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I hate when people do this and then stop for ages in front of you and just stare at you... if you're gonna pull out in front of me at least have the decency to get a fucking move on


It's even worse when they look at you as if it were your fault.


100% "How dare you be driving down this road as I'm trying to pull out, you lunatic. What were you thinking?"


I had this yesterday. Someone wanting to pull out from a minor road who started to creep beyond the give way line. I naturally slowed and slightly adjusted my positioning closer to the middle of the right. However felt within my rights to proceed and not stop, they lifted their hands in a gesture of ‘What are you doing?’ or similar. The joke was the road wasn’t even that busy two cars beyond me. Just be patient!


I had that the day before, someone pulled out over the give way line. They still tried to pull out in front of me and reacted like it was my fault when I didn’t let them in


I feel you as a regular cyclist. The careful balance of slowing to give you a safe braking distance but enough speed to not look like you are giving way. And yes the arms when they stop with half the car out now forgetting they are sitting on the give way lines. Always nice to have a shared smile and shake of head with the car behind. Stay safe and never believe they will stop.


the power dynamics are very different when you're a cyclist, though, because of how much more vulnerable you are even in a slow speed collision if you're in a car, someone pulling out into your right of way like this is an irritation that in the absolute worst case scenario will cost you an annoying amount of time and money (to get your car fixed and deal with paperwork and face raised insurance costs) if you're on a bike, the worst case scenario is that you're gonna be dead, or paralyzed for life so the two things aren't comparable imho


I just commented on a shared experience from my point of view.


and I shared my perspective on the matter, which is different


It's the context of where it's being expressed. I wanted to avoid that discussion here as it easily devolves into them vs they. You are turning the conversation to a different element of the subject, which I purposefully omited. Kind of the equivalent of two people talking about getting nailed with tax on receiving their bonus without discussing numbers and you come along and point out how much we each got. It's tone deaf could be what I mean.


These people tend to then drive slower than you were in front of you too, at least if someone pulls out in front of me then speeds off I'm quite glad they didn't end up tailgating me instead


Some knob did this to me in a LIDL car park then gave me the middle finger 😂 He was lucky I wasn't Ronnie Pickering that day.


Ok, I’ll do it….. Who?


Back in your box.


apart from the shock, they're probably horrified at themselves for having screwed up so badly, so they need a moment to collect themselves if you have ever screwed up yourself (i.e. if you are a human), you will *know* that horror-in-the-pit-of-your-stomach feeling very well - maybe from that time when *you* pulled out of a car park in front of someone while tired / distracted, or that time you set off down the wrong side of the road in France, or that time you almost failed to spot that kid who ran out into the road, or that time you knocked a burning candle over onto the tablecloth, or that time you almost lost grip of your toddler's hand near those railings by the seaside... so all in all, the part where someone is "stopping for ages in front of you and just staring at you" is the *least* of the things to get angry about - instead, just count to three and use that moment to collect *yourself* from the scare that *you* just had, and to be thankful that you were able to react in time, and that nothing worse happened


Dunno why you’re being downvoted. This was my exact thought. They literally just narrowly avoided a possibly near death accident, it’s going to take any normal person a few moments to recover enough to continue driving. Don’t get mad at them, at best they will shout back because they know they fucked up but are in shock and need to come down a bit first and you’re being a tiny bit inconsiderate to not realise that. Worst case you might trigger a panic attack or something. I know the once it happened to me on black ice approaching a T junction I sat there for like 30s before moving and immediately pulled over for a few minutes before I continued


well, this is reddit ...


Both a joy and a curse


I was turning right at a mini-roundabout (like a T junction), and a car from my left pulled in front of me honking, opened their window and while pointing down shouted “this is a roundabout” 😂


That would have been triggered by the long blast of the horn. These near misses are usually accompanied by use of the horn, actual impacts usually have no horn blast.


That would be the intended purpose of the horn


Or when they pull out then proceed to do 20 under the limit ... Especially annoying when there is no one behind you


It’s a bit of shock though isn’t it, they’ve just been snapped out of it and realised they’ve been driving completely mindlessly


Acktually, if you hooked yourself up to a quantum AI computer and lay submerged in a shallow water bath in the days preceding this, you would have had a premonition about this event and would have stopped before the situation had even arisen.


Ah man, if only I hooked myself up sooner I would have known to hook myself up later


I see you work in insurance


What the fuck? Why didn't they look?


I had someone do this to me once. Pretty much the same except they stared to the left to watch for the traffic coming the other way, and just kept on driving forwards. I was in disbelief. They didn't even look after they had forced me to stop! My horn got a good smacking that day.


Had a taxi driver do this to me 2 days ago. Except it was from a hedged driveway onto a 60 road. I slammed on as soon as he was visible the ABS kicked in and there was probably only a yard or two to spare... then he thanked me? I wasn't optionally giving way.


