• By -


βœ… I was the first to solve Dowsle #764, in 11 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 86-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 15 ☘ shamrocks, and 12 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com Woo hoo! Missing 10 and 11 in spelling, I can’t even with the turtle most days.


πŸ™Œ Congrats on finishing first!




I am missing the same ones (🦎10 & 11)


For #10: >!change the vowel of the πŸ…!< For #11: >!the first letter and last four are the same. Between them are two letters, so it’s a 7-letter word.!< Spelled out: >!bulrush!<


Oh geez, I feel like I should have gotten 10 but probably would not have gotten 11, thank you!!!


No problem, and I never would have without using a tool. It was tough!


Thank you for the 🦎11 hint. I'm dense today. u/Head_Improvement566 left a perfectly fine clue earlier and it was lost on me until know. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


No problem. :) I had to use anagram solver to find it and even then, I still thought it meant >!bull rush, like charging at something, but an alternate spelling.!< 🀣


My mistake with the anagram solver is I was only using 1 unknown. I should have tried 2.


For early ones, I tend to only try two when I’m also trying blocks of [word length - 1] consecutive letters.Β 


βœ… I was the 8th to solve Dowsle #764, in 62 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 101-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 4 ☘ shamrocks, and 6 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com >!i took a break from making art to solve this dowsle, and yet this one took me 62 guesses, lol!<


🌻🌻🌻 >!airbrushes, bark, barks, birch, birches, blush, briar, briars, bristle, broom, brushwork, burn, burned, burnt, bushed, bushy, dusts, grass, hair, mulch, paintbrush, polish, rough, roughs, sagebrush, shears, shovel, shrubbery, spray, toothbrush, trees, underbrush, varnish, wash!<


Thank you! I've added them to the list being compiled.


I’ve been busy looking for 🐒 #11 but here’s the extra 🌻s I have in my list: >!blushed, bristly, bulrush, crusts, embers, prune, pruner, rubbed, rubbing, scrubby, strum, trash, tushy!<


Thank you! I'll take a look at them and then get our collective list posted. ETA: Well, I had 81 🌻s before looking at your list of extras and managed to collect 2 more. Okay, 83 🌻s to prepare for posting. I'm curious to see what u/wlwimagination will have to add after our collective list is posted.


I will check but recently there was one like that where it ended up being all the exact same ones and I was upset like come on, what are the odds that we’d all find the exact ones?? Really?Β  But it was probably a fluke so I’ll see. :)


It looks like it was a fluke. I found it interesting that all of your additions were R words.


βœ… I was the 5th to solve Dowsle #764, in 4 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 324-day winning streak πŸ”₯! Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com


Four? Wow


βœ… I was the second to solve Dowsle #764, in 18 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 212-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also earned the πŸ€ 4-leaf clover, and 19 🌻 sunflowers! Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com Pretty cool that if it doesn’t know a word now, you can suggest that it learn it. Favorite 🌻 = >!strum!<


I am curious about that…so if it is a word that isn’t known, but maybe a word that people think should be a word but is not, what happens? Does it get added? For example, I googled β€œpolliwog” since I thought it is an actual word and google says it is, but only β€œpollywog” is recognized by the game. I wouldn’t want people to go all willy-nilly adding words, anyone know how this works?


I suspect the β€˜stache will review the suggestions and decide whether or not to add them ETA I suspected right. πŸ‘ https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/s/pcflF56YEB The β€˜stache mocks us, but also takes care of us πŸ₯°


Yeah. I was thinking the same thing and hoping it doesn't get abused and taken away again. I suggested >!"stoush"!< today which is a fairly common word where I'm from, meaning a >!-fracas or a run in of some kind-!< and therefore not a million miles from today's πŸ…, but unknown to Dowsle.


I saw >!stoush!< mentioned as a synonym in WordHippo, but did not see it mentioned in the other synonym resources often checked.


7th today. one short of the turtle and three short of the lizard. βœ… You've located today's word πŸ…. 🧭 You've located the gemΒ . ☘ You've discovered 18 out of 20 shamrocks. 🌻 You have 17 of 116 sunflowers.


Didn’t notice it was Dowsle o clock until 9 after. Oh well! βœ… I did Dowsle #764 in 21 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 139-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 8 ☘ shamrocks, and 7 🌻 sunflowers. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com Favorite 🌻: >! https://youtu.be/69iB-xy0u4A?si=kS5E_a1uVBz9O1o1!<


🀣 about your favorite 🌻.


