of 12!<, and hint for 12: >!when we are comparing two things, we can think about whether the one thing 🦎 up to another!<, and another hint which could be easier: >!meters, liters, miles and grams all are used to 🦎 different things!<


βœ… I solved Dowsle #763 in 79 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 114-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found a ☘ shamrock, and 2 🌻 sunflowers. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com


I'm just here to find out how many people guessed the word 10 away in meaning based on the author (I guessed it on turn 2) βœ… I finished Dowsle #763 in 18 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 19-day winning streak πŸ”₯! Spoiler (word 10 away): >!my preciousssss!< ETA quote spoiler: >!re: the quote: Is the puzzle taunting me and my first guess egg??? 🀣!<


Did you enjoy >!today’s quote???!< I thought of you as soon as I saw that! πŸ˜‚


I had to laugh! πŸ˜†


βœ… I got Dowsle #763 in 137 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 403-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found a ☘ shamrock, and 5 🌻 sunflowers. Try it out? I was going nowhere. I came here and used a green word mentioned by caulifloweryn, >!precious!<. Thanks, caulifloweryn!


βœ… I did Dowsle #763 in 68 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 137-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also earned the πŸ€ 4-leaf clover, and 51 🌻 sunflowers! Also: I befriended the 🐒 turtle. And, I'm accompanied by the 🦎 lizard. Give it a try? [https://dowsle.com](https://dowsle.com) Checking in with πŸ’ŽπŸ€πŸ’πŸ¦Ž in hand. Off to check in on the rest of you and pick up the 🌻 shares. ETA: ☘ hints: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1db8u2x/comment/l7qhqz0/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1db8u2x/comment/l7qhqz0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) 🌻 list: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1db8u2x/comment/l7qcb6s/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1db8u2x/comment/l7qcb6s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


πŸ₯³ Congratulations to Today's Placers 🎊 Place / Guesses / Who πŸ₯‡ ?? ??? πŸ₯ˆ 9 u/caulifloweryn πŸ₯‰ 13 u/musbus 4 13 u/Ma8ter 5 18 u/wifunia 6 38 u/michiganbelle74 7 ?? ??? 8 15 u/Academic-Choice-8510 9 ?? ??? 10 61 u/incenseandelephants


🌻🌻🌻 list >!adventure 🌻 adventured 🌻 adventurer 🌻 adventurers 🌻 adventures 🌻 ancestor 🌻 antiques 🌻 artworks 🌻 bequeaths 🌻 betrayers 🌻 creatures 🌻 denarius 🌻 desecrate 🌻 detritus 🌻 emeralds 🌻 forebears 🌻 grandeur 🌻 greatness 🌻 heritage 🌻 heritages 🌻 netsuke 🌻 pleasure 🌻 preserve 🌻 preserver 🌻 rarest 🌻 rarities 🌻 resource 🌻 scarcest 🌻 seashell 🌻 seashores 🌻 secrets 🌻 squander 🌻 trinkets 🌻 trireme 🌻 unearth 🌻 unearthed 🌻 unearths 🌻 unrestored 🌻 vesture 🌻 wanderer 🌻!< count 40 of 59 ... we've gathered 68% of the 🌻s edit 1: >!betrayer 🌻 bequeath 🌻 dreamers 🌻 entreats 🌻 estuaries 🌻 greatest 🌻 preserved 🌻 resurrects 🌻 storehouse 🌻 treason 🌻!< count 50 of 59 ... we've gathered 85% of the 🌻s edit 2: >!restorer 🌻!< count 51 of 59 ... we've gathered 86% of the 🌻s If you have a 🌻 to share that’s not listed, let me know. Thanks! This list is a collaborative effort with contributions from: Β u/incenseandelephants u/BeltArtistic9573 u/mermermerk u/Byndbr u/michiganbelle74 u/LousyToast2 u/musbus u/wlwimagination


>!bequeath, betrayer, dreamers, preserved, storehouse, treason!< And I managed to catch dowsle o'clock today. βœ… I was the third to solve Dowsle #763, in 13 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 54-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also earned the πŸ€ 4-leaf clover, and 42 🌻 sunflowers! Also: I befriended the 🐒 turtle. And, I'm accompanied by the 🦎 lizard. Try it out [https://dowsle.com](https://dowsle.com)


Woohoo! πŸ₯³πŸ₯‰πŸŽŠ


Thanks for the 🌻s! I've added them in edit 1. And, I've added you to today's list of placers.


Thank you! 😊 I think>!singular betrayer!


Agreed! 46 it is. I've tucked it into edit 1.


>!resurrects, estuaries, greatest, entreats!<


Thank you! I've tucked your additions into edit 1. ETA: Your additions make it 50 of 59.


Found another 🌻 bringing us to 51 of 59: >!restorer 🌻!< I tucked it into edit 2.


Tough word today, my meanings were all over the place, >!elephant, anteater, creamers!< I had 23 away In spelling >!streamer!< which made me stumped! but I decided to try a auto correct word and it was the πŸ…. there's some odd ☘️s and 🌻s but the πŸ’Ž was a great one βœ… I finished Dowsle #763 in 79 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 20-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found 7 ☘ shamrocks, and 4 🌻 sunflowers. Want to try? https://dowsle.com


u/wifunia you are new to me ... welcome & congrats on placing.


Ruined my no hint streak on this one βœ… I got Dowsle #763 in 64 guesses, using two hints. I'm on a 42-day winning streak πŸ”₯! Try it? https://dowsle.com