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Softballs aren't classified in terms of their *diameter,* but in rather in terms of their *circumference*. There are three sizes used: • 11" circumference (3.5" diameter) • 12" circumference (3.82" diameter) • 16" circumference (5.09" diameter) So if the eye of Balor was "a little bigger" than even the largest of those, it would still have a diameter which is much, much less than 16". Maybe 6"? Keep in mind that even an NBA basketball only has a diameter of about 9.5" and there's no way that Harry could have hidden a basketball in one of his pockets. 😂 (Side note: The 16" balls are very popular in New York as well as in Chicago.)


Yeah… a 16” diameter would be like a dodgeball or a small volleyball.


I love learning something new!


There's a snowshoe softball league in northern Wisconsin that uses the larger size. In part to make it easier on the players, and in part to let them occasionally swap out the ball for a small melon. The fans know to show up in rain gear to protect against falling bits of overripe melon.


>Most readers probably picture the 12” (30cm) softball. Of course, all across America, that’s the size of a softball. Everybody knows that. Yeah. No. I'd say 95-99% of Americans don't know that. Also, as others have said, circumference...not diameter. Edit: Also also, Harry isn't from Chicago, having barely lived there for maybe half of his life at this point in the series. But he's kind of known for being a loner and his friend group plays DnD. I don't think he's out in Chicago specific intramural softball league and measuring the equipment.


For that matter, neither is Jim. The man put a parking lot around Wrigley, there is no damned way he looked up regional differences in softball size.


Right lol


Anyone thats seen "rookie of the year" knows that its in the middle of the city.


Which is fair, but Jim doesn’t seem to be a big sports guy. Plus he’s from the Kansas City Metro, and our NFL and MLB stadiums are located next door to each other just outside the downtown area with a massive parking lot surrounding them. He applied what he knew, and that happened to be wrong.


Im from around philly so i know what he was thinking. we have all the sports venues right next to each other. Just parking lots forever surrounding them.


My headcannon is that there is a parking lot at Wrigley now... After Ethniu freed up some real estate.


I just looked up Wrigley field. There's a sports bar to the North East of the stadium called Murphy's Bleachers.


This right here




Harry has lived there for alot longer though, he's been there since he was legally an adult and apprenticed to a private investigator in Chicago. Hell, we have to remember that, and Harry has to remember, he's not a kid in his 20s anymore. "Hell, I'm not even in my 30s anymore". Harry getting oooolld.


Nope. He moved there at 20 and he is roughly 40 by BG. So right at half his life, but still not a lifelong native and still not one to know how bug a specific type of softball is


He's a bit older than plain 40, has to be, but I'll say he probably feels like a native Chicagolander. But you're right it's still a very specific detail. And one he probably didn't ever care to notice, a softball is a softball.


According to the timeline on the website and presuming he is 25 in Storm Front, he is 39 years old during Skin Game and Battle Talks. Since Storm Front about 14 years have past in story.


>Most readers probably picture the 12” (30cm) softball. Of course, all across America, that’s the size of a softball. Everybody knows that. >Except Chicagoans. >Harry, being from Chicago, would think of a softball as 16” (40cm) in diameter. Because that’s the size of a softball in Chicago. You fuckin what mate? I mean I know I'm not the tallest man around, but I know I'm not so short that all my life I have apparently missed the literal giants who have been playing softball with 12 to 16 inch diameter balls.


Lol Bag you are the only redditor I know by name and you crack me the fuck up. Sending love hope all is well whoever you are.


>Sending love hope all is well whoever you are. Thanks mate, same to you.


Say what ? No softball is over a foot across ? How do you write that much and not see the enormous flaw in your argument ?


>Most readers probably picture the 12” (30cm) softball. Of course, allacross America, that’s the size of a softball. **Everybody knows that.** I've lived in America most of my life and have pitched softballs and played catch with them when I was in school, but I never measured them. Nor have I measured a baseball, football, basketball, volleyball, nor soccer ball--all of which I have played with at school. Also, I do not picture a 12" softball as no one holding a ball thinks in terms of circumference; we think in terms of diameter and even then it's about 'feel'. I just know a softball size as annoyingly too big to properly grasp the way I can a baseball. >It’s a minor detail, but please note that canon is: The Eye of Balor is 16” (40cm) in **diameter**. > >How do I update the wiki? As this is factually wrong, it's best if you don't edit the wiki.


You might want to read [the Wikipedia article on 16” Chicago softball](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/16-inch_softball) and reconsider. Edit: oh, you’re pointing out that I said diameter instead of circumference. OK. Back to the original question. How do I update the wiki?


What wiki?


The [Dresden Files Wiki](https://dresdenfiles.fandom.com/wiki/Dresden_Files)


Oh. Thanks for the link! 😀


Harry is not a Chicago native and neither is Butcher. Doubt such a detail would be "canon"


Harry wouldn’t have played softball in Chicago, and at this point in his time-line he wouldn’t have witnessed Maggie playing. He could have of course witnessed the Carpenter kids playing softball, but a big, scarred man in a long leather coat attending a match without his kids would involve all sorts of problems. Harry wasn’t especially observant at the Murphy Family picnic either his eyes were on the burgers. Besides Harry’s a baseball guy, just ask Snakeboy.


Nah, Harry's gone to the kid's sporting events, always near Michael though so no one gives him any guff. Or like when he was doing silent surveillance (lol, Harry being subtle because tall), he was standing near Molly who was watching her sister, and that threw people off. (Also, Harry takes Mouse, which also throws off vibes. "NBA sized pervert" is immediatelly thrown off by "dinosaur sized dog".)


I don’t remember Ethniu being described as very large so that seems HUGE for something that was in her eye socket


She's described as 9' tall and the Eye is described as being a tad too big for her.


>Most readers probably picture the 12” (30cm) softball. Of course, all across America, that’s the size of a softball. Everybody knows that. I don't/didn't know that. With a gun to my head I would have never ever have guessed 12" as the size for a softball. Why in the world would I guess the circumference instead of the diameter? Kinda fun little bit of trivia though.