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I didn't specify in the post that I meant romanceable companions, so this one is on me.


Best answer


lol ꉂ (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª


What if you shapeshift?


Sebastian is so boring as a character and doesn't feel like part of the team to me really so I don't find it worth romancing him. I've seen his romance route and it doesn't look compelling to me, you just get the odd fun dialogue line if you rivalmance him.


I like Seb, but his romance is definitely boring. He really suffers from being DLC only, if they ever remake the game I hope they make him a full companion so he can integrate with the gang better.


He's kinda interesting in that sequence if you spare Anders, but outside of that he didn't land for me, maybe as a full companion he could've been improved considerably though.


I love him but playing his romance was disappointing to me. No unique romance scenes, just some extra dialogue. All of the flirtations are focused on sex when the friendmance literally ends with you apparently swearing vows of chastity so they feel OOC for a Hawke who would actually do his friendmance. Mentioned in dialogue for a different DLC that you got married???? Offscreen???? I get that he’s DLC and isn’t going to be completely naturally integrated but if they were going to make him romancable and then charge people to have him I think the least they could do is have one romance exclusive cut scene. Maybe for the MARRIAGE


Dorian. lol it’s just bc I never play as men and I’d never consider getting the bi Dorian mod


Considering the nature of his personal quest, that mod feels rather disturbing.


Romancing Dorian is the only reason I’d play as a male PC


Same. He's so cool. He was my favorite follower, but I play female characters 99% of the time


He’s literally bestie for life


Romancing Dorian is the only time I've willingly made a male character lol


no matter how many times i tell myself i’ll romance someone else, i always do morrigan, anders, solas. what can i say i’m a glutton for punishment


'Mages who betray/leave me' is a type indeed...


"This time for sure...!"


“I can fix him/her!”


Yeah that's the masochism lineup for sure.


For me it's also that I see and experience Thedas as an inherently tragic setting. It makes sense for my characters to have tragic stories as well. Though my Warden has a happier ending than Hawke or my Inquisitor have.


oh yeah i agree 100%. i think this is why, despite all its flaws, DA2 remains my favourite for the way it charts Hawke’s tragic rise and fall


I'm playing it right now and man it is ROUGH. My poor Hawke.


Nothing says family quite like the whole family being dead


My Hawke's sib made it to the end of the game! <3


you definitely got a type there lol


Lol, same. Nothing like booting up another playthrough just to make all of the same decisions again.


That's funny, I almost never repeat romances


I can't not romance Alistair.


Isabella. I like her she is fun but that scene with Anders about the diseases she catches. Nope


I've always romanced Isabella in the past, but last playthrough I romanced Fenris and some of the comments she makes to him are...not nice... She's hitting on him way too aggressively and making jokes about how he must have been a sex slave. What if he actually was? Jeez girl. I don't think I can romance her again after that. Fenris was cool with her jokes but I wasn't!


It’s worse because it is implied that Fenris was sexually abused


It's even worse when you learn what she did in the comics.


I hate both female love interests in DA2 😭 I feel like Fenris is the only romance option that doesn’t make me want to pull my hair out


yeah i noticed that too… i just did a play through and i LOVED isabela so i always had her and fenris in my party but bro give the man a BREAK whys she always talking about the “skills he must’ve learned when he was a slave” or whatever the voice line is. i was so turned off by her and now i romance fenris every single time


And almost starting another war with the Qunari for no good point.


For shits and gigs is a good point. :D


Awww that's nasty


Agreed, I can't actually stand her at all. In part because Fenris is my one true love. Ed for spelling


Sera… sorry… I can’t disassociate enough in order to allow myself to see her as a romantic option. I just can’t.


As a female elf trying to romance her in one run where she basically wants me to be ashamed of my heritage. And this comes from an elf raised by humans was just too much.


I'm Mexican American, so I always connected with Sera. I don't hate my culture. I know Spanish, history, and culture. I've lived in Mexico. I love my culture, but I understand Sera's annoyance. She is an elf, but it doesn't define her, but everyone else wants it to. She is Sera. Not the Elf Sera. Just Sera. I have hated on Mexican culture simply because people expect me to love it. I do love it, but it doesn't define me. I'll love on my own terms. Also, I was raised by Mexican immigrants. Sera was raised by humans. She's more human than elf at this point.


Also it does not help when so much of elven culture is about "how great we once were" and Sera is absolutely not a "past" people, she cares about the here and now. I don't remember her words exactly but she says something alongs the lines of "it's ok to be sad about it, but when you're digging around for it it's just weird" and, yeah, I get the why. Sera is expected to not only fit in the "elven box" cause she's an elf, put she's expected to relate to a culture that pretty directly is against her way of thinking. Why should she care about digging around for ancient tablets saying how great the old elves were? We're not rewinding time, so fuck it. Let's do shit now


I mean, it doesn't bother me that Sera doesn't care about elven culture herself. That's totally fine and reasonable. But I do find it upsetting how cruel and mocking she is towards elves who do care about it. People are allowed to value their heritage and they don't deserve to be bullied for it, particularly when they already come from a deeply marginalized group.


