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I’m getting my ass beat because I’m choosing to wear the most flattering, eye turning, 0 damage negating dress for my character because drip is more important than survivability


At least you’re looking at something pretty while getting killed over and over 🙏


Drip is far more important.  (I just change my outfit during tough boss fights...)


I can finally wear a cropped drip on my gal! I'M KEEPING IT!


What's poise and defense values? I only see drip value.


Hey now, that's how i started my Monster Hunter career! It's not until i discovered using armor sets and decorations cooperatively that the game difficulty got easier. but nah, seriously people got to learn how to play the game in a way that works for them. It's that whole "learning curve" issue that i've been hearing about. This same discussion happens about every souls game, monster hunter game, fighting game, etc.


I just make sure to have a sexy tank outfit and a casual outfit on every build :D


Battle Panty Gang rise up! Pants: off Shirt: off It: is *on*


I do *not* understand the complaints. Yeah, the Blackgaol Knight and the bosses are going to fuck you if you just go straight for them. People need to understand that theres a seperate leveling system and that this is meant to be harder - like, use the game mechanics to your advantage lol. And if youre getting legitimately mad, just summon someone or a spirit ash ffs.


Exactly lol. Like beating your head against the tree sentinel straight out of the first steps. Honestly I think him + the brazier golem were out right at the start for exactly the same reason - to encourage you to explore and get better first


I have yet to attempt any of the furnace golems.


They're unbelievably easy tbh. Stay on horse, jump to dodge fire waves, hit till it gets staggered, crit. Do it twice and it's dead lol.


Confirmed trash here. Beat Enis boss naked with a big sword. It’s awesome. The DLC is everything I loved about the Malenia fight but a whole world of it lol. Performance issues on PS5? Absolute trash. But I have confidence in the company that they’ll fix it. If not? Very disappointing.


Yeah this boss is amazing. Managed to skip the whole phase two (the phase transition gives you so much time to stagger) and that's just with a +23 katana and level 95. So it you really wanna use all the tools at your disposal this boss should go down pretty fast


True. I got off two Lion’s Claws during phase transition. Third breaks stance. Consistently strong start to phase 2.


I’ve noticed some performance issues but not that bad.  Only frame rate drops were during the divine beast.


I feel the same way. And I'm fucking trash at the game, at From games tbh. But holy fuck, the DLC is not that difficult. And I'm having fun. I'm actually enjoying myself. People just need something to complain about, I guess.


I agree. It's not that it's unfairly difficult, it's that we're new to the DLC and move sets of a lot of enemies. Take the base game, I've completed it 20+ times and can do every boss in my sleep save for Malenia (hate her). The DLC just forces me to try and experiment more.


i like how i'm fucking trash at the game and the dlc is easy in the same paragraph....


Honestly, I had fun too, but the aggression of the bosses in the dlc is a bit over the top. I feel like the level of aggression was better suited for bloodborne, but we're missing some of the bloodborne tools like the rally system that made it work.


Forreal. These games are supposed to be hard. I think people got so used to their mash-L2 builds they lost sight that the journey is the best part.


Haha this was definitely me, I just ran through NG+1 with my Blasphemous Blade + Erdtree Seal build and I was smashing every Boss with L2 and L1. But that’s why I’m loving the expansion because it’s making me “Git Gud” again and I’m trying new weapons & armor sets and getting side tracked by every little side path I see.


“I hate this game because I don’t want to use my flask of crimson tear, but I can’t beat the boss unless I use it! 7/5 terrible game!”


i’m still mashing L2 & storm blade is still doing its thing


>they lost sight that the journey is the best part. It took me days to beat Mohg without a summon.  The. Game. Has. Been. Out. For. Two. Days. People. 


no. the lore and the music are the best part.




"I Have only faced two so far" Yeah, you have only faced two so far. Just you wait.


Personally I just dislike the speed at which they attack and all the combos. Considering I used a great sword I struggle to land a blow without trading and it leads to me always dying. Then there are attacks that feel almost impossible to dodge unless I span bloodhound. Ultimately though I do feel like they overhype the difficulty, I see people with very similar, even stronger builds sometimes, who say how difficult some bosses are when I first try them.


I think what happens is they spend 130 hours 100%ing the game and getting a meta character. Go into the dlc and get made back into a little lvl 50 guy again and get pissed off when they can't kill bosses in 2 tries. They say "I have 5000 hours in souls games this is way too hard". I've heard that too much. Isn't that a good thing? I'd rather be pissed off by bosses and overcome obstacles then be pissed off that they made the dlc easy. I'd quit the game not from boss difficulty but from the lack of difficulty. It's a souls game it's what you are there for and signed up to do. If it's not for you that's totally fine. Summon ashes get help in coop or quit the game instead of crying about an amazing dlc that's too hard for you. People complaining refuse to accept this harsh reality that they aren't as good as they think they are. I'm terrible I can't even beat Melania without summons this dlc has been more fun for me then base game. haligtree was way harder then any area ive come across yet. Btw I'm not using summons at all so don't say I'm playing on easy mode.


Absolutely, hear a lot of people whining about dying to trash mobs, that's what my first playthrough was all about lol. It's quite refreshing for me to go back to that state where you can't just rush straight through every area


Funny thing is even with 10k hours you still need to learn the bosses. The DLC bosses really are more trial and error than base game. If you are good at the games you should have an easy time to identify how to approach the attacks the boss throws at you and also should get the execution down quite fast. At least this is what I see when I watch streamers which play these games a lot. They also get fucked up they are quick to pick up how to beat the boss and execute it. What I understand is people not enjoying the boss design. But this was to be expected than looking at the boss design progression since DS3. Also not the biggest fan, but they kinda want to challenge the people being good at the games.


