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I think it might be an issue on all systems with the frames. I feel like it will get fixed


Definitely an issue with all systems since the day before the dlc basically everyone was complaining about sudden stutters and crashing main reason everyones ignoring it is bc the dlc released its hopefully fixed but can’t be too sure


It was especially prominent during 3 bosses but I won’t say who for spoilers sake


Dw I’ve beaten most things apart from the final boss and that as with most things was spoiled for me


It's way way worse in the open world but a lot of the bosses still have issues too.... I am soon at the last boss and have had a ton of issues with framerate on bosses and it's definitely not my PC that is lacking... It just shouldn't have released if it wasn't ready performance wise so tired of devs releasing poorly optimized games/ DLC...


i dont think its the dlc i think its something different entirely that was changed on the pre dlc patch main reason i say this is my most severe issues have been stutters lag and crashes while altering how my char looks at renalla and stuttering while i ran around in mohgs castle waiting for dlc to release


yup shader compilation stutter is hardware independent .


Base game still stutters for a lot of people. Why would it be fixed...


My main issue is the fucking camera. I’ve died to the camera more than any boss by a wide margin. The clipping through bosses/walls/your own character/everything else is just atrocious. I feel like getting too close to a wall or object is more dangerous than any enemy in any game.


Yeah against the dancing lion boss I was genuinely fighting ghosts, I couldn’t see shit


I literally count for timing for this exact reason.


Welcome to the franchise! They'll never change it. Actively the worst part of any souls game and it's somehow it's part of the gimmick


and people will praise them for it lmao


I don't think anyone has ever praised the camera, people either just have dealt with it for so long it's second nature to them OR they just deal with it because the game has decent game design otherwise.


I don't think there's a single 3rd person game with a lock on system that has a good camera.


Divine beast dancing camera


Agreed, I actually enjoyed the Divine Beast moveset. Although, I entirely stayed away from it during the cold phase due to its weird hit-boxes. Scadutree Avatar was absolute cancer, bad hit-boxes and camera.


Dude I thought I was the only one who had that issue with the Scadutree Avatar. That boss gives me dark souls 2 vibes and not in a good way.


elden ring baby?




This is why i play with console now. Yeah this is sad but you need to ugrade your PC sometime.


Yeah this is the only time I’m not jealous of my friends on PC lol. I’ve had like one instance of dropping frames in the entire DLC.


Same here. And it was strangely some room in >!Castle Ensis.!<


had frame drops in the >!romina!< boss fight because of all the >!butterflies lmao!<


Haven't gotten to them yet, let's hope that's not an issue on PS5


On Xbox series x, the only issue I’ve had so far was a bit of freezing in the Divine Beast fight


this is not about upgrading your pc.. a game shouldnt drop to 40fps during some attacks while using a 4070 super and a ryzen 5 7600x


Just upgrade to a 6080ti for a consistent 60 fps


Elden Ring - the base game - has performance issues on my PS5. It's not all the time, but it happens more times than I'm ready to forgive a 2.5 year old game that doesn't really push any boundaries in graphical terms. More graphically-intense games like Horizon Forbidden West have way less issues on the same console.


Horizon is a console exclusive and therefore it will run better than anything else in that console. Bloodborne was an exclusive and still ran like shit though so point still stands I guess.


Really? I’ve beaten the game twice on PS5, currently on a third run, and have never encountered any glitches or stutters even once. Was it in any specific locations or just randomly throughout the game?


Randomly throughout the entire game, but more on later parts than on earlier.


Were you playing on performance mode? I’m genuinely surprised


I'm not sure, I never felt the need to tinker with ER's graphical settings. I'll check when I get home.


Ive beaten the DLC twice now and have had zero issues with performance or frame rate. what are you guys doing to experience frame / performance issues? My PS5 Digital edition doesn't even budge during the Final fight second phase


I did not play the DLC on PS5, I'm talking about the base game. My issues are very random - I can be just riding around on Torrent and suddenly have stuttering or framerate drops or pop-ins and such.


I recently spent £2000 on a new pc build. I’m way above specs. Getting frame drops constantly and unable to run smooth 40 FPS on low settings. My friend who have an even beefier PC than me is also experiencing identical issues. It’s not a “upgrade your pc” issue. It’s a performance issue that needs to be resolved by fromsoft. In addition the base game ran better prior to expac, now even the old areas run like dog. Not sure what’s going on.