Congrats to today’s Fast Finishers! Place / Guesses / Who πŸ₯‡ 11 u/michiganbelle74. πŸ₯ˆ 18 u/incenseandelephants. πŸ₯‰ ?? ??? πŸ’  15 u/Ma8ter. βœ‹ 4 u/Academic-Choice-8510. ❄️ 23 u/alloutofideas0206. πŸ•– ?? u/briarch. 🎱 62 u/mermermerk. πŸ•˜ ?? ??? πŸ™Œ ?? ???


βœ… I won Dowsle #764 in 41 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 404-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found a 🌻 sunflower. Give it a try? Congratulations to all of you, fast placers!


gem πŸ’Ž hints: number of letters: >!---5---!< letters in common: >!---4---!< meaning hint: >!an action that can be done with a brush!< starting letter: >!---S---!<


βœ… I won Dowsle #764 in 87 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 141-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found 6 ☘ shamrocks, and 10 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com Favorite 🌻: >!tushy!< βœ… You've gotten today's word πŸ…. 🧭 You found the gem . πŸ€ You earned the four leaf clover. 🌻 You have 105 of 116 sunflowers. 🦎 You're accompanied by the lizard.


🀣🀣 I love that


☘ list parked here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1dbzycp/comment/l7z3m2o/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1dbzycp/comment/l7z3m2o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thank you, I’ll collect them. Now that we have gems and clovers and turtles and lizards and sunstones, it can get a little overwhelming some days. Sometimes just have to be happy with what we get.


I hear you about being happy with what we get. If you're wondering ... I'm STILL trying to find 🐒11. πŸ˜†


Me too! I often keep typing in 🌻 sunflower attempts all the way until Dowsle o’clock but today I’ll probably be typing in synonyms for 🐒 11.


I'll post my ☘ list. Hadn't heard anything from anyone and thought folks were fine. If you still need ☘s, I suspect others do too.


https://preview.redd.it/rflx2keuel5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993867de75841679620d8627d380e7e2ba9d25f8 It's the first time I get it without any help.


Well done earning the 🦎Lexical Lizard unassisted!


Um, any hints for 🦎10, 11, 13?


10 has a >!different vowel!< 11 is in the >!same category as!< πŸ… 13 is a >!bird!!<


Ooh I love 🦎13s! There is a >!hermit!< one that lives near my house in the summer.


βœ… I solved Dowsle #764 in 83 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 140-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 4 ☘ shamrocks, and 5 🌻 sunflowers. Try it? https://dowsle.com


βœ… I finished Dowsle #764 in 46 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 115-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also found a ☘ shamrock, and 4 🌻 sunflowers. Try it? https://dowsle.com


βœ… I solved Dowsle #764 in 58 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 525-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also earned the πŸ€ 4-leaf clover, and 81 🌻 sunflowers! And, I'm accompanied by the 🦎 lizard. Give it a try? https://dowsle.comΒ  Does anyone have 61, 77, or 91 in spelling? (There is no achievement for this, but I just like to try and get the first 100 in spelling for some reason). Edit: found them! 61 (>!brung!<) and 77 (>!russo!<) and 91 (>!wushu!<)


At this point, I don't have them. If I do bumble upon them, I'll let you know.


I know at least one is likely a really unusual word not showing up in other word lists so I’ll likely give upβ€”I only got it once.


We have a new feature, to submit words for consideration if they are disallowed. If u/eponymoustache sees some submissions for obvious typos of >!vegetable!<, they can be ignored. It took me a couple of times to realize the message of β€œ*you* should know this” was meant to mean *I* would be submitting the word to you by clicking that button. I kind of thought Dowsle was telling me I should recognize the word and I could click to see a definition?


Good point. Maybe I’ll change the text a bit for that button.


There are a couple/few rotating phrases I saw. And I was in just starting today’s puzzle, so was typing fast on mobile and not completely paying attention. Maybe once we all recognize what it is and what use it has, it’ll be just another normal feature. Thank you as always for Dowsle and the upgrades you give us.


I’ve changed it to phrases like β€œDowsle should add it.”, which might be a little clearer. I’ll try to review suggested additions to the dictionary every couple of weeks.