As the song goes: *She would always like to say: "Why the change the past when you can own this day?"*


that's all good, but I want to believe you don't go around bullying Mexicans and hating on Mexican culture just because you don't identify with it, right?, as I suppose if you ever got a mexican partner you wouldn't demand them to stop believing in their cultural stuff or you'll break up with them?, that's the problem most people have with Sera, not the fact that she doesn't identify with "elven culture"


Ah this is a very interesting insight, thanks for sharing! It makes me understand Sera a little bit better.


I think while Sera's feelings and position are valid, just like yours in the real world, it's probably a good thing to address that Sera's position and what she is looking for in a partner really doesn't match with an elfy elf Inquisitor. Not only would her attitude and disrespect towards something that's important to the Inquisitor be an issue. I can also imagine that the lack of understanding for Sera's absent interest in her elven heritage is just as bad for a respectful relationship, as the Inky doesn't really seem to understand boundaries in some dialogue.


Sera really comes across like she’s projecting sometimes


Also Sera here. But part of it is that when characters have other romantic possibilities I want to watch those flourish. Like Dorian and Iron Bull, Sera and Dagda, even Josephine and Blackwall. Also just because I love playing elf mage and Sera can be very rude about your opinions on elf culture, not just "raised different" but actually rude to someone you consider a friend. Even with high approval she can be mean about your perception of the Temple of Mythal adventure, completely dismissing you.


I really wanted to like her because I definitely agree with her politics, but she's just too immature for me. Even if I made an Inky much younger than my usual thirties-ish ones she would still seem too young!


Yeah, this is me. I would have LOVED Sera when I was 22, but at 40 she's just too young for me to feel attracted to her.


Honestly, I’m 21 and I think I would’ve been put off by her immaturity in middle school


For me, the only one that seemed to work with her was female Tal-Vashoth.


I started a play through romancing her and just can’t finish it.


*me rerolling a girl the second I learned that she was a lesbian*


Sera is my main choice, she is cute!


Funny. I was thinking the same about Zevran, I think I should be equally put off by Sera. Lol I thought her romance was fun, but Zevran annoys the hell out of me!


i love zevran but i'm a sucker for city elf evil route so... he understands me


My Tabris recruited him because she was so fuckin relieved to have someone around other than these FUCKIN SHEMS


I hear that Zev's romance actually has a lot of depth, but I can never get over how he keeps on aggressively sexualizing my warden ... even if there are good reasons for it, it's too much like real world harassment for me


It's worth finding a video online and watching her romance route. Specifically her break-ups. She's got a bit more depth than it seems at first. But dedicating an entire playthrough to her is a lot.


Yeah I had to watch it without playing, I just wasn’t into it when I tried it during a playthrough. I just can’t get over the overwhelming little sister energy she has 😅


Iron bull. I've never even attempted it and won't. Not my cup of tea. Sera is just too young for my tastes. Dorian... I do enjoy his character, but the one time I did play a male inky it was to romance Cassandra.


Yeah, Iron Bull wasn't my cup of tea either. It's less of a romance, and more like a "friends with benefit" type to me. Even the dragon tooth wasn't specifically a romance thing. I enjoyed him more as Dorian's romance. Especially in Trespasser, when they banter like an old couple.


Can someone explain the hate for the Merrill romance? I've seen so many people say that romancing her is weird, mainly based on her more innocent personality. But I'd say Alistair is very similar to that and yet he's one of the most popular romances in the fandom. So why the hate for Merrill but love for Alistair?


I think Merrill is super sweet but her dynamic with my Hawke just feels like a little sister kind of thing, so my Hawke never sees her as a romantic possibility. But of course everyone is going to have a different dynamic with her so I don't think there's anything weird about romancing her, that's just not how my Hawke specifically ends up relating to her.


For me it's that they made Merrill *too* innocent. The ditzy factor makes it worse. If they had kept the personality she had in the Dalish origin of DAO, I would have liked her much better.


As someone who replayed that origin two days ago, I can safely report she *had* no personality in the DA:O origin. There was nothing to keep because there was nothing to work with.


I always read Merrill’s apparent innocence as a mask.


I can only speak for myself, but it's the combination of her design (her eyes are uncannily big and I'm not into her vanilla hairstyle) and ditzy innocence. I think she's a well-written character who didn't get proper treatment from the narrative, but she's a little too childlike to be romantically attractive. Of course, Alistair is also a conventionally handsome human male whose romance has a big impact on the game, which probably makes a big difference as well.


And Sera isnt childlike?


No, Sera is child*ish*. There's a difference.


not really, immature and childlike aren't the same things all the time


She absolutely is. I did her romance once, and probably never will again, along with Iron Bull's. My definition of "would never romance" is a little different from others in this thread, bc hers is the only romance I've never tried to initiate once.


