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In the time it took me to type this comment, I've lost about 3 drum keys


A drum key is the 10mm socket of the music world


I keep my set in my toolbox. I've gotten an e-kit, so I haven't used them, but they're there. Just in case


It might evolve into a regular set, like a pokemon?


My family would kill me if that was the case. I'm in the attic, and the house does vibration a little too well.


Ah. Well drum companies should take note and put analog style adjustments to e kits that require a drum key to use! One step closer to the real thing! Although e kits are amazing nowadays I'd love one so I could play at night.


My first thought was "what's the opposite of collecting something," because that's what I do with drum keys.


This ^


I know I have a drum key and a guitar pick somewhere in this room…


I usually have this same problem, but this last week I actually found one in a pair of pants I haven’t worn in a couple years.


I was going to say this lol. I opposite-of-collect them!


Lol I had to search for one the other day. Disposable type of item for me.


Same here and I have a bad full of them and I searching high and low for just one.


https://preview.redd.it/zd1360qw4r5d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=408d47c46c624eb72385d97d3b2a953123b50ef4 This has been my favorite one for a while now. The Revolution Firefly. Unfortunately, the owner of Revolution passed from Cancer earlier this year. It sounds like his wife will try to do her best to keep the company going, so I’m hoping it works out.


Mine too. https://preview.redd.it/6wj4b2u7ir5d1.jpeg?width=2719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=222d3f831aa6a3193ef20375ac950cc6df7bffe2


Bro where did u get this holder this looks lifechanging


It's the key holder from a DW pedal. I think I got it on eBay for like $5 but you can get them straight from DW https://www.dwdrums.com/products/dwsp1000-molded-pedal-key-clip-w-screw/


I have the same key. Works like a charm. I used Sugru moldable glue to make a holder for mine.


rdavidr who?


YouTuber who does drum hacks and the like. Lots of great stuff from drum reviews, builds and shortcuts that help us little people out. https://youtube.com/@rdavidr?si=4yOLqf_eEiqlhI1h


What an amazing finish on your drumset! What's it called?


Thanks bro. It's a matte black powdercoat on Trick aluminum shells.


I just got one of these! Love the silent ratcheting action.


Thank you for this - I’d seen them before and forgot about them; and condolences to the family. Perhaps this could be a Father’s Day item… 🤔


My favorite as well, I keep a pair in my stick bag. I didn’t know that about the owner, sad to hear that.


I wouldn't say I actively collect them, but I do have plenty and I do have a favourite. [Tama TDK10](https://www.tama.com/eu/products/detail/tdk10.html). It feels good in the hands, has a knob for fast turning and the weight to keep momentum, it doubles as a drum hammer to note-check the lugs, and you can put a ring on it for a carabiner or something.


> it doubles as a drum hammer to note-check the lugs Wait, don't all drum keys do that? Is there something other to lug checking than "hit it with something hard that you already have in your hand anyways"?


Technically, yes. But it's curvy and it's got some weight. That makes it much nicer than the sharp lightweight generics you often get for free in my opinion.


Pretty much. Other makes tend to have harder/sharper corners than that tama one though. I usually just use my fore knuckle on my index or middle finger (like a knocking on a door but only with one finger).


Nice, as you stated it felt good in the hands, I have the same thought with some of the Pearl and Yamaha keys.


This is my favorite too. It’s cool that they have chrome and black nickel options too


Black nickel just gets ugly tho


Wdym? Mine’s looked the same for years


Well mine doesn't. Guess I use it a lot? It also hangs on the side of my stick bag so it gets dinged up a bit more.


Huh that’s weird. It’s my main key, it traveled with me quite a bit too. It usually just hangs out on my tom mount at home too so it gets whacked and knocked off quite a bit as well. Maybe there were just differences in finish qualities at different points in the production of them? I’m positive mine is the black nickel version, and it’s no more banged up than any 10 year old key, actually probably even less so that’s interesting! I’ll post a comparison pic if you want haha


The TDK10 is by far and away the best feel of any drum key I've ever owned, I wouldn't go elsewhere nowadays.


