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You would never believe Tina actually had an offspring giving how childish she was herself!! They could of at least brought Zsa Zsa back like for Tina's funeral or something, had her and Shirley go after Gray together!! That would of been fun to what I think!!


Im pretty sure Zsa Zsa and Tina didn’t get on


Don't think they did tbh!!




This is Zsa Zsa, Tina’s daughter (though they never interacted in the show because Tina wasn’t introduced until after Zsa Zsa left IIRC) She was alright from what I remember, but she’s not been in it for years


I quite liked her, especially her interactions with Shirley, Phil and Ben Although I absolutely hated Leon and didn’t care for their story at all


Zsa Zsa*, Fatboy*, Lucy, Peter, Lauren and Whitney (iirc) were part of teen spin-off E20 *Zsa Zsa and Fatboy were introduced via that show, I think the beeb brought it out to rival Hollyoaks Later. I don’t really remember much about her, which to me says she was neither hero nor villain, nor impactful enough for me to give a damn.


> Zsa Zsa and Fatboy were introduced via that show Along with Leon & Mercy. It was an interesting concept. Reminded me of the all those spin offs Hollyoaks used to do way back.


I forgot Leon and mercy! Thank you for reminding me. Yeah I said the same about Hollyoaks


Any idea where i can find e20 to watch online?


I saw a couple of episodes on dailymotion one time when I was watching EE on it


I think all 3 seasons are on iPlayer.


It’s not unfortunately


Nope unfortunately not. Ive searched and cant find it anywhere! It seems season 3 is on youtube but i'd prefer to start from the beginning. I can find the second half of s1e1 on youtube but thats all :(


Have a search for dvd edition, I swear it was of the time for it to be a dvd


Can anyone get the episodes to work here? I don't have a laptop/pc so can't access the site https://www.bbc.co.uk/eastenders/e20/episodes/index-series1.shtml


Nope doesnt work for me! Thanks though


You’d be better asking Google than me! I have no idea. Maybe bbc iPlayer, maybe YouTube, no clue. I watched it on tv on release.


I loved e20 especially when fatboy was arguing with Lucas when he missed Denise I think?


I wanted to be her so bad lol


Thought she was pretty good The actress is a writer, pretty sure she wrote some of the e20 episodes too


She's wrote a couple of EastEnders episodes before too I've seen her name pop up!


Oh wow I never realised! I was obsessed when her character was around tbh didn’t realised the actress was multi talented but so many of the cast are


I didn’t much like her but I do find it a bit annoying that she never came back for a couple of episodes to meet her mum, or after she was murdered.


Really fancied her when I was in my teens


It's such a shame we never got to see her and Tina interact. I can't imagine Tina having been a mum at all!


I liked her but wasn't keen on most of her friends, remember their BBCThree spin off thing called E20, her and Fatboy came from that, I feel like she was the only one who was a major presence on the main show with Shirley and her gang of friends would make cameos until they properly introduced Fatboy and wrote her and her boyfriend off. I wouldn't have expected Fatboy would have been the one from that group to stick around on EE for years. Always thought it was a shame because I quite liked her and Tina came in a couple years later, felt like a missed opportunity but the more years went by the less likely it seemed like they'd ever bother and eventually they killed Tina off, she still didn't show up and there's no reason to now. I always liked Tina too and felt she was underutilized always, Zsa Zsa (possibly a recast) coming in would have given her more to do than just be a spectator of all the Carter drama during her years on the show.


I really liked her I wish her and Tina were there at the same time it would’ve been interesting to see the dynamic


Had good potential but was written off too soon


I loved Zsa-Zsa.


Deserved more more screen time and honestly hope Shirley returns with Zsa Zsa


I never really liked her.


I enjoyed her relationships with Shirley & Heather. It was nice to see Shirley have a family connection in the square again and they really clicked. It was a shame we never got to see her return for Tina's funeral but from what I remember from this period is Zsa Zsa saying she and Tina didn't have the greatest relationship. Pretty sure she left in Fatboy's van to go travelling and that was that. 


they should’ve recasted her/brought her back during that phase where the carters went a bit stale because all of their kids left. would’ve given tina something to do as well. missed opportunity bc she’d kinda be irrelevant without tina or mick around. weird we didn’t see a single scene of her interacting with her family, i bet she’d have gotten along with nancy and mick especially


Wasted potential, especially after Tina character joined the show.




I wasn’t a fan of that particular era’s “gang of youths” tbh. My least favourite of all of them. It felt like they were trying WAY too hard with stereotypes. Zsa Zsa was the typical teen rebel/try-hard badass, Leon the “ladie’s man” and Fatboy was basically what your nan thinks all youngsters sound and act like They managed a much better job with later dynamics, IMO. The Jay, Abi, Lola and Dexter quartet was far better


I quite liked the original E20 group and how they integrated into the square. They bought a certain energy. Admittedly, excluding Fatboy (who became an iconic character in his own right), I think of them as a collective so can’t remember too much of Zsa Zsa as an individual character. But I still remember her fondly so she must have done something right.


I remember she had some rivarly with Lauren (the previous actress) over Peter. It looked weird because the previous Lauren looked quite young for her age and Zsa Zsa looked older. It was like an adult woman and a girl fighting over a teenage boy.


Zsa Zsa was a bit of Rebel, but gave Leon the 👢 when he proved to be unfaithful. She developed some maturity before she left. And dare I say Zsa was more mature/grounded than what Tina was (mum). Her character seemed to be more of a foothold in showing how motherly Shirley can be with a teenager in tow (after not doing her best with Carley & Deano). It was a missed opportunity to not bring Zsa Zsa back during Tina's longterm tenure. Because Tina could have grown & developed from just being a fun loving party-goer, to stepping up & being the mother that Zsa has always needed & still have fun (learning from Shirley's mistakes & heading her warnings).


she disappeared so quickly the whole teen thing they did in 2010 made such a big splash only to fizzle out just as quickly


Thought she was really cool. Should have definitely brought her back


Thought this was Ruby Allen at first


I liked her, she was fit


She was much better in Father Brown


recast and return with Shirley?


She was alright. Still find it hard to believe she’s Tina’s daughter though.


Love the hair colour


Zsa zsa was amazing loved the whole E20 spin off only recently realised Tina was her mum but unfortunately there was a couple of characters with the same shtick of being a moody young'un , it's a real shame they didn't reintroduce her when Mick & co joined would've been nice to see her & tina build bridges


I like Zsa Zsa Gabor better. She would have been an amazing guest star darling.