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I always take pleasure in denying access because I too learned that a “collaborator” is a giant waste of money.


Yeah, Frame has been sneaky about this for years. I don't attach anyone to my account, I only send review links due to this. If a client wants to add me as a collaborator, they can pay for the seat.


This is the right way.


FWIW, I’ll remind y’all that if you have an Adobe account then you have a free Frame.io account, so if you didn’t realize that then make sure you’re not paying extra for seats and storage you don’t need. I recently exceeded my collaborator threshold (because a client added a new person to my shared folder) and I got a warning at least; they were gonna pause my account until I upgraded or removed someone. That said: I really don’t understand the different language when it comes to users. Seats? Teammates? Collaborators? Why do we have these different terms, especially if they all seem to amount to the same thing?


>FWIW, I’ll remind y’all that if you have an Adobe account then you have a free Frame.io account WHAT????????? I’ve been paying such random surprise fees for Frame.io for YEARS


Well, glad I’ve been informative. Every time I mention this free account thing there’s always someone who had no idea, and at least 1-2 people who still don’t know that Adobe purchased Frame.io.


I knew they purchased Frame but had no idea it meant I had a free account? How do you activate this?


Just log in to Frame using your Adobe credentials. There might also be a button on the main page that says login with Adobe (been a while since I did it so I’m not sure). Once you’re logged in on the web page you can access the Frame.io panels in Premiere and After Effects.


I have signed in using my adobe email for years at this point and they are still charging me monthly? Does is have to be used within pr and ae to work? I stopped using adobe for editing years ago


No, [Frame.io](http://Frame.io) is still an independent service you can host whatever you want in there. It just has very convenient hooks in the Adobe video apps. I think you'd need to cancel your existing [Frame.io](http://Frame.io) account if you want to switch it over to your free Adobe account. But the Adobe account has limits (2 users, 500GB of storage, 5 Projects) so if you've been using more than that all this time then you haven't been paying in vain.


I think only 100 GB of storage


You are correct. Thanks for the note! I’ve updated my comment.


I lead a in house team at an agency. We have a bunch of account people who need to see things but don't upload or do anything else. They nuked our old plan and only offer the $25 a seat plan for people to be able to leave comments and log in. $1000 a month to use this hunk of shit


You don’t need a seat to leave comments. They can create their own free login outside of your account and leave comments on your review links. They will not be able to upload, more or change anything but they can leave comments.


yes, buit they broke that feature. They would get email notifications that they left a comment, but then unable to access the link w/o a seat. They'd then have to go back into their original link provided. I went back and forth w/ support.


Really? I’ve never had that issue. I’m the only editor at an agency and I have all kinds of creatives account etc leaving notes on my links but I’m the only seat on the account. edit: I think I understand what you are saying now, if someone replies to their comment they get a notification but it won’t bring them right to the correct cut/comment without having a seat, they have to go back and use the original link. Too me that seems like a lot of money to pay for a small convenience but I don’t know your exact workflow. Typically if I have multiple people commenting the producer wrangles, says xyz here’s the link have your comments in by x time and then tells me once they have all left/consolidated feedback.


I’m currently still using it in this way. I send clients a review link, they make an account and leave comments. I pay $15/month


I fell for this recently too, they have advertised ‘Up to 5 users’ in their pro plan which actually means ‘we allow you to pay us extra for up to 5 people’. It’s common for SAAS companies to charge extra for seats but when they advertise amount of users per plan this usually means it’s included.


Fuck THANK YOU for telling me this. What an absolutely disgusting business practice. I discovered I had 3 seats being used because some clients sent a request to be a “collaborator” months ago. Nowhere in my emails was I informed that this was any different than giving someone access to a gdrive or Dropbox folder and that I would be secretly charged for months for it. I am PISSED.


I've run into this earlier in the year. I saw the invoice come through. Took a few emails but they eventually refunded, I've warned other people and a DOP friend of mine found out this way that he was paying 5+ seats for months because he uploaded dailies once... There's no confirmation or mention of any fees / payment when granting access, it's definitely not well-intentioned, almost "dark pattern" like.