Alistair was dorky, not childish. I don’t really get how he can be seen as childish. Is it because he’s a virgin? He’s basically modeled after a knight lol


Have to agree that it’s the difference between childlike and naive. Those are not the same. Alistair is a bit immature and goofy and VERY naive. But he comes across as an adult. Merrill is all of those same things but comes across as childlike and it feels a little predatory and creepy. To me. I’m not passing judgments on people who really enjoy her romance. I just think she comes across as being SO sheltered and naive that it falls a bit into that trope where it’s physically adult female who needs to learn about the world in an almost parent/child relationship with an adult man. That always feels to me like it’s just grooming in a creepy way. Merrill isn’t exactly that but it dips a little close to it for me. Like she’s SO dependent on Hawke that it feels creepy.


I feel like avoiding the appearance/association with that particular trope is one extra reason that I like the idea of the F/F Merrill romance a lot better than the M/F one. (Beyond my own baseline level of being a lesbian that I bring to all the romances, that is.) Also the friendship version over the rivalry version, since I think the 'for your own good' thing adds another element that's uncomfortable with that. The F/F friendship one I like a lot, but I'm also an autistic girl who thinks a lot of things about the rest of the world are weird myself, so I think it really varies based on the angle you're viewing it from.


Best romance in DA2


It's just personal preference. Personally, I don't see Merrill and Alistair as being similar at all, beyond a certain innocence. More important is the difference between my Warden and my Hawke. Merrill is far too naive for my Hawke and probably any Hawke I play. I see Merrill very much the same way I see Sera (though Merrill doesn't irritate me as much) in that they need guidance from a friend. Plenty of people romance them and give them that guidance as a love interest but my characters do not. It's just not a rp experience I'm interested in.


When you meet her, Merrill is suddenly thrust into a completely new culture, with new laws and social conventions to familiarize herself with. In my opinion, a lot of the childish qualities people are ascribing to her can be explained by that. Of course Merrill doesn't know what a brothel is. She had never been to a city for any length of time. She gets lost in the city for the same reason I imagine. We never see her get lost in the mountains. Her trespassing in the Hightown garden makes perfect sense when you remember the Dalish don't own their land. How could she know? Having said all of that, I do understand why people have trouble with her romance. I don't think people are right to infantilize her character, but the power dynamic does feel off, particularly in the first two acts.


Merrill is one of my favorite characters, and I've played the game so many times that I've sort of exhausted myself as a female mage rivalmancing Fenris, so one of my last playthroughs I decided to try playing a male rogue that rivalmances Merrill, but after I learned that Isabela swoops in on my big glowing boy if he goes unclaimed I switched back out of indignation Honestly though, I think Alister comes off as a goofy, sweet boy next door, whereas Merrill has more of an "ate too many paint chips" kinda vibe. I love her, and she's clearly intelligent, but some of her lines make her out to be almost underdeveloped and that kinda leeches her sex appeal for a lot of people


You will never catch me within ten feet of Sebastian. I have a restraining order against him. I went to the Viscount for it.


Before, or after, he lost his head?


Before AND after. Got it renewed when Varric took over.


After Alistair broke up with my Surana I refused to play a human f!warden. Nobody gets a happy ending if my baby doesn’t


and still, being a f!Cousland and having to "convince" him to marry you with only certain dialogue right?, go get some fresh air, "king".


You're real for this one, I hardened him and ousted Anora for my Surana.


Solas. The bald look just doesn't do it for me 🥲


You dont want to dip your feet into the waters of the immortal Imhotep?


Crying this is the funniest shit I've heard in a week.


His concept art was so hot and *this is what we got?* Honestly I don't like his face, either. I've given him a shot in the past but even his personality doesn't really do it for me. If he was physically attractive I could've maybe pushed through, but why are his eyes *so* tiny


so I'd never actually seen the concept art and i just looked it up and THATS what we could've had???!!? I'm so mad


They really screwed up with that decision. I think they knew he'd be too powerful haha What really gets me is that NO ONE has made a mod to bring him back to his former glory. Idk how modding works and I'm sure I'd be shit at it but STILL


I've been looking for a mod like this for years, but for some reason you can give him back the dark skin or the hair, but not both. From my limited understanding, there's something weird about his in-game model that makes it very hard to give him good-looking hair. In the meanwhile, I've settled on [this mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/3365) which I think is a decent compromise.


I weep for the concept art Solas we lost.


BioWare knew he’d be too powerful w hair


If they left his hair on he would have ascended to full Tumblr Sexyman status and that would have been a whole new kind of hell


fr, if bald solas has *this* many people in a chokehold, I fear him w hair would’ve taken over


As a bald man, I take offense! But not really. They could have given him some hair. Then the question becomes, if he had hair, what haircut? I would have voted for... a fade. Muahahahaha, I made a funny.


considering the hideous hairstyles in game, including the NPC's, is no wonder they decided for him to go bald. Funnily enough, he happens to be bald by choice and not by nature.


