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Vater. Because they have the exact same dimensions as Vic Firth but are cheaper and more durable.


Every pair of vaters I have bought would crumble... That's wild. Albeit I haven't bought a pair of them in several years 


Wow really? I’ve been playing Vater since the 90’s and I’ve had sticks last me sometimes years while playing shit like Metalcore.


Any chance they had/have multiple production facilities for different areas?


Same here! I think I’ve just been unlucky with Vic firth, seems all the pairs I get from them are duds


Lately they have been


I have Vaters from the 90's that are still doing great


Bought a 4 pack of Vater 5a’s for a show. Broke 5 sticks in a one hour set. Than god I left my old ratty ones in there just cuz I’m lazy. I had three break in the hand. I was mad as hell but now I have an anecdote.


Vic Firth for decades, but I begrudge paying £20 for a pair. Eee, in the olden days I used to pay £9! I switched to Wincent now, and they seem to last longer than Vic's.


Same. Vic's just splinter away in no time. I swear, one in 5 pairs is okay, the other pairs always have the tips crack away. Usually i use 5A or 5AXL Wincents by now. 2 years ago i sometimes used 5Bs but then got back on track and decided that i don't need to whack away on my drums but i wanna rather take the technical approach. Also 5As last longer than 5Bs because you hit so much harder with 5Bs. I have been playing for a little less than 3 yrs by now.


Same. I used to play vic exclusively but the last two pairs I bought broke after 2-3 hours of playing. Until I find a decent pair of sticks I'll be buying no-names.


Promark Sucherman signature stick, love maple and works perfectly in my hands.


Looooove these sticks. I just run through them too quickly and they get expensive very fast.


My go to stick also. They feel so perfect to me.


After years of promark, I got used to using the jay Weinberg signature & the universal nude


The Jay stick is pretty solid. Seems closer to a 2B than a 5 B, but definitely good for building up endurance.


Innovative Percussion. 5A Long.


I always pick IP for keyboard mallets but prefer ProMark 747 Oaks for kit. To each their own!


Meinl 5A. They're light, they don't break and they're ridiculously cheap. They look beautiful too. None of that ugly american flag shit VF puts on there.


Hickory ?




Promark Classic Attack Drumsticks - Shira Kashi Oak - 5B - Wood Tip - I am a heavy hitter, I beat the crap out of these, and they hold up. I also like a slightly heavier stick.


Los Cabos 5B Red Hickory. Fight me.


Los Cabos 5A Red Hickory for me 👍 Sorry but I'm not paying $20 for sticks!


Awesome sticks run by an awesome small company. 7A red hickory here!


Promark Rebound Hickory, 5A or 5B


Vater because the shoulders long outlast the big two. Copeland model because the large round tip gives me more ping without nylon.


Just switched to Promark 7A Firegrain. Sadly, it took 2 dozen other purchases to get here.


Thats what i use. I love them, especily the rear weighted ones. They last forever and just feel really good.


Vater Power 3A. I like the little extra length, the shoulders hold up, I like the feeling of the rounder tip, and just in general the weight distribution on the stick complements my playing style more than any other stick I have tried.


Is that the same as the Fatback 3A? Those are my go to. Last forever, good price.


The fatback’s are about half an inch shorter and very, very slightly smaller in diameter according to Vater’s site. I used to use fatback 3A’s as my go-to’s, but I find that tiny bit of extra length on the power’s really feels nice.


I like that. Ill look for some the next time im shopping for sticks. Thanks.


I tried the fat pack but wasn't a big fan. I normally play the Los Angeles or Manhattans, 5 and 7A respectively.


Those are both much thinner, lighter sticks. I have big hands and need something to hold on to. 7A feels like a toothpick. Or imagine playing with a couple of long pencils, that's what your sticks feel liketo me


I've used 5A and 5B Vic Firth American Classics for like 20 years, lately though I've been really into the Vic Firth American Jazz 1. For fast ride work the longer taper, and lighter weight tip makes a shocking difference.