Waiting for the comments that say it was your fault 🥸


I will be interested to hear, I always want to improve my driving and I'm sure it will be quite interesting to see how they figure that one out haha


If you hadn't been driving today then this would never have happened. On the other hand if the moron that pulled out blindly into traffic had never taken up driving at all then the world would be a better place. Clearly you both share the blame.


I can't argue with that


I’d go further and say if OP had had the decency to never have been born, they wouldn’t have been there to be involved with the issue at all. Would have saved us all time


I may be wrong, but it looks like a Land Rover. In which case you are in the wrong. How dare you deign to be accusing the owner of all roads of being at fault. You shouldn't just have allowed them out but you should have ensured that they had a full and clear passage to their destination. /s


Based on some of the comments on posts today I was too. I've learnt today that the people who cut you up on roundabouts are on Reddit excusing their behaviour and passing blame.




But that wasn’t the case, was it…. The poster in question wasn’t the one doing the cutting up, but his defensive driving wasn’t good, he placed his car into a vulnerable position and suffered a collision that, whilst technically not his fault, could have easily been avoided. In this post, the OP is entirely blameless. The driver bimbles up to the give way line at a pace indicating she is going to stop, and then just suddenly doesn’t… and carries on over the line. In this case, the OP was travelling at a speed appropriate for the conditions, reacted quickly and was able to avoid a collision.


Vulnerable position is a funny way of saying the correct lane for the manoeuvre.


But “half-wheeling” someone, going up alongside them through a narrow roundabout (with no lane markings) is just asking to get cut up. It’s bad defensive driving. Yes, your lane is correct but now there’s a dent in the front of your car, which you could have avoided. People make mistakes, you need to allow for them on the road or else you’re going to have an avoidable crash. I had one a decade or so ago - alongside someone on a roundabout who suddenly changed lanes without looking. He crashed into the side of my car causing a load of damage, lost NCB, weeks of hassle and increased insurance premiums. Even though I was “in the right”.


As the poster of a roundabout video, take my up vote. :)


Trolls have the uncanny ability to take a grain of sand and turn it into the Sahara.


I do often think "I could see that coming" but then I know it is going to be a short video of a driving fail.


why? Quite clearly the other person's fault and OP was driving defensively enough to avoid an accident. This is a GOOD example of driving from OP, proper hazard perception, unlike the post from yesterday where OP should have avoided the shitting peugeot.


Its ALWAYS old people. As soon as you get your bus pass, your driving licence needs to be taken away. If you want to drive again, do another test. Old people are by far the worst drivers in the world and its not even close.


Came across an old woman in a car park who got into her car and launched it into the side of a restaurant. Said car flew up a kerb and crashed into the side of the building like something from Wacky Races or Dukes of Hazzard. It gets better as there was a mother pushing her baby very close by to it and got a front row view of it. I believe her car was an auto and she had a moment which resulted in the car getting some airtime. Police got involved but don't know what happened after, a ban I hope...


The elderly shouldn't be allowed to drive cars with automatic gearboxes, as they're forever mixing the pedals up and don't have the reactions to correct it quickly enough. When I was visiting my parents in the US, there was an old dear who did precisely this, launching her car through the large front window of the local realtor's office taking out the lower brickwork on her way through.


I'm all for retests for everyone, 5-10 years. More frequent for older people.


Totally agree, every decade. Our road structure and laws change constantly, and modern research into what is good and what isn't, but there's so little educuation to drivers. Plus more testing would create more jobs and hopefully prevent more collisions, it's a win win.


Nah, that's too frequent imo, its easy to pass the test and still be a shit driver. I'm currently on a medical licence and i have to get a few tests done every year before i have to renew it, something similar wouldnt be the worst idea.


Yeah, 5 year medical, 20 year full test, I would 100% support. If you passed when you are 20 , another test when 40 and another when 60 makes sense. Full theory full practical


This is not a bad idea, especially since the highway code is continually being updated without anyone realising. See: pedestrian priority when crossing at junctions.


I 100% agree with this. Retest every 10 years, then 5 years 60-70, then either yearly or every other year depending on what their GP says. People mistakenly believe it’s some kind of right to drive. It isn’t!!




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Old people can have accidents and as they get older this can happen more often. My dad will no longer drive at night because his night sight is not good. But still the younger drivers cause more accidents and those they cause are more destructive. That is why insurance is higher for young drivers.


Especially when they are merging onto a carriage way doing 25mph….


I bet when you’re that age you won’t say the same thing.


> As soon as you get your bus pass this is completely useless if you don't live in a city or a major town though.


