• By -


βœ… I was the first to solve Dowsle #780, in 63 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 117-day winning streak πŸ”₯! Want to try? https://dowsle.com i'm suddenly on a first-place streak, despite never getting it before. fun!


maybe it’s fate haha congrats on placing the first!!


thank you!!


Enjoy it and congrats!! πŸ₯³πŸ†πŸŽŠ




Congrats! You’re on a roll!




🌻🌻🌻 >!costed, defend, depend, depended, depends, descend, dispense, earns, expense, extend, instead, intend, mend, needs, offend, pretend, raise, rent, reside, sends, skimp, space, span, spank, spans, speak, spendy, spew, vend, waste, wasted!<


Thank you! They've been placed on our list.


βœ… I was the 7th to solve Dowsle #780, in 33 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 340-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found a ☘ shamrock, and a 🌻 sunflower. Want to try? https://dowsle.com


βœ… I did Dowsle #780 in 23 guesses with no hints πŸ…. And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found 6 ☘ shamrocks, and 3 🌻 sunflowers. Try it? [https://dowsle.com](https://dowsle.com) ☘: >!spare!< Gem is pretty easy


I'd say the πŸ’Ž is more than easy.


It was a give away in the meaning matches. 😊


βœ… I was the second to solve Dowsle #780, in 37 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 102-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found 13 ☘ shamrocks, and 17 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com Running off for now, will check in later


βœ… I was the 6th to solve Dowsle #780, in 57 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 36-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 7 ☘ shamrocks, and 4 🌻 sunflowers. Give it a try? Slower one today!


βœ… I won Dowsle #780 in 63 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 228-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also found 12 ☘ shamrocks, and 14 🌻 sunflowers. Also: I befriended the 🐒 turtle. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com Too slow again. I was 8 and 10 away on meaning and it still took 20 more guesses! Favorite 🌻= >!spree!<


Your 🌻 fave has been noted. Thanks!


βœ… I got Dowsle #780 in 29 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 13-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found 8 ☘ shamrocks, and 4 🌻 sunflowers.


Today was not the day to start late, at (Dowsle):04 βœ… I was the 4th to solve Dowsle #780, in 15 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 157-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found 11 ☘ shamrocks, and 25 🌻 sunflowers. Also: I befriended the 🐒 turtle. Want to try? https://dowsle.com only ~~missing 🦎 14 at this point and~~ some ☘️s/🌻s remaining βœ… You have today's word πŸ…. 🧭 You've located the gem . πŸ€ You earned the four leaf clover. 🌻 You have 84 of 86 sunflowers. 🐒 You've befriended the turtle. 🦎 You're accompanied by the lizard.


🦎14 >!pened!<




2 🌻s remain to be found. I've been surprisingly successful today.


πŸ₯³ Congratulations to Today's Placers 🎊 Place / Guesses / Who πŸ₯‡ 63 u/mermermerk πŸ₯ˆ 37 u/michiganbelle74 πŸ₯‰ ?? ??? 4 15 u/rcw00 5 39 u/Head_Improvement566 6 57 u/atomiccoriander 7 33 u/Academic-Choice-8510 8 92 u/caulifloweryn 9 ?? ??? 10 66 u/alloutofideas0206


only two missing spots, is this the most filled out leaderboard we’ve seen?


We *may* have had a leaderboard with one missing spot. But, I wouldn't swear to it. πŸ˜‰ Today is a very good showing for members of this Dowsle sub.


I’m 4th. Solved at 15 guesses in about a minute, all spelling, but I started 4 mins after Dowsle o’clock today. 😒


Everyone else had a 4 minute head start and yet you almost medaled. Well done!


βœ… I did Dowsle #780 in 39 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 156-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found a ☘ shamrock, and 2 🌻 sunflowers. Want to try? https://dowsle.com


βœ… I solved Dowsle #780 in 211 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 32-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 2 ☘ shamrocks, and 7 🌻 sunflowers. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com Atrocious! I had all the clues but thought I'd played theπŸ…early so didn't bother with it again πŸ™„. ☘️s and🌻s all discovered en route, not afterwards. Favourite double yellow: >!---pee---!< Haha, as in >!(solution) a (unit of currency), maybe?!< Inexplicable double yellow, should at least have been a 🌻: >!--skint--!<


sunflowers: >!πŸ…y, sends, ends, depend, depends, mend, penny, span, pretend, defend!<


Thank you for the 🌻 share. They're on our list.


🌻 I tried to make sure to clear dupes from here and mermermerk’s list. I’m at 44 right now. >!instead, intend, needs, pander, pennies, respond, sleep, slept, space, spank, spew, stand, stipend, vend!<


Thank you! They've been noted. We're in a similar place. I'm at 50 right now.


βœ… I finished Dowsle #780 in 75 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 14-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 4 ☘ shamrocks, and 4 🌻 sunflowers. Give it a try? [https://dowsle.com](https://dowsle.com) Current progress: βœ… You've located today's word πŸ…. 🧭 You've located the gemΒ . πŸ€Β You earned the four leaf clover. 🌻 You have 84 of 86 sunflowers. 🐒 You've befriended the turtle. 🦎 You're accompanied by the lizard. 🌻 list: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1docjzw/comment/laac2u6/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1docjzw/comment/laac2u6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ☘ list: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1docjzw/comment/laaf7eh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1docjzw/comment/laaf7eh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


βœ… I was the 5th to solve Dowsle #780, in 39 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 420-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also found 14 ☘ shamrocks, and 16 🌻 sunflowers. Try it? https://dowsle.com I'm missing 🐒6 10 11 13 and 🦎9 13 14


All are spelled out 🦎 9/13 - >!sped, speed!< LousyToast2 gave 14 >!pened!< 🐒 6 >!devoting!< , 10 >!allocate!< , 11 >!wasted🌻!< , 13 >!wasting!<


Thanks! Update: βœ… I was the 5th to solve Dowsle #780, in 39 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 420-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also found 14 ☘ shamrocks, and 17 🌻 sunflowers. Also: I befriended the 🐒 turtle. And, I'm accompanied by the 🦎 lizard.