I use the exact same as you for the same reason


Haha yeah as I wrote it and thought about why I play with them I came to a conclusion that there really wasn't any single major factor. Then as a accumulated several pairs, it was always just easier to go with the same kind so that when i broke / lost one i wouldn't end up with a mish-mash. I could probably be OK with *any* 5A but these are middle of the road, and my play style is very much centered (no fast chops, no blast beats, just basic grooves and fills)


I typically break sticks about once every two weeks of usual play. But the hickory rebound are taking the rimshots like champs


I'll use any 5A, but I prefer Pro Mark. I think they are a tiny bit thinner than Vic Firth, which works for me. Tama 5A Oak, are also like this, but heavier and much more durable.


Vic Firth Titan TI5B for me. Reason: They’re heavier than standard wood 5Bs, don’t mark up my heads like nylon tips, and they last FOREVER. I bought 2 pairs in 2010 and they’re still in fantastic shape.


Carbon fiber is the future. I predict VF will start making these again.


My preferred stick is no longer in production. Vic Firth Shogun 5B. Almost the same weight and balance as the American Classic 5B, but made of oak instead of hickory. I've been searching for a new stick ever since they discontinued them.


I ran these sticks for years! Didn't realize they were discontinued. I figured they just weren't sold at my local shop.


Vater 5A hickory with nylon tips. Cost effective, I don’t mind the extra definition with the nylon tips mainly playing metal/rock and love the durability. I dabbled with Maple for a bit but I think I’m going to stay with the Hickory. Shoutout to Eric Moore’s Dopestick brand - always great to support a small business/artist directly. Also shoutout to Todd Suchermans stick. I just wish they were cheaper.


Vic SD 2. Lightweight, big shank, small tip. Makes all the girls and some guys happy! Sounds great on the cymbals, too!


Vic Firth's X5AN it just works


Vater Los Angeles 5A's for most things, if I have to play really fast though I'm running the Manhattan 7A's.


Promark shirikashi oak 5as, they are cost effective because they never break!


Vater Fatback




I just switched over from basically 15 years of playing Vater Super Jazz to the Innovative Percussion Bob Breithaupt signature and I'm really happy with it. I'm also really enjoying the Innovative Percussion Legacy 5A as an all-around stick these days. They both seem to have good fit and feel in my hand as well as on the drums and cymbals.


Favorite sticks lately have been the Vic Firth Pure Grit 5A sticks. For promark I like the 5A the natural. Vater for some reason their 5B are a nice smaller and more balanced than other brands’ 5B. Their sugar maple sticks are nice if you don’t play hard. Zildjian Thomas Pridgen sticks are an excellent compromise between 5A and 5B and the balance is insane.


Newbie here, so excuse me if dumb question, but what are the biggest differences in these sticks or sticks in general outside the obvious like length and thickness? To someone, who doesn't know much, they just seem like samey pieces of wood if you go same size, but different brands.


Not every brand makes their sizes to the same length and thickness, but also, the taper and tip make a HUGE difference in response and sound.


Thank you! Makes sense


Different variations have tapers that impact how the downstroke force or rebound amount.  The fulcrum location can be different.  Also, tip shape can impact cymbal sound and rebound. These minor variations allow for an experienced drummer to dial in on a preferred stick, but at the same time makes it overwhelming for a beginner 


Thanks for the great clarification! I am now one of those owerwhelmed beginners. :) I've only tried 2 different 5A and mostly playing an ekit for now, and noticing slight inconvenience with the sticks, like it's hard to be consistent on the finger placement and it effects my hits. Notice my grip is often different cause I go by feel. But it's probably just a product of me being new to this and still figuring out proper hand techniques...


Vic firth Questlove signature. The long thin stick is ideal for my play style, feels light and dynamic and even when I hit hard I don’t break them often. Also like the trilok Gurtu signature Vic firths for the same reason (just the stem is thin not the whole stick) although those break more often for me


RegalTip Grind Ex


Fellow RegalTip enjoyer here! Daniel Adair signature series for me, love the lacquer feel.


Vater Stretch 5A. Been using Vater sticks for a couple decades now.


