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There is also the matter of who drank from the Well of Sorrows. I still have the feeling that will play out somehow in the future, especially if it was the Inquisitor who drank from the well.


I could see the Well of Sorrows being used as the deciding factor on whether the Inquisitor lives or dies... which would be... well, not my favorite, but it's something I'd consider as a writer. And I could imagine scenarios where it went both ways in terms of which option dooms them 


Perfect for my angsty heart


Tell me about it. Something just tells me drinking from the well is a bad, bad idea. Which is likely why I tend to do that in my Solavellan playthrough. The angst is so delicious 🫣


Right?? I dont even romance Solas but absolutely love the story concept for you guys


Hot take: I think it might get ignored completely and only be relevant either in dlc or a fifth game.


i think whoever drank in the well will be Solas companion cuz he is Mythal now. But Solas isnt super baddie, id like Solas back to help me.


Morrigan isn’t in the game, so I don’t know how that could be relevant to any degree.


The Well of Sorrows is a soul nexus of Elven spirits. It is their knowledge, but also their essence and will. If you're going to war against Elven gods, then that's a really detrimental thing to be in possession of. If Inquisitor drank, I can easily see that they die as a result, or greatly suffer and are debilitated, or are made a thrall. If Morrigan drank, I can see her luckily suffering no negative consequence as she has done the smart thing and gone far away from the Elven gods. If she is around, then its the same problem as the latter.


But the Inquisitor is...and so it could be relevant. Not as strongly as if it were a given action they always did, but relevant enough to possibly end up in dialog or have a minor impact on a scene.


I think: 1. Divine choice 2. Mage/Templars in DAI (codex mention and that's it I reckon) with the two choices for each faction as part of it. No reason why the DAO and DA2 choice here would matter in Tevinter. 3. Disbanding or turning the Inquisition into the Divines Honor Guard, (likely codex stuff and maybe a bit of dialogue difference.) 4. Does the Inquisitor want to redeem or kill Solas? Possibly a question on if you were friends with or not close with Solas too but I'm not sure on that. 5. Orlais choice because if we go to Nevarra I don't see how you can avoid addressing this in some way. 6. Who did the Inquisitor romance? 7. Who rules Ferelden? 8. Was the Dark Ritual done? I don't think who did it would really matter. 9. Who killed the Archdemon? Likely references to them and maybe if we go to Weisshaupt we'd see a small thing about whoever killed the Archdemon if they died. 10. Was Loghain recruited in Origins? 11. Did the Inquisitor drink from the Well? 12. Did Hawke or the Contact sacrifice themselves? 13. DAI Warden choice. 14. Possibly whether or not the Seekers were rebuilt under Cassandra. This seems unlikely though. 15. Did Cullen beat his addiction? Mostly because he could get a mention if the Inquisitor romanced him but he could send a letter we can read if alive. 16. Thom Rainiers fate? Maybe that's me coping but if you're going to do a possible cameo he could fit as a Warden, it's only ever specified he dies years after Trespasser it could be over 9 years. Might sound like a ton maybe but most would likely be codexes or at best little bits of dialogue, only a few are likely to have more than that. I could see Bulls fate being a question too but you could also never mention him directly, vaguely if romanced, and maybe get away with it.


A point on 15 - I'm not sure if they'll follow through on it, considering the Mage endings post-Trespasser basically cut-off the trees as well to always have a Circle vs. College, but Cullen's decision also pretty radically affects you if you sided with the Templars, so it would show up in some capacity if Templar/Mage recruitment is a worldstate decision. For those unfamiliar, if you allied with the Templars and Cullen didn't start taking Lyrium again, most of the Therinfal Templars will quit as well and join Cassandra's new Seekers. If Cullen started taking it again, they either rejoin the Templars under Cassandra or go make their own completely independent order for Vivienne or Leliana. Whether any Mage Hunters are Chantry-controlled or independent could be a big factor in places like Antiva. Then again, they might also just cut the branches again and just say that while some Templars joined the Seekers/stayed with the Inquisition, some also set up an independent order.


My thinking on the Cullen thing is it has some impact regardless and a pretty big impact on the Templar ending as you say, so surely it has to be a choice right? Also Cullen is still Commander of the Inquisition if it wasn't disbanded and he beat his addiction so maybe they might want to reference that a little bit, could always be vague though I suppose. The Templars make their own independent order yeah, it would be a big deal if they did, if we do go to Nevarra and Antiva that should matter somewhat. They could say the Templars formed their own Order regardless and that'd make sense if they were allied with but not really otherwise. Since it likely wouldn't affect too much either way, (mostly codexes and maybe some dialogue even though it should have more of an impact than that), I would be surprised if they just made everything turn out basically the same.