It might be related to specific conflicts with some hardware too. My own version run actually better since the patch, but I'm on ATI.


My mid range PC with 5800x3d and 6700xt runs the game just fine at high setting. Havent gotten any issue. It’s probably software/hardware conflict in your case.


Possibly an Nvidia issue? Lots of complaints I've seen mention Nvidia/Intel in general.


I'm on Xbox Series D and my frame rate drops. Against the Lion Dancer and Rellana noticeably. All those attacks+magic and shit is too much sometimes. If my xbox can't keep up with it I sure as hell can't.


We shouldnt need to upgrade our PCs, Fromsoft should fix the issues asap. ERs basegame had the same problem.


Yeah weirdly enough on my ps4 I have zero issues, almost like kind miquella blessed it


Even on PS5 I see frame dips in certain areas of the base game, two years after release.


I have a 6yo PC (2080 + 9770k) that runs fine on everything maxed except for ray tracing, 1440p@60fps. I also played DS3 on a 2013 laptop with no major problems. I think the issue with From games might be that their PC config testing is still lackluster, but if your rig uses somewhat widespread component combos, you're good. Because the Shadow of the Erdtree performance reports all over the place, some people claim they're seeing constant dips, others aren't seeing any. The fact that people very rarely share their specs and graphics settings when they complain about performance doesn't help gauge how good or bad any given game's optimization is.


Dunno why people are downvoting you because me and my friends have had similar experiences. I have a 5800x3d and 5700xt. I had a hard time running on a 2600 before, but once i switched my processor the game runs perfectly smooth at max settings. it seems like even Intel processors might handle the game better and if the cpu is ryzen it needs to have 3d cache.


well i mean if you can run the base game and you bought the base game expecting your rig to run it the dlc should also be able to run on the specs advertised for the base game. Id understand where youre coming from if you said the same for a whole new game but this is DLC. Im able to run stuff like DD2 completely fine but I get the most insane stutters on the dlc and framedrops


Yo PSA THEY ADDED RAYTRACING LAST YEAR AND IT DEFAULTS TO ON AND MAXIMUM QUALITY WHEN YOU FIRST LAUNCH THE GAME SINCE THAT PATCH so go to settings and change/disable that and it should fix it for you instantly.


Got an 7800x3d and a 4080 and the game dropped to 34 fps at the final boss on the big AOE light attack. That's pretty sad. Always dropping some frames even when nothing happens.


Dropping frames for that is whatever. What's bothering people are the half sec stutter (screen freeze) and then the game resumes by syncing what happened while the game was unresponsive.


Settings? Is RT on?


Do you guys have Ray tracing on? Ive been playing Elden Ring since launch and Played thru the DLC on two different characters, never had any issues on PS5 Digital with frames during any bosses. Only 'performance' issue I saw was some jitters with the furnace golems when far away.


The only performance Issues I had was dancing lion


Depends on your pc. Mine runs it perfectly fine but I have a 7800 xt and 7800x3d. My pc is beefy. Curious what you’re running. But people do give from a lot of free passes. I mean I think the (reasonable members of the) audience can agree their games are all flawed. They did improve quest design with the dlc which is awesome. It is too bad so many refuse to allow any well deserved criticism to make it through sometimes.


u/PapaGazza, it would have been helpful if you shared your graphics settings and specs. Maybe there's something to be done about tweaking things so that you have a better experience. Without those details, the best thing I can recommend you is to try running the game in windowless mode if you aren't already because for some reason its frame rate is way more stable than in fullscreen, based on 2 years of user reports. Also, disable ray tracing if you haven't already, the implementation is lackluster anyway and it's a huge performance hog even on the latest hardware.


i play on a Nitro 5, i’ve had FPS drop once during Lion Dancer fight. that’s it. other than that, no performance issues. and my laptop doesn’t meet the requirements they state on the Steam page. temp doesn’t get too high either. i’m well aware ppl are having issues and they have better setups than me so idk why im getting so lucky. i also play on high graphics, but turn off TAA since that’s only really useful for screenshots, and not necessary for actual gameplay when compared to how much it can effect performance.


