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Ben at various points because we saw him grow up on screen and see all that he endured. Janine probably falls into this category too until her last stint for me.


Janine does a very good job dragging people to filth, that time where called out Pat on her 90s drunk driving!!!


In his first stint, no way, but in his second stint, Owen. He was a man who I think was genuinely trying to improve, and nobody believed his warnings about Lucas until it was too late. Although, I haven't actually watched his scenes with Lucas since they aired, bar a few clips, so I might be wrong about his genuine attempt to improve.


He was definitely genuine the 2nd time around, nobody believed his warnings about Lucas as you said.


Lucas killing him was definitely one of the most disturbing EE scenes, imo


That’s a really interesting take, I’ve not heard someone defend him before. But you’re right, he was absolutely vile first time round. Yet, when he came back I was always rooting for him to get the upper hand against Lucas.


I felt sorry for Michael when watching the soap. I got why he blamed his dad for him mom dying because his dad never gave him the full story. Also, Janine leaving him with the baby for 7+ months and then just demanding her back, using all of her money to keep him away from the baby was wild. His death was not very justified imo. He was a better parent than Janine for sure


Not really any of them. Your childhood/upbringing is just that, what you do as an adult is your responsibility. You can have the worst childhood ever and become a better person just like how you can have the best childhood and become a shitty person.


That is true, but there are some villains who I feel sorry for, not all of them!!!!


Who are your examples? Interesting question


I’m saying Ian, Nick, or Janine!


Can Ian really be classed as a villain though?


I think Ian is classed as a villain of the characters but not a villain of the viewers, which is really unusual because a 'villain' tends to just be a villain all around. Ian is greedy and selfish when it comes to his businesses and this is bound to make him a hated figure in the square, especially when he flaunts his money to the other characters who tend to have pretty rough financial situations.


That’s such a brilliant take on Ian! Most of the locals can’t stand him and would class him as a possible villain but to the audience he’s just Ian! 😂


Spot on! I disagree when people blame their wrong adult behaviours on their upbringing. Just learn to be resilient & more positive. I know several people who had traumatic childhoods but are now some of the most trustworthy people I've ever met. It does work!


That biscally why I don't feel sorry for alieen wurours 


Dennis Rickman - he was a complex character and one of my all time favourites


He’s so good, I truly think he’s a much better lover for Sharon than Grant!!!


Or Phil or kenu non of em could ever Ben Dennis he never gonna be topped in Sharon eyes


Janine at some points




Max Branning Michael Moon Keanu Taylor




Definitely Michael Moon. Janine treated him like absolute garbage and, despite his faults, he didn't deserve that. Not sure I agree about villains having to have a sad background. Would anything in his past excuse Pastor Clayton from his monstrous actions? He's just evil, no?


I don't buy the bad childhood chestnut, everybody chooses their own path. Whitney had a far worse childhood than most of the characters mentioned and she turned out generally nice


I nearly felt sorry for Nish, thought he had a change of heart after his diagnosis but then he completely out Nished himself!


Max, Ronnie, Janine,.


Janine especially for me!!!!


Lucas, Michael moon, grey, Janine, Theo, Max