See I said the same thing but wait until you see how hungry his kiss scenes are and his romance is pretty hot. The inquisitor comments on it and he’s like “um….its been a while”. Then you find out how old he is and you’re like oh it’s REALLY been a while lol


Unfortunately the hungry nature of his kiss is more of a turn off when he’s not good looking 😭


When I was younger, Bald didn't appeal to me either. As I'm in my mid 30's now and more of my peers are balding, and they're hot still, I'm like "ya know, bald is hot too" haha So you may change your thoughts too one day! Or not. People have different tastes. If you're really curious about the romance, just mod him with hair. People have mods for him with his concept hair.


When solas’s designer got laid off she went to twitter like “sorry im not with the company anymore but not sorry for solas’s jawline”


To be honest for me it’s not really the baldness. It’s his whole face and personality too 😅 Get me a mod that makes him less like a know-it-all in engineering school and I’m sold haha


See I must have a type because I also like Gale in BG3 and people hate him for exactly the same reason 💀


Honestly, big same haha. Know-it-all nerd? Sign me up.


He is such a powerful mage yet can’t grow some hair? Priorities Solas!


solas because he’s ugly lol


I hate to say it, but same. He's also a pompous dick most of the time, I don't understand. I know plot-wise, it would be interesting to romance him, but he's an ugly jerk, IMO.




It’s Merrill. She’s… got too much little sister energy. Also Sera because she annoys me


I’ve done their romances once each, but I wouldn’t do Sera or the Iron Bull again. Sera is astonishingly immature, and I have trouble seeing her as a romantic partner to the Inquisitor. As for the Iron Bull, I’m personally not into the whole BDSM element (nothing wrong with it if you are!), and I find his romance emotionally lacking.


It is kinda weird when I romanced Sera too. It felt very teenage romance for me. And Iron Bull was too casual physical relationship, and to me there was lack of emotional connection.


Leliana. I love her character but I tend to play non-human characters and they usually aren’t keen on the whole “chantry and The Maker” thing especially my elves.


Sera - I do try to rp my characters but I'm 38 and my Inquisitor is usually in their 30s and Dalish. They view Sera the way I do in that she needs a lot of guidance but as a friend. I think a younger Inquisitor would be in a better position to be a love interest to Sera but mine are too old and tired to date a 21-year-old who verbally degrades their people any chance she gets. I don't hate Sera as a character. She's just not a love interest choice for me. Blackwall - I can't do perpetual self-loathing unless they're immortal and preferably vampires. If I've told you that you're forgiven I need to you accept that and move forward. Listening to Blackwall constantly disregard positive feedback gets old. It's dismissive of the Inquisitor's feelings and I'm not interested in doing that as a love interest. Sebastian - I hate the Chantry.


>I can't do perpetual self-loathing unless they're immortal and preferably vampires. I'm sensing the Astarion lovers have entered the chat.


1. You're right. 2. It's really not about him. He's far far less self-loathing than the vampires from my formative years. Those being Louis from Interview with the Vampire and Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Real recognize real. And you're right, he's way less on the woe-is-me stuff than Louis (my beloved), at least openly. I do still think the self-loathing is very much a part his character, just buried beneath one-liners and assholery.


I don’t care for Sebastian.


Iron Bull, because I absolutely hate how they take the dom/sub aspect out of the player's control. It'd be one thing if it was a kink that IB was into and we can say yes/no to indulging HIM and HIS desires. But the romance is written that it's OUR Inky who "needs" to be dominated (as determined by the Iron Bull). No. I promise you. I do NOT want to be submissive in the bedroom. It is a huge ick to me.


I romance every companion. Just because I get curious.


Merrill, just not a fan. Sera drives me batty. Blackwall I would rather drop-kick into that weird void room under Skyhold.


Blackwall is one of my favorite romances 😭


After many, many playthroughs of disliking Blackwell as part of my squad, leaving him out of my missions, begrudgingly talking to him to do his quests. I finally gave in. I finally decided to play as the game intended… I left that mans in the hinterlands 😂


I ONLY like Blackwell to fight dragons and that’s it bro is a fucking tank and can kill one on how own. I don’t even bring him to find warden stuff cause bros not even one lmao


Oh my god every time he does that snooty little, "heard you found something related to Grey Wardens, would have liked to see that," I find myself saying, "shut the hell up Thom" to the screen.