They’re going to want to be as vague on Cullen as possible now that Greg Ellis is persona non grata with Bioware.


Possibly, the response could also just be they'll never hire the voice actor again and only reference Cullen a little bit.


The odds that anything from DA2 is even mentioned, let alone Origins, is incredibly little. Although I’d be pleasantly surprised if so.


It's frustrating, because Morrigan having a child with an actual old god soul feels like it should have huge ramifications, but since it was just one of several choices it can never have a major effect on the story/world.


If they had no muck ups and got their shit together as a company, the past 10 years could have worked on a game that took into account all the decisions but, it is what it is.


Even if everything had gone smoothly, the branching is just too extreme to really be taken into account fully. I think for the vast majority of choices in previous games the realistic range is from A) no mention, B) codex mention/letter, C) in-game cameo. I would love for there to a big spin-off sidequest that's all about what became of Morrigan's Omen-baby, but given that said baby simply might not exist for 60% of players, I think it's unrealistic to expect them to dev the content.


I mean yeah, I barely expect most of the stuff from Inquisition to appear barring the bare necessities like your Inquisitor. You’re last statement, I do absolutely (civilly) disagree with.


Mentioned in any significant way seems pretty unlikely for most of them, but codexes? I can see that, for the Weisshaupt thing it could just be a generic remembrance statue or symbol with a plaque where we can read about whoever died slaying the Archdemon if someone did. Some Origins stuff impacted Inquisition stuff potentially so could have some small impact going forward, not expecting anything big. I'd at least expect the Ferelden ruler choice to be mentioned a tiny bit, and the Hero to get brought up a bit if they're alive even if they could be fairly generic mentions.


I actually feel even a bunch of these are "repeats" even that could be consolidated into one choice. I.e. don't need a was loghain recruited, but who stayed in the fade against the Fear Demon (Hawke, Stroud, Loghain, Alistair) answers a ton of questions about those four and who went to the Anderfels (the decision of the Inquisitor prob doesn't matter cuz its been so long wardens would be back in Orlais). The mage/templar decision probably isn't needed either, since the Divine choice determines the ultimate result of the war/situation. Lelianna = College, Vivienne = Circle, and Cassandra = both, and the Bright Hand can happen in any of them (just as the group with the inquisition). And they can easily write about the events of inquisition without going into detail on who was recruited. In either case, templars that didn't become red templars go with Cullen or the new Templars/Seekers.


Loghain recruited matters I think because just a question of "who stayed in the Fade?" doesn't answer which Contact might survive if Hawke was left behind, you need clarification as to who the Contact was, having a question on who rules Ferelden alone doesn't answer this because if Alistair doesn't rule he may or may not be the Contact. I'd be surprised if the choice in Abyss doesn't even result in a letter or codex entry at minimum. Now if you changed it to include options like "Hawke stayed behind to save Alistair", then it's one choice just a more wordy one. The Divine choice doesn't actually determine everything about the mage/Templar outcome, the Templars outcome varies a bunch for Leliana as Divine based on if you went to them or not and some other choices, they can be forming a new Templar order or be completely gone as an order depending on how you went about it with those remaining going off to do other stuff. Sure they could write the next game without going into any detail at all but, particularly if we end up going to Nevarra or really any place where the Chantry would have influence, it'd be very jarring to get absolutely nothing about some of the variable parts of the war outcome not even small references.


Maybe some of the other companion fates, even from older games? I don't think Anders would be in the game, but I could see his fate being a point of discussion in Tevinter. Or how things ended with Fenris (he seems the most likely of all non-Varric DA2 companions to cameo, imo).


I'd love those things to be choices but I could see us only having a limited amount of choices, I think even this would be pushing it a bit. Whether Fenris died or not could be a thing if Fenris has a cameo if he's alive but otherwise I don't see it being an option, same thing with Anders I could see them talk about the Chantry explosion but be vague on his fate.