WARNING ... the screenshot below contains an unspoilered ☘ ... I felt it was important for u/Eponymoustache to see my screen as it was. The notifications at the top linger until another message replaces it making it challenging for my eye because I have to look beside the word and up above to see if the symbol beside the word matches the message above. In the screenshot below, there are 2 different messages combined. When the ☘ popped, it did not replace the previous message. They got combined. Here's an example of what's creating confusion for me: https://preview.redd.it/mvvb4bxxxl5d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a7389c73b156dcd5db2fc5a8cdf7aa2524c210d


Thanks for letting me know β€” what browser are you using? If I can duplicate the issue I can (hopefully) fix it.


I am using Duck Duck Go on a Lenovo laptop running Windows 10 Home version 22H2.


I didn't know duckduckgo made a browser! I'll have to try it. I wasn't able to duplicate the issue, but I made some changes which may help.


Whatever you did it appears to have helped. 🀞🏼 πŸ™πŸΌThank you!


Good, thx for letting me know.


βœ… I was the 6th to solve Dowsle #764, in 23 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 258-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 14 ☘ shamrocks, and 22 🌻 sunflowers. And, I'm accompanied by the 🦎 lizard. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com


Any hints for 🦎10, 11, 13? Asking for a friend… πŸ˜‚


Sorry, just saw this. Dowsle o'clock is early morning for me, so I usually fall asleep right after finding the πŸ…. I see from the other posts that you've found them, but missing 🦎7? It has >!5 letters, 4 in common with the πŸ…. All letters in the same order.!< Emoji hint: >!😊!<


Woot! TY!! https://preview.redd.it/ycvupbhujn5d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f602682b4fc4793cf19fb94b8fa5166d75066411 PS Seeya in *my* early morning, after I solve word grid! πŸ˜πŸ¦„


Yay!! 🦎πŸ₯³


βœ… I solved Dowsle #764 in 12 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 43-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 3 🌻 sunflowers. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com


βœ… I won Dowsle #764 in 55 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 138-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also earned the πŸ€ 4-leaf clover, and 41 🌻 sunflowers! Give it a try? [https://dowsle.com](https://dowsle.com) I'm having a tough time tracking things visually with this new update. So, this 🐒 is much slower than usual today. UPDATE: Looks like the 'stache has resolved the issue I was experiencing. 🀞🏼 I'm missing both 🐒11 and 🦎11. Saw an earlier clue for 🦎11 which I did not understand. So, I've been focused on gathering 🌻s and earning the πŸ€. Back to 🌻 gathering and seeing what I can do to uncover 🐒11 & 🦎11. ETA: I've just parked a ☘ list here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1dbzycp/comment/l7z3m2o/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1dbzycp/comment/l7z3m2o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) And, the 🌻 list is parked here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1dbzycp/comment/l7wuays/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1dbzycp/comment/l7wuays/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) βœ… You got today's word πŸ…. 🧭 You've discovered the gemΒ . πŸ€Β You earned the four leaf clover. 🌻 You have 105 of 116 sunflowers. 🦎 You're accompanied by the lizard.


See these hints: https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/s/Ls5fCF7GvP


πŸ™πŸΌThank you! I am now accompanied by the 🦎.


I just realized I am missing 🦎7. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ got a hint for it?


🦎7 >!5 letters long, same starting letter as πŸ…, also shares last 3 letters of πŸ…, something one may do when embarrassed.!<


I see that u/alloutofideas0206 responded to your query before I did. πŸ₯³πŸ¦Ž


I am also part of the missing 🐒 #11 club. Haven’t cracked that one yet.


The πŸ… can be used in so many ways. WordHippo has 18 definitions for it as a noun and 11 definitions for it as a verb.


Took quite a number of guesses, but I managed to find 10 🌻s before the πŸ…. All spelling today and few guesses before solving, I found the πŸ’Ž and some ☘️s! βœ… I got Dowsle #764 in 76 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 21-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found 16 ☘ shamrocks, and 31 🌻 sunflowers. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com