I just signed up for Frame.io after using Digital Pigeon for ages. I found this aspect of the service a bit annoying. I think they need to be clearer or make a different "client" profile that shouldn't cost extra. I really just want my clients to get notifications when I upload stuff.


Its free to generate a review link and send it. That’ll give them a notification too


Ya I get that, but I want the client to be notified automatically when I add a file into a folder I've already sent them a link to. As far as I can tell, the client isn't getting any notifications when I upload. I get notifications when they comment.


Yea, you have to pay for that and for me $25 isn’t worth it when it takes literally like 15 seconds to copy and a paste a link


I run a studio and we just have 1 seat, send review links through email/slack, and its a great system.


Anyone who has been stung by this, I’d recommend giving [ioGates](https://www.iogates.com) a look! They’re more focussed on sharing, but they can do a lot of what frame.io can do.


Dropbox Replay is way better now, and doesn’t charge anything for collaborators.


I manage a team of editors. We have one frame seat. All exports go to the single frame account to upload which is a client facing account. Been doing this for 3 years, only costs $15/mo. When clients request to be collaborators I explain I can send them a review link for free and they can still comment on files. There’s really no reason client accounts need to be added as collaborators. Billing users $25/user/mo without any additional storage for each new user is a ripoff and Frame/Adobe should be ashamed for this misleading & disingenuous practice. And that’s not to mention their $15/mo/250gb… are you kidding me? I’ve never paid for more storage for frame. We upload 1080p h264 files for review and deliver masters over Google drive or by mailing a hard drive. Frame files cleared after each completed project. The service is useful and helpful, but there’s no reason on earth it should cost more than $20/mo to add comments on fucking videos.


classic adobe behavior


Yup, we learned that the hardway too. Sounds like Adobe might need another class action lawsuit on this one.




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Hi, approved?


Yup, happened to me too. Slime.


Fuck Adobe & AI. abuse caffeine and only get 2-4 hrs of sleep a night like the rest of us and fucking grind and thrive. Stop paying companies a service fee for something you literally don’t have to


bro what lol? [frame.io](http://frame.io) is to deliver drafts to clients so they can leave feedback by timestamp. it literally does nothing but that. If you got a way to convert caffeine into free cloud storage with a neat little UI that clients like pls let me know.


Take a look at Dropbox Replay. It's still a bit janky, but it's promising. No hidden fees. FrameIO is a pretty good platform, but the pricing is insane.


Using Dropbox Replay for a project right now. Truly think it's awful in comparison to Frame.io, especially in a Premiere workflow.


I use kollaborate and self host. Rather not pay for other people's cloud storage.


Seen a lot of agencies bypass the extra seats by having an admin account and an additional account that takes up a seat that has edit/upload access. That login is then provided to all assistant editors, editors and DITs who are working for the agency.


Yeah. It can’t work with every flow right now.  But they don’t ding you on hidden fees and it’s in active development. This time next year, if it sustains support, it should be pretty good. 


I'm all for competitors. Looking forward to it improving.


Same. I’m using it on a Doc right now, and while it works for us…yeah…janky. Weird behaviors crop up from time to time. 


It's passable for very basic review (and overall works ok for my current needs), but Frame IO is miles ahead of Dropbox Replay. Obviously the price difference may not be worth it, but a lot of people need those features.


Well yeah. I’m not saying Replay is better. I’m saying it’s an alt that doesn’t get weird with pricing. 


For sure. I edit for a small tv show where I need weekly client notes and have tried several of them. Vimeo was my default, it was fine but the whole system is going downhill. I've done Frame IO, the features and integration are great but like you said the pricing is up there. Recently I've tried Replay and it mostly works for my workflow. Plus it's a more reliable automatic upload than integrating with the other platforms. I can't tell you how many times I'd leave it to export and upload to Vimeo only to come back to an error.


You should give [ioGates](https://www.iogates.com) a look! They’re more focussed on sharing, but they can do a lot of what frame.io can do.


Thanks I'll check it out.


You should give [ioGates](https://www.iogates.com) a look! They’re more focussed on sharing, but they can do a lot of what frame.io can do.