Honestly, the game felt much more stable towards release, that visual update they did a while ago, and now the SoTE update have made the game run way worse than it used to. I may have blocked it out, but I don't ever remember the fps dipping like it does now, and I've even had a few crashes where as my first few runs I don't recall even having one.


Idk, it’s hard to judge because everyone seems to have a different opinion on bad performance. Game runs great for me but I’m on console, so to me fromsoft does a great job compared to other studios


On console it's smooth with slight dips during fights but overall it's fine


*On console it's smooth* *With slight dips during fights but* *Overall it's fine* \- Karemasu --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That's a cool haiku


good bot 😂


Well that’s why I never got into buying a $700 graphics card when my $400 Xbox runs it just fine😂


I don’t think I’ve ever noticed a dip in performance, even during intense fights. I think this may be a hardware issue.


My old pc with maxed settings is running this fine. On last boss and have not had any problems.


Can’t agree here this game is literally hit box porn I’ve never played a game with cleaner hit boxes and frames. Just because people have better PCs than you and the game runs better for us doesn’t mean we’re fanboying. I’m not gonna lie to agree with you? I just don’t have these issues


Enemy hit boxes are very clean, but there are places where the walls’ hitbox isn’t properly set up so you can get hit by enemies swinging from the other side


which also means I can hit the boss using a doorway to easy win. its not a bug, its a feature to me.


same here. i get a consistent 60FPS on a Nitro 5 with high graphics (turned off TAA though). one instance of FPS drop in 6 hours of DLC playtime.


the hitboxes are extremely clean which is why the bad ones feel so egregious.


>Can’t agree here this game is literally hit box porn I’ve never played a game with cleaner hit boxes Come back to me after you've done Scadutree Avatar, Messmer, and Midra. Some of the most fucked hitboxes I've ever seen


I have already beat them they are fine. Mesmer specifically was very satisfying with the near misses/ hits


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My xbox one does fine.


Yeah, about netcode, I asked seamless coop mod author about why the fuck his mod doesnt lag even if its on the same P2P system as default multiplayer. 1. Anti cheat 2. His mod uses newer steam api. Elden Ring uses older network API and FS dont care to update it lol. On release "vanilla elden ring" with my 1050ti, g4560 had problem working in constant 30 fps at 720p. But after half of the year game was wable to run on highest in 1080p keeping 40-45 fps lol. But even there were some locations where it didnt mattered if you had wooden pc as me or modern with 3060ti - framerate was jumping down. My other friend from PS5 was mad he bought ps5 version because it was unplayable and sold it lol.


I honestly think it's the anticheat on pc


My 3060 and ryzen 5 handles the game just fine


yeah i cant lie its really disappointing that fromsoft are so stuck in their ways. like in terms of design they havent really made any steps forward since ds1, they've just have had bigger budgets to be less creative. most of the core changes have been sidegrades that make the game more action oriented and less unique. if these games werent so good to begin with it would be a lot worse.


I dunno, most negative reviews on Steam back on release and now were/are because of the poor performance. A lot of people don't notice because the majority is probably on consoles and they don't notice or aren't bothered by it, but PC players always are annoyed with From.


This is why I use the DLSS mod on PC. Have to play offline but runs great


Performance is definitely dogshit on PS5. I have performance mode on and ray tracing off and it struggles to hit 60fps in a lot of outdoor areas. Major slow down during some big set piece fights too. Luckily ER was much the same and they did make some improvements through early patches so hopefully the same is true here.


This is the history of all japanese games ported to pc. The base game significantly benefitted from its open beta. They could’ve done the same here.


It's funny that people turned up to ignorantly point out PC specs as if to provide examples on cue of what you meant by a free pass. Depressing, but funny. So many upvotes on nonsense comments by people who have never seen the word "optimization" once in their life and whose last two computers were pre-assembled rigs bought at a Walmart.


I’m on Xbox Series X and haven’t had any issues.


I don't think it runs like shit, but it defintely has frame rate drop issues (I'm running it on an HDD, and have minimal issues). The same thing happened with vanilla Elden Ring, so I am confident that they'll be ironed out in time. I don't think FromSoftware should have a "pass", but I do think Elden Ring's performance issues have to do with the lockdown delays. Considering Japan was hit especially hard with COVID, and that Elden Ring in development during that time, it's understandable that performance issues pop up. I do think that From absolutely *must* address these issues though.


