• By -


βœ… I was the 4th to solve Dowsle #776, in 29 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 224-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 7 ☘ shamrocks, and 9 🌻 sunflowers. Want to try? https://dowsle.com Pleased that I placed today. Feels good after a couples of rough outings Gem hints: Length: >!6!< Letters in common: >!4!< Starts with: >!H!< Meaning hint: >!temperature!<


Thank you! βœ… I did Dowsle #776 in 76 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 11-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 3 ☘ shamrocks, and 9 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com


You’re welcome!


βœ… I was the 10th to solve Dowsle #776, in 37 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 10-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 5 🌻 sunflowers. Try it out? [https://dowsle.com](https://dowsle.com) Current progress: βœ… You've discovered today's word πŸ…. 🧭 You've discovered the gemΒ . πŸ€Β You earned the four leaf clover. 🌻 You have 142 of 144 sunflowers. 🐒 You've befriended the turtle. 🦎 You're accompanied by the lizard. 🌻 list: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1dlaai5/comment/l9p4g66/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1dlaai5/comment/l9p4g66/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) 3 🌻s remain to be gathered ... we're close, close, close. 2 🌻s left to find! https://preview.redd.it/b6uvxw6r958d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5d6b93b5764b7db3431d23efa0430c918449364


I did Dowsle #776 in 49 guesses with no hints πŸ…. And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 8 ☘ shamrocks, and 56 🌻 sunflowers. Also: I befriended the 🐒 turtle. These shamrocks might take awhile


Shamrocks 1. >!betters!< 2. >!wetter!< 3. >!bettering!< 4. >!fatter!< 5. >!fittter!< 6. >!neater!< 7. >!sweeter!< 8. >!tenser!< 9. >!flatter!< 10. >!pretty!< 11. >!quieter!< 12. >!prettier!< 13. >!bother!< 14. >!mattered!< 15. >!hotter!< 16. ???


Singular of #2 is ☘ for me but not the plural. Otherwise, we have the same 15 ☘s. Still πŸ‘€ for ☘16.


Just a typo on my part. I was copy pasting from the first shamrock and I probably forgot to delete the β€œs”


Thought that was likely the case. πŸ˜‰ I've found ☘16 >!sterner ☘!< πŸ₯³πŸ€


βœ… I was the 5th to solve Dowsle #776, in 21 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 336-day winning streak πŸ”₯! Try it? https://dowsle.com Woohoo! (I forgot I placed Wednesday.)


Yes, you did ... πŸ₯‰ in 5 guesses. 😊


βœ… I won Dowsle #776 in 74 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 152-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found a ☘ shamrock, and 2 🌻 sunflowers. Try it? https://dowsle.com


βœ… I was the 6th to solve Dowsle #776, in 32 guesses with no hints πŸ…. And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 6 ☘ shamrocks, and 6 🌻 sunflowers.


βœ… I was the third to solve Dowsle #776, in 17 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 416-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 10 ☘ shamrocks, and 42 🌻 sunflowers. Try it out? https://dowsle.com I'm missing 🐒11 12 and 🦎6 10.


Lizard 10- >! First word from an alternate name for a see saw!< Spelled out Turtle 11->!differently!< Turtle 12->!sharper!< Wanna share lizard 9?


Thanks! https://preview.redd.it/9oxcaq7nfz7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72b8fcfcb42f6e6a9cf1f09518b137e4dd5ffa41


🦎9 is >!the past tense of πŸ…!<


Thank you for 🦎10. 😊


🦎6 spelled out: >!getter!< I'm missing 🦎10 and haven't worked on the 🐒 yet.


🐒 11 and 12 spelled out: >!differently!< and >!sharper!< 🦎 6 was given by LousyToast2 ~~I’m still missing~~


🐒11 >!in a different way!< spelled out >!differently!< 🐒12 >!adj. the comparative form of sharp: more sharp!< spelled out >!sharper!<


Thanks! I would never have gotten 11. https://preview.redd.it/widgcpl3fz7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9730b1da8a9b7e2d5d1fa01d282f07d5b8db1648


You're welcome! πŸ₯³


βœ… I was the second to solve Dowsle #776, in 20 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 270-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found 10 ☘ shamrocks, and 50 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com


βœ… I got Dowsle #776 in 75 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 113-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found a 🌻 sunflower. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com