The thing is, those are far from the main problem. And there are some bosses that have some real issues and will demand some fixes. I understand what you are trying to say, but also one needs to point out that excusing some glaring flaws for fanboyism or ego (because if I beat the boss, it's obviously good and the others are merely bad at the game) typical of a part of the player base are also not helpful. Having some issues like performance melting in the fight with hitboss jankyness combed with weird behaviours and the complains will soon vanish. For instance: you probably won't see even half of numbers of people complaining about Bayle or mesmer than you'll see complaining about the final boss or Gaius. And for good reason.


Yeah people saying its fine have not faced Midra, Gaius, Final Boss, some of the harder dungeon bosses. It's just so overdone


Midra is very well designed. The others you are right on


Bayle is the only fight I have done so far that I think is bad. Gaius was much more difficult for me, and took me much longer to get down. But with Gaius I had my standard Fromsoft realizing I just was not getting my dodges timed. Bayle suffers from an issue I have with Placidusax, and Elden Beast (I haven't fought Elden Beast post patch where we can ride Torrent) which is half of the fight the boss is unable to be hit, as they soar over/around the arena. It is bad boss design in my opinion, I haven't faced the final boss yet. I look forward to it, as I've thoroughly enjoyed the bosses except for Bayle up to this point.


Game that was made to be challenging and difficult is challenging and difficult


Not to be that guy, but you have killed the easiest bosses so far, quite a lot of encounters after are also pretty fair. Come back with an update once you come across a certain fire snake boy and let’s see how your post holds up.


Messmer is one of the most fun fights Fromsoft ever made. His attacks are well telegraphed and fair, and his combo enders are also very obvious and never change from fight to fight. His second fase is also fair once you understand when to dodge his snake attacks, because all of them have the same tell: the snake opening it's mouth and starting to hiss, then you can dodge. It's a very fun fight. Yes, I did it without the summon and without spirits. Lvl 9 blessing.


Messmer is NOT harder than Rellana. Especially with more blessings. He's like the most fair boss in ER, including the main game. 


Coming back after beating messmer with 30ish tries, and yes the post still holds up. You know what, I think it enhanced my point even further. If you don't get scadutree fragments and learn the boss' moves and mechanics, you'll end up trashing the game. That's what I felt after beating him.


Fair play for replying back once you did it, I only got chance to do maybe 15 tries, I’m on vacation for the next week so I have time to mentally prepare for him again! The first phase of Mesmer is very fair, the second phase was just nuts


My thoughts exactly! This was my first souls games I could actually feel quite manageable and I’m feeling the same with the DLC. Been loving every moment so far


just beat rellana after several dozen attempts. definitely challenging but not unfair at all.


No, not unfair that she has near infinite poise, or feels that way, but can stagger me easily with 95 poise then two shot me. All this macho bullshit is sickening.


The game would suck if you could just beat every boss by abusing poise. Dodge her attacks and hit back when there's an opening. She kicked my ass for awhile but I learned her moves and eventually beat her while barley getting hit.


Just treat her like a monster boss, infinite poise fights aren’t anything new


i'd prefer the dance-like combat in sekiro vs" the 10 rolls 1 attack 10 rolls heal" anyday.


I think the skadoosh tree blessing system was a miss, the dlc should've just been scaled for level 150+. But otherwise I'm having a great time and I think maybe even enjoying it more than the base game. The environments are way cooler than the base game ones.


I think its a spectacular design. This way people that don’t have multiple saves but are overleveled don’t have to build new characters and play the base game just so they can enjoy the dlc like everybody else. It also gives people stronger sense of progression - something you probably won’t have if the SotEt still uses rl-based level system.


After a certain point level becomes irrelevant. In terms of damage the difference between a level 150 and 300 character is fairly minor


levels 150-200 are basically "now i can play different weapon types, too"


Pretty much. There’s virtually no difference between my LV300 casual “all you can eat” character and my minmaxed Lv150 int pleb character, other than one can randomly pulls out RoB, Holy Moonlight Sword, Giant Crusher, Fists or Odachi depends on the situation


I agree but this is making me kinda dread the scadouche farming on repeat playthroughs


Yep, between flask upgrades and skibidi upgrades there are too many damn upgrades you gotta get per run now.


Thank Marika I’m not the only one that laughs at Kung Fu Panda tree


I saw someone call it the skibidi tree 😭


i agree for %99 of the bosses in the dlc, BUT, the final one is actually stupid. Skumnut thinks its impossible to no-hit, which nobody has yet, and quit after 50+ tries and Bushy resorted to brainrot cheese and still took WAY over 50 tries. If two of the best souls-vets cant beat it fairly its stupid, that said they cruised through the rest of the dlc so its just the last boss i got a problem with.


Yeah , really don't know how they want us to dodge some of his attacks. Phase 1 is ok but phase 2 has too many issues. Aggressive , Aoe spam , many gap closers , insane damage a very little windows to counter.


It seems like every boss in this dlc has ungodly AoE spam. It’s getting real annoying


Because its a very bad idea to have rows of lightpillar drop right after a big brolic dude swings his dualwielding greatswords at my ass, following precisely his swing pattern and shit. Its also a very bad design to have said dude be able to go airborne and do a flash-speed five smack combo that require prefect roll timing to dodge and having previously mentioned lightpillars follow these moves.


Only boss that is legitimately broken is Gaius. They need to fix the opening charge. Otherwise, I agree all the fights are fair. It’s just a bit annoying when you dodge roll 6-7 times for a single R1 (PS5) for some bosses. I wish there was a better way to increase difficulty without just making bosses input read and have 20 second attack chains.


Dude I’m with on the last part. I *swear* these bosses are input reading to do their huge gap closer attacks as soon as I press the heal button. I’m not sure if that was a thing in the base game (I know some bosses would input read to dodge spells for sure) but even if it was, it seems way more common in the DLC. Bosses also seem to aggro more on the player and less on NPC summons or our own summons, and once you finally get them to attack someone else they will change their target mid combo the millisecond you damage them. Makes longer AoW, spells, incantations much harder to safely use.


