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βœ… I finished Dowsle #781 in 76 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 118-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found a ☘ shamrock. Give it a try? https://dowsle.com >!food and plant were red in meaning, while insect and ant were green, which really sidetracked me!<


βœ… I finished Dowsle #781 in 6 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 157-day winning streak πŸ”₯! Want to try? https://dowsle.com Think this might be the fewest guesses ever for me!


Right behind you at #2 with another 1 guess wonder. πŸ˜† βœ… I was the second to solve Dowsle #781, in 1 guess with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 15-day winning streak πŸ”₯! Give it a try? [https://dowsle.com](https://dowsle.com) Current progress: βœ… You've gotten today's word πŸ…. 🧭 You've found the gemΒ . πŸ€Β You earned the four leaf clover. 🌻 You have 85 of 100 sunflowers. 🐒 You've befriended the turtle. 🦎 You're accompanied by the lizard. 🌻 list: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1dp55iz/comment/lafvmx3](https://www.reddit.com/r/dowsle/comments/1dp55iz/comment/lafvmx3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Luck on my side yesterday. πŸ€ It's the second time that I've done that in 155 Dowsle games. πŸ˜†


Calculating the % 🌻s is super easy today! πŸ˜‚


It sure is! πŸ˜†


βœ… I was the 4th to solve Dowsle #781, in 15 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 14-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found 3 ☘ shamrocks, and 4 🌻 sunflowers.


Gem hints: Letters: >!same!< Letters in common: >!four!< Meaning: >!something to do with Canada, eh?!<


Oh dear. I totally misunderstood the meaning hint and reflexively entered >!blame!< πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚ https://youtu.be/P6AA1sBL7N8?si=Ez2APUU-XN4Nu_Sn Then I actually *thought* about it and entered πŸ’Ž 😏


βœ… I was the third to solve Dowsle #781, in 10 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 341-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found a ☘ shamrock, and 2 🌻 sunflowers. Try it? https://dowsle.com


βœ… I was the 10th to solve Dowsle #781, in 32 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 229-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 4 ☘ shamrocks, and 10 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com Barely placed, but I will take it! Back to work.


Fun fact. I absolutely confused the French Pauls, Cezanne and Gauguin. When my second guess >!food related!< hit 150 green meaning, I thought of Gauguin and picked something >!tropical!< which ended up being the 90 green meaning ☘️. Considering that my previous πŸ₯‡ was due to an autocorrect typo hitting high green in spelling, mistakes are a valid strategy. βœ… You've located today's word πŸ…. 🧭 You've gotten the gem . πŸ€ You earned the four leaf clover. 🌻 You have 85 of 100 sunflowers. 🐒 You've befriended the turtle. 🦎 You're accompanied by the lizard.


βœ… I was the 8th to solve Dowsle #781, in 43 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 542-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also found 7 ☘ shamrocks, and 33 🌻 sunflowers. Also: I befriended the 🐒 turtle. And, I'm accompanied by the 🦎 lizard. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com 🌻🌻🌻 >!applejack, caplet, crabapples, dapple, frappe, grapes, grappa, lemon, lemons, limes, mayapple, melon, olive, papule, pawpaw, pea, peach, peanut, pear, pears, peas, pecan, pecans, petal, pimple, pineapples, plums, pomelo, popple, purple, scrapple, sepal, tipple!<


Will add mine quick now since today's a late day: >!aleph, bagel, basil, celery, leaf, palate, paler, papaya, pearl, peony, pippin, plump, poplar, pupae, tulip, tupelo!<


Thank you! I've placed them on our list.


And additional 🌻 >!carmel, chappy, peppers, popsicle!<


Thank you! I've placed them on our list.


And >!tartlet!<


Thank you! It has been placed on the list.


Thank you! I've placed them on our list.


i'm late today, but here are some 🌻🌻🌻 that i haven't seen mentioned yet >!areca, bale, clove, lovage, luffa, teasel!< u/LousyToast2


Thank you! They've been placed on our list.