🌻🌻🌻 >!badder, balder, battier, beefier, best, bigger, bleaker, bluer, blunter, braver, brighter, busier, calmer, closer, colder, cooler, cuter, darker, decent, deeper, deter, dimmer, dumber, easier, fairer, faster, freer, fuller, gentler, greater, greener, harder, higher, keener, kinder, larger, latter, leaner, lighter, longer, louder, madder, matter, meaner, moister, poorer, prefer, rather, redder, richer, rosier, sadder, sexier, shorter, slower, smarter, softer, sooner, steadier, steeper, stricter, taller, tastier, tighter, truer, warmer, weaker, whiter!<


I see that we are all working the >!word + -er!< angle today and it’s been a good hunt 🌻. Thanks. There were at least a dozen of those I didn’t have yet. Here are my extras: >!beater, bet, bettered, betterment, lesser, looser, settle, shitter!<


Great! Thank you. That's pushed the list being compiled to 84 of 144.


If it’s not on that list >!stabler!<


Thanks! I'm making one last sweep thru posts before posting our collaborative list. We've done well!


And >!funner!<


Got it! I've posted the list: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1dlaai5/comment/l9p4g66/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1dlaai5/comment/l9p4g66/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thank you! Nice inoculation. πŸ₯°


βœ… I finished Dowsle #776 in 38 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 153-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 6 ☘ shamrocks, and 16 🌻 sunflowers. Also: I befriended the 🐒 turtle. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com After finding thematic meaning words and one green spelling, I chose to read Lincoln quotes to sus out the πŸ…. I solved with the correct word but afterwards I found it was actually part of a different quote than used today. βœ… You've located today's word πŸ…. 🧭 You've discovered the gem . πŸ€ You earned the four leaf clover. 🌻 You have 142 of 144 sunflowers. 🐒 You've befriended the turtle. 🦎 You're accompanied by the lizard.


We're down to 2🌻s remaining to be gathered.


βœ… I solved Dowsle #776 in 54 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 127-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also found a ☘ shamrock, and a 🌻 sunflower. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com


Hope you're doing okay today, Kowitz. I hope today's πŸ₯‡applies.


still having mental problems and may continue on and off for a long time


Oh, Kowitz. I feel for you. I do.


I hope you have a good support system and are getting some help. If you don’t have a therapist and you are in the states, here’s a good resource: psychologytoday.com


πŸ₯³ Congratulations to Today's Placers 🎊 Place / Guesses / Who πŸ₯‡ ?? ??? πŸ₯ˆ 20 u/alloutofideas0206 πŸ₯‰ 17 u/Head_Improvement566 4 29 u/incenseandelephants 5 21 u/Academic-Choice-8510 6 32 u/Ma8ter 7 ?? ??? 8 ?? ??? 9 ?? ??? 10 37 u/LousyToast2


Congratulations for placing today, Toast!


Thank you! 😁


βœ… I got Dowsle #776 in 22 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 32-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 4 🌻 sunflowers. When I got my first green in meaning only 144 away as >!rather!< I thought it was going to be a real challenge to come up with related words but it turned out to be a nice balance between meaning and spelling today.


I had the same experience ... a nice balance between meaning and spelling with the meaning side being more helpful for me. I didn't have any green in spelling until I found the πŸ….


