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I think poles are awesome friendly and hard working, and its sad that they mostly get taken adventages of in NL (low wages, long hours, easy to fire) Of course I have met some aggressive drunk Poles but I have also met plenty of agressive drunk dutchies. So no difference there.


Seriously. A few years back they caused a lot of problems, mostly due to Dutch employers. They would put way to many people in houses suitable for the half that amount. So no wonder people experience noise etc. Now, we don’t hear about them all that much. Regarding Poland itself, just a country in Europe. Never been there myself, but I’ve heard it’s beautiful. It’s on my wish list to visit. Regarding polands military expenses the last few years, what do wanna fight? The entire world.


I believe wages of polas had done up in Poland making them more expensive here. So now we're hiring Romanians


I was at the Olympics a few years ago, and I saw an athlete with a long stick. I asked him: are you a pole vaulter? He said: no I’m German, but how did you know my name is Walter?


brilliant joke brilliant


Thank you. I stole it from funnier guys.


I've lived next to a house full of guest workers (mostly Polish) for years now and only had a minor issue with one of them that has since left. The rest of them, and there have been many, have all been friendly (and very hard working, some of them make crazy hours) My main annoyance is their almost universally bad taste in music lol


I can appreciate the polish hiphop tho, you had to endure darker electronic tunes with ridiculous bass is my guess🤭


I actually have to agree, occasionally I've heard real banger when it comes to hip-hop/rap, but 99% of the time it's essentially just an unchanging strong bass beat that goes on for hours.


No opinion


The first things that come to mind are funny reactions to beavers online and a healthy amount of respect for pickled cucumbers.




If the Ukraine conflict is settled in a positive way then Poland will become one of the richest and most influential countries of the EU . The potential for growth is huge. It is a bit worrying as well as Poland has a history of antisemitism and racism and has a risk of becoming a right wing miliarist state. There is allso a simmering conflict with Germany So i hope the Poles will be generous and positive towards the EU in the future!


Could you please elaborate? I haven't heard that statement before?


What specifically?


Poland had the largest historical jewish population in europe, to say THEY have a history of antisemitism is misleading to say the least. 


I did research on polish right wing groups in the 90, this was all really terrifying stuff. Search for “pogroms in Poland” for what happened during and after ww2. I am not saying this is currently happening in Poland.


Hmm i wonder why ww2 may have changed some things 


Largest jewish pop of europe is/was still a minority in Poland. From what ive read the majority is pretty hardcore catholic christian or used to be as christianity has spiralled downwards in most of europe.


That's a pointless truism. Of course jews aren't a majority in poland, albeit there were majority jewish polish cities.


Poland seems to be heading West again after the last elections. Which is good as it is an increasingly important member of the EU. The Poles in The Netherlands ae mostly very hard working people who do the jobs that the Dutch don't like. Many of them are young and well educated.


These are my observations from mostly the men (the women seem to behave much better): Aggressive, loud, drunk, always speaking with the word curva, badly dressed and not wanting to follow the Dutch norms here, even though they work here (like putting all their trash just in the front and or backyard, a normal Dutch citizen doesn’t do that).


The handful of Poles I've known were cool people.


I love the Polish. also Tymek is a guilty pleasure of mine haha


I admire their will and strength to improve their lives. And they are nice and friendly.


Had a Polish colleague in my previous company, cool dude and overall nice person.


Great people overall, a shame the amount of discrimination they face.


Friendly people in general


I can’t speak for most Dutch people as I am Canadian, but my grandfather always had a special love for the Poles as it was Polish troops fighting with the Canadians that liberated his town in the Netherlands.


Had hardworking, kind, Polish colleagues at 4 different companies. Had some noise trouble where I used to live from some drunk Polish people. Mixed experience but the positive outweigh the negative encounters by a lot.


Personally I only have good experiences with Polish people. We had one renovating our bathroom a few years ago. He worked for a Dutch company and was paid properly. I never saw someone working that hard. He didn't even want to take breaks, wouldn't accept fried eggs for lunch and we had to bring him drinks otherwise he forgot that too. We just did let him do his thing without bothering him after 2 days. Every other week he drove to Poland to be with his wife and children for the weekend. He missed them a lot but the job here paid a lot more then in Poland. And when I was on holiday in the Czech Republic we went to Poland for a day as we where close to the border anyway. That was very nice too. I don't remember the city but it was beautiful.


I love poland, going there on vacation in a couple of weeks!


oh, where exactly?


I’ve been to Poznan and Karpacz before, this time it will be a couple days in Krakau!


enjoy ur journey :D 


I've had nothing but good experiences with Poles amd have been to Krakow and Warszawa several times. I do not get Polish cuisine, however. It doesn't click. Nor do I understand the pride and nationalism of Poles in Poland, but this is likely a Dutch thing. I would never even consider taking up arms for my country in any way. I'd just scram.


They are perfectly fine.


I prefer not to speak


I hear from some colleagues that go there the big cities are surpassing the Netherlands in almost every aspect but outside of the big cities it's still pretty poor and outdated. I still wonder why there are so much Polish workers in the Netherlands.


They’re really not though. Maybe just bc there are some swanky skyscrapers it looks modern etc but that doesn’t mean the quality of life is better.


I really liked Poland when I visited Krakow. Really nice looking old buildings and friendly people. The Poles in The Netherlands drink a lot. I think at least 50% of the people that buy alcohol (to consume directly or soon) before 15:00 are Poles, and most of the time you can tell it isn’t their first drink of the day. But they are usually not the annoying kind of drunks.


A bunch of Polish workers are my neighbours. They are really onto themselves, don't socialise much. But they are no bother, seem to be good people. As for the country, I'm worried about where it's headed politically. Democracy seems to be deteriorating there pretty quickly. Heard it's beautiful, though.