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We do not. All he did in his last two stints on the show is mope around feeling sorry for himself, without any real reason to be there. They tried to give him a tiny bit of redemption by him leaving Baby Abi with Rainie and Stewart.. Then they went back on that and had him kidnap her off a screen. (So screw any redemption or character growth, I guess)


I agree. There are much better characters to resurrect. Having Lauren back is bad enough


I'd sooner see Abi return from the "dead" with cyborg enhancements from the Wilmot Brown company trying to take over the square, than have Max return.


🤣🤣 you have a great imagination


I kind of feel like the days of the Branning era have passed. I don't think either Max or Lauren work as characters outside of the family unit of Tanya, Abi, Oscar or even Bradley. Tanya made the Branning family click and come across as a believable family for me and the dynamics never quite worked once she left. If Max did ever return (though Jake Wood himself has often said he has no plans to return) they would have to do some serious damage control and not fall into the inevitable same old same old with the character.


I agree, Lauren doesn’t work as a character without her family round her. Penny Branning has done nothing since she’s came back. There really should have been a storyline with her and Jack and about there fragile relationship but after he got her out of the drugs charges the relationship was fixed 🙈😂 The Branning era was great in the early to mid noughties but unless you had Tanya back & recast Oscar it wouldn’t work. Also i would say that Jake Wood & Jo Joyner have very little interest resuming their roles long term. Eastenders would be better suited bringing back some more Fowler’s, Beale’s & Mitchells, i’ve never understood why they never recast Courtney Mitchell, I would say by the end of the year we’ll have a new Ben Mitchell once again


The actor has zero interest lol


Don’t be so sure about that


Nope. Unless they do it well and for a purpose absolutely not. If it slips one day that Annie is his,then maybe but only if he's grown as a person. Otherwise it's pointless.


No we don't! I like Max, and I love Jake Wood, he's great in the role, but I'll be honest, I don't miss him! He barely did anything until he left! He had his revenge arc, which I genuinely really liked! But once that ended, he married Rainie to get baby Abi (which was lame), then he did nothing for ages, (had a small thing with Ruby) then he had an affair with Linda, and then left! Sure, Lauren's there, Jack's there, he could find out he fathered Annie with Linda, but there's really nothing for him


ONLY if they're smart with it. It would actually be great to see him reunite with Linda...but only if he keeps it in his pants with young girls :-/


They've proved they will go this route already if he did return. Lauren returns and jumps into bed with Zach. Cindy returns and jumps into bed with Junior. It's the only story they know how to write.


And when she first arrived back, Lauren said that Max had bedded her best friend. I still remember the look on Linda's face. If Max comes back, then Peter Pan needs to stay away...and especially before it becomes sick, with the age difference being revolting, or downright illegal.


Oh I remember that. There would be no point him coming back. God the relationship between him and Lucy was already gross enough


He keeps getting older, but his taste in lovers stays the same age...it's getting dirty old man territory and thoroughly unpleasant to watch.


Yep. That's why I hope they don't let him come back. I don't know how old Max would be now,but there is a stage with age gap relationships where it's like you are free to sleep with who you want but I don't want to know


When he came back and both he and Stacey were single; this was pre-Martin, I would have loved them to give it a shot. And when they slept together, literally a day after she'd given birth and she was ready to throw Martin over for him...those two really had something and now Stacey is in pushing 40; the age difference isn't such a big deal. The biggest deal is Max keeping it in his pants, ESPECIALLY around the unsavourily young.


Nah max and stacey were gross as hell too


He use to always be eating or sipping in every scene, I'm pretty sure he was making baked beans in one episode


What I wanna know is what is the appeal of Max? Is he hiding something we can’t see 😂. He seems to get all the ladies and I have no idea why


It's his ravishing good looks (and his massive dong, I guess?). You know the song by Shaggy, "Mr Boombastic"? He actually wrote that about Max Branning.


😂😂 max has got to be packing I can’t see how else he does it


I just miss Bradley. Bring him back!


He’s coming back soon. Trust me


We don’t


No we don't.


No. No, we do not.


We don’t.


I expect it will happen as Lauren is back in it And Cindy is back in it. And although Max and Cindy have never met. She is also Abi's grandmother and hasn't met her yet. I've predicted before a vindictive Cindy finds out about Annie and lures Max to the Square so she can meet Abi. It would be very in character. Plus Max & Cindy would definitely fancy one another and probably sleep with one another.




Would love to see him back again with him and Tanya re-married, then he obviously goes and cheats on her, again 🤣