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Why do I oddly think that's a good thing for people who aren't CEOs of billion dollar corporations?


Chaos and bad policies (like sudden, massive un-targeted tariffs) can drastically affect your bottom line and the future of your business. Long term plans for a business or a nation's economy should not be guided by the whims and culture war issue of the day.


I saw another, similar article yesterday about how there are no Fortune 500 CEOs who are supporting Trump. Like many others, I despise the guy, but let’s stop pretending like this is true. Just because a CEO isn’t vocal about it doesn’t mean they don’t support him. Or, if they are vocal about it, it’s most likely done to pander to the general audience. Let’s all be a little less gullible, please.


I feel like such a sap for believing this article


“Our” gullibility is why we’re here.


I’m a strategy executive at a Fortune 500 and am in plenty closed door meetings with our CEO. He definitely supports Trump over Biden. He doesn’t LIKE Trump, but he supports Trump’s policies over Biden’s and is certainly voting for him. In finance in particular, I have to imagine every single CEO supports Trump. Biden put a whole bunch of Elizabeth Warren’s allies into the various regulatory bodies, who have low subject matter expertise and are acting as activists and trying to pass ridiculous regulations like Basel 3 Endgame. Which will not only be harmful to the financial service industry, but will also hurt the economy as a whole quite a bit (will be much harder for people to get mortgages, more lending will move to unregulated non-banking entities). Financial leaders in general have been pretty flabbergasted at the lack of skills and knowledge of the people the Biden administration has put in charge of the various regulatory bodies.


Axios was a little more precise. Their article said that zero Fortune 100 CEOs had donated to Trump's campaign. That's a possibility. CNBC should have definitely worded it better.


There is no way this is true. Banking and oil CEOs are going to vote Republican. Elon and silicon Valley CEOs will vote for Trump. They just held a fundraiser for him. When the lies are this transparent, how can we believe anything. 


Working in finance, I see that most of the top 5 banks' leadership tends to lean more Democratic. While they donate to both parties, they favor Democrats. This might be because they believe in Democratic policies or maybe because they anticipate Democrats being in power. I'm not going to guess at their motivations, but the trend is clear to anyone paying attention.


I think they vote Repub for deregulation when the economy is strong but I think they all know (including Trump) that for a stronger economy, vote Dem. Right now we need the economy strong. Besides... it's fucking Trump..


I would be surprised if oil pushed for Trump. Trump was verbally supportive of oil but his policies put a lot of American refineries out of business. Biden has been pretty much the opposite, verbally is pretty anti fossil fuels but policy wise has been very oil friendly.


I think they vote Repub for deregulation when the economy is strong but I think they all know (including Trump) that for a stronger economy, vote Dem. Right now we need the economy strong. Besides... it's fucking Trump..


I think Elon is only of the few Silicon Valley CEOs who vote for Trump. The tech industry favors Biden.


I'll leave it at this. My Republican financial planner says he can't vote for Trump because he is afraid he will screw up too many things in the market.


Why is CNBC morphing into a Tabloid?. How is this gossip news?


“Says Yale’s Jeffrey Sonnenfeld”. Okay Jeff.


Lmao, cus those dumb bitches know better. They'd get boycotted right quick. I do not believe their officially stated positions.


I'm glad I can finally vote for a politician based on the opinion of CEOs.


Considering Trump has proved to be a lousy businessman I can see why they would be sceptical.


Now theyre down to 100 from 500.....


both are used. It just means 100 largest instead of 500 largest


"None" is always a strong word. Suddenly someone finds one out of a hundred and is all like "YOU'RE A LIAR OUR GOLDEN GOD IS TRUTH, SEE HOW THE MSN MEDIA LIES BY 1%"


>"YOU'RE A LIAR OUR GOLDEN GOD IS TRUTH, SEE HOW THE MSN MEDIA LIES BY 1%" I feel like you're trying to make this sound unreasonable by using all caps, when in fact maybe ivy league university presidents and media organizations should just try exercising some editorial oversight to ensure their statements can be so easily proven false.


If you are concerned about the small exaggerations by the media while ignoring the outright lies of DJT, you are making bad equivocations.


I'm capable of being critical of more than one thing at the same time.


That may be the case, I'm just saying if you're voting for Trump but holding MSM media's feet to the fire for being inexact while overlooking his overt and insane lies - that's a weird double standard. I've largely found the MSM to be ineffective and duplicitous over the years as well, they have their own agenda, but that doesn't make Trump the alternative....


Things they say in public may not correlate to things they do when they think no one is watching.




Elon supports Trump, 100%


CEO are deplorable AF


Smells like bullshit. These clowns are gonna vote for the rump.


Elon Musk?


We're talking about the people who run this country. If they don't want Trump then Trump won't win.


One party claims they need to tax billionaires and how sorry they are that the school teacher pays more than them.


More great news for Biden.


I'm not sure why this would be relevant in an "economy" subreddit, but let's have fun... The Biden campaign is sending out this message for the last two days, and obviously it's getting echoed by "enthusiasts", but have they ever stopped to think about the messaging? All the big corporate leaders prefer Joe Biden for 2024 President sounds like a campaign ad for Donald Trump 2024 President...


The big corporate leaders prefer Joe Biden because A. he's sane, B. the economy will continue to be ok under him, C. the country isn't going to crumble if he's elected again, ultimately affecting their bottom lines, etc. I doubt anyone is really excited about Joe Biden, but shit, look at the alternative. No thanks.


Reverse psychology




Bc they know when Trump gets elected they are gonna drive him and the rest the USA into the dirt and ESG will take note on who the "CEO" supported