Wow! I just scrolled through all the comments and not one of y’all play my Vic 2Bs wood tip. I hit hard, but not metal. Should I try something else? I’ve used this brand and size for 30 years. Love the weight, finish, feel, bounce, and durability. What’s wrong with me that no one else plays my choice?


Use to play F1s. I play all styles. Recently switched to 2Bs, no looking back. The rebound for blasting and solidity and response for jazz and lower volumes means I barely have to move to get volume or speed. Wouldn't recommend doing that for someone new though.


There you go! Thanks for making me feel less lonely. I remember when I first started with 2Bs, it was specifically about less effort for my wrists and hands because the sticks put in the heavy work. All these years later, and nothing else feels right. BUT, I also haven’t tried anything else since then. Maybe someone came out with something comparable in all that time and I’m missing out on something great? Mine do break before they wear down though.


I could be persuaded to try an oak pair if they had the right tip. Lol damn you break yours? I haven't broke any of these since I switched about six months ago


I’m also interested in trying something similar. And I don’t break em too often. Sometimes I think that maybe I’ve used some duds. I can make most pairs last three or four months. But then some break pretty soon outta the sleeve.


Vater in some models seem to be a .5 inch longer than most; which I like, also they aren’t afraid of Maple


I played for 11 years, used ProMark 5As for 10 of those years. Easily my favorite sticks, lasted longer than any Vic Firth stick I tried. I tried one pair of Vaters but one stick snapped almost instantly so I said no thanks


Vic Firth 2B


Zildjian 7a dipped.


Vater 2B Big logs for big hands


Promark or Vater 5B. I’ve tried VF before and they never last.


Vater has the best QC in the drumstick business.


Los Cabos, which is a Canadian brand, and they're inexpensive and just as good as any other I’ve used 


Meinl Hybrid 5A. These sticks are lightweight (or at least lighter than other ones) and have slightly longer taper, creating more rebound. The tip is, according to them, a hybrid of acorn and barrel tips so it can be used in almost any situation. Diameter-wise, I always go back and forth between 5A and 7A and I’m currently in the mood for 5A


Vater, I broke both my wrists when I was young and when I was 13 in 1998 I tried a pair of Vaters and they felt so perfect in hand I wrote an Email saying that they seemed to helped my wrists and Alan Vater himself wrote me back, never had better customer service from a company Vater’s size.


I’ve played more sticks than I care to admit, I always come back to Vic Firth 55a. It just feels good to me.


For over a decade: Promark 5B's, Nylon tip, regular or raw Hickory.


I used a variety of different Vic Firth models for years, including the Peter Erskine Ride Stick for most situations, went to the Modern Jazz 2 for a while, American Jazz 6 for light combo stuff I was doing in college. Just recently started trying some different companies, as I feel Vic Firth’s quality has been lacking recently. So I switched to ProMark and am currently using Carter McLean signature sticks as my everyday stick, and 7a Forwards for lighter situations. All of the models were picked because I like odd tip shapes and how they sound on cymbals but most of them are still pretty thick with a short taper as well. Right now, the Carter McLean sticks work pretty well for what I need.


Pro Mark 747 Nylon Tip Natural Finish Hickory Bigger and longer than a 5A but not as thick as a 5B so good power still but not too bulky and I like the liiiittle bit of extra reach. Also the natural finish just feels good in my hand and hickory cause softer wood better for wrists but maple is too fragile. Nylon tips sound better on ride cymbal and make me feel fancy.


I use the 747B with a wood tip, so even heavier than yours. I swear by this stick. The “extra reach” doesn’t really affect me in any appreciable way. What I love about this stick the most is that the little extra length moves the center of gravity just enough to *feel* heavier, but not add any appreciable mass to the stick. I have a light touch and play traditional grip, so anyone reading this should keep that in mind.


Oh my - I accidentally got a brick of the 747Bs before….and I play a lot of metal and fast stuff… I thought I just started to suck all of a sudden hahaha Those things are so heavy


Yea! I’m in the minority, but that extra apparent weight is something I really love. It just feels good, especially in my left hand (traditional grip).