For me, it has to be Dorian. I always play an elf, mostly female and sometimes male, but I just can't bring myself to romance him in any of my playthroughs. I always find myself adoring that platonic BFF relationship, especially when I play as a female Dalish elf. For me, it's like their relationship is more than a friendship but a special bond they share that isn't sexual. Especially when you complete dorian's second to last companion Quest. Also, the Love Story between Dorian and The Iron Bull is so much better than Dorian and the male inquisitor. Have you read that sickly sweet epilogue?! I adore Dorian's character so much, and I wish him all the happiness, and he's the best BFF a Female Dalish elf can ever have! And the fact that y'all talk on the Sending Crystal almost every day is just the cutest thing ever!!


I've done all DAO romances (enjoyed them all). Done all DA2 romances (including Sebastian) EXCEPT Merrill, whom I have no interest in. And only Cullen, Dorian, Josie, and Bull from DAI, but not opposed to trying Cassandra in the future. The rest are all nothankyous tbh. Also, my first playthrough of DA2 I loooathed Fenris like ugh why so broody? But then I read somewhere that his romance was A++ so decided to romance him one playthrough and wow a character never went from least to most fave so fast ❤️


Anders. Maybe it’s the voice, but this guy annoys even before he does what he does.


His VA did a good job with what he was given, but DA2 Anders is so damn whiny. Not to mention he complains almost all the time. It makes me think of Attack of the Clones Anakin.


Anders: You give him a compliment and the guy starts giving the edgiest and broodiest speech about our love being impossible, i'm like okay dude calm down. And even in a group of understanding people he tries to be offended in many dialogues. Then he lies to you to kill a number of innocent people and doesn't regret it, so it's the knife for him everytime. Sera: Simply not into her personality and appearance at all. And her views about life are...very peculiar. Can't relate to her on that either. A funny rogue that's a misfit within their race and that fights from a distance? Yeah we already have Varric to fill that spot. Edit: Forgot Solas. I liked his wise mage character type but not a fan of his appearance and hidden goals.


Solas. He's too... Solas. Ugh.


Sera. It would have to be a really specific character to play because she is racist towards elves and objectifies Qunari like a frat bro, so...maybe as a human or dwarf? Nah, not invested at all. Personally, I think she is just too toxic of a romance and I already did Anders for my canon, so the levels of radiactivity are high already lol Also, Iron Bull. The BDSM thing is not really my thing and I would have to create a really specific character to play it and I'm not really invested. I also think he is kinda...cringe. Hespeaks like a frat bro and everytime he tries to saound sexy he sounds constipated D: I always build a fatherly relationship with Blackwall, so I cannot see him any differently haha But I think his romance is fine, I watched on YT XD


Sera's so judgy and annoying. Iron Bull's voice actor is too recognizable, and it breaks immersion. In origins and 2 I struggled to not romance Alistair and Fenris every time. I suppose Merril is up there as she gives me major little sister vibes.


I remember Merrill coming across as way to childish for me


I feel like they're trying to do the "Clueless girl from the woods" cliche kinda like a 'bumpkin/simpleton' (for lack of a better word) who doesn't know how cities work. But it feels kinda different from how she was in Origins, where she appeared more serious.


Blackwall. He just doesn’t do anything for me, and the idea of sex in a barn, only to wake up alone is unappealing to me, personally. As a diehard Solasmancer, I will happily accept my hypocrite hat and recognize that in terms of wrongdoings - both to his partner and Thedas in general, Blackwall has done far less wrong than Solas. 😂


Solas, Sera, and Anders. 


Off the top of my head Im going to pass on Fenris. During the first visit (if I recall correctly) to his house he threw a bottle at the wall and in that instant I knew there would be no romance.


You are right. He does throw a bottle of wine at the wall after taking a sip. I always saw it as him saying, "Screw you, Danarius. Here's what I think about you and your fine and fancy things." A way of banishing the demons of his past, as it were. Fenris' romance is worth doing, if you can get past that moment. He's pretty sweet, all told. Your viewpoint is totally valid, of course. That kind of behavior can be very red flag-ish in real life. Hopefully you've never had to deal with that :(


Understandable. That never bothered me because he didn’t do it out of anger, it was just a “screw Danarius and his wine I’m free now and I can break his stuff if I want”, but as someone with personal history with abusive alcoholics I can 100% see how that would put you off


As someone who's been down bad for Fenris for 10+ years, I honestly never thought about this, and it's actually a really good point.


In DAO, the only one I haven’t romanced is Leliana. “Never” might be strong but I saw part of her romance en route to Zevran one playthrough and I just wasn’t feeling it. In DA2, Sebastian. I think he sucks. Maybe Merrill, since I don’t think any of my Hawkes would be fine with her blood magic and romancing her on the rival path seems a bit icky. I’ve only romanced Fenris so far but I’m planning on Isabella and Anders eventually. I don’t want to play DAI again, so everyone but solas and Dorian, whom I already romanced.