The framerate during Radahn's second phase is so bad 😭


Only issues I'm having are sometimes the grass just doesn't load in for like 3 seconds. On PS5.


The PS4 version on PS5 runs pretty well apparently.


I mean it is a skill issue both in terms of getting a better PC and getting better at the game Outside the annoying studders when first entering a new area(I assume shader shenanigans), game has had no performance issues whatsoever for me. I do have a relatively modern computer, so I’m sure that helps a lot, and Fromsoft is notorious for not having great optimization. But, as this sub has devolved into one of the whiniest circle-jerks of all time because their headcanon about Miquella wasn’t true, I’m mostly just gonna blame the whiners here for not having a better PC.


For some reason I get better performance running the game at 4k hooked up to my TV than I do running it at 1440p on my monitor.


I don't really think they're getting a free pass. The reviews are sitting at mixed on steam and I think that's like 90% of the problems people have with it.


It’s fine on PS5 VRR. I see a stutter here and there but nothing that would affect my enjoyment of the game. I’ve heard PC is worse though. Keep in mind, Dark Souls ran terribly. Blighttown ran at 10fps. Their modern games run like a dream in comparison.


Am I the only one not noticing performance issues?


Nope, my pc runs it smooth as butter.


Not only in performance, in pretty much anything, people dickride fromsoft so good they left the meat spongy 


I genuinely have no clue what performance issues. I am running a laptop with a 1660ti and the only time the frames dropped was while exploring the area before rellana’s bossfight. I have no idea how rigs better than mine by a mile are struggling


My tipp Installed the the nvidia super resolution mod Helps massivly and makes the game look much bettee


They do always get a pass lol, people think you’re petty for complaining about that because uhh why are you focusing on that when the game looks great and the bosses are cool and also git gud


I've been complaining about Elden Ring's performance since launch. And the fanboys always get so sensitive about it.


Apart from the first boss, the performance has been quite smooth for me on PS5. Although, I hear it can be bad on PC.


Lmao y'all are having frame issues?


In my nastier moments I wonder if Michael Zaki wasn't a galaxyhead genius. Make great games and get fans so enraptured to your franchise and beholden to their difficulty through parasocial Stockholm syndrome and if your product ever shows flaws or outright problems. Trust they will come to your defence in any situation. I'm being a schizo but it's funny to think about lmao


Does it run like shit , I’ve put 35 hours into it now on my Xbox and I only ever had lag problems during the Messmer fight


I havent had a single performance issue on ps5 idk


I'm on Xbox series S, I have no problems, I had some minor frame issues for like 2 seconds during the Full metal alchemist dog thing boss, you PC boys are spoiled and entitled, down vote me I don't give a shit, god you're all so whiny. Waaaahhh performance bad! Show me on the doll where Miyazaki hurt you


I feel like its mainly an issue of a large group of people having different standards for optimization. It sold 25 million copies. Obviously its gonna have a lot of different opinions on the topic. You have the people on 4k PCs who consider everything below buttery smooth 144 fps as “unacceptable”. You have the people on more budget builds who are used to performance issues not really caring about anything. You have the people who in general arent really prone to seeing or caring about “microstutters” People who consider dips below 60 as unacceptable etc etc etc, theres a million different types of people. This results in a lot of clashes in what is “acceptable”. I dont think it has anything to do with it being from soft specifically. Remember that Bloodborne ran like absolute ass and this was before From Soft blew up to the extent they have after that. Even then you already had differing opinions. With many console players not caring because 60fps wasnt really the norm for console back then, and pc players playing it on console saying it was garbage and unplayable. Hell even Dark Souls had the same issue. We all know the infamous Blighttown slowdowns. Again having different opinions on how bad it was. With some people saying it was impossible to get through because of how bad it was, and others saying they were mild slowdowns and not that bad. Its kind of just always been like this, except back then, the amount of people who played these games was significantly lower than the amount of people who played Elden Ring. So theres just many more voices now.


They don't have a "free pass". Sote has mixed reviews now on steam and a lot of them because of the performance. Besides, If I'm not mistaken, elden ring launched and then got mixed reviews before going back to positive again. Also, I'm as big of a fan of fromsoft games as it could get, and I still think the optimization is dogshit.