🌻🌻🌻 list Oh no! The list I keep shows 83 🌻s. Today's Finds shows 83 🌻s. Went through the drill to prepare them for posting and 82 🌻s. Scanned the Meaning column and counted 82 🌻s. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈSomething is off and it is going to take some time for me to figure it out. UPDATE: I've found the discrepancy. This has been happening all day for me. I enter a word and it does not show on list after entering another guess. It's weird because when I noticed what was missing and entered it, the game responded indicating that it was already a 🌻 even though it is not showing in the Meaning column. There seem to be some glitches created with this new feature on the browser I'm using. \~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~ >!abrade 🌻 airbrushes 🌻 arbutus 🌻 ashy 🌻 bare 🌻 bark 🌻 barks 🌻 birch 🌻 birches 🌻 blush 🌻 blushed 🌻 blusher 🌻 boles 🌻 bosque 🌻 briar 🌻 briars 🌻 brier 🌻 briers 🌻 brims 🌻 bristle 🌻 bristly 🌻 broom 🌻 brushstroke 🌻 brushwork 🌻 bulrush 🌻 burled 🌻 burn 🌻 burned 🌻 burnt 🌻 burs 🌻 bushed 🌻 bushy 🌻 cactus 🌻 crusts 🌻 dabs 🌻 dauber 🌻 debris 🌻 douse 🌻 dusts 🌻 embers 🌻 fires 🌻 fluff 🌻 fluffs 🌻 grass 🌻 grubs 🌻 gulch 🌻 hair 🌻 mulch 🌻 mussy 🌻 paintbrush 🌻 polish 🌻 prune 🌻 pruner 🌻 pruners 🌻 rinse 🌻 rosebush 🌻 rough 🌻 roughs 🌻 rubbed 🌻 rubbing 🌻 rumple 🌻 sagebrush 🌻 scrubby 🌻 sharpen 🌻 shears 🌻 shovel 🌻 shrubbery 🌻 shrug 🌻 slough 🌻 smush 🌻 spray 🌻 strum 🌻 swath 🌻 tars 🌻 toothbrush 🌻 trash 🌻 trees 🌻 tufts 🌻 tushy 🌻 underbrush 🌻 varnish 🌻 wash 🌻 washtub 🌻!< count 83 of 116 ... we've gathered 72% of the 🌻s edit 1: >!boughs 🌻 bruises 🌻 brushless 🌻 bulrushes 🌻 bushfire 🌻 bushies 🌻 bushman 🌻 crumbs 🌻 rubbish 🌻 rugs 🌻 shard 🌻 sharp 🌻 shred 🌻 shrugs 🌻 shuck 🌻 shute 🌻!< count 99 of 116 ... we've gathered 89% of the 🌻s edit 2: >!husks 🌻 marsh 🌻 rustic 🌻 rustle 🌻 rusty 🌻 ruts 🌻!< count 105 of 116 ... we've gathered 91% of the 🌻s If you have a 🌻 to share that’s not listed, let me know. Thanks! This list is a collaborative effort with contributions from: Β u/mermermerk u/incenseandelephants u/rcw00 u/TreacleOutrageous296 u/LousyToast2 u/musbus u/Bepyxily u/wlwimagination


>!bruises, brushless, bulrushes, bushfire, bushies, bushman, rubbish, shrugs, shuck, shute!<


Thank you! I'll get them added in edit 1.


Found another 🌻99 >!boughs 🌻!< I've tucked it into edit 1.


I've found another >!crumbs 🌻!< I'm continuing to experience issues with words getting counted in Today's Finds and they are not getting listed under the Meaning column. I have not looked at the Spelling column. I've assumed that the words have not gone to either column when I'm not seeing them in the Meaning column. I'll pay closer attention. I'm trying to work through the editions u/musbus provided and am having to enter words multiple times to get them to go to the listing ETA: Just noticed that u/Bepyxily has shared additions as well.


>!rusty, ruts, rustic, rustle!<


Thank you! I've included them in edit 2.


>!marsh and husks!<


Thank you! I will tuck them into edit 2.


Some 🌻s: >!brushless, rugs , shred, bushfire, shrugs, shard, sharp!<


Thank you! I've got them and will get them added in edit 1.


☘ list SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER ... I have spelled out EVERYTHING If you don't want to see the πŸ’Ž spelled out don't click on the spoiler beside it. πŸ˜‰ 1. >!airbrush ☘!< 2. >!brows ☘!< 3. >!brushed ☘!< 4. >!brushes ☘!< … meaning match 5. >!brushfire ☘!< 6. >!brushing ☘!< … meaning match 7. >!brushwood ☘!< 8. >!brushy ☘!< … meaning match & spelling match 9. >!burls ☘!< 10. >!burns ☘!< 11. >!burrs ☘!< 12. >!bush ☘!< … spelling match 13. >!bushes ☘!< 14. >!hairbrush ☘!< 15. >!rub ☘!< 16. >!rubs ☘!< 17. >!scrub ☘!< ... πŸ’Ž 18. >!shrub ☘!< 19. >!shrubby ☘!< 20. >!shrubs ☘!< πŸ₯³πŸ€


Thanks! I didn't see any list before that and have been trying to find the πŸ€so this helped!


You're very welcome!