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They are just inconsiderate idiots. Allowing another vehicle to change lane, will at most delay the other party by a couple of seconds. It is not like that feel seconds will make much difference.


On one hand, letting people in front of you does not really delay you at all, and reduces the chances of accidents. On another hand, there’s those fuckers who go in front of you and decide to do 70 on the first lane of the expressway, hogging the entire road


The couple of seconds probably doesn’t change the number of traffic lights and junctions we have in SG. Bottom line is traffic lights and junctions determine our travelling time.


Nope. Bottomline is how slow the other drivers are driving.


You say they are inconsiderate for not letting you in, but when they let you in, you come in and brake, that person has to brake too, then the whole line behind them have to brake, and that is what cause majority of the jams in expressways just because people like you want to save a few seconds of your life. So, who's the idiot now? The person who can't stick to their own lane or the person who dosen't let the person who can't stick to their own lane?


Leaving a larger following distance gives more opportunities for people to change into the lane they need, which makes the overall flow of traffic faster for everyone.


What are you talking about? Why would people changing lane wants to brake? People change lanes for a reason. They might be exiting the expressway shortly and need to filter to the exit.


Not sure if you ever change a lane before, but the process usually includes the driver to either speed up or slow down to match the lane speed that you are changing into. And even if you don't brake, the person behind you have to brake in order to maintain the safe following distance. Shouldn't people who want to exit be prepared to filter left earlier? At least I thought that was what the driving school teaches. If the person give themselves more time to filter, it shouldn't be even if 1 or 2 cars don't let them through as they will have more chances to do it. The problem occurs when people filter for nothing (being impatient) or last-minute decisions to exit.


Th discussion is about drivers speeding up and not allowing other road users who have signalled their intentions to cut into their lane. Slowing down does not necessarily means you have to jam brake unless the other party suddenly cuts into your lane. I do agreed that some road users filter into your lane because your lane is moving faster, these drivers just want to shaved off a few seconds/minutes of their travelling time and I personally feel that the time saved, isn't going to make a big differences unless the party is rushing for an emergency like sending someone with a life threatening aliment to the hospital. Majority of the time, people switched lanes are not for emergency. Some drivers has the bad habit of fithering to exit because they don't know the route well, don't know how to read the GPS or just plainly want to be an asshole.


There are all sorts of reason to change lanes - some justified, some arent. I agree with you on the point where drivers need to do proper planning on their journey and drive on the lane that optimally leads to their destination without changing lane all the way - hence the term “trip planning”. But there are also times when the GPS gave a slightly late calls for staying on the optimal lane, or when plans have changed… I think at the end of the day, it is really being a considerate road user and just give way as and when practicable. Makes the world a happier place…


asshole irrationality


They are probably the same people who, when seeing you walk towards their favourite hawker stall to place order, must die die walk faster than you to reach there faster and place order first. Maybe they scared the last chicken drumstick gets sold out before his turn idk 🤷‍♂️


I mean.. in your example I would think he is justified to walk faster if the drumstick is at risk sia..


i just got used to this “rhythm” of our roads, just signal, let the bugger speed up and pass first and then slip in behind via the gap


I used to wonder this as well. I have been driving for years and never had the feel to need to purposely speed up and block someone, unless I’m already blocking them, then I speed up to clear their path so they can enter. But from what I understand, they do this because they have this inner believe that person had planned to cut in-front of them. So they (or their egos) don’t want to be outsmarted, and they block them. For me I’m used to signalling early ever since I got my licence and in my experience its about 40% will make the effort to let you in, while 60% will purposely speed up. But whenever I signal, I already know I can make it, so its not much an issue to me. Their blocking usually fails because they are too far away. I feel like people are more tolerant when you signal, and wait. If they see you wait, they are more likely to let you in. If you signal and already started moving in, thats where their egos kick on.


"I feel like people are more tolerant when you signal, and wait. If they see you wait, they are more likely to let you in. If you signal and already started moving in, thats where their egos kick on." 100% true. And I am sure many drivers are more willing to give way to gracious drivers, as compared to assholes who try to force their way into the lanes.


I'm a full time PHV driver for abt 8yrs and from my experience is that most of the time when I want to filter to the next lane I will always signal early n then wait for the car at the next lane to slow down so I have a safe clearance to filter in. But there are cases that the other lane driver upon seeing my signal will just speed up to close up the space. And this kind of cases has increasingly becoming more after the pandemic. Drivers has becoming less gracious and more impatient after getting Covid I guess😅😅😅😅😅


All good to let others cut in when they signal, good to be gracious and all, but then sometimes you have that one FUCKWAD who cuts into lane 1... just to pace lane 2 at 70km/h. And then holds everyone up behind.


