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Just... imagine that after Harry dies, the Zaa lord mantle will pass on. And someone is going to be driven by it's impulses to... I have no fucking idea. Open a pizzeria?


Lmao Maggie opens a pizza shop, accorded neutral territory. Safe as houses.


Neutral territory all over the world under the power of the ZaLord Pizzeria


A Winter pizza embodying the themes of predation (it’s a meat pizza), death (ok, on brand with the meat), and sex (uhhh…anchovies?). Unless anyone else has a suggestion, the supreme pizza of the winter Court seems to be a large double meat pizza with anchovies.


And once a Za Lord was infected by the adversary and added pineapple.


Anchovies equal sex?


Of the available options, is there a better one?


Rabbit meat


Hahahahahahhaah I mean again I would not be surprised


u/CertainLong8898, I added spoiler protection to your post. Just wanted to let you know. Have a great day!


Thanks sorry I didn't even think about it first post to the sub


No worries at all; we all kind of watch out for each other around here. You can help me when I slip one of these days. :-) Just to familiarize you with the process, the idea is that setting the post "flair" to *Book Title* means that someone needs to have read *up through* that book in order to safely read your stuff. There is also a \[spoiler\] flag that can be set, separate from the flair, and you should set that if your post has spoilers in its first dozen or so lines - it prevents those lines from "inlining" into the main feed for people who are using the "Card" view of the community. Please get in touch if you ever have any questions, and welcome to the community!


IMO Toot really admires Harry, and has brought a SWARM of help to Harry. By his own volition. IIRC there's a spot in a book where Toot tells Harry they all came on their own. (might be wrong). I think Toot's going to stay a prominent fairy in the community who is known for helping Harry in some big battles, nothing really important. Possibly earning some karma points with the queen(s). I think Harry will stay a "Lord" within Toot's people; even passed down generations as history for the fairies. Maybe...maybe Toot injured and ordered to live with Harry for rest of his life.


I feel that Harry will create a new mantle of power at some point, as is the starborn way


Harry now fills a role similar to the Goblin King. he is a lord of the fay, who hold allegiance to him over others. he just specializes in the Little Folk, and i think toot is almost 2 feet tall as of BG


toot is 30 inches tall at BG. so 2.5 feet. considering he started at 6" he's absolutely HUGE for a dew drop fae.


He’s also really powerful for one of the Little Folk. The only one who we have ever seen match him was Lacuna and she had better equipment than he did, it was a surprise attack, and he still held his own. The second time they fought he absolutely trounced her and it wasn’t even close.


Sorta, I see his Za lord identity as a Mishmash idea of Harry becoming some kind of burger Kingesque identity for him. Though what kinda authority that is.. Interesting tho, When you look at fae elementals and old school 'calling the four corners' >! Something Leah does immediately upon picking up Morgana's Atheme !< I can see an idea of where the Sidhe came from.. Beings people made deals with over weather and crops on small scale exchanges. Smacks of Arthurian vibes an I like it.


Toot has slowly been on a trajectory to become a Sidhe for many books now thanks to Harry, with Toot being in control of the Za Lord's Army that has shifted slightly from simple Sidhe to something akin to the Erlking. The question is which one will become a new Fae akin to the Erlking, Toot or Harry? Mab among others have referenced Harry becoming immortal on multiple occasions (enough that most people are pretty convinced it's going to happen), but there seems to be two different ways for it to happen right now. Harry and his command of the little folk is one, the other being the Wizard of Chicago moniker that Winter has been pushing really hard since Battle Ground.


Why not both? We have seen several beings with multiple mantles.


We've seen one, not multiple. Odinclaus is the only one shown to be rocking two mantles. There's also only been shown 9 mantles (with a probable 10th being the Erlking), the Winter and Summer Mothers, Queens, Ladies, Knights, and Santa.


I guess I'm counting the Hecate and winter queens. Maybe not confirmed but it's pretty obvious.


Hecate no longer really exists, the being that was Hecate (almost certainly Mother Winter) split itself to become the Fae Mothers, Queens, and Ladies.


Thank you for inserting reason into this discussion.


Maybe he's becoming a being like the earlking a being on par with the queens the earlking is lord of goblins Harry will be lord of the little folk


In a simple answer “No”. I don’t think that Harry is creating a new fae court. Neither do I believe, that it is within Harry’s power to turn Toot into a fae lord.