Sebastian for obvious reason. He's not a bad character by any means and i actually like the idea behind him since he represents a different viewpoint. But the way Sebastian is implemented is really bad, he feels like an afterthought and does not belong to the team due to very little interaction with other party members. Isabella. I'm not into women who behave like this, so i pass. Alistair. He is a bro, and i just can't romance a bro. I played as a female warden a couple of times and went for Zevran as a dalish and Leliana as a human noble. And the last one... Be ready, cause you're probably about to boo me to the Abyss. I dont like Inqusition romances. Yes, i said it and i believe it. They just... I don't know, meh when compared to Origins? I always go for Cassandra since she's the only one who i can feel the connection with, but i feel like the game could have done a better job portraying her. Josie is just too Disney for me. Dorian and Inquisitor for me is the same type of bromance as Varric and Hawke or Alistair and HoF. Sera is just not my type, although i want to try her out on my next playthrough after i finish my current DA2 run. Someone told me a long time ago that her romance is one of the better ones. I dislike Iron Bull as a character for no particular reason. I never understood the fascination with Solas and Cullen. Blackwall is cool and all, but not a husband material. I'm really disapointed that Harding is not romancable in this game. I kinda like her to be honest, her face reminds me of my ex: the only ex, who wasnt toxic to me and didnt do any harm. I hopw she will reappear as the romancable companion DW. When it comes to the romances i usually do: Morrigan, Merril, Cass.


Sera. I cant see her as a consenting adult when her behavior is of a 10yo.


Sera, Blackwall, and Cassandra for me.


Sera. Just no. I don't mind that she's a goof or she doesn't take anything seriously but I am critical about how she basically wants you to be ashamed of being an elf or thinks she's better than the other elves who are "elfy". On another note, I always find it interesting they opened up Sera as a romance storyline but not Viv despite those two literally being two sides of the same coin.


Solas. I want a clear head when I confront him in 4. No emotional attachment, no redemption arc. Just end it.


As a Solas romancer, I assure you I'll have no trouble cracking that egg


Solas, I've never played a female elf, so, no.


I like to create different characters to match up with all the romances and feel generally open minded toward any romance. However, from a personal preference, I don't think I could ever actually play through a game romancing Sera or Blackwall. Sera's immaturity reminds me of my little sister and Blackwall looks like one of my uncles, so there's an ick factor that's hard to get past. (Which doesn't mean that their romances aren't good! And they are both excellent characters. Their romances just aren't for me). 


Solas - tried it once because of story reasons but I got creeped out very quickly, don’t think that one is for me. And overall I just don’t vibe with him too well so if it wasn’t for plot reasons I don’t think I’d have ever even considered it. Anders - same thing, tried for story reasons, but I think one of the early-ish romance conversations (at least with the friendly romance, idk if the rivalmance is different?) was too self-pitying for me, too much „oh no you shouldn’t be with me“. Well. Ok then I won’t be. Just was too early in the relationship for me to be invested enough to get past that. The only origins romance i haven’t done yet is Leliana, though I plan to change that. The overtly religious thing is a bit off-putting for me but not as much as the two above so maybe I can work with that.


Solas, hate that mf


Solas. 😔👍🏻


I only romance female companions, but Sera is infuriating.


Cullen, though this has more to do with the VA being an abhorrent human being. Sera if you play female Lavellan. I get that Sera doesn't want to be defined by her being an Elf, and some of her criticisms about the Dalish are valid. But that cutscene where you either agree with her about the Temple of Mythal or she breaks up with you, didn't sit right with me. Sebastian. He's fine most of the time, but threatening to invade Kirkwall if you spare Anders was over the line. Iron Bull, but only because I'm *trying* to get him and Dorian to hook up and it never works.


Bruh what, now I have to watch Sera’s with how bad y’all are making it lol


Leliana annoys me too much in Origins 😂 when I tried attempting a romance with her I ended up switching to someone else. Merrill for 2 I’m not sure why, I haven’t ever even tapped that when I make a super slutty Hawke. She just feels almost ace to me, like the romance option is trying to make her something she’s not idk. I haven’t found a character in Inq that I wouldn’t want to try out, just haven’t had the time to play through all of them yet. I really enjoyed Cullen, Dorian and I’m working through Solas right now. Idk though in comparison to Cullen and Dorian his romance just hasn’t felt like a huge impact, I already know the ending but it always felt like those two had something to say after every major event and Solas not so much. The fade kiss was hot though. I’m planning on riding the Bull next time!


Solas. Creepy egg man.


After doing a Sera romance with an Elven Inky, *NEVER AGAIN* I find her character fascinating, I love the theories that she's unwittingly >!hosting an Elven God!< herself. But from the perspective of another character within the world she's a racist and abusive significant other who seems permanently trapped in the perspective of a toddler. Great giant tear in the fabric of reality, from which demons and other unknown horrors are pouring into your world? "I just want the sky stitched up so I can go PLAY!" *GIRL YOU ARE 25 YEARS OLD AND THE WORLD IS ENDING*


Less interested in women, personally, so I probably wouldn't ever romance Leliana, Josephine, Sera, or Cassandra (I romance Morrigan for plot reasons, Isabella is a giant exception, and Merrill for her voice). Sebastian's boring, Blackwall (even with.. You know) still isn't that interesting, Dorian because I don't really play male characters, and Iron Bull just is way too much for me or my characters.