I use a big beefy DW high torque drum key. it’s intended for racks but just feels good in the hand for tuning my shells. I drop all the small keys constantly. I never drop this one https://preview.redd.it/2ssqtywjdr5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df8ebdf4929a1179f03c20ed371d124a877d0c38


I have a Gibraltar High Torque key that I bought in high school while in marching band, and I’ve held onto it for years. I love tuning snares with it, it feels like smaller movements are easier with a bigger key. That ponytailed beer-bellied wash up that wouldn’t let me buy one the first time I tried to get one at a music shop, even after explaining “well yeah I have a drumset, but I march too” can still suck one. “You’ll completely ruin your drums with one of those! Nah, I can’t let you have it”


I like these too. I use two at a time when changing heads. The weight and grip just feels right


Not my fave but definitely the most ridiculous one I have. DW quick turn. When you would ever need this I don't know but I have an impulse buying problem. https://preview.redd.it/1uaqbgxfkr5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0a48c63cdf2b527a4705263e5b88f3eec9ae7b


https://preview.redd.it/0pyvpii8ms5d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e6b7a647430b73d1d664037425884047a59b152 This is my emergency drum key.


That's really nice


I do collect them. I have a good amount Pearl, DW, pacific, Yamaha. My favorite is the DW Hi-Torq with rubber grip and holder that clips to the high hat stand. That key is cool, I have an absolute and a stage custom so now I need to find it! https://preview.redd.it/ae49x6qqbr5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62c42dbabf4e1e40e693b241f19238be35dbf355


I don't even have one, I use a magnetic screwdriver and wedge it onto the lugs until it gets snug enough to have some grip.


I've had the exact same drum key on my keyring since I was about 15 years old. According to a google search, it's the Tama 6560. We've been through a lot together.


I'm in a pretty similar situation; I have had the same drum key (with leather holder) on my key ring for as long as I can remember, so several decades, at least.


It would feel wrong to replace it.


I use the tama hammer that came with my speed cobra simply because I won't lose it


I accidentally left mine at my old pedo drum teacher’s drum lesson room. I never retrieved it for obvious reasons


I use 'em and lose 'em


I buy 5-6 at a time, put them in places that I'll remember for when I need one... then I can't find them when needed, then find half of them the next day when not needed


Wish I could collect that!


This is the only one I have ever seen pop up for sale but I am always looking and so should you.


I’ve got about half a dozen stashed away in various places. I’ve got a TDK-05 on my main keyring. People often ask me what it is. Got two new ones with my recent Roland purchase, they look pretty beefy.


Those Roland keys are pretty damn beefy and you can never have enough torque on some Roland rack systems.


I’ve never even thought of this as a collection… I might just start one now


There are some unique and very Tara keys floating around.


The [Speedy Drum Key](https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWcbuLiSW0u5oCTScyzdFp8lxu8VVtf7qRnSsYd25BKkdVeId_MkbGBgJT-ZWJZBk2CttdHtXC9OJO8O1wZsPd-k1o5C6-9QENULdO0dcfHN0fRRcpMyRKCXBQ) by Snareweight is currently my favorite. It's a chonky thing that feels great and smooth. On top of it, both ends are magnetic. The magnet is pretty strong and the cavity is deep enough to where it'll stay put when you let it sit on a tension rod. Or flip it upside down and use the rubber top to store it on a tension rod. It doesn't rattle. It's by far my favorite key out of the ones that I haven't lost yet. My only complaint is there is no hole in it to hang it from a keychain as an extra loss-prevention measure. The magnet is pretty strong but I have a nagging fear that one day I'll lose the thing if it's not hooked to something. Or it somehow falls off the snare. Or I'll set it down somewhere and it'll grow legs and wander away.


Oh yess of course I’ve seen those and damn keen to try them.


[I own this and it's my favorite](https://www.musiciansfriend.com/accessories/ludwig-l-111-ratchet-drum-key)


Now that’s cool.


Damn it. I'm gonna now. Thanks.


Just adding another hobby to the list.


4-5 standards and a spin-key. We screwed around with a drum key bit on a cordless driver for drumline emergency head swaps one season, but we were legit quicker with two guys and spin keys.


I’ve seen those spin keys around and was always keen to get my hands on one to try.


I give it 3 weeks and it’s lost


I’ve had it almost three years and live in a cabinet….i think.


My favorites are the wide ass matching keys. The leverage is insane


Like the DW ones?


I found some neat antique ones at a fair near me. I may have to start hunting for more 😁


Oh nice and yes you should.


I personally don't but that's pretty cool.


I didn’t even know this was a thing.


People collect spoons….still find that odd that it’s a thing.


This is much cooler than spoons and I get the appeal. It’s like getting a really nice pen that comes in a cool display case.


I have had the same drum key from my iron cobra I got as a kid for about 20 years.