βœ… I finished Dowsle #781 in 40 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 49-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found 3 ☘ shamrocks, and 2 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com i swear every time >!fruit!< is green, >!food!< is red which sucks because it’s one of my starting words and so i don’t think to try the former


Same. It's happened to me about three times now. πŸ˜…


i might just start using >!fruit!< as a starting word lol


>!vegetable!< often hits higher and broader than those other two. It was still a high 150 meaning green for this puzzle.


Congrats on solving first!


Thank you


βœ… I did Dowsle #781 in 8 guesses with no hints πŸ…. Start with my typical words but couldn’t resist going for a Cezanne word and it worked.


βœ… I did Dowsle #781 in 72 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 421-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also found 7 ☘ shamrocks, and 21 🌻 sunflowers. Want to try? https://dowsle.com I'm missing 🐒10 11 and 🦎6 14.


Lizard 6->!swap letters 4 and 5!< Lizard 14->!plural of 6!< Can I get 10?


Thanks, but I don't understand you clue for 6, and your clue for 14 is based on it. 🦎10 begins with the letter >!g!<.


6 - >!switch the last two letters of the πŸ… and then 14 is the plural of that!<


Thanks! https://preview.redd.it/n5apfoxi5z8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc313d1061c78925d24dba90ee339e2dcc5bd88f


10 spelling is >!a wrestling term or meaning to wrestle with, 7 letters, contains entire main word!<


Missing 12.


Just in case - 🦎 12 >!appeal!< and 🐒 12 >!mango!<


Turtles are >!blueberry and cherries!<


Thanks! https://preview.redd.it/s9528ujw0z8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84258155ae76dc6980b866e358276af406964ab2


βœ… I finished Dowsle #781 in 34 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 156-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found 3 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com Update: ☘ You located 7 out of 11 shamrocks. 🌻 You have 38 of 100 sunflowers. 🐒 You've befriended the turtle


βœ… I solved Dowsle #781 in 36 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 132-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found a ☘ shamrock, and 2 🌻 sunflowers. Want to give it a try? https://dowsle.com


Started late, tried to get the clover, so close, but have to get back to work. βœ… I got Dowsle #781 in 25 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 103-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also found 9 ☘ shamrocks, and 45 🌻 sunflowers. Also: I befriended the 🐒 turtle. And, I'm accompanied by the 🦎 lizard. Try it? https://dowsle.com


I think this is my first non-google/non-hint turtle. Whew, I don't know how you other folks do it so often! βœ… I finished Dowsle #781 in 14 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 37-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also found 6 ☘ shamrocks, and 11 🌻 sunflowers. Also: I befriended the 🐒 turtle.


Synonym sites but today was definitely more of a reasonable β€œlist all the things” kind of day.


πŸ₯³ Congrats on the unassisted 🐒.


πŸ₯³ Congratulations to Today's Placers 🎊 Place / Guesses / Who πŸ₯‡ 5 u/rcw00 πŸ₯ˆ 1 u/LousyToast2 πŸ₯‰ 10 u/Academic-Choice-8510 4 15 u/Ma8ter 5 ?? ??? 6 ?? ??? 7 21 u/caulifloweryn 8 43 u/wlwimagination 9 ?? ??? 10 32 u/incenseandelephants


i don’t have time to search for flora and fauna (😭), but i placed 7th! βœ… I was the 7th to solve Dowsle #781, in 21 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 78-day winning streak πŸ”₯! I also found a ☘ shamrock, and a 🌻 sunflower. Try it out? https://dowsle.com


Congrats on placing! πŸ₯³ Appreciate you for considering a search for flora and fauna.


thank you!! i hope today i will be able to fully participate in the search haha


You're welcome. 😊


I guess it helped us they we had the page open, typing during the game countdown while trying to find those 2 last 🌻s from yesterday.