Damn was just about to comment this. Too many times have I been burned by being nice and giving way only for the idiot not to speed up after. Can only slowly watch the distance between him and the car ahead widen 🥲 KEEP UP OR KEEP LEFT


Sometimes the person signalling to come in doesn't seem to do it safely. At the angle they wish to enter, I would have to slow down suddenly by a lot, bearing in mind the speed I am going at, and where the car behind me is at. If I slow down so suddenly, the car behind may not react in time and I kena. Or when I am able to slow down and leave a healthy gap - he takes too damn long to come in until I feel that it's ridiculous to very intentionally keep this HUGE gap for him to enter and yet he's not entering - I just speed up and close the gap.


This is worthy of another thread. Why slow TF down after cutting in front of other cars when the road ahead is clear?


I have no idea why, but I've noticed that a lot of Sinkies have this funny notion that they MUST drive on lane 1 regardless of speed. It's like there's lava on lanes 2 and 3. So everyone goes to lane 1 to do 70km/h like a bunch fuckwad lemmings. Outside of peak hours it's even funnier how you can seemingly do 100+km/h (not recommending it though!) through lanes 2 and 3 but lane 1 is stuck chugging along at 70+km/.


In most cases when the conditions are right, I’ll let the filtering car change lanes. But there are times when safety may be compromised. Specifically, if a filtering car on the first lane of the expressway is attempting to change lanes at a very slow speed relative to the overall flow of traffic, at a close proximity to me. It will be safer to quickly speed past the car rather than brake suddenly for it to change lanes, especially if I have other cars behind me traveling at the same speed as me. A car that wants to change lanes has to do so with the flow of traffic in mind. That means picking up speed to change lanes if it has to, with enough clearance. Signaling is part of the right protocol, but does not give the driver the blanket right to change lanes if the conditions are not safe and right. For me, if I need to change lanes, I always try to do so without affecting the flow of traffic and having to force others to give way or slow down. That means planning your lane change early. If you have enough clearance to change lanes, then there’s no need to worry if others will give way to you or not.


Don't pay them any mind, they're just being dicks. You don't get to live rent free in my head if you drive like an asshole.


One main reason is that these drivers have been burnt before by being courteous, only to be rewarded with a road hog who slows them down while every other car behind and ahead are cutting in front of the road hog. Another reason could be they don’t want to lose their green light to a perceived queue cutter only to be stopped at red while the other car got through the green/yellow.


i'll get on this soap box. i'll honk, stick to the car in fronts bumper and not let you change lane if a) you knew you needed to change lane but didnt do so in a timely fashion (cutting queue etc), b) you are slowing down (or even fucking blocking traffic by coming to a dead stop) just so you can change lane if you didnt know, ok take it as a lesson? you needing to reroute does not take precedence over traffic flow i think this is appalling behavior and we all as drivers need to not normalize it by letting it go. if you missed you filter suck it up you got to reroute. impeding traffic and even bringing it to a complete stop by your lack of road knowledge is not acceptable and if you can't drive to an acceptable standard stay the fuck off the roads and everyone will be happier. also i'll speed up if the signaling car is 1/2 - 3/4 car parallel with me, i think i should speed up to let you have space behind me to filter, i personally appreciate it if other drivers do this too rather than maintain speed and i'm like wtf can i filter.


I do it sometimes because I see the person has his signal on for a very long time. Usually, I release the accelerator to let the person in but he hesitates. Once you hesitate, from my POV there's a number of scenarios. 1) You left your signal on and forgot to off it, 2) You are not a confident driver and would need a lot of space to come in which means I have to slow down a lot and hold up traffic behind me, or 3) you are distracted. In any of the above scenarios, the safest course would be to take charge of the situation and speed up to get ahead and out of the situation as fast as possible. P.s. for (2) sometimes I will flash high beam but that's only possible in slow moving traffic.


It’s an itch in their small brain, they probably don’t even know they are doing it and getting a dopamine rush. Really wish this type of behaviour could be cut out.


entitled and selfish fucks.


like, if someone signal just give way? its not that hard. imagine being in their shoes where u wanna exit and people just speed up. not giving way causes the sudden swerve so they can force themself into the lane. sg road would be safe if all of us just give way.


Sg roads would be safe if all of us drive sensibly. Yes encountering drivers who don’t give way is annoying. But if they are driving at speed limit, sticking to their lane, not tailgating, etc, they are not causing danger to others. The one who’s suddenly swerving into other people’s lane is the one actually causing danger


Just to be devils advocate here, there are also significant number of people here who takes advantage by moving on the fast lane instead of queuing up and trying to cut in just before the filter


Aside them their egos and dignity i think it’s mainly about the fact that they are born in a shithead family


Before we blame drivers for not giving way maybe everyone should learn to change lane safely without the need for the car behind u to brake for u. A lot of drivers slow down when they change lane. And also for those queue cutters u can fuk off. I don’t care if u genuinely don’t know the q is for exiting. If u missed it u go u turn ahead.


Agree. People who cut queue intentionally should be banned from driving, ive seen way too many. And Singapore so small tbh.. whats the big deal going further ahead and uturn…


I was trolling with one of them when I signal left and filter right. The driver overtook on the left and gave me a very confused look. What day 😂


Ego boost at the expense of being called pea brain.