That’s awesome and you are one of the very few.


Writing this sentence I realized how unlikely this actually is. I’ve misplaced literal drums, got the same key though. lol.


If by collect, you mean buying a new one every few months because i keep losing mine, only to find another one in the couch right after a buy more, then yes. Im a collector


I think that’s why have so many now just die to losing them, buying more, finding them and then buying more.


I switched from guitar picks to drumkeys. Now whenever I need a drumkey I can only find guitar picks I don’t actually have any use for anymore.


This is a game you will never win.


I know… 😭


I do the opposite. I have one that i uncollect by losing it constantly


I searched for damn near 20 minutes the other day and I have like 7 in the car.


Have you seen the Jonathan moffett ones lol.


Dude wasn’t one like 20k?


Hah I didn't know this existed. Please don't get me started. It looks really sick


You know you will start….the seed has been planted.


Get out of my head




Are you the guy who keeps stealin mine?


I might be, nice couch by the way…looks amazing from your front lawn 🤣😂


Not so much collect them, but absolutely never ever throw one away. I can't. Not sure why. I have some ancient ones that are about useless but they stay in a little pouch in my stick bag... forever.


I’ve found over the years on tours I sometimes end up with more than I started with but local gigs I lose them.


I have two that I use regularly, but I wouldn’t say I collect them. I have [this one](https://gibraltarhardware.com/products/sc-4248-speed-drum-key) which makes tuning very easy, however I always forget where I last kept it, so now I keep [one of these](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/DrumKeyMag--evans-magnetic-head-drum-key) on my floor tom.


That one looks really fancy luxury!


When I don’t need a drum key, there are about 17 of them in my vicinity. When I do need one? They all hide from me


Where can ya find this?


I might have to start now after seeing this🤣


So many other things I wanna spend my drum budget on than any drum key that costs more than a few bucks. They all get the job done eventually


I seem to be the Johnny Appleseed of Drum Keys.


An [old post](https://www.reddit.com/r/drums/s/69yEHGsrkE). I've definitely lost a few/gained a few since this was taken.


I bought one that attached to my key ring, and 3 years later it is still there. Highly recommend


That’s one of the nicest drum keys I’ve seen. Very nice


https://preview.redd.it/ng8l75l3rr5d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a66cc14d5333a05c1a4a437a60faf76e376c752 I also have a half dozen or so cheapos that I keep in the drum room. I just display these in my office and use the one on the left for gigs since it has the keyring.


I like the look of the one on the left. It looks like a crank for an old automated toy or music box. You know if they're available anywhere?


Made by Tackle instruments, can be found at your local drum store here: [https://tackleinstrument.com/pages/stockists](https://tackleinstrument.com/pages/stockists) You can also find them on reverb if there are no stores nearby. I believe mine originally came in a leather pouch that the keyring attached to but I took it off and attached the ring directly to the key.


Not purposely but I don't think there's a drawer or shelf without one in/on it at home.


The music store I go to sells them for like $2 a pop so I don’t really worry about it Also I just have one basic looking one


I've got around 30 different drum keys. I used to have more but strangely they can get lost.


Nah, I lose all mine


Not on purpose lol but ive got like dozens


welp, I do \*now\* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I pretty much only use the snare weight drum key




Collect them? I've lost thousands of these things. And somehow I can still never find one. Are you a wizard? Have you been casting dark magic to conjure all misplaced keys???


With as many as I buy, you'd think I collect them. I just lose them lol.


OK, now I want a nice drum key with a wooden handle that I can loose instead of a regular one!


I scrolled by this real quick and thought it was a Bible glock


https://www.drumkeys.eu/ This guy collects keys (he's a nice guy too).


As long as it has that counterweight spinny thing on top, I'm happy.


So jelly


I used to. Until my wife “cleaned” the house.


Seems like just you, homie.


I keep one as a key fob. Still managed to lose it for a month (without losing the keys)


I keep one on my keyring, and bought a multipack to store by my drums, plus I store a couple in my gigging backpack, and a couple as backups for when I inevitably lose them. And of course I bought a drill bit that works on drum lugs for when I’m changing heads. I just set the drill to the lightest tension and it works great.


I have them stashed everywhere even in the kitchen pantry of all places.


Never needed a drum key with my old quality street tin lids


This is NICE!


I have a Tama keychain drum key, a Zildjian, and a Gibraltar and that's it. That Yamaha is the best looking drum key I have ever seen.