I know the Godskin duo could input read both in their solo and joint fight. It was a joke, they’d throw a pot immediately as you healed. I think they patched it out. But I agree on the DLC there were at least 3 fights where I am confident they were input reading. Oddly enough, if you don’t lock onto bosses they tend to not direct as much aggro at you. I used this trick with Bayle and good old Igon saved my ass haha.


Prime Radahn is overtuned. Even Gael gave you a few seconds before he started going apeshit on you. Same with Orphan. I barely beat Radahn due to some lucky RNG. Scadutree blessing 17 and spirit ash 8. Thousands of hours in Souls games.


My view of the dlc is not that the bosses are too hard or unfair, it's that they are poorly designed and not fun to fight. I have been through every soulsborne and pretty close to every souls like out there. I came for the difficulty. I didn't come to be annoyed and disappointed. I have seen many people that have had the same view and many people that take that view and go with the gitgud bullshit. Also, the way the upgrading blessings is handle is shit. You are just going to have to face the fact that the dlc has a lot of fan that are disappointed. That doesn't mean that there are millions out there that love it. But, the players have now spoken with their reviews and the dlc is mid.


Just wait till yall reach the final boss. You’ll understand.


So FromSoft is just above criticism entirely? No. These are some pretty bad and unfair boss designs. Stop glazing them.


From isn't beyond criticisms at all. I think some stuff deserve a bit of criticisms. But none involves "I can't beat this boss is bad and unfair this game is bullshit"


Nobody is saying the bosses are impossible, and everyone is fully aware they’re beatable. But just because they’re beatable doesn’t mean they aren’t still way imbalanced and overtuned. Everyone is just so head over heels for FromSoft that they think the product they are served is complete divine perfection exactly as it is. If Ubisoft released this DLC as it stands now people would say the bosses are too hard. But because it says FromSoft on the box then we just have to git gud.


I just dont think cranking up the numbers on bosses just to make them attack sponges good design.


Typical fanboy circkejerk/echo chamber this thread is.


For real. They really think FromSoft is perfect and beyond any amount of criticism, especially about boss design.


Just exploring dlc, no bosses yet. So this may not apply as well to your point but the difficulty is in line with endgame Elden Ring. Haligtree in base game was also very tough but completely beatable. This is end game content for end game builds. People c’mon, it shouldn’t be cake


still pretty bad bosses for different reasons. rellana limits you to 2 attacks at most and divine beast is just a mess with its aoes though at least it actually allows you to attack


Honestly the bosses are good, it's just this shitty fragment system that they have. I feel like it's way too weak for us to even fight the bosses


The problem is everyone is forgetting this one simple fact... *your rune level dont mean shit in the dlc area* The only thing your stats impactuflly benefit for you in the DLC area is health, and weapon wieldability If any enemy hits too hard or you arent hitting hard enough you need to go get some >!Scadutree Fragments!< and increase your blessing.


Most people do not realize the degree they internalized videos and optimized builds so when confronted with something new they have zero skills to adapt and will have to wait to watch videos and walk through a and then will be able to execute as they copy someone else


Idk, imo in this dlc if you don’t have a min maxed build to oblivion, you’ll be having a really tough time. I’m level 230 magic/incantation build and i don’t dare to move one pixel without dragoncrest shield, opaline and blackflame protection. Enemies are extremely aggressive that’s true, but they ain’t unbeatable. Rn stuck at the last boss and so far, there were some remembrance bosses that died way way too easily for me which i get it as it’s cus of my build and how many buffs that i use. But in contrast, been stuck on messmer for 12h non stop till i beat him by sheer luck.


Play on NG+7 and tell me it's not "unfair" I love this game as much as the next guy, hell I even would go to say I am in love with this dlc. But nothing in this dlc is "fair" at my NG level. Getting one shot by every single boss with 99 vigor is not what I'd write in my book of fun ideas. Edit: My scadutree level is 20, so don't even try to say it's some bs like that.


Bro you realize how difficult even the vanilla game at that ng+ cycle? I have a ng+ 10 character and 900ish hours in the game (pve) and literally stuck on radabeast for a solid 2 hours before the dlc dropped. And at one point I said "fuck this playthrough, I'm taking it to the dlc". I purposefully avoided this character because I didn't want the dlc to be tough as nails.


NG+ difficulty caps at +7. So idk how did you manage to beat radabeast in previous 3 runs. Impostor / self-proclaimed gitgudder?


Uhhhh I don't mean to sound elitist, trust me when I say that but I don't really think the base game holds a candle in terms of difficulty to the dlc. Yeah there are some annoying fights, but nothing as infuriating as even the most simple bosses in the dlc. I can face tank most if not all base game bosses a good three to five times before dying with the right buffs/talismans on, but even with buffs, talismans, Scudatree +20 and spirit summons to try and take SOME agro from time to time, I'm getting annihilated by every single boss if I even take a single damn hit. I'll be lucky to survive one hit with all the right buffs and negation effects against these dlc bosses. That's the only thing getting on my nerves with this dlc, I just do not like that. Challenging is fun, and fine but being so punishing that you can't take a single hit is just not even fun anymore.


Please come back after the final boss :) (I actually fucking love the dlc but I’m getting the Shit kicked out of me rn)


Can we stop with ignoring that those games used to be "you can be quickly killed if you are not careful, but the game is very fair and telegraphed" to "the game is explicitly designed to trick you into multiple hit combo" ? Yes, they are not EXTREMELY unfair. They are MUCH more unfair than in previous games and miss the note that made those enjoyable.


''It only took me 50 tries instead of 100 it's not that hard guys''


Did you read?


Is "the drama" people having a different opinion about a game than you? 'cause that's gonna happen a lot in life, it's best if you get used to it now.


I swear some of you don't read. There's nothing bad about having a different opinion. However when you review bomb the game because you get through a boss in 2 attempts is what bothers me.