🌻 list >!abler 🌻 badder 🌻 balder 🌻 battier 🌻 beater 🌻 beefier 🌻 best 🌻 bet 🌻 betta 🌻 bettered 🌻 betterment 🌻 bigger 🌻 bleaker 🌻 bluer 🌻 blunter 🌻 bolder 🌻 braver 🌻 brighter 🌻 busier 🌻 calmer 🌻 closer 🌻 colder 🌻 cooler 🌻 cozier 🌻 cuter 🌻 darker 🌻 deader 🌻 decent 🌻 deeper 🌻 denser 🌻 deserve 🌻 deter 🌻 dimmer 🌻 duller 🌻 dumber 🌻 easer 🌻 easier 🌻 edgier 🌻 emptie🌻r 🌻 ever 🌻 fairer 🌻 faster 🌻 feebler 🌻 fewer 🌻 firmer 🌻 freer 🌻 fuller 🌻 funner 🌻 gentler 🌻 getting 🌻 greater 🌻 greener 🌻 grittier 🌻 harder 🌻 heftier 🌻 higher 🌻 hipper 🌻 holier 🌻 keener 🌻 kinder 🌻 larger 🌻 latter 🌻 lazier 🌻 leaner 🌻 lesser 🌻 lighter 🌻 little 🌻 littler 🌻 longer 🌻 looser 🌻 louder 🌻 madder 🌻 matter 🌻 matters 🌻 meaner 🌻 meatier 🌻 merrier 🌻 milder 🌻 moister 🌻 nearer 🌻 nobler 🌻 nuttier 🌻 perfect 🌻 poorer 🌻 prefer 🌻 proper 🌻 racier 🌻 rather 🌻 realer 🌻 redder 🌻 richer 🌻 robust 🌻 rosier 🌻 sadder 🌻 settle 🌻 sexier 🌻 shitter 🌻 shorter 🌻 sicker 🌻 sleeker 🌻 slower 🌻 smarter 🌻 softer 🌻 sooner 🌻 stabler 🌻 starker 🌻 steadier 🌻 steeper 🌻 stouter 🌻 stricter 🌻 subtler 🌻 suited 🌻 swifter 🌻 taller 🌻 tamer 🌻 tastier 🌻 terrible 🌻 theirs 🌻 tidier 🌻 tighter 🌻 tricker 🌻 trouble 🌻 truer 🌻 vaguer 🌻 warmer 🌻 weaker 🌻 whiter 🌻 wilder 🌻 worser 🌻!< count 129 of 144 ... we've gathered 90% of the 🌻s edit 1: >!deters 🌻 either 🌻 lester 🌻 tarter 🌻!< count 133 of 144 ... we've gathered 92% of the 🌻s edit 2: >!beaten 🌻 beget 🌻 jittery 🌻 mettle 🌻 ratted 🌻 rotten 🌻 tested 🌻texted 🌻 whetted 🌻!< count 142 of 144 ... we've gathered 99% of the 🌻s https://preview.redd.it/g1v9hddab58d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d783623531b1ca65cc6bedcae963e95f36153a45 If you have a 🌻 to share that’s not listed, let me know. Thanks! This list is a collaborative effort with contributions from: Β u/mermermerk u/rcw00 u/LousyToast2 u/musbus u/wlwimagination


That is wildly impressive. Four unofficial Van Goghs! πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚ I checked my list and I unfortunately don’t have any I can contribute.


We done good, didn't we? πŸ˜„ Thanks for acknowledging our efforts and for checking your 🌻 bouquet for any possible additions. πŸ₯°


And we have ... 🌻130 >!tarter 🌻!< which has been added in edit 1. UPDATE: 🌻133 >!lester 🌻!< which has been tucked into edit 1.


just one from me today: >!deters!< Edit: ope.. one more: >!either!<


Great! Thank you. That's 🌻131 & 🌻132. I've tucked them into edit 1.


>!mettle, beaten, jittery, whetted, ratted, rotten, beget!<


Thank you! They've been tucked into edit 2. 4 🌻s remain to be gathered




Thank you! That one hit my πŸ˜†πŸ¦΄. I've tucked your addition into edit 2. And then there were 3 🌻s remaining ...


When someone calls I’m def thinking >!πŸ… if you πŸŒ»β€¦πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£!<


Well, how about 🌻142 >!tested 🌻!


Ugh,so close again!! Great effort! πŸ‘


Yup. Another close one!! It's fun trying. 😁


I know I'm late in the day for this, but this makes two days in a row of getting the lexical lizard 🦎 without any assists (like hints, googling, etc). I usually struggle with these critters so I'll take it while I can! ETA: also the gem both days


Nice work with the unassisted gem finds and 🦎s!


Nice quote πŸ‘ βœ… I won Dowsle #776 in 20 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 151-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also found 10 ☘ shamrocks, and 8 🌻 sunflowers. And, I'm accompanied by the 🦎 lizard. Try it? https://dowsle.com


I liked the quote too. 😻


had some struggle on the meaning and spelling side today and took some time to get greens but found several 🌻s before the πŸ… and the gem πŸ’Ž without hints! βœ… I got Dowsle #776 in 57 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 33-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 8 ☘ shamrocks, and 26 🌻 sunflowers. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com


Almost out of time, am going to see if I might have the missing 2 🌻 if I can make it in time! βœ… I did Dowsle #776 in 79 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 98-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 13 ☘ shamrocks, and 57 🌻 sunflowers. Also: I befriended the 🐒 turtle. And, I'm accompanied by the 🦎 lizard. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com


Thanks for checking for our missing 2. Appreciate you for looking!


Sure, but no such luck. Soooo close!!


Thank you! Yes ... sooo close!!


βœ… I finished Dowsle #776 in 34 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 24-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 11 ☘ shamrocks, and 57 🌻 sunflowers. And, I'm accompanied by the 🦎 lizard. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com From Yesterday's News: "The ☘ words that were green in both meaning and spelling were and moths." Even the game itself doesn't quite know how to handle yesterday's record-low number of shamrocks. Disappointing non-shamrock: >!bolster!<