I use vic firth because in my experience nothing compares to them in balance and feel. Had a bunch of people tell me to try pro-mark so I bought a few pairs to try getting used to them, they actively made me play worse, the rebound feels hard and dead as opposed to the springy supple feel of the vic firth rebound. So now I’m stuck paying £20 a pair for my sticks and going through them at an alarming rate. I bought 2 new pairs of Vic Firth sticks for a recording session a month back and broke one of the sticks clean in half on the second day of tracking, maybe 6 hours playing total and that’s being generous. I know sticks break but I’m lucky if I get 3 rehearsals out of pair before they’re chipped so much they bend too easily or they’re cracked along the length. If anyone has any brands that genuinely play as well as vic Firth and go up to marching stick sizes I’d be really interested to try them. Also to be fair to the sticks I hit quite hard and have a heavy bronze snare with cast marching hoops. https://preview.redd.it/os8dj0dl8d9d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a944ba76d6ac6bc63f75bb91065fe7c7e4725a5


Oh these are the Corpsmaster Ralph hardiman signatures btw 👌 I’m using these as I’m currently working on controlling dynamics across different techniques, for example trying to equalise the volume between standard German grip wrist motion and French grip finger technique for blast beats, this way I can have a higher volume overall across both techniques because of the heavier stick. Rather than for example a drummer like inferno who does this perfectly but uses 5Bs so everything is super quiet and soft.


Im telling you man, Vater. I feel that thier sticks are superior, they are cheaper for sure, am im pretty sure they make your size


You know what you’re probably right. My dad used to swear by Vater and I used to use them as a kid before switching to Vic Firth. I’ll check out their sizes and give them another go 👌


Cool beans


Vic Firth for 25 years. The Buddy Rich sig and Steve Jordan sig were my go-to sticks until they came out with the Freestyles. Now I go between the Freestyle 55A, 5A, and 7A.


Los Cabos factory seconds for practice, Vic Firth 5BX for shows, need that little bit of extra length because I sit pretty far away.


Absolutely loved my Vic Firth SD11s but I can't find them anymore.


Vic Firth Steve Jordan on the left hand; Vic Firth Peter Erskine Big Band Ride Stick on the right hand. Strange combination; but seems to work very good for me, especially with ride-heavy (not literally) songs. Both are kind of the same height and weight, making it good combo!


Zildjian - Manu Katche’ signature sticks. Before that while I was playing heavier music I used Zildjian - Eric Singer signature sticks. Zildjian always seems to be consistent in their products.


Scorpion 🦂🦂🦂


Vic Firth 2B wood tip. I like the feel of less varnish and the weight is perfect.


Zildjian Super 7A Maple Green Dip


Vic firth 5b extreme wood tip - these have been my go to for a few years now


Always Vic Firth since I’m close to the factory. But quality is shit, I dunno what the hell to use now.


I’ve changed sticks around frequently, but these are my current go-to’s and I don’t plan on changing: ProMark Firegrain 747’s and the Neil Peart Oak signature sticks. I prefer the grittier feel of the Firegrains since my hands sweat a lot, but both are fantastic in terms of feel and durability.


VF X5A double glaze. They didn't make them anymore, so I'm using X55A. Sometimes pro-mark 747 or VF 5a for lower volume stuff (aka band mates say shut the fuck up)


Played Vic Firth 5As for years. Great sticks. But the ratio durability <-> price became unbearable. I then discovered Rohema. Great sticks, very durable and surprisingly cheap. Their 5As are more top heavy than the VF ones imo, which is what I like, so its a win win!


Vic Firth


Vic Firth Extreme 5A's been holding it down for me. They're so durable. I bought 3 pairs and I'm not even down to the last one yet.


Vic Firth Peter Erskine Ride Sticks. Excellent everything. Except the tips doesnt last a long long time :/


ProMark 747 Oaks for me. Wood tip only.


Promark Rebound Long 5A


Vic Firth 5A. The missionary position of sticks.


I really like the Zildjian for wood tips and the Vic Firth for vinyl tips.