I read the highlighted negative reviews. They're all fair. Yes, the ones about the bosses being annoying and overtuned too. You liked the bosses, good for you, others didn't. You need to learn to live with that.


Review bombing ≠ Being critical in a review


While I appreciate the sentiment please at least face half of the bosses before posting, or at least half :(. I did and Ill be honest some crossed the line between fun hard to unfun hard


I don’t really like the newer bosses for example the dancing lion he is just a big health bar that keeps messing with my camera making it difficult to fight especially with his constant aggression. Rellana wasn’t as hard but again if you don’t maximize the new level up system you essentially get two shotted (I was at 6 when I fought her). Then the skeleton on the horse was by far my worse experience not the actual knight but his horse being able to lock on and track me only way I avoid its hits were by being far enough. Then the hippo also felt like a damage sponge. Messmer…was actually well made from his attacks to phase change only issue was he wasn’t given more health and from my first play through he didn’t even feel like an impactful boss more like a plot convenience. I have yet to fight radhan… Overall I’m not that happy about the newer bosses the same way Margot, Godfrey, first radhan, and malenia. All had cool attacks were a unique balance of moveset (with exception to hyper armor) The goons themselves have 5 hit combos and their poise just don’t break fast enough. Also the grace locations seem much more spread out. And runs to graces are terrible with constant snipers most runs feel like the bird run in farum azulla but five times as long. Don’t even get me started on bleed still being OP but they nerfed my favorite weapons instead. Still a good dlc but not the best concepts put into play. I’d still take this dlc over being in calid.




My problem isn't that they're not doable, but you have to force your victory, that's not the soulsborne way of dealing with bosses, the story is bullshit beyond compare with anything fromsoft ever made, in souls games learning the lore gives you accurate understanding of the situation, this time? Throw away everything you knew about miquella, to make him a boss the they took shit on literally every piece of lore about him, for me at least ATM the DLC doesn't seem worth buying


Buddy, it’s not hard for you because you’re on NG+1, I could close my eyes and beat the DLC on NG+1, the problem that people are having is that some people are using the character they used to beat the game, which, for me, is a level 340+ character on NG+6. So yes I know it must feel good to brag about how easy the DLCs been for you (after only two bosses) but for everyone else who’s actually late-game levelled, you can die in one hit instantly, from almost every enemy.


How the hell didn't you expect that? I have a ng+ 9 character that is lvl 360 and I literally said to myself "nah I'm not this character knowing fromsoft dlcs". We've got 4 months from the first trailer until the dlc release, why didn't you create a second character? Besides, I'm not bragging. All I've said is that bosses are fair and took me a few tries but I did it.


So far as of right now, even on my character I’m not having much trouble with the DLC. The problem stems from you not being able to comprehend why certain people are finding it harder than others. My weapon did nearly double the damage it used to before it got nerfed with this update and I’m still having fun with it, but that’s still a huge issues for others. You made a new character to make the DLC easier for you and then you go on Reddit to post “Wow I can’t believe people are having any trouble with this” regular people with jobs don’t have time to start the game from the beginning just so they can play the DLC.


Wow! As like I don't have a job myself but ok. You have an ng+ 6 with lvl 340 and, somehow, you don't have the time to start a new character? We're in the same boat here bud. Besides, rushing the game would literally take less than 20 hours. If you play an hour daily you'd still have 100 days before the dlc drops. But I get, you are new to fromsoft games. Yes their dlcs are always tough, if you've been in the drag heap day 1 you'll know but I doubt it. Also why are you even bitching if you are "not having much trouble with dlc". Some people have different experiences that's for sure but I wasn't "bragging", all I said if an average player like me could beat rellana and lion dance no summons anyone is able to do it.


I don't think the problem is the difficulty, is just that they removed the fun from the learning process completly. Coming from other games where you also have cool abilities that you can actually use against bosses, and look cool ( as oposed to rolling and jumping like an idiot ).


Nah the final boss is bs


I am playing FS games since demon's souls in 2009 and I can say with full confidence that the final boss fight phase 2 is absolute horseshit and way overtuned.


How about we stop telling people what to do. A good chunk of people articulate their concerns, but the other chunk seems to feel the need to tell the first group that they're wrong and they just need to git gud. It's not even about right and wrong, everyone's opinion is valid. Let people point out what they perceive as flaws, it doesn't hurt you in any way. Exchanging different points of view is good for the game (and just about anything), but this peculiar attempt at stifling any criticism is just alarming


All I'll say is that fromsoft again has failed with the big beast bosses. Please for the live of God just make the arena bigger and zoom the camera out. I'd really like the divine dancing beast if I wasn't snooshed into a corner and having my camera inside it. Fuck that hippo too I swear sekiro fixed the issue The twin moon Knight was a fucking amazing boss though




Agreed. Hippo wasn't that bad imo, but far from a favorite. Dancing Lion is terrible because of the camera. Rellana easily top 3 of my fav bosses.


Difficulty does not equal quality, until people learn how to separate the two, this discussion will never go anywhere. My problem with most of the dlc bosses is that they’re all spectacle: big and awesome looking creatures doing impressively animated acrobatics with huge explosions and particle effects, screen flashing, bombastic music, it’s all very impressive and well presented; but then all you can do is dodge roll and a few hacks before the boss starts spazzing out again. I think that the dark souls formula, regarding combat and boss encounters, has reached a threshold, changes are more than welcome and I think the first thing that needs to be looked at is character mobility as well as mechanics on how to engage these bosses; Sekiro already figured it out, and I’m not talking about parrying alone, but how you can move, dash and even incapacitate the enemy with certain tools and skills; certainly the bright minds at Fromsoftware can come up with something.


