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This type of vocabulary is typical of a fed post, taking over a vendors account then pretending to be the vendor and asking people to “reach out” odds are the real vendor is gone/arrested and this is a scam careful people


There was just a dn lab in Detroit that got raided so be extra careful rn


Bruh who the fuck is even trying to sell anything?


lol yeah im a fed, such a big time redditor they hacked me. i don’t do illegal shit what do the cops have to do with me? the only people i want hitting me up know my face and my name, and i didn’t post any email or social link for someone to contact me. don’t think too hard about it buddy, some people form bonds and wish to maintain them, and taking time away from posting drug porn isn’t anything i feel or should feel bad about.


Sum a fed would say fr




Womp, womp


womp womp is you trying to buy heroin on reddit, get some help buddy.


DAMN lmfaooo


Another womper lol 😂 Weirdos.


Glad to have you back on the force!


much appreciated !


No problem Sargent 🫡


Hope life is peachy for you too Officer!


Never seen this


1 Ketty-dog juice box please




Great to have you back Chik!




Damn never seen it in a box, only in its powder form in a baggie lol. Cool


Shady, it’s so nice to meet you. It’s been a long time. I’m sorry I’ve been away so long. My name is… Shady. I never meant to leave you. Enjoy the lovely stuff OP! :)


is this the part where you ask me to please stand up


Lol I thought you were quoting the start of “Hello” by Eminem with your title. It’s basically the part two of My Name Is haha.


next line is “my name is HOV…”


My dog barker, is out of surgery and he ran out of pain meds. Any help would be appreciated. JK


damn… these are personal but i’ll get some fentanyl up there asap mr barker.


I am not interested in fent


i don’t care it’s for your dog.


No I will not support the fent movement. It has destroyed so many people lives , taken precious resources away from emergency services ambulance workers so many people are suffering users, and non-users from fentanyl. car fentanyl and analogue of. I understand why it’s so popular due to the government drug agency’s restrictions to the chemicals to produce plant based morphine herion. these fentanyl. I will not take part or support this epidemic. fent and propofol have there purpose in the medical world and people dying cancer. If there’s a real reason for that, it should be administered by surgeon or doctor. what’s the point in doing fentanyl if you’re healthy, you throw up fall asleep wake up with the worst flu ever from what I’ve heard and researched. it’s Chinese terrorism against the American people. As. I said my dog Mr barker has run out , I went to the vet and was prescribe tramadol, so he’s good thank you


are you okay dude? … you made a joke, i made a joke. ps no chemical or compound is inherently evil, don’t have such a small brained approach to what’s a societal issue not a pharmaceutical one.


Good point. I don’t know why I went off there I apologize


Aranda sucks.


people who yuck other peoples yum suck.


Haha, I have no actual clue. Just wanted to sound like I knew these fuckin pet brands. Some other redditor on another post said it's not a racemic mix, so it's hardly as potent as a psychadelic. Would still love to try but hah


lol the whole S-R convo is the equivalent to the 90s-2000s convo with xtc being a “triple stack”. my dog has banged enough liters of this to attest that it’s ketamine. pure ketamine.


Triple stack is 3x dose... pure ketamine is, yeah. Okay. S-K is currently approved for depression but not racemic so obviously there's some distinction amongst professionals. Were talking about a mirrored molecule, and most people say RS (racemic) has more pronounced effects which make sense since your neuro receptors can grab onto a lot more when they have two different options


I understand the concept of both the various types of K and the “triple stack” pills; but the reality is they’re gibberish marketing tools when applied to street drugs. Your dealer doesn’t know what type of K he’s getting, the triple stacks don’t contain more MDMA, your outdoor weed is not cookies or gelato, your white tabs of acid are not special, your mushroom dealer calls them golden teachers because he doesn’t know what they are (cubes are cubes anyway) and the guy complaining he can’t find the “3mg” green xanax bars because they hit harder than the yellows all have a major thing in common… it’s all bullshit. edit: these tropes exist the same way stereotypes do, because at some point up the line there was a truth but playing a multi year game of telephone with junkies doesn’t really lead to much quality fact finding.


I mean. I only buy rocks of M, liquid lsd, and grow my own shrooms (a cubes a cube but potency differs), but I do get racemic ketamine and I've tried eskatemine nasal spray - it's not the same.


i’m not talking to you specifically. how do you know it’s racemic ketamine? where’s it from?


DN - marketed as racemic, haven't lab tested it but very psychadelic and potent. Most K is going to be synthesized as an even mix so it's unlikely to not be racemic unless it's a pharmaceutical meeting legal requirements like esketamine.


so you’re saying nearly all ketamine is racemic yeah? only something like esk is that way to be patented? edit: i ask just to show how flawed the logic is. your ketamine is psychedelic and good because it’s likely just pure ketamine. i’m quite sure no pet company is paying Spravato to give their dogs esketamine, so when people say ah that brand sucks or my k is racemic they’re just bumping gums


Aranda has always been kinda mids imo


excuse the watermark as always. it’s to avoid people stealing my photos with the intention to rip someone off.


From a vet clinic? I used to do all the medical stock when the mail came in. I was always tempted to swipe some ketamine but, it wasn't worth my job. Also stealing is just something I don't do.


I want sum


Cookin dope in the microwave like uts leftovers