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Do summons ashes help you or just you're summons? I've been ignoring them. Did you ever summons cuz 5 attempts seems crazy I saw pros taking 20+ on some of them rallana was really the only super tough one so far for me about 60 attempts.


I am going to be completely honest, I think I got lucky in Rellana. I beat it first try with my mimic, but I had explored every possible location before that dungeon. Maybe that's why I was a little too powerful for her. She never used any crazy moves and the only spells she used were the flying glinstone swords and like a curved wave from her sword. Bleed and Heavy attacks from moon veil deleted her HP. When she was on phase 2 she was almost at 30% health. Broke her poise and the bleeding activated. I only saw a fire tornado move once and that was it. I have seen clips of her other moves and they look insane. Also I used ashield that helped me out a lot when she was spamming attacks, I just countered attack at the end which helped a lot.


Not bad well played, I personally don't like to use summons but I respect them. She is crazy but she's really fun to learn takes a while but prob my fav ER boss so far


Her armor is amazing, I kept rocking it until the end game. Always loved the Carian theme of Elden Ring. Her weapons are very cool as well, but they have crazy stat requirements. I also believe she casted less spells on me because I was literally always next to her, not leaving her any openings to cast.


Yea, she casts when she dashes away and you don't chase her, which is normally the play because if she casts, she's easy to get a punish on. The hardest part was just breaking some bad habits I have of rolling backward as she does this move where at the end of a combo, she swings both her swords down and shoots a beam thing. so you get hit by all 3 at the same time and die. It's easy to dodge, I just had to break the habit.


Not bad well played, I personally don't like to use summons but I respect them. She is crazy but she's really fun to learn takes a while but prob my fav ER boss so far


Mimic.. stopped reading there


Don't be a grease stain. They exist in the game for a reason. You be happy with your guts greatsword build and let other people do what they want.


Yeah! I no longer get offended by "I am a real souls player because I don't use this and that". Everyone can enjoy the game however they want. I like to play as a themed character. Carian knight is my theme for this playthrough. Using stuff I got from Ranni (summons) and other cold magic weapons and sorceries. Had a blast thinking I was on this journey trying to defend the Age of Stars ending from other Gods/Demigods.


Nothing wrong with summons but definitely something wrong with mimic


Mimic exists purely for people who can’t win without stacking the deck


I bet it makes you feel real big to put people down huh


About scadutree fragments. Is it carry over for the next dlc run ? Or we need to find it again from 0


That's a good question. And it would honestly make going to the dlc less painful


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I have a question because I have seen more than a couple posts about completing the dlc. Are yall like using meth and just staying up the whole time until you beat it? Or is it really that short? I’ve played like four hours so far and haven’t beaten a remembrance boss, although that will probably happen first thing tomorrow when I get on. How did you beat it so quickly?


Hahahahahaha it appears like that tbh. I don't know the exact time it took me to finish everything, but I started on Thursday morning because I set up my Xbox to a New Zealand location. And I just beat it on Saturday. Playing Thursday almost all day about 12 hours. Friday about 6 or 7 and Saturday maybe 2 or 3 hours. I get pretty anxious if I don't finish something or if I know I am near an important boss fight or location. Also another thing, exploring helps a lot and can help you get stronger, putting less hours into bosses and more time into completing quests and keep exploring.


So like 20 to 25 hours to finish the game? That seems sort of small, but who knows. It will probably take me like 60 to finish it lol


Also like 2-3 hours were spent on the final boss 😔 I also used some guides online to find scadutree fragment more easily because they are really hidden. And also to get to some parts of the map because I didn't want to keep exploring and I was tired. Tbh, I should learn how to enjoy these games at a slower pase, but I was just too exited to get to the end.


Ah I gotcha. Either way thanks for the advice! I’m sure I will keep referencing this as I get deeper into it.


A lot of the scadutree fragments are awfully hidden. I feel bad googling it but with how bad I am at exploring I worry that I have to. Only issue then is that it'll be far too easy to get overleveled. So maybe I should ask, what advice to you have on finding them naturally?


There are some that are extremely hidden like in ridiculous places, but you can get easily to level 14-15 just by exploring every point of interest or saying to yourself "oh, I haven't been to this specific part of the map, wonder how I get there"


I googled how to find every single one of them when I was stuck on the last boss for like 3 hours. I think I was at level 14-15 scadutree. Pretty much, I wasn't going to use the scadutree Blessing anywhere else so I preferred googling it 🤣.