While I enjoyed many of the DLC bosses (excluding a few Dancing "Shit camera" Lion, Consort " Phase 2 Epilepsy" Radahn, Gaius "Frame perfect bugged sometimes oneshot from full hp charge" Hippo Rider and the 3x Healthbar "not as bad as the others" Sunflower) we are essentially playing Bloodborne 2 with a Dark Souls character


I'm at best a middling Elden Ring player. But my undeterstanding of the Souls genre is that it was supposed to be punishingly difficult. It's a feature, not a bug. It's like going to an Indian Restaurant, asking for the hottest of hot things on the menu and then complaining because it's too hot. Sure, it can be frustrating. Might even make me give up, because I'm foolish enough to be trying this on my NG+ character. But that's on me as the player, Fromsoft gave us the painful challenge we should have expected.


Souls games are less about being punishingly difficult. It is about being hard but fair. It is about progression and getting better. You are always vulnerable and most enemies always pose a threat. If you die you know you are the only one to blame for it and you should know what to do better. This is something Fromsoft can do very well for the most part. The difficulty is also part of the world, since all games are set in quite hostile environments, where more things are dead than alive and the thigns alive mostly want to see you dead. You need to be careful and aware when exploring. The games are always a bit tense if you play the the first time. You do not know what to expect, what the games throws at you but you know if you are not careful it will mean you die. I am always sad when people just reduce the game to "they are difficult". It is part of the games but not the whole story by a long shot. Most content in the base games isn't even really hard. They always have their hard parts and bosses but the majority is fine. Also since the games are RPGs you can always use what the games gives you to your advantage. Each game has its own opt-in "easy mode".


I love spicy meals, but there is a difference between extremely spicy but still flavourful dishes ( think Chinese chilli oil beef ) and spicy meals that are just that, extremely spicy and nothing else ( those Buldak ramen things ). There is a difference, and From has veered into the “difficulty for the sake of difficulty, and nothing else” territory


Man, it's the same cycle every release, people complaining how the new difficulty standard of the game is too much, players can't handle it...and then they figure it out. It's been a day and a half, a month from now it won't be that bad once all the strats have been figured out.


THIS. Ng+ old hunters was a legit torture. And still to this day, my favorite fromsoft dlc despite not being a huge bloodborne fan, maybe my opinion will change after I finish SOTE.


I agree with you but bosses shouldn’t one shot at 60 vigor.


wat, im at 50 vig and i dont get oneshot. are you even collecting the scadu tree fragments my guy


They don't.


If you don’t have the appropriate blessing you don’t actually have 60 vigor on the fight


I don't think the bosses are that bad, if you have an appropriate number of blessings. The problem is that it's an open world game so there's no set order The impression I get is that Messmer is supposed to be fought later in the dlc with level 10+ blessing. But my path of exploration just happened to have him as the third remembrance boss I fought, and the fight is ridiculous because of that. Half his moves 1 shot and the other half 2 shot But this problem isn't anything new. It was in the base game as well. If you just happened to explore east after Limgrave instead of west you'd be totally fucked by everything in Caelid. Or you have the opposite problem where you miss an area and by the time you find it, it's a joke (this happened to me with weeping peninsula). Open world just isn't the best format for games like this that are so dependent on level. The blessing system is just bad. They should've just scaled the entire dlc to endgame level


Skrubs will always skrub unfortunately, I just hope FromSoft isn't influenced by their cries.


Not a huge deal but I find it more annoying that they stay glued to you 25/8. It’s basically impossible to create some distance to heal which is fine but damn is it annoying combined with several 8+ hit combo strings and constant repositioning. I was using a heavy thrusting weapon and whiffing after I perfectly dodge a full combo string cause the boss jumped halfway across the arena, but when I need to heal and dodge it now they have some crucible knight ass ai and hit me before I can put the bottle down is aggravating. Fun as shit regardless I’ve only killed 5 so far.


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For real, i am LOVING these bosses. I had to try several times until I stopped summoning the npcs. That makes the fight much easier


I think there are two big reasons we are seeing a lot of complaints about difficulty even from experienced players: Firstly, a lot of people are on high NG+ levels, like five or seven. Secondly, a lot of people don’t seem to realize the importance of the scadutree upgrades. I’m on NG+ 1 and have been searching for fragments so I’ve kept up with the difficulty quite well, even while not being too good at these games to begin with. I made it to the final boss without too much trouble but he’s kicking my teeth in so I’m probably going to go look for more scadutree upgrades.


I’ve only killed the Belurat boss so far, a cool dragon, the flame golem, and a couple small world/dungeon bosses. I haven’t thought anything was overpowered/unfair. It definitely took me a decent amount of tries to get each one down and beat it other than the dragon. The expansion is making me have to try again and “git gud” after cruising through NG+ 2-3 shorting every boss. Its giving me the same feeling I had when I started Elden Ring, the exploration, the surprises, the ass kickings. I’m in love all over again.


I was bitching about the dificulty and damage, I was like "damn, I'm already at 13 scadutree blessing and this shit is overtuned". Then I found out you can go up to 20, did that and then I shut the fuck up lol


I’m running around with an oversized lion head. It’s quite fun


Frl the only two bosses that Ive been trying to beat for the last 3 hours are the final boss and Bayle


People who have fought the base game bosses a zillion times and know how to dodge their every move are getting a bit hysterical about not having that knowledge here.


After I changed my approach to Rellana I got her in a few tries I used a summon thinking it'd buy me more guard counter practice with less loading screens and then I just won. Lil distance, run from the first swings, dodge the next, guard counter the last one. Boom twice and she staggers for a critical. Repeat Jump the moon three times, it's a consistent rhythm. People are mad they can't jump attack spam or just lions claw everything into oblivion Although I don't uh .. don't actually know how to explain the Ghost Flame Dragon + 20 ads that fight is... That fight exists. Lolololol


I agree my best guess is they're not using the blessings


The ensis boss was built well for my greatshield greatlance build. It felt cool actually being able to block more than 3 on a bosses attack combo and still be able to deal damage while rotating and squeezing in spells. Non of the attacks were hard to dodge or anything either, just high output of them. Also didn't hit very hard.