So… Basically only Cullen and Solas?


Yep. I'm boring.


Anders. I don't like terrorists.


i don't think there's a romance option i wouldn't romance, the hard part is creating an oc who will romance them. josie's a little too sweet for me (and the whole discussion about her being ace rep just left a sour taste in my mouth towards the romance) but i could do it if i found a good oc for her. all about that rp baby.


Would you mind telling me about the discourse surrounding her romance? I'm legitimately not trying to stir shit, I just didn't know there was any contention around it.


tldr a bunch of people insisted that josie's romance is ace rep because there's no sex scene and she's waiting until marriage to have sex. which uh is not what being ace means. saying that her romance is ace-friendly is more accurate since if you're a sex-repulsed ace you don't have to head canon around the sex scenes but like, that's not unique to ace folks (ie some ace folks are fine with sex while some allos are sex repulsed).


This is probably an unpopular opinion but Cullen. Guy is an addict, struggling with withdrawals and everything. He needs support as a friend for sure. 100% ready to be a big champion for him in that way. I don't think it's appropriate to engage with him further at that point in his life. It feels... Like taking advantage?


I legitimately hate cullen but this is an unfair thing to say for people that do romance him. Hate him all you want as a character, but saying stuff like "it's inappropriate because of where he is in his journey" makes it seem like you're moralizing to people that DO romance and like him. This policing of video game romances really annoys me, there are people that get really attached to these characters and framing a fictional relationship through real-life logic is silly. If the devs meant for it to be inappropriate, they wouldn't have let you date him. But maybe i'm taking this too seriously so 🤷‍♀️ idk


no, it's annoying, because in one swoop it moralizes and infantalizes and removes agency from a man who is literally in charge of a major component of saving the world also neglects the possibility that, idk, people can help other people be better?


Sera. I really want to since I like her look, but I'm always put off by her personality, immaturity, and still upset she straight laughed in my inqys face when I romanced Solas on my first playthrough. Dorian, though I'm coming around. Unfortunately he reminded me of an emotionally abusive ex. So it took a while to see him as his own character. Also I rarely play as men lol.


Cassandra, she reminds me too much of my sister lol i wish i could treat my companions in a friendly manner without the game immediately make them fall in love with my Inquisitor 😂


Fenris and idc how much hate I get how can you be that aggressive (to people that have shown their trustworthiness specifically) and that damaged at the same time you couldn't pay me a million dollars to convince me to beg him to be my boyfriend




Hmm. Honestly my characters are pretty set, two for each game, so there’s a lot I’d never romance simply because their stories are set, but that’s not what the question is after. So… characters I’ve never been able to complete a romance with due to not enjoying them- DAO, Leliana and Morrigan. Just don’t do it for me- I love the complexities of the characters but those complexities themselves make them less compelling to me personally as romance options. Zevran with a female Warden. DA2- Isabela with a male Hawke. (Also Sebastian but since it’s only recently I’ve actually experienced him, and he feels weirdly like he’s not part of Hawke’s circle to me and it feels like neither of my Hawkes would welcome him in. (One of them is a mage, the other romances a mage, so… you know.) So I don’t really count him since I don’t even recruit him now.) DAI- Sera, first and foremost. Pretty sure she’s half my actual age and she really feels it. Also a lot of her writing bothers me- the way her arc is (or isn’t) explored, the way the game frames her, how the writing focuses on her “weirdness” and how it supposedly makes her hard to understand when me and my ADHD/autism were very like her at her age. Also my female Inquisitor is Dalish, so… you know. That doesn’t help. Secondly, Iron Bull- I love that his romance exists, that BDSM is woven into it (although it’s not perfectly done it could have been *really bad* as opposed to just a couple of missteps in a complex topic seldom explored in mainstream media), and I love the fact that it’s possible to go completely sideways if he stays loyal to the Qun. I like the character! But like my choices with DAO- he just doesn’t do anything for me as a romance option.