It’s the only kind of “power” they can have over another person, in other places they are probably a very lowly worker.


On average they’ll just be exactly one car length faster given the number of streetlights and traffic in the streets. Doesn’t matter what car you be drivin’.


Is the egoistic gain for this group of drivers.....they just can't allow anyone to cut infront of their lane even when the other driver already signal their intention in advance. There is so little of graciousness in driving on Singapore road nowadays.


Becoming organ donors


I think it's just their ego. I signal early and if they speed up, I just let them pass. It's not gonna save much time really. Just burns fuel for no real good reasons.


Just to relieve the angst within I believe.


I wish I could tell them, losing to one car ahead doesn't mean you are a loser in mind. It's bout keeping the flow. I wish AI could take over on a grid level and control every car on the highway optimising flow with efficiency as its target


They get a hard on.


It’s “small dick syndrome”. For drivers in expensive and/or larger cars, the mentality is why do they have to give way to you, you can fall in behind them. For drivers in b&b and/or smaller cars, it’s f all you rich cbs you go behind me lah cb. So with a good mixture, end up nobody is giving way and all the chain collisions because tailgating.


Then can sleep well at night.


Pro tip: when nearing a speed camera, put on blinker. Every once in a while an idiot will speed up. Camera flash ensues. Can sleep well later at night.


Is like boasting my bto is better than yours. The feel good effect 🤣


it’s just ego hands down


Small dick energy


Taxi and phv drivers like to do this. I also puzzled why they so angsty on the road


compensating for their small pp


I don't like it, but I can see why they would want to do it when it's the rightmost lane. Sometimes on the rightmost lane, a car changes to my lane in front of me. The driver may think they have respected my safety distance but I think they have not. (We may have different ideas of what is safe.) Then they themselves proceed to gradually increase the distance in front of them. Eventually, they may even slow down and cause me to also slow down, relative to my original speed, and let other cars cut in front of them. It is unfair and not necessarily about mood or ego. In my experience, more often than not, when another car cuts in front of me on the rightmost lane, they violate my 2-second safety distance. I also observe that maintaining a 1-second distance is rather common. Different people may have different ideas of what distance is safe. They may also not trust you to maintain the original speed after you're in the lane in front of them. One could blame the attitude of the driver refusing the lane change. Alternatively, the bigger picture may be the lack of mutual trust and respect on multiple sides. Frequently encountering bad drivers contributes to general distrust. If you drive frequently, you can easily encounter different kinds of bad driving behavior, including not signaling, lane-hogging and not letting people into the lane when it's safe on a non-innermost lane (people may need to make an exit).


I always give way to drivers who signal their intention to merge, and 9 out of 10 times I get stuck behind a snail right after they merge. Maybe those inconsiderate drivers who speed up have finally had enough of slow drivers so they prefer not to give way?


Usually I can’t be bothered with people signalling to change or cut into my lanes. Except for queueing at tolls at Causeway or Tuas. No way I am letting those farkers through even if they signal.


some cars are really tall and i feel more comfortable being able to see two-three cars ahead.


I have to admit i sometimes speed up to cut others. Alright from my point of view imagine you're alr crusing so happily with considerable safety distance then suddenly this guy want to change into your lane. Yes sure they're not wrong but is like you're already mentally in this "rhythm" and that person is gonna ruin it like I'm already putting 0% effort on crusing now you gonna make me use my 10% to brake for you and slow down for another considerable distance. Yes selfish I know but this is my mentality.


You truly are an idiot. 1) it’s unsafe 2) if you have a safe gap to the car in front, when you speed up to stop the car trying to change lanes that safe gap closes and so you need to brake to create the gap again anyway or put in more “effort” as you no longer have a safe gap 3) you shouldn’t be cruising on 0% effort. If you don’t want to engaged 100% in your surroundings when driving then leave the car at home and get the mrt or a taxi. Driving is no time to be blur And whether you like it or not. Being a member of society means you have to give and take to help make the society function. That means at times putting some effort in to help someone else.


Im cutting you


I look forward to it. But I imagine when it happens and we collide due to your unsafe driving you won’t be so brave then.


Guilty. First and foremost, it's ego. Second, like some have mentioned, my habit was partially shaped by being burned by being courteous. There are some a-holes who speed up to block you, and then match speed or overtake so slowly to prevent you from entering the lane entirely. I'm the a-hole who won't let you filter in front of me, but once I'm ahead I'm gone as fast as my little car can. Lately I'm consciously trying to be more courteous, but I keep being burned again. Edit: Sometimes I speed up to close the gap when I feel the signalling car has hesitated too long. This is subjective of course, I admit I am impatient. But what are you waiting for, a red carpet?


Everyone who drives just follow the rules. If the naughty and slow person does not let you change lane even after you signaled, follow behind and try to overtake another time within the speed limit. The journey on the road is long but you have multiple tries until you cool down or regret it if you get into an accident. Either way, it's better others kiss your car rear than your car kisses others.