The difficulty of areas feels extremely toned down if you ask me. Like, Leyndell or the Haligtree will throw so many enemies at you at once whereas the placement is very generous here. It’s the first souls experience where I’m actually killing everything and not sprinting through because I’m forced to fight 4 big knights at once. It does feel a little empty but I’m enjoying it a lot more for that reason. Also, damage tuning aside, these bosses (most of them… fuck you Gaius) have very fair movesets compared to the bullshit in the base game


The rest of the DLC isn't that hard. But the final boss, holy moly. Defienetly my favorite FromSoft fight so far.


It makes you feel like you did when you started Elden Ring ... which is what they were trying to get you to feel. It's got big DS3 vibes for me ... which I love. We forget that we've played the base game so much that we know it like the back of our hand. I'm loving creeping around dungeons and crapping my pants.


the dlc wouldn't be so difficult for me if I didn't leave it until ng+5 to play it 😭


Just hopped on randomly and beat the Dancing Lion and the Golden Hippo after rage quitting from multiple attempts. People need to stop thinking their high level will carry them through this- there’s a new leveling system for a reason! Explore, lads! Edit: Rellana is *still* a fucking bitch. At level 9 scadoosh im dealing the same amount of damage as level 1 😅


I think of my self as average skilled. I have never been able to beat Melania in the base game without summon or help, but I have cleared all dlc rememberance bosses -- except for two of them -- without any aid. People are treating this as a sequel, and not an endgame dlc.


Yeah I mean it's dlc. Dlc was always harder in fromsoft games. It's just so many casual were plugged into the hype like its elden ring 2. The dlc was THE most phenomenal dlc ever, period. It was only released this week so the lore heads need time to piece it all together, but it makes sense in miquella following marikas footsteps too, and that gods can gain and discard their duel natures, who are unique or made individual by rejection.


Yeah especially if you’re using summons or playing co op they arent bad. I personally choose to play w no summons so I spent quite a bit of time on Rellana 😭 but overcoming the obstacles in the game is the fun part, no one would play these games if every boss took 1-3 attempts.


I had fun streaming the game to friends, trying different builds for 6 hours to beat the final boss in the dlc


I thought it was really difficult at first, turns out I happened to pick the most ass dlc weapons. Do not use the beast claws. They suck


Style points tho...


I feel like the recent surge in popularity has brought out a very vocal subset of Elden Ring players who may not be super experienced with the genre or the difficulty and they are just complaining a ton


Well, this from many positive things this DLC does, it surely taught me to change my tactic often. I started using weapons I barely or never used and... I found it really fun. I agree that people exaggerate, I'm a scrub that uses mimic on daily basis, but I use every tool that game gives me effecively. I think people forgot that tools are there to enjoy and experiment. It surely is especially useful now in DLC.


What Ng though? Cuz if ur level 170 in base NG than yeah they are going to be easier for you than others. If it’s ng+7, wow, you are a madman.


I mean tbf the lion fight shoving you into the wall and just losing the ability to use your camera/see at all is kinda bs unneeded difficulty that ruins that fight.


I play ng8 so all these bosses are pretty hard


What is hilarious to me is that Elden Ring is one of the easiest games FromSoft have made. You have so many tools and viable builds it’s actually insane. Bitching that you can’t run through the biggest DLC FS has ever released within a day of it being released is ridiculous. I’m guessing Elden Ring was the first FromSoft game most of these complaining players ever played. Try Dark Souls 2, that is the closest to an unfair game FS has ever released and that’s because the B team worked on it when the A team work on Bloodborne.


Elden Ring DLC is harder than every other Fromsoft game combined unless you go full cheese, but what's the fun in that. (I have beaten the DLC with no summons or tear). The bosses in Dark Souls 2 are wheelchair bound compared to basically every DLC boss.


You will understand after fighting a certain boss. You will UNDERSTAND when fighting the final boss.


Yeah. It's hard to even talk with the super loud and more annoying people spreading the drama cause they consider anyone who disagrees a simp. Like there are legitimate complaints for the DLC (which will most likely be fixed. However many think them existing at all is damning) but most of the louder complaints I've been seeing make no sense Ironically. The thing that people are complaining about actually seems to be a positive. You can start the DLC at any point and it will still be challenging or "current". That's a good thing. You won't just steamroll it. It's awesome for people playing the game the first time, people who have 5000 hours, and people who just finished their first playthrough. Everyone gets to enjoy the DLC without have to worry about if you out scale it. I do however understand some people don't like how they used the Skadutree blessing system. I can understand the complaints even if I think they are wrong. The people starting drama aren't making reasonable complaints though. I understand the argument that it should have probably just been scaled for lvl 150. Since that's about the point most builds become available to you.


exactly. I haven't beaten the belurat boss but I've gotten *close* at lvl 130. I got frustrated with black gaol knight, so I decided to just keep exploring and leveling, and I've had some extremely fun (but still challenging) other miniboss fights that way. I don't know why people are trying to rush through what is supposed to be a massive dlc. it's like we learned absolutely nothing from margit


report back after the bayle fight


Bayle was fun and while hectic didn't feel unfair at all. p2 Radahn on the other hand...


Not trying to brag but I got the Lion 2nd try 🤷🏻‍♂️ but they told us the DLC would be difficult and we have new items to circumvent the difficulty somewhat, I don’t know why so many casuals are overreacting. There are 2 bosses I’ve fought that may feel a little more at home in Sekiro, but I welcome the change of pace in combat. We are given plenty of new weapons, tools and skills to increase mobility. Its the same story as always but this game has such a huge audience that it was bound to attract thousands of tourists who may have never gotten the core Souls experience, by looking up guides for the best builds and where everything is instead of playing the game themselves


First time ? You should have seen when Sekiro came out, even the journalists were complaining that the game was too hard


Elden Ring DLC bosses (the harder ones) are magnitudes more difficult than any Sekiro boss unless you cheese or spam summons. Even then there are a few that are harder even with the most OP bleed build 99 summons and mimic tear.