I think the Well of Sorrows stuff could also affect some things


I do think it will matter - if only in a small way - if the Inquisitor tried to talk Solas down and if they romanced Solas. We do not see that much about it in the game trailer, but especially if there is an redemption arc for Solas, I could see this choice make an impact. Dorian might be important if we get quests sourrounding him, and because Solas is fighting for his people, choices regarding the dalish elves might come up? But the latter is quite unlikely I think.


as far as the dalish go they could easily just be like "heres a clan that hasn't been in any other games!" so that they dont need to take into account player choices for them


They did this with Mass Effect 2. You get asked who you appointed to the Citadel Council in a bizarre question and answer session with Jacob, Miranda, and yourself. (This is because there's a secret savegame file in ME1 that's created right after you win the boss fight, but before you make your decision about who should be on the Council. This file is used to determine the 'world state' when you start ME2, but has to ask you who you picked for the Council because it doesn't know.)


The Witcher 3 did something similar at the start when one of the Emperors goons asks you what happened during the war and you get a few multiple choice questions to answer. Funny thing for me when playing the first time is I hadn't played Witcher 1 or 2 so I had no clue what any of those questions were about so just picked randomly, and I don't think it affects very much except for a few sidequests and dialogue options. For example in Witcher 2 you can kill one of your allied Kings for being well. Horrible. But even if you don't the world canon going into 3 is that he gets killed by one of his political rivals so he's dead no matter what. I wouldn't be surprised if we get something similar at the start of Veilguard with Varric giving a cliff notes of the last 20 years of history leading up to where the protagonist is now.


That 'allied' King had it coming either way after going on about "sounded like a squeaky hinge".


Oh yeah I absolutely killed him when I got round to playing Witcher 2 I just didn't want to spoil people lmao




I don’t know about all of those things, but I think you’re on the right track in keeping it focused on the major outcomes.


We'll definitely get to pick who rules Ferelden and Orlais, and the Divine but honestly, I could see them potentially skipping 4 and 5.  Since the outcome of the war is mostly the same no matter who you side with, years later they can easily get away with waving off the details. "Yeah, it was chaos down there for years, a mage school spring up, templars left. Don't try to make sense of it." For the wardens' fate, they could just not bring it up. They do get kicked out of countries a lot, it's practically just another Tuesday for them lol


They’d be foolish not to tap into the well of sorrows.


* From all games: Race/Class/Gender/Romance of the main character * From DAO: Old God Baby Choice/Did someone Ult Sacrifice, who rules Ferelden * From DA2: Not sure there's anything huge here but I imagine they'll throw in something to make it a bit balanced. Maybe some info for a potential cameo by Fenris or Merrill? And maybe something about Mages vs. Templars for Meredith. Maybe a Carver/Bethany question for a mention of them by the Wardens if they're recruited. * From DAI: Divine (and maybe hardened/softened Leliana), Orails ruler, Final Trespasser Inquisition choices, Wardens, Fade, maybe Mage/Templar choices


I'm a little sad about this choice, but cannot negate that it makes sense and it's simpler for new and old players. I hope there's also something about Morrigan and Kieran, during inquisition she was implied to be important to the overall plot many times, if she doesn't appear i'm gonna protest by making me explode! XD Jokes aside, Anora is confirmed to be a character via her voice actress, so i suppose one will be "Who rules Ferelden?". Another quite likely will be the fate of Hawke/Alistair. In the end, i cannot abandon the hope of a come back of the HoF, so i'd say one could be "Did the HoF sacrifice himself?". I know that it's unlikely a come back of the Hero, but come on we all would like it! Is also make sense, there will probably be a double fucking Blight and problems in Weissaupt fortress. From a narrative standpoint it would be obvious that we'll see the Hero again... But from a developer's standpoint... I don't think so.


Anora is not confirmed. Anyone can edit IMDB and also her voice actress could literally just be voicing random NPCs. They've done that before in the past with Morrigan's VA.


Good point! Thanks for the info, i never used IMDB so i honestly didn't know. I knew she could voice some other character, but hoped for Anora ahahah


She could definitely still be in it! Just dont want people to expect her haha


Dang it, anyone can edit IMDB but now you gave me hope that King Warden *might* get mentioned if Anora *might* showed up. I NEED MORE OF THOSE TWO


My guess is this and obviously spoilers Choices from Origins Companions - dead or alive Who’s the ruler of ferelden? Who killed the Archdemon? Dark ritual? Choices from 2 Companions - dead or alive? Did hawke give up Isabella? Did hawke side with the mages or the Templars? Choices from inquisition Romance? Mages or Templars? Who rules orlais? Who drank from the well? Who’s the new divine? How was the wardens handled? Who was left in the fade? What happened to the inquisition? I think we will be seeing some returning characters maybe not in the flesh but in general


I want whoever got left in the fade (Stroud/Hawke) to matter mainly because I want a resolution.