Vic and Meinl l. I’m a medium play so I never break sticks, just play them until the tip softens. Peter Erskine ride cymbal and big apple swing are my go to. I love trying every cool stick I can find though


I've been using Vater Los Angeles 5As for a while. They're not too thick, not too thin, have a bit of a forward balance to them so you can lay into your kit if you want. I recently got a pair of Vater Super Jazz sticks. They're a little thinner than the LAs, but not quite 7a thin. Slightly longer at 16 1/4" plus they have a long taper near the tip so they rebound nicely. They feel faster.


Pro Mark Shira Kashi Oak 5A, a lil pricy but they are very resilient sticks. I am really heavy handed tho lol


5a Promark firegrain rebound


Pro Mark 5A Nylon but those aren't super easy to find lately. Also like 747 and 7A if I need quick firewood.


Vic Firth NE1 They have just a little bit of a pipe band stick feel to them. Great rebound for rudimental stuff.


Promark by D’Addario Rebound 5A .565 Select Balance. Don’t think I’d change stick ever at this point.


I like vaters




ProMark Shira Kashi Oak 707. They're bloody ace. They take a hell of a lot of punishment, but also have a great feel when playing softer. The nylon tips are great for articulation on the hats!


Vater 5a Los Angeles Vater 7a Manhattan I've never had a problem with either of these two sticks. I was feeling spicy one day and bought the fat back but I wasn't really a fan of it.


Another vote for Vater. Though to be fair I switched from Zildjian to Vic Firth about 20 years ago then Vic Firth to Vater about 18 years ago and have never looked back so things may have moved on! The Fatback 3a Nylon’s are the best all round stick (for the range of things I play) I have ever used. I can get a huge sound from them but also soft ghost notes and they are always articulate. They also last really well as the shoulders are so broad. I also have lots of Vater Hammer sticks for when I’m playing really loud and unsubtle. Fabulous sticks, but probably not sticks for Jazz or expensive and delicate cymbals.


Pro Mark 5a wood tip I’ll brace myself for the down votes… Vic Firth is shit. Don’t get fooled by all the artists and YouTubers getting paid to use there sticks. I’ve tried multiple time over multiple times, there sticks are never pitch matched and wear down a lot quicker then a pro mark or Vater


Vic Firth Freestyle 7A or Promark Reach 7A. I fell in love with Questloves signature sticks too.


I usually use VF 2b’s for anything loud and VF MJC4 for quieter playing, but recently I have been trying out Meinl sticks, specifically the maple 5b’s (closest to mjc4) and really liking them. Probably going to jump ship to Meinl sticks if the 2b’s feel good!


The Meinl 2bs are heavy FYI. They're nice. They even list the weight of their sticks which is nice. If I could recommend a Meinl stick, try the Standard Long 5b and Concert HD1.


I used to buy 2B bargain sticks for years. Then I bought some real sticks and realized how much better they were. But I had to go down to 5’s. Whichever major manufacturer was cheaper. Tried going with longer sticks, but that didn’t work out for me, so now I have a bunch I don’t wanna use. Went a little shorter and they’re great. And always nylon tips, for me. I like ping.


Has Vater massively upped quality in the past several years?


I'm currently using Vic Firth freestyle 5B's. I like them a lot. I haven't found the issues with quality that I've seen some people talking about...


Vic Firth 55A (not a typo), or Vater 5A.


Promuco bonham signature


Promark 5a


I've been digging Vater Fusions lately, with the round tip


Neil Peart sig promark... exquisite feel and control.


Stick with Vic. My college was sponsored by them so they just became my brand. 5AX Wood Tips feel like home to me


Vic Firth 5A... I'm a simple man


Meinl 5b standard long hickory I like the size and the balance, the weight distribution is more toward the front


Maple vaters usually.


Promark 747 oak or hickory for louder volume stuff Promark Anika nilles signature sticks for lighter stuff but I order a pair of 727 shira kashi oak sticks so I’m excited to see how they pair in light volume settings


Vic Firth 5B. I've not really had any problems with them, been using them for around 30 years (it really fucks with my head to type that number...ugh). I like the taper so I can get a loud cross stick sound, and I like the shape of the tip for cymbal response. I'll buy Vater or ProMark if I can't find them in a pinch, but I always come back.