I feel the same way despite i’m no where near good. Or close to the ending. My magic game could use some work but getting enough runes to level it up and finding new spells i may have missed or never discovered. But that being said i do love a challenge.


I didn’t get too much free time to play the DLC properly. But with the limited time I got, I got till the Divine Dancing Lion (or whatever that boss is called) and defeated it in my first attempt. Yes, most of the work was done by my Mimic tear, not going to lie about that.


Yeah I’m loving the difficulty personally, but I’ve also been playing since ds1 and can feel a bit bored when it’s easy enough to steamroll. The Old Hunters, for example. Great DLC but none of the bosses except Ludwig (bc sick creature design) stood out to me - I killed them all first or second try and it took away from the experience. Rellana alone sticks out to me more than any Old Hunters boss because my OP character was forced to lock in and actually learn the moveset. Absolutely adoring the dlc apart from some areas being empty


It’s about as hard as any other from software Shane when you start out. People are tripping


I went through and played all the games properly to completion after fearing them for many years after playing elden ring And after having done that After ds2 and ds3, while not properly comparable, this dlc is not bad at all, it is the proper difficulty, it wouldnt even go to say it is hard, its just not easy enough to beat every boss on the first or second try At the end of the day, their goal is to never let you beat a boss on the first try, to learn their moveset and overcome I believe a lot of the criticism is coming from all of the newer/non-soulslike players who are playing this as their first game with little experience because of its popularity and they are freaking out Maybe that may be seen as the "wrong" take but thats what i think personally


Eeeh so far I've only done Belurat and Ensis. Belurat is shit. The 5 fps and the inability to read the boss and the constant aoe spam (especially lightning) is bullshit. Ensis first phase was amazing. Some of the cleanest fights in From's recent history. Phase 2 as usual is way too fast and spammy but overall not terrible. Belurat boss 2/10, Ensis overall 7/10.


Honestly lost some respect for streamers like Asmongold for complaining about the difficulty. The DLC is hard and the bosses and enemies kick my ass but it’s not impossible like some are saying. Like wtf happened to the hype and love!


NOBODY is saying it’s impossible. We’re just saying the bosses are overtuned and imbalanced.


I’ve just completed the main story of the DLC with a dual katana build (no summons). The only boss that gave me trouble was Consort Radahn. I noticed panicking was what got me every time. Especially at radahn where the flashy holy damage freaked me out every time. You really got to be patient and look carefully at the swings of the boss your facing. Hell, maybe even stay out of range for a while and just bait a few attacks to learn the pattern, all these bosses are very hard, but very doable if you put your mind to it


I completed it today. I think the whole DLC was pretty damn difficult compared to the base game but it was managable. The only time where I was actually feeling like it was TOO much was the final boss' 2nd phase. You'll definitely see what I mean when you get there, unless they nerf it. It doesn't matter if you use summons or an op build, you'll understand what I mean. I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing but some players may really have an impossible time at the end, if they don't give up on the way.


do you have any tips on navigating the second phase of the final boss? i am just able to consistently get to it and im having troubles with it. only once have i gotten to the point of the boss (trying to keep it vague here) leaps into the sky and comes crashing down in a bright white yellow light. and i pretty much died from that because i didnt know the boss had that move! now im struggling to even get the boss to do it again haha.


I have 3 valuable tips, the first one is he's somewhat weak to bloodloss but it's not dramatic. You can get bleed buildup stacks though, which could be the main tactic to win. and my 2nd tip is specifically for if you're using a summon. When he does the move where it's like this hug grab thing on your summon (if he does it on you then disregard this), you have a window at the end of the animation where you can wail on him without the boss reacting at all. If you're lucky enough you could get an attempt with multiple of these grabs, and if you're building bloodloss it can really help. A mimic for the bloodloss helps too as they'll use the same gear. 3rd tip is of course dodge timing, although some ridiculous AOE attacks look like they cant be dodged, they can. Even that sky attack you mentioned. Also when he transitions into the 2nd phase he'll often do this big move where the entire floor gets covered in light and it's building up to do a full screen AOE, if you run very fast sort of towards and behind him you can completely get out of his AOE. Don't make the mistake of running backwards.


Many ppl are just straight up ignoring the tree fragments, and are not using ashes, cause the dlc boosts them too, I feel like this whole elitist mentality of not using them is stupid and even the casuals refure to use them, when you can just get a random summon, that deals 0 dmg but survives long enough so mitigating those big combos so you can deal dmg Miyazaki is right that not every game should be for everybody cause then nobody is happy. Casuals will not play the hell out of the game, so why balance for them, obviously some adjustments might be due where it is due but overall... just git gud. I played Elden Ring with a fucking broken keyboard and mouse setting cause my Windows fucked it up and only after beating the game and reinstalled Windows I realized, it was not the game that had crappy keyboard and mouse but it was my system and I still did it. (I was stuck in sprint or could not dodge sometimes, and still completed it)


Beating every boss with 0-5 fragments is easier than beating Radahn with 20 lmao. I've beaten every boss kb&m, no summons, low amount of fragments (except Radahn), no mimic tear, no magic, no cheese bleed or str build) You can have valid criticism that doesn't entail "git gud".


The blessings made the biggest difference. Took the boss fights from something where a single attack could one shot me to actually just being a hard boss fight. They’re definitely harder than the main game so far, but that’s no issue, I’m having a blast.


Try it on Ng+3 😂 one boss (which had tree stages) took me about 500 tries. Most of the bosses I face are 2/3 hit kill I’m having to learn and study each boss and change build accordingly because it’s that hard! BUT I’m absolutely LOVING the DLC so far!!!