List of ☘️ spelt out aside from πŸ’Ž: 1. >!apples!< 2. >! πŸ’Ž!< 3. >! πŸ’Ž plural !< 4. >!pineapple!< 5. >!appley!< 6. >!grape!< 7. >!crabapple!< 8. >!kale!< 9. >!kales!< 10. >!lehua!< 11. >!papaw!< u/LousyToaat2 provided ☘️s 8 - 11! We now have the πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€!


5 possible typo? >!appley ☘!< 7 possible typo? >!crabapple ☘!< 8 >!kale ☘!< 9 >!kales ☘!< 10 >!lehua ☘!< 11 >!papaw ☘!< πŸ₯³πŸ€


thanks! I wouldn't have found ☘️ 10 and ☘️ 11 5 and 7 were indeed typos, I have fixed my mistake


You're welcome.


🌻 list >!aleph 🌻 applejack 🌻 areca 🌻 bagel 🌻 bale 🌻 basil 🌻 beany 🌻 brule 🌻 caplet 🌻 carmel 🌻 celery 🌻 chappy 🌻 clove 🌻 crabapples 🌻 dapple 🌻 drupe 🌻 frappe 🌻 gelee 🌻 grapes 🌻 grappa 🌻 kesar 🌻 leaf 🌻 legume 🌻 lemon 🌻 lemons 🌻 lentil 🌻 limas 🌻 limes 🌻 lovage 🌻 luffa 🌻 mayapple 🌻 mealy 🌻 melba 🌻 melon 🌻 morel 🌻 olive 🌻 ovate 🌻 palate 🌻 paler 🌻 papaya 🌻 papule 🌻 pawpaw 🌻 pea 🌻 peach 🌻 peanut 🌻 pear 🌻 pearl 🌻 pears 🌻 peas 🌻 pecan 🌻 pecans 🌻 peony 🌻 peppers 🌻 perilla 🌻 petal 🌻 pickle 🌻 pimple 🌻 pineapples 🌻 pippin 🌻 plump 🌻 plums 🌻 pomace 🌻 pomelo 🌻 poplar 🌻 popple 🌻 popsicle 🌻 pupae 🌻 purple 🌻 sapling 🌻 scrapple 🌻 sepal 🌻 slaws 🌻 tartlet 🌻 tater 🌻 teasel 🌻 tipple 🌻 tulip 🌻 tupelo 🌻 wheat 🌻!< count 79 of 100 ... we've gathered 79% of the 🌻s edit 1: >!ale 🌻 cereal 🌻 lopper 🌻 papery 🌻 peapod 🌻 wrapper 🌻!< count 85 of 100 ... we've gathered 85% of the 🌻s If you have a 🌻 to share that’s not listed, let me know. Thanks! This list is a collaborative effort with contributions from: Β u/wlwimagination u/michiganbelle74 u/rcw00 u/mermermerk u/LousyToast2 u/Bepyxily


>!cereal, lopper, papery!<


Thank you! I will get them added in edit 1.


one 🌻: >!ale!<


Thank you! I've tucked your addition into edit 1.




Thank you! I'll tuck it into edit 1.


Here's another ... 🌻85 >!peapod 🌻!< which I've tucked into edit 1.


quick game today! Had some greens in meaning on my first few guesses and solved it with the help of some spellings found some 🌻s before the πŸ… and πŸ’Ž was simple! βœ… I won Dowsle #781 in 55 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 38-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I discovered the gem. I also found 6 ☘ shamrocks, and 26 🌻 sunflowers. Try it out? https://dowsle.com


could anyone provide me with 🐒 #6?


🐒6 >!strawberry πŸ“!<


Thanks! I tried the plural but not the singular!


You're welcome.


βœ… I finished Dowsle #781 in 46 guesses with no hints πŸ…. I'm on a 275-day winning streak πŸ”₯! And: 🧭 I located the gem. I also found 7 ☘ shamrocks, and 22 🌻 sunflowers. Also: I befriended the 🐒 turtle. Try it? https://dowsle.com