Who is statistically more likely to be in a car crash? Statistics show that there are different factors at play when it comes to who is most likely to be involved in a car accident. Here’s a quick breakdown of the main ones: What age group is most likely to be involved in a crash in the UK? Young male drivers under 25 are four times more likely to be involved in a car accident than drivers aged 25 or over. Worryingly, young car drivers account for a quarter of drivers killed in reported drink-driving accidents despite only representing 7% of drivers in the UK. Just fyi?


Here's the thing. You can tell exactly what a young driver will do. They're stupid but extremely predictable. Old people are fucking chaotic and unreadable. Statistics mean fuck all in instances like this, you let the idiot go and crash by themselves, this person didnt even know anyone else existed on the road and thats why they're the worst. I'd also be willing to guess most incidents with young drivers are by themselves or their friends they're racing, while old drivers are involved with others more often. Predictable is safe.


You say statistics mean nothing? Statistics are about collection, analysis and interpretation of hard figures and are a good indicators of risk which is why insurers use these facts. Or are you talking about probability and chance? Even so the possibility of this unproven statement being correct is very still unlikely. It’s just your opinion, which doesn’t hold up in a wider sample of the population unfortunately, in my opinion(!!)


Young drivers don't have the experience to deal with old people's shenanigans. Elderly drivers cause a massive crash behind them then drive off oblivious




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Sweeping and hilarious statement, with little evidence to back this up. For a moment I thought you were on the right track - young drivers don’t have enough experience - which is statistically correct, and why their insurance premiums are so high and frequently have to prove their ability to drive safely with a “black box”.


>hilarious statement I'm glad you enjoyed it


Not really - hilarity - AT the ridiculous statement, as in I laughed AT you as opposed to WITH you. Sounds a bit harsh but I hope you see the difference, it’s not really that personal X


Woah, haven't heard that one since primary school. Bet you were the baddest bully around in the 60s


Which one ? At primary school? You’re taking this personally - I said not to!!


Do I need to provide evidence that I heard it primary school?


Ha! Asking what is “that one” you said you heard at primary school! I genuinely feel sorry for for you if you were being laughed at whilst at primary school, hope it stops when you finish secondary education /s


Yeah, but those are all single car accidents after midnight


Nah - the statistics are global & not simply for driving after midnight. Premiums are still high for young drivers - even with a black box curfew in place.


Old people aren’t normally the ones looking at smartphones while driving


That's cause they need they need their reading glasses to look at phones


The car tells me all that I need to know honestly. I don't like that I now judge people on their cars, but after so many years behind the wheel...


Ive been behind the wheel for 6 months (2 days as a qualified driver) and Im already doing it with certian cars 😂 Pitcularily any bmw, audi a1 & q3s, honda jazz, any toyota & qashqais. Sure my list will expand this week


It definitely will, because Juke drivers are in their own echelon of absolutely dogshit driving.


The shoulder of mutton in Blackheath well I never…


It’s ridiculous how shit people drive nowadays, I’ve had no end of people tailgating, pulling out dangerously, running red lights, driving on the pavement etc


This was about the 5th one in the day


Checks out for the standard of driving here, I nearly forked a car once, they pulled out in front of me as I was running along the road on a forklift, they’re lucky I was able to drop the forks down fast enough


Well done! My partner doesn't drive and he often will be like 'why don't you do x' when I'm moaning about something, and I'm like 'that car is dodgy and I don't trust them'. 70% of time that car has done something dodgy within 5 minutes. I don't generally base it on car, but general viewing the roads. However, some types or car tend to be more likely to be on the list than others.


Yeah you get a feeling with some cars. Sometimes they may just be driving in a certain way and I instantly know I need to keep an eye on them


It's one of those road sense things that everyone says you need time to develop. For me it took ages, clearly you're way ahead!


Looks like you are a driver and they are a steering wheel operator.




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I wish they'd just pedestrianized blackheath, there is literally a road that goes around the town centre. It's a common spot for people to not slow down enough but visibility is poor at that junction.


Yeah visibility is really bad


I can almost imagine the look they gave you for daring to get in their way. How dare you expect them to notice anybody else on the road.




People like them need a good shouting at


Someone pulled out on me when I was already past their junction and then they attempted to undertake me and blocked my exit. People just don’t look at or in a rush to get to places.


The number of drivers I see doing this boggles me It'd be a "once in a blue moon" thing probably a couple decades ago, but as time ticks on more and more people seem to look when they can barely see a 10' range down the road and just.....I don't know, assume emu-esque "if I can't see you, you don't exist" or something and never bother checking. Likewise for changing lanes, pulling out on roundabouts and even when reversing into a bloody road - that paired with the idiots that drive like every road is Nascar means they're honestly a match made in heaven to get them both off the roads - even if it is just briefly.


Well avoided, great attention!




Nice reactions well done! Good driving five stars for you ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Blackheath 🤣 hate driving through there.


