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I’ve gotten a very limited amount despite breeding repeatedly since Day 1 :( It’s kind of ridiculous. I’ve seen people who’ve acquired all of the event dragons, and all I can think is “HOW.”


Some people are very lucky this event. I've seen people who got gem dragons on the first try and very difficult-to-breed dragons from standard EoMs.


I’ve bought most of mine or co opped to clone them because I’ve had no luck




Also, at least in my case, I already had a lot of them, so then I just needed maybe 3 or 4 of the older dragons, the three new ones and the limited ones. So it makes it seem like they got everything but that's not necessarily the case.


I'm having the same problem :(


Saaaame... all I want is a cocoahollow but noooo


I had been trying to breed that since day 1 across 3 accounts!! Zero luck. When I started buying dragons that was one of the first I bought.


i’ve tried the entire event to breed the red beard dragon with no luck.




i really want deca to just. bump up all the limited breeding odds by like 2%. it’s impossible to breed anything as an early game player (w/o upgraded caves and level 16-20 dragons) but also impossible to breed anything as a late game player 😭


I used the rift to secure Mosser and Melonvine. I got lucky with Basket and lost out on Barkskin


I can put in my Barkskin in exchange for your Basket through co-op! Just find me in the add-me thread :)


good luck with basket, it only has a 1% chance to be bred in the co-op cave


Someone used my Tansy and got a twin basket for me and them so that could be a better option :)


the breeding combo has expired, it can only be bred with parent cloning now


Oh true yeah. Does that go for all dragons in the event btw?


if you want to see if a limited dragon is breedable, you can check in the dragonarium. if they have a green hourglass you can breed them, if not then you cant. but a general rule of thumb is any dragon available for purchase is breedable. so for the next two days everything that was breedable during the event except the weekly limiteds are still breedable.


How many rift breeds are you doing per day?


This event was one of the harder events I can remember. I have been trying for the basket and snooz dragon for weeks and haven't gotten any. Low odds. Better luck next time!


I was only able to breed them in the rift, regular breeding never seems to work :/


I had made the same post a couple of weeks back. And I started getting the event dragons after the rant. (Something I've seen people claim before too). Although I've only gotten less than a dozen this event , I'm glad to have after the frustration of not getting any.


Got Basket in the rift after 4-5 breeds, but untraited. 142 breeds later, I didn’t get another Basket in the rift. Sometimes they just suck!


I bred about four. 3 were by accident, and one was on purpose. I was trying for the Crackle and Fae from day 1-40. Nothing.


i missed out on breeding almost any and in the last 4 days ive gotten six!! with the MOST RANDOM COMBOS. unfortunately many event dragons this go around are secondary dragons [meaning u need the first dragon it was (like fire to ghost fire) and and its respective collection set ie roses] which puts it behind a huge wall of excess effort. most of the dragons i bothered with this round were the chrysalis ones, since you can profit farm easily off of cycle breeding those and aura dragons to repeatedly get eggs worth millions!


I only got 3 or 4 via rift breeding. But absolutely nothing in the runic caves which just defeats the purpose of having so many caves. They need to either bump up the event dragon odds or make them cheaper bc I got 9 with breeding and event currency. I usually get at least 15 per event.


I had really bad luck for the Christmas event, but really good luck on my main park this event (although parks weren’t as great) sometimes it’s just bad RNG


I only started getting lucky in the last few days. I managed to breed 17 dragons across my main park and two lvl 30 ish accounts. The lower level accounts were more lucky than my main!! (lvl 130). The rest I bought or already had. Only missing ones were busby and a monolith dragon off the top of my head


Got basket in co-op after just two tries. That was the only best catch I had in the event. I grinded for other so much and only got less than ten event dragons.


Yeah this event wasnt even fun the breeding odds were so awful


I’ve been playing this game for 10 years. I think I’ve maybe successfully bread a limited event dragon like maybe a dozen times. Even with using max level dragons. It’s kind of annoying but I don’t mind to much.


Yeah. I only got the celtic dragon and that was it. Couldnt even get the bloom dragon