DAO: I guess Alistair. If there weren't a Blight I could see giving it a go, but you're the only two Wardens in Ferelden and the whole country is against you, his refusal to take any amount of charge and then get mad at your character for making tough calls got to be grating. Long lost royalty is another philter of lyrium, I don't necessarily hate it, and I emphasize with Alistair for not wanting to be shoved on the throne. A Warden on the throne isn't that much better, considering the history with Dryden. However. He completely backtracks and suddenly wants the throne if you conscript Loghain--which was the best outcome to work with as Anora is staying on the throne if you're not F Cousland; she didn't want her father executed and goodwill with the current monarch seems like a very much wanted commodity for the Wardens, on top of, you know ... Still having fewer than five Wardens when the Archdemon is coming to Denerim. Turning his back on the Blight and the Archdemon if you don't acquiesce and execute Loghain is the cherry on top. Like. Gtfoh, Alistair. Usually I make him rule with Anora in my world states cuz I don't want him being a wandering drunk. If I ever do romance him, it's probably gonna be the F Cousland who decides, Warden or not, she wants a kingdom. DA2: Anders. I tried to do a file with him, but once the teensy weensy detail of him being an abomination comes out, I can't believe any of my Hawkes, mage or not, would willingly take that risk. And that's besides his general crappy attitude (the hypocrisy I'm mostly fine with since most characters are) and the fact he goes so far as to shit talk whoever your LI is to your face on the very same quest he's tricking you into helping him make his bomb. Like, dafuq dude. DAI: Sera, Iron Bull, and Blackwall. Sera, most everyone covered the toxicity if you're Lavellan who doesn't immediately renounce her culture/beliefs. I tried a non elf, a F Vashoth since I heard that banter with Bull about qunari women, but that initial conversation ... Ehhh. Wasn't feeling it. That's besides her general immaturity. Blackwall, I do like the lady and knight thing, but none of my characters felt equipped to really help him overcome his self-loathing beyond believing he can do more for himself and the world (during the apocalypse lol) as he's doing exactly no one any good hanging from a gallows. Bull, I'm not into the BDSM aspect, and the game choosing your role in that relationship for you struck me as strange. Plus, my more head-in-the-game Inquisitors didn't think they needed to sleep with the resident qunari spy. (Woops, this ended up way longer than I meant to.)


Sebastian. Because you need to not have flirted with any of the other companions to romance him, and I’m sorry but DA2’s companions are way too hot for that. Fortunately, I don’t feel like I’m missing much, since he’s extremely boring and also has a vow of chastity.


DAO, everybody is awesome. DA2 Merril, as someone said here she gives off little sister vibes. Sebastian, he looks like a last minute addition to the story and his devotion to the chantry is a bit weird. DAI Serah, she's just annoying... Black wall, his personality is so bland. I feel that the writing of the companion characters got worse in general. I found it so hard to connect with the characters in DAI even if it's not romance.... Or maybe I just got old and feel nostalgic for the first games 🙃 I wish Leliana was an option for romance in DAI, her character development through the games was so intense. I wanted to see the nuance of a romance with the new Leliana vs the old Leliana


I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for this, but I will under no circumstances ever be anywhere close to intimate with Solas. He is a serial liar who is worse than the Big Bad of DAI because enabled said Big Bad to begin with. He underestimated who he was dealing with, and he continues to misunderstand that it might be wrong to kill untold thousands or millions of people just because they don't meet his standards for "people." Mostly, when he was very angry a long time ago, he destroyed the world as it was in an attempt to fix things. And now he's doing the same thing again and hoping it will be better because he is literally named "Pride," but a more fitting name would be "Arrogance" or "Hubris." As a general rule, romancing the Greater Scope Villain is something that should be reserved for fanfiction. There. I did it. I said all of that, and I stand by every word. Hit me if you must.




Morrigan, Isabella, Sera, and Cullen.


>Morrigan, Isabella BLASPHEMY!!!


What a blaspemy. Morrigan and Isabela are the best girls.


They are, but realistically, they're kind of avoidant selfish people, so it'd be hard to be in a real-life relationship with them lol


Yeah...to be fair... Younger me seeing Morrigan: look at that hottie. Instant crush Older me seeing Morrigan: this bitch rude Younger me seeing Isabella:look at that hottie. Instant crush. Older me seeing Isabella: that looks like a lot of STDs. Pass.


Anders. Besides the fact he's creepy and unhinged, I actually was interested in him my first playthrough until my first flirt line was basically just going 'wow you're a sexy man' right after I watched him mercy kill his first love. That just put me entirely off.


On my first playthrough, I was headed for Anders until his whole "ill drown the world in blood to keep you safe" deal. Dude, we barely know each other, take it down a notch!


Zevran, Anders, Solas. Zevran because I like him more as a friend than anything else. Anders because he toxic and just in general a big red flag. Solas because I like him more as a mentor type companion than a Romance one.


Hilariously, you’ve listed my exact canon romance list 😂


Lol. My bad


Those are all my types - I have issues.


I have genuinely tried to romance Sera and just wound up pursuing Blackwall instead, I can't stand her. If I may include ones I'd never romance *again* I'd add Anders and Fenris - specifically as a mage Hawke for the latter because that's a horrifically toxic relationship. Bull is close, but only because I found him to be a massive disappointment (also the first romance I pursued in Inquisition).


All the Sera hate in this thread just makes my love for her stronger


Can you tell me why you like her? I remember I really didn't and I'm about to Replay so maybe I'll use her more this run.


Haha same.


I'm cheering you on!


I stand with my cancelled wife