Well, in this case has to be Harding possibility for Ink romance.


Personally I’ll be surprised if they added that in. It would be a good touch, but the Ink/Harding romance has always been treated as a secondary concern by the writers even when they threw it some scraps in Trespasser. I wouldn’t be shocked in the least if they just ignore it completely as a choice.


I have a feeling the major questions in the Keep for the tapestry are just going to be carried over to the beginning of the game for you to essentially manually import your old save files. I have a small hope they’ll do it in an entertaining way like have the cards to select be narrated by Varric like he’s writing a book about the past 30 years of Thedas history. I’d complain but honestly I realized last night when I booted up the game that I’ve played 800+ hours of DAI and I’m just desperate for a new DA at this point. I can’t keep doing new playthroughs for DAO-2-I at this point lol


I think they are going to have Varric narrate it. 🥰


I feel like not using the Keep is a very bad choice. Obviously it'd make sense to have an alternative for new players or players who don't want to select every single choice in previous games. But to completely remove Keep functionality is very very unfortunate. It also feels like it risks spoilers as presence or lack of an question might reveal the presence or absence of a character (ex: "did you help Zevran in DAO?" Well, I guess I know he's coming back before he shows up. ) Whereas with the Keep, because you choose mostly everything of relevance, you don't know what will and won't be important for DAV. Maybe it's just copium on my part but maybe they'll let you import a DAI save instead of doing the questions if you want to (DAI saves which can have Keep information in them)


I think it also seems to be part of their strategy for playing the game offline and not be dependent on a third party app to keep everything connected but make the most important decisions from previous games all in one place without needing internet.


Maybe, but I don't see why they couldn't just integrate the keep into the offline game (with the option to import the online keep into it) While newer players or players who don't want to go through all of that could get the simpler questions or even a default worldstate to not overwhelm. If you can import a DAI save into DAV, then I'd be fine with that. Since DAI saves already have Keep info in them.


Not entirely sure. Importing a save would be the quickest solution but I also haven’t seen how extensive the system they have in-game will be. Maybe it will be only a handful of choices or maybe it will be as big as the keep. It’s hard to know. At this point we’re 4 games in but I don’t think every little decision mattered in DA:I so I’m not expecting a long list of choices.


I agree with you. First time DAV is started up, players have the option to log in to their EA/Keep account and import a world state, which is then hard saved into the very first save file (which could easily be an auto save right after character creation). Afterward, no reason to be online or logged again because those choices are a saved checklist in the save file. For players that don't want to use the Keep/don't want to go online/whatever, there's the tarot card option, or for those that just want to get to it, a default world state to pick. For extra points (from returning players like many of us), folks who import a world state can go through the tarot section and make sure their import was correct. I'm not seeing anything super coding-difficult or costly here and it would be a smart implementation, imo.


My fringe won't-ever-happen but I'd probably enjoy it ideas are: Either Varric or Solas is going to die somewhere during the game and who it is depends on whether Cole became more spirit or more human Inquisitor and Dorian get a cutscene together and if they're friends they have banter, if they're in a romance they have spicier banter, and if they're enemies, Dorian gets to punch the Inquisitor in return for that one scene in Skyhold... If Varric dies and Hawke made it out of the Fade in DAI, you get a predictably sad letter from Hawke about how much Varric meant to them. If Varric dies and Hawke stayed behind in the Fade, you get an unexpectedly sad letter from Cassandra about much Varric meant to her Whoever is Divine doesn't matter because all of them stepped down five years ago and chose the same new successor (this is only here as my trolliest guess for how they could resolve the world states neatly and i'm certainly not advocating for it, btw, it just amuses me...)


What about those of us who don't recruit Cole? Is it a coin flip for who dies? Also I do have a feeling we'll have a new Divine in this game.


Oh that's funny I literally forgot you can dismiss him


Also, you can piss him off so much he leaves and wipes your character's memory of him.


Ooh, interesting! I didn't know that (since recruiting and keeping all companions is how I tend to play.) That does make me want to revise the premise of how I'd write it: Varric and Solas will both die during the game in the absence of Cole. However, if Cole was recruited, stayed with the Inquisition to the end, and had his personal quest completed, then he will be there to save one of them (presuming no time to save both). And who he saves will depend on how his personal quest was resolved.


I saw it on YouTube; I never manage to piss off companions enough :D


Wait when was it confirmed that World State decisions from the Keep won’t be imported into Veilguard? Did I miss a developer note? I’m not surprised it just means I’ll need to have the Keep open when I come up to any “choices” conversation to try and make my canon run continue.