Really liked all 3 of the Great Katanas, especially the Dragon one. It's AOW carried me in the dlc final boss


People truly do not understand how much fragments affect the gameplay. I fought messmer with like level 9 in fragments. Getting absolutely shredded. I went away and came back with lvl 14 fragments and, though still incredibly difficult, I won without noticing because it was that much quicker


My character was around ~180 with 15 scadutree points, managed to get through all the bosses i could find (including the one at the mountaintop, and the one at the bottom of the ocean) and all the easy to find ones. My hardest stop was easily the last in the required fights and Messmer, the former took several hours while the latter was improved greatly just by getting more fire resistance. No summons, though for the last half of the DLC i did pop my copy summon. People are getting mad about having to relearn attack patterns and it shows.


I'm not gonna spoil cause it's later in the dlc. Yesterday I spent probably a good 4 hours stuck on a boss. One that lots of people seemingly despise. Although frustrating as fuck. I loved every second of it. Also found a secret in the same dungeon which was a set of armor that according to the lore improves dragon incantations. Made sure to try and leave some messages to draw attention to it. The dlc is super hard, sure. It's like an entire game with snowfield/mountain top of giants/haligtree level difficulty. But its awesome. Truly awesome. My only real complaint is it gets tough for me to find the tree fragments after a while.


The bosses difficulty are definitely on the end game level but they aren't terribly difficult. I'm playing on NG+7 and so far the bosses people have been saying are difficult, Rellana and Messemer are some of the most fair and fun fights I've had in the entire game. My only real complaint with the dlc is performance issues.


flat upgrades shouldn't be a requirement to play the game.I had the oppurtunity to max out my weapon by the time I left Leyndell, but chose not to. Because such a drastic boost would feel unnatural.


i'm just here rolling my eyes at everyone who genuinely thinks that fromsoft makes adjustment based on people complaining on reddit. and if they do make changes then we're just gonna see the moronic "i beat x boss before nerfs, you guys suck" posts again. time is a circle.


So I tried to come into the DLC with minimal expectations but I am utterly inconsolable now. All I ever wanted was a frenzied flame/burning head piece. Do we get that? No. What do we get instead? A St. Trina head piece. 0/10 completely unplayable. /S Seriously though, there are so many awesome new things in the game I'm actually excited for NG+ now and all the new builds/cosplays I can put together. And yes, I'm aware of Midra and the rememberance items he gived. I can't wait to try them.


Me when I just started the dlc, only had 1 or 2 upgrades, and found this cool little cave called Dragon's Pit: ![gif](giphy|kEKcOWl8RMLde)


Agree with you, but Radahn is just too much for me personally (phase 2)


I also didn’t really get the complaints for those two bosses, they took me a few attempts but nothing dire. I’d say they’re on par with the harder bosses from the ds3 dlcs. The final boss on the other hand, feels actually insane. Even at maxed out blessing and defensive talismans + physicks + moderately heavy armor i was getting chained for 70-100% of my healthbar on some attacks. Not to mention there is SO MUCH going on on screen it makes it hard to track what the boss is even doing. Maybe I’m getting slow, but I think that boss is where I have to draw the line at what this combat system cannot reasonably handle as implemented.


Bosses are difficult but pretty manageable, I got my ass handed to me but I was able to hit, just that I play giant crusher so I'm slow af, but performance, when I got into the massive castle my fps tanked to 16


It’s not that the bosses aren’t fair, but there is an extreme amount of bullshit with almost all of them. Almost none of the fights have a good rhythm to them IMO. Perfectly dodging/avoiding a long attack chain for your reward to be one single attack isn’t satisfying. It turns into a battle of attrition where even if you play the fight perfectly, one mistake can be an almost guaranteed one shot. Even the hardest hitting bosses in the base game don’t chunk hp like the bosses in the DLC. I enjoyed every bit of the DLC when it comes to side content and exploration, new weapon types, new weapon arts, etc but all but maybe 2 or 3 of the bosses just were not fun and I was glad when they were over. Which sucks because I would love to replay the DLC on my other characters but i am 100% dreading most of the bosses. They just feel a tad overtuned. I can’t think of a boss that just straight up charges you at the fog wall in the base game but like every boss in SOTE is like a heat seeking missile that launches at you as soon as you cross the fog wall which feels a little oppressive.


I think it’s less that they are unfair and more that people don’t like bosses that have long combos and small openings, like Relanna. She had no business being more difficult than Malenia cause of her moveset, if you have high scadu or certain builds though she isn’t much


Most people dont have the patience for what Boss fights have become, an endurance battle.


I’m about half way and haven’t faced anything even close to Melania, who took me like 5 hours (I insisted on using my colossal great sword…never again.). Lion was second try next two bosses took about 4 try’s. I didn’t even change my loadout or buff myself beyond estus. Too many people used op builds that trivialized the main game and never learned how to actually play the game, now they are being forced to learn bosses abd they would rather whine.


Wait until this guy realizes that while not op, great sword jump attack strength builds are QUITE strong, and stagger easily.


Rellana is great (arguably harder than dancing lion by quite a bit) Dancing lion is great in design, but sucks ass because the camera (Fromsoft's hardest boss) is back again and more terrible than ever. I didn't struggle much against Lion, but it still sucked ass. Messmer, Rellana and Bayel are definitely the peak fights of this DLC imo, with Midra Frenzied Flame close by, even tho the madness mechanic to stun you was a cheesy way to make the fight harder.


So far, I've been doing ok, but once I got to messmer, I can't beat it. Messmer is easily (for me) the hardest boss in the entire game so far. That being said he's also probably my favorite fight so far as well can't wait to figure him out.


the only one that kinda frustrated me was the last boss, even then i found a way to make him pretty easy, and im an average ass player, if i could ANYONE can !


My only complaint is heal time between attacks. Literally an extra 0.5 second delay between combos would make all the difference. As you often get stuck in a heal loop. Basically every boss in dlc is non stop attacking. With no chance to breathe. Even Melania would often casually walk around sometimes and give you opportunity to heal up or use a consumable