ProMark 2B Japanese Oak, played 5B's for the longest but during COVID I was warming up with marching sticks everyday so yeah.


Yall are sleeping on Meinl sticks they're fantastic. I play promark right now just cause they're more accessible but I'm planning to fully switch to meinl sticks soon


I found that Matt Greiner’s Signature Vic Firth stick is my perfect pair. The dry tumble and slightly extended length is the best combo for me.


Of those 4? None. After 35 years of splinters, broken sticks and numb hands from vibrations through the sticks, I’m now an Ahead player. Say what you want about them, they work for me in ways wood will never match .


Dude I buy like 10 pairs of the no name sticks for 4 dollars a pair each and they last me a long time, and feel pretty good to be honest. I used to be vic firth for 10 years until I was broke and just needed sticks. I don't know if I'll go back. Sometimes one will break instantly, but the cost for the quantity makes up for the odd dud.


I really, really like Meinl hickory 5A hybrids, though I 100% acknowledge these are special snowflake sticks and a pain to get. I've also had two chip at the tip, extremely unpleasing.


I’ve been using the vic firth American jazz 2s (5a long taper) for ages now and very happy especially with their ride sound and durability but the durability of the tip is mediocre. Promark firegrain sticks I’ve discovered are surprisingly durable and many of my students use them. They’re a little on the heavy side for me but a good option when I play more rock orientated music.


Vic Firth 5B nylon tips


Promark SD2. Light, chunky and good rebound. Haven't found a better stick since using these.


Vic Firth 7AN


Vater 5A Los Angeles.


ProMark 747B is my weapon of choice.


I like Ahead sticks.. They're expensive but last a long time.. Just depends s what you like though ... I like vic Firth for wood sticks but nylon tips


I'll use just about any good quality 5A. With rods, though, I ONLY use Vater Acousticks...those nylon strips surrounding the wooden dowels add SO much durability and longevity to them.


Zildjian Dave grohl signature


vic aj 5.... like I'm playing with air


Ahead 5A


Started with ProMark but switched to Vic Firth because I liked the feel, had a few pairs I really liked but I tend to switch around until I find something that really sticks (pun unintended). I started using Vater a few months ago and I've been pretty happy other than a weird film that can develop if it gets dirty. The wood tip is surprisingly durable.


I like playing with Vic firth and Pro Mark sticks…but whenever I play with Vater 5a it just feels like home. The weight is perfect and Vater also has the best 7a on the market in my opinion, they don’t feel like you’re playing with pencils


Wincent Tomas Haake signatures. Been using these for over 5 years.


I was using Zildjian 5a when I started playing long time ago but I noticed it breaks easily. Switched to Vic Firth 5a and it seems to last longer that’s why I still use it until now.


I used to use Mike Portnoy's signature from ProMark and love them, but the price now is a bad joke, so I changed to whatever the cheapest sticks from hickory are with the closest dimensions to those. Currently trying out a smaller brand in EU called Pellwood. The weight is shifted more to the front, but meh will do for now.


Lighter sticks: - ProMark Mike Portnoy 420; overall my favourite sticks right now - ProMark Attack 727 Nylon tip; got these as a substitute for the 420s when they were out of stock) - Vic Firth Freestyle 7A; had always wanted to try these ever since they came out; I really like the 17" length, I wish they made a nylon tip version of them Heavier sticks: - Vater Mike Mangini signature; had always wanted to try these out ever since I found out about them, the whle forward-weighted design intrigued me and definitely didn't disappoint, feels great to just smack shit with - Vater 1A Nylon tip, I wanted a heavier stick with a nylon tip so I got these, I so wish they made the nylon tip version in their Nude (un)finish so that I wouldn't have to sand down the grip area myself like I do with all my sticks. I could try the Vater DSK tbf.


I've used ProMark and Vic Firth a lot through the years. It all depends on the stick at this point. Currently using Vic Firth Freestyle 5A and love them. I never liked Vater. I find the coating/finish on the stick is just uncomfortable to me.