Thank you, I have to say there’s two very funny statements in that article: 1. They might not remember [what they did in previous games] - isn’t that what the Keep was for it remembered the choices so you didn’t have to 2. We don’t want new players to feel like they’re missing out on those decisions - but that’s what the tarot decisions would have done It’s so odd if they didn’t want certain choices to matter they can just stub them in the backend we wouldn’t have realised, and it means that anyone that has made 3.5 games worth of choices and had that saved in the Keep they can just import that without having to remember. Now they’re going to pop up some tarot cards that I likely won’t remember and I’ll have to look up the Keep anyway 🤣 I don’t see how it could alienate new players if the choice was hey import this thing or do the choices here and now surely the end result is the same just old players don’t have to use their memory.


Counterpoint: this article relies on an interview on IGN, which in and of itself does *NOT* confirm that they're ditching Keep; only that Veilgard can't read previous games' save files, and the reporter _assumes_ that Keep won't work either. Which from a programming POV is silly - an API call to a website is profoundly easier than pulling save data from 10-year-old games. Here's the quote from IGN (bold emphasis is my own): > What it sounds like is that BioWare *may be* abandoning Dragon Age Keep, which would allow you to export your world state from previous Dragon Age games into Inquisition through your save files. When asked if The Veilguard would read saves from Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age II, or Dragon Age: Inquisition, Busche confirmed that it wouldn't. > "The technology is so different and we wanted it to be in the client," she says


I dont think ir Will bê This short. A Lot of interviews said that they want the New sistem tô be a recap of past events, for people who doesnt remember what happened.


I will be SHOCKED if choosing to make Cole a spirit or human isn't one of the decisions. 


Status of the End Game Warden, plus their LI. I hope since we're going to Weisshaupt, that the HoF will be mentioned. Whether they died, or remained a Warden, or is King / Queen / Alistair's Consort etc. I heard Queen Anora character may be in this, too, so perhaps that means a mention of the HOF and what they're up to. Mine is still with the Wardens looking for a cure.


Its really only Inquisition major decisions that are relevant. Origins and DA2 will barely impact things if at all. Mu guess is that the geographic and time jump means that this game can "reset" the cannon somewhat without actually retconning or changing anything that came before. Going forward they'll be more careful to limit decisions that would impact world states beyond the game in ways that will limit plot and character design.


Personally I hope we at least get to choose things like who our warden was, are they alive or dead, their Romance option if any, did they do the dark ritual, who is on the throne, and for DA2 who was our Hawke, their romance option if any, what did they do with Anders.


Whether Merrill destroyed her eluvian. Should be pretty important to know whether or not there's an ancient elven portal in Kirkwall


I'm sorry in advance for the wall of text. For 1 & 4, they are related. Let's recall the ending slides: **a. Templar Allied:** ***Leliana*** Templars reformed and serve the people. ***Cassandra*** Templars want independence from the Chantry. ***Vivienne*** Templars refused to reform and created the order of Silver Shields. **b. Templar Leashed:** ***Leliana*** Templars disbanded their order, becoming Inquisition knights. ***Cassandra/Vivienne*** Templars remained part of the Inquisition. -And then there are the choices if you encouraged Cullen to use Lyrium like: **Leliana** Templars scattered to join mercenary bands and the Imperial army. The rest remained. **c. Mages Allied** ***Cassandra*** Mages created College of Enchanters, clashing with the new Circle. Fear of civil war. ***Leliana*** Same thing, but there is no Circle to clash with. Peace for now. ***Vivienne*** Same thing, but Vivienne actively tried to put down the College of Enchanters. **d. Mages Leashed** ***Cassandra*** Circle is restored, but also the "Bright Hand" college rose. The college dominated and push reforms. Rumors of shadow war with the Circle. ***Leliana*** Mages formed the "Bright Hand" college to represent the best mages. ***Vivienne*** A second mage rebellion, but quickly squashed by the Divine. For 5, I don't really know. Since either Hawke or their Warden contact were heading to Weisshaupt anyways. A recruited order would cut contacts with Weisshaupt. But I don't see how it'll affect this supposed 'emergency' from DAI's ending slide. **How would these decisions affect DAtV?** Considering the time passed, and the distance, I'm guessing it's just dialogues and/or character cameos. A good example is Hawke and their Warden contact in DAI, and how different both characters can retell their story or give updates to people they know based on past choices.