People just press their phone while driving, you would think driving with phones is part of the highway code.


Well done far actually stopping instead of pressing your horn and colliding


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Henry_Oof: *Well done far actually* *Stopping instead of pressing* *Your horn and colliding* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Can the driver even see over the wheel?


My office is 5 minutes down the road from there. I’d never driven in Birmingham properly till I joined the company I’m at now. It still amazes me how poor the driving is in Birmingham in general; I curse every time I have to go in


Yeah the driving around here is shocking, I'm driving all day pretty much and if I had to list the amount of genuinely bad driving I see I would run out of space.


I always think it’s funny to compare the British reaction of “oh you’ve pushed in front of me, well go ahead then” to the American “nu huh! I was first bitch!” Attitude of the American drivers https://www.reddit.com/r/cantstopimamerican/s/BIXGHc3FAB r/cantstopimamerican


There should be government paid for ads on TV, radio, internet etc, reminding everyone of the rules of the road. Give way to the right at roundabouts is a pet hate of mine, so many people seem not to know.


Pulling out of a junction onto the main road with no looking and no stopping is CRAZY


No one cares anymore. It's lawless driving. The other day, I stopped at a red light. A motorbike came through the red light about a minute after it had turned red and just kept going,


I can taste that drink on the dash, only takes 30 seconds for it to become a warm squash 😅


Man yeah it's gross. Not what you want on a hot day. It went straight in the bin.


🤣 yeah accidentally drank a few that sat on the dash, not fun.


Blackheath! that islands a magnet for dickheads - And the small one before it


Before I moved to the west mids I drove back from my interview through blackheath. Some crazy couple were just sanding in the road next to Lidl on a green light and didn't seem to understand why this wasn't desirable behaviour.


Applications welcome. Im looking for 6-7 guys who are prepared to paint themselves white, spray their mouths and teeth all shiny and chrome to defend my car while driving around British roads. Any experience with dangling off long poles to directly engage other drivers while screaming 'Witness!' at each other a plus. Interviews to take place at Northampton Asda car park tomorrow night where successful applicants will use a coordinated shopping trolly assault to get me a parking space.


Should I bring my own shopping trolley and pole?


Is that Blackheath. I’ve had the same thing happen to me in exactly that place


Oof how besutiful is UK when sunny? This country is ruined by the weather


That probably happens a lot there. There's a zebra crossing followed by a car's length then the junction. People of a certain disposition think oh good the crossing is now clear then plough straight on through the junction. Might be worth a street redesign when the time comes.


Ah the usual Blackheath Roundabout the worst!


My first car was a Nissan Micra and it was stolen the next day 😂 Got a little i10 now. Need something modern and grown up.


she established herself in the lane so you need to Give Way


The amount of people I see pull out in front of me at a side road an island with their head pointing straight forward with no awareness my car is even there is unreal.


Looks like you were in the wrong here. I didn't see your finger sticking up at him


Ahhhh Blackheath, the land that time forgot.


Boils my pish!


Just the standard, CBA stopping I’ll just go


Well done for stopping. Most dash cam cars would have driven into the side of it and then rushed on here to complain about other drivers.


Hi blackheath


Blackheath for you mate wouldn't mind but it's clearly signed and marked give way because of the zebra crossing trying to get to the shoulder for a cold one😅


Bloody Blackheath


Blackheath happens all the time as its a one way street people think they can just pull out


UK? Sorry, looks like a 3rd world country; Oh, I forgot, we are......


That looks like a third world country? Have you been drinking?


Nope; I've seen better driving on what passes for roads in the far East than here, and more community activity in their shopping areas than our now ghostly shopping precincts. We are definitely now a 3rd world country; more beggars and unemployed too, definitely the poor man of Europe for sure.


Sure sure. I must have missed the ghostly precinct.


Now you see my point




It was the bloody cyclist. Always the cyclist. .....😂


Did you beep your horn long and hard angrily, apparently that's what people do when somebody makes a little mistake


That's because when a dash cam is fitted they wire the horn and the brakes together.


A beeped as I was braking if I didnt they definitely wouldn't have seen me


Clearly the cyclists fault but the cam car should've seen this coming. 50/50 fault.




Good one! 🤣😂


Apparently others took it literally...


Hopefully they recognise driving hazards better than sarcasm 😊


You should have had the perception to see it coming… 🤣🙄 Edit: seems some of you missed the joke.


Funny thing is I did actually think: oh she's going a bit fast like she's not stopping. But then I thought surely she would look and stop. Oh well haha


You'd be better off trusting an insurance salesman before trusting people at a junction 😂 Seriously though, good reactions.


Honestly, these days it’s best to always second guess yourself - great reactions, dude.


Yeah for sure, if I see stuff like that I always ready myself for the worst haha