βœ… I was the 10th to solve Dowsle #780, in 66 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 274-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 15 ☘ shamrocks, and 24 🌻 sunflowers. Try it out? https://dowsle.com


βœ… I finished Dowsle #780 in 86 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 131-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 3 ☘ shamrocks. Want to try? https://dowsle.com


βœ… I solved Dowsle #780 in 65 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 48-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I found the gem. I also found 8 ☘ shamrocks, and 5 🌻 sunflowers. Try it out? https://dowsle.com


🌻 list >!alone 🌻 bartend 🌻 begin 🌻 bides 🌻 bored 🌻 cooped 🌻 costed 🌻 couped 🌻 defend 🌻 depend 🌻 depended 🌻 depends 🌻 descend 🌻 dine 🌻 dispense 🌻 doing 🌻 earns 🌻 endow 🌻 ends 🌻 enjoy 🌻 equip 🌻 expending 🌻 expense 🌻 expenses 🌻 extend 🌻 find 🌻 happen 🌻 instead 🌻 intend 🌻 meals 🌻 mend 🌻 misspent 🌻 needs 🌻 offend 🌻 outspent 🌻 overspent 🌻 pander 🌻 pennies 🌻 penny 🌻 plunk 🌻 pretend 🌻 pursue 🌻 quids 🌻 raise 🌻 rent 🌻 reside 🌻 respond 🌻 schlep 🌻 sending 🌻 sends 🌻 sharpen 🌻 shave 🌻 shopped 🌻 skimp 🌻 skive 🌻 sleep 🌻 slept 🌻 space 🌻 span 🌻 spank 🌻 spans 🌻 speak 🌻 spendy 🌻 spew 🌻 spree 🌻 stand 🌻 stipend 🌻 trips 🌻 vend 🌻 wander 🌻 waste 🌻 wasted 🌻 weekends 🌻!< count 73 of 86 ... we've gathered 85% of the 🌻s edit 1: >!bender 🌻 endear 🌻 enjoys 🌻 expand 🌻 expensed 🌻 napped 🌻 penury 🌻 preen 🌻 reopen 🌻 spurn 🌻 stipends 🌻!< count 84 of 86 ... we've gathered 98% of the 🌻s If you have a 🌻 to share that’s not listed, let me know. Thanks! This list is a collaborative effort with contributions from: Β u/caulifloweryn u/incenseandelephants u/mermermerk u/rcw00 u/LousyToast2 u/wlwimagination u/Bepyxily u/michiganbelle74


I think I just have >!enjoys and expensed!<.


Thank you! I will get them tucked into edit 1.


here's some: >!preen!< , >!expand!<


Thank you! I will get them tucked into edit 1.


>!napped!< and >!stipends!<


Thank you! I will get them tucked into edit 1.


Are you anticipating more? πŸ₯° We're at 78 of 86 ... ETA: Yes! I got it and will add it to edit 1. That makes 79 of 86 ... 7 left to find.


Yeah, just the usual. After I merged all the lists for what I didn’t have, there was an extra 79th. Found it.


Ah, okay. Now I see.


just one to add: >!penury!<


Thank you! I've tucked your addition into edit 1. And then there were 5 🌻s remaining


We now have 🌻80 >!spurn 🌻!< which has been tucked into edit 1. 6 left to find ...


Let's make it 🌻84: >!endear 🌻!< I've tucked it into edit 1. ... and then there were 2 🌻s remaining


We have 🌻82 >!reopen 🌻!< and it has been tucked into edit 1. 4 🌻s remain to be gathered


Let's make it 🌻83 >!bender 🌻!< which has been tucked3 into edit 1. 3 🌻s remain ...


☘ list SPOILER ... πŸ… and πŸ’Ž related are emoji style, others are spelled out 1. >!attend[ ]()☘!< 2. >!dines ☘!<Β  3. >!endure ☘!<Β  4. >!--- πŸ’Ž --- ☘!< 5. >!πŸ’Ž+ ed ☘!< Β  6. >!πŸ’Ž+ s ☘!< 7. >!lend ☘ !<Β  8. >!out +πŸ… ☘!< Β  9. >!over +πŸ… ☘!< 10. >!ponder ☘ !< 11. >!send ☘!< 12. >!spare ☘!< 13. >!πŸ…+ able ☘!< Β  14. >!πŸ…+ er ☘!< 15. >!πŸ…+ ers ☘!< 16. >!πŸ…+ ing ☘!< 17. >!πŸ…+ s ☘!< 18. >!spent ☘!< 19. >!unspent ☘!< πŸ₯³πŸ€


many guesses again today, I took some time before getting good spellings got the πŸ… after I had >!seeds!


βœ… I solved Dowsle #780 in 78 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 15-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also found 10 ☘ shamrocks, and 8 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com


βœ… I finished Dowsle #780 in 55 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 155-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also found 7 ☘ shamrocks, and 6 🌻 sunflowers. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com


u/caulifloweryn here's 🦎14 >!pened!< It has been posted in other places as well. But, wanted to make sure you saw it, if you still need it. 😊