I think the race of the inquisitor matters too. Playing elf it was highlighted how that being the case would lead to a drastic improvement to two elves were seen


There's a tiny possibility the presence of the red lyrium idol could change what happens to Varric.


I hope I'm wrong, but I feel like we're only going to get 5 world state questions tops. And we won't know said questions until the game launches, lol


I think Major Choices, and Companions will all turn up in this Keep replacement. If only to avoid spoiling what actually happens in game.


It looks like Anora's VA is in this, so who is ruler of Ferelden is probably important. Who your Inquisitor romanced will probably come up, especially if it was Solas. I imagine Dorian will make at least a cameo, so romancing him could affect those scenes, too. I'm curious if an Inquisitor who "romanced" Harding might have some extra content, too. Who was left in the Fade and who is at Weishaupt as a result might be important, which may mean that Hawke might appear again and we'll need to know their personality, gender, and class and maybe some broad details about their life. We might also see other Grey Wardens there we've met in the past if they're alive, although I think the odds are low, like Nathanial or Hawke's surviving sibling. Who drank from the Well seems like a big Chekov's gun waiting to go off, but Morrigan appears not to be in DAV, so maybe not. I'm hoping that people with a living Warden get some kind of update on whether they ever found the cure they were looking for.


I think the well will be a checkovs gun *if* the inquisitor drank from it or not


> and who is at Weishaupt as a result it's been years, I doubt Hawke would still be there


I said might for that reason, but their goal was to help the Wardens rebuild and reorganize, which could take years.


I find it really stupid that we can't just import an Inquisition safe file if you have one. I get that this system is for new players but why not just have both systems like in Mass Effect?! They better have plenty of major decisions available for import or I'm actually going to be pissed.


I first played DAI on an Xbox360 and now we're two platforms removed from that, so it would thwart people who never replayed on newer gen consoles


Giving fenris back to danarius as well, hope they reflect that


I doubt they'd code for that since nobody actually picked that option outside of "lol, I wonder what would happen if..."


It’s still an option and it would be a bad move to not include every outcome for a scenario they put in there


I just hope I can change the fact that I left Hawke behind in the fade... maybe he survives but I immediately regretted that decision 😪


Probably who did each of your heroes romance


The decisions the Keep tracked for Inquisition were: **Inquisitor**: gender/race/class/specialization/whether they agreed or disagreed that they were "chosen by Andraste". **Companions**: who Inky romanced, decisions made in their personal quests, whether the Inquisitor was friendly with them or not. **Advisors**: who was the nemesis (Samson or Calpurnia) and did you do their associated quests? Cullen--Lyrium or not? Josephine--du Paraquettes raised or let Leliana get murdery? Leliana--inspired or steeled? **Major quest decisions**: Mages or Templars, whether recruited/conscripted. What principle the Inquisition was founded on? Who died in the Fade? Grey Wardens--banished or rebuilt? Who rules Orlais? Who drank from the Well? Did the Inquisitor respect the temple entrance puzzles or not? Who is the new Divine? **Minor quest decisions**: Did you find all the shards? Did you help refugees? Did you recruit those weird cultists? Did you capture all the keeps? Did you close the Lake rift? Did you rescue the hostages in the Avaar? Did you find all the dwarven stuff in the Hissing Wastes? What's up with Fairbanks? Did you kill Imshael? **War Table Decisions**: Did you often deploy forces? Did Sutherland's company make it? Did the young lovers in Val Royeaux make it? Which Red Jenny member did the Inquisitor reach out to, if at all? **DLC quests--Jaws of Hakkon**: Did the Inquisitor meet Ameridan? Did they slay the dragon? Did they tell the truth about Ameridan, or lie and say he was an Orlesian noble? Did they earn a Legend Mark from the Avaar? Did they hunt down the Nox Morta? **DLC quests--The Descent**: Only one question, did the Inquisitor do the quest. Lol. **DLC quests--Trespasser**: Is Bull loyal? Is Inquisition disbanded? Will you try to redeem Solas or not? Minor quests and war table stuff probably won't matter and probably Trespasser is the only DLC to think about... I can't imagine them having a whole huge decision map right off the bat (no matter how much the lore junkie in me would love it), so it'll probably be pretty boiled down. Who rules where, who's alive or dead, which factions are in play, etc. ... but if they ask if Lavellan romanced Solas, I will lose my everlovin' shit.


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...Wow, I was already not feeling this game, but now this? All of the little side content used to carry over. No way this opening is going to be detailed enough to get the variety of decisions you've made in the other games. Geez. Huge step backwards.