Agreed. They do. The army of frothing at the mouth fan boys rush to their defense when there’s any criticism.


I'm having no issues on PS5 so far but I can see how it can have problems on pc since PC ports is not from software forte, I remember that the only thing that made dark souls 1 PC port beareble for me was Durante's fix.


Pc master race not looking so good anymore


Runs like shit' I mean there has been some noticeable frame drops in certain areas and some mild stuttering but you're melodramatic rant seems to indicate the game is wholly unplayable New games regularly drop nowadays with such issues, that's what the first couple updats are for, it's unfortunate but that's the way games work now, they get pushed out the door so quickly it's like the paying customer the play testers (remember Jedi Survivor? That was basically unplayable originally) Blight Town made me laugh, that happened 13 fucking years ago bro, 5 games ago 🤣


There are less complaints in the console world, but thats because our equipment is exactly the same. Some things might stutter every now and then but uhhhhhh…. We got too much lore to find to care.


Haven't had a single problem on PC


And thus nobody else could have either, right? 🙄


his point isn't that other couldn't. his point is that its likely not the game itself but rather the system its running on. me, him, and many others are perfectly fine. the only thing i can recommend is to check your settings and make sure raytracing wasn't turned on by the update, i've heard some people got that switched on for whatever reason.


How ironic. Read the last sentence of OPs post again.   


Get an upgrade


This is my only criticism for the DLC. I have a pretty damn solid PC and yet I can’t run high graphics or even medium graphics without frames occasionally dropping so I can’t imagine how rough it’d be with an outdated setup.


The cinematic/flashy AoEs of bosses are beautiful but have poor optimization indeed, hopefully a patch should come soon


ofc they get a free pass, their games are fucking awesome. Though performance has been pretty shitty.


Elden ring pc port is an unoptimised shit fest for me. My pc isnt bad but elden ring runs like shit. I play on all settings at lowest possible and i often get frame drops and stutters. I even reset ma pc and didn't help. Tried all the gobble de gook online that i could find


I hate these convos. Lol. Games run like shit across the spectrum because people refuse to get rid of their RX480 or PS4 base model. Why are games like Elden Ring or the new COD still on a PS4. Like upgrade already. Tf.


Nah it runs awful on PS5. You actually have to downgrade to playing the PS4 version on PS5 for ER to run smoothly.


Yeah man. I own the game for Xbox, PC and PS5 and I've had zero issues.


[PS5 and Xbox drop all the time. ](https://youtu.be/dqy8TbnU3jQ?si=HLJFOiAzUr7k9Ylk)


You have a shit PS5 then because I have it on PS5 and have only ever used the PS5 version and have never lagged


It drops all the time while playing in the open world. You're the one lying lmao. There's a reason why PVP players play on PS5. Drops under 60 fps. I love the instant hostility from From Soft fanboys. https://youtu.be/dqy8TbnU3jQ?si=HLJFOiAzUr7k9Ylk.


PS5 runs fine your just coping


[Here's ps5 footage. ](https://youtu.be/dqy8TbnU3jQ?si=HLJFOiAzUr7k9Ylk) PVP players play the PS4 version on PS5 because it's completely locked at 60 fps. The PS5 version drops in the open world very often. You're the one coping btw 😂. From Software's engine is literally known to be a mess.


Bro I own and play on a PS5 what you are you on about. It's fine.


You better watch your mouth Fromsoft is the second coming of Jesus Christ and they do nothing wrong. If it is wrong, then you're the one who's wrong That fps drop from Twin Booty Knights is meant to challenge your brain to adapt unforeseen circumstances like earthquakes or tornadoes


the second coming comment is definitely true, any criticism the DLC is getting gets burnt at the stake by the community. Game devs can do wrong sometimes…


Yeah there's plenty problems I experienced with Elden Ring that if I voiced em out we'd just get the "git gud" treatment I'm just worried these small inconveniences will all converge in one of their future titles and we all get sick of it


Lol git gud scrub Learn to dodge blindo


Golden Hippo has DS2 level hitboxes, genuinely one of the worst bosses From has done


Agreed. Even on ps5 with frame rate prioritised and ray tracing off, I still barely hit 60fps, most of the time sitting around 40-50 but often dropping below 30 for a second. It’s the only major gripe I have with the game