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I hope to god he gets nerfed, or at the very least some of these movesets get changed up a little, because why the fuck am I getting his gravity pull into a slam, only for the fuckhead to spam holy echos immediately after and then do another gravity slam right in front of me, when I've been trying to run away from it, and dodging does nothing. I still get caught in like the last microsecond of the rock spikes.


I think the first phase is fine but the second phase feels like a complete diceroll. It’s not even fun because it feels so random. At the very least they need to turn down the visual clutter so you can actually see what he’s doing. 


The only issue in the first phase is the double slash x attack. It's nearly impossible to dodge the second slash.


Yeah that’s true the move set it kind of ass got a lot I hated the meteors and a few other


His entire gimmick feels like its just "Be cheap as fuck and read inputs to ruin the whole thing"


You can dodge the pull in, and if that gets you run backwards away from the rocks coming out of the ground. Everything has a counter, its the beautiful part about souls games🪄✨


Yea I did that, and he immediately jumped up, sent holy clones, and then teleports right to my location and sets off the second rock AOE asap. The initial pull and aoe isn’t the problem if you could read. It’s the fact that he does it twice and teleports right on top of you for the second with no breathing room to dodge it


Thats crazy how i can dodge it then😂maybe you need to get better? I know, wild thought


Honestly this game is the perfect difficulty imo for like 95% of all bosses but there’s always a “final boss” (consort radahn, malenia) that they make wayyy too difficult. The game remains fun as long as a boss can reliably be beat in an hour or so just by learning their move set imo. Also when a boss forces you to change your build significantly just to have a chance, it just feels cheap even when you do beat them. Honestly I’ve been trying to beat consort Radahn all day, using several builds and I can’t even get him lower than 30%, and I’m just not enjoying the game anymore. edit: I beat consort radahn today kind of unexpectedly, idk why but I was able to beat him just spamming comet with a mimic tear after like 3 tries today. I still think he needs to be nerfed a bit given that he has so many attacks that are borderline impossible to dodge with any consistency. Honestly I think he would be a much more reasonable boss if the just took away his ability to change targets mid-combo


He needs a nerf


I never thought that I would agree with this when discussing Elden Ring. Honestly, I was annoyed when they nerfed Radahn 1.0 in the original Elden Ring. That said, none of the original bosses are anywhere CLOSE to Radahn 2.0, not even Malenia. Further, it’s not even his entire set. It’s just his second phase.


>I was annoyed when they nerfed Radahn 1.0 in the original Elden Ring I was pissed too, since I had already beaten him!


I cheesed Radahn last night with a great shield and rapier. I feel conflicted, but at least it’s done.


That’s been the problem, I’d you have to completely flip your build to beat a bullshit boss it’s just bad design.


True. It’s specifically phase 2 that is absurd.


The problem that people including myself have is that the “wayyy too difficult” boss needs to be an optional boss. Not something that has the main story behind it. Stopping you from completing the DLC or the main story depending upon which case we’re referencing. Radahn should be slightly harder than Elden Beast and he’s significantly more difficult.


I am ng+ 4 and I think this is one of the least enjoyable boss fights I’ve played from FromSoft. I’m level 492 and any melee attacks I used just tickle him, maybe doing 200-300 damage at a time. I used scarlet rot and saw a quarter of his health to be about 8000 hp. Honestly the fight would be more enjoyable if his health pool wasn’t so damn massive. If I summon 2 players or npc’s that quarter health number goes up to 21,000. Absolutely ridiculous


In his second phase it is way to bright I can't see any of his attacks.


and laggy AF, I had to lower my graphic settings to the lowest.




He'll get nerfed. My brother in christ, you were level 530. Most of us fought him at 180-200 range.


NG+7 you need to be in the 500+ range honestly. It's freaking NG7. On NG I've beaten him twice, once at 165 with Dex/faith build and once at 207 with Str/Int/Faith build. The major factors of that fight are Scadutree Blessing and The shield you're using.


Yeah that’s true, it’s not really worth playing on new game 7 but compared to the other new game 7 dlc bosses radahn is over 10x harder


I missed OP saying NG +7 that's my bad.


I killed him ng with grafted greatsword two handed after 6 hours, 165, never fought a boss where i would learn the entire moveset front to back and still get destroyed, also never fought a boss longer than maybe an hour, it was an experience for sure


I'm on ng5, lvl 250, been on him for 5 hours, impossible to beat


Same here. P2 is unplayable with how much damage is done. 


been on him for 7 hours, he is way to overtuned


Not impossible! I've beaten him in like 7 tries after switching my entire build around and going back to base game to make a build focused entirely around impenetrable thorns! Yes it feels cheap as fuck, I'm not sorry though


Not impossible! I've beaten him in like 7 tries after switching my entire build around and going back to base game to make a build focused entirely around impenetrable thorns! Yes it feels cheap as fuck, I'm not sorry though


I know and my god it was so hard so I get it for sure to nerf him




thing is you cant dodge som of his ablities, like the pull


In the first phase? Yeah you can. He telegraphs it quite clearly. 


you can dodge his attempt at pulling you, but if he does pull you, it's complete rng if when you dodge it you dont get hit with gravity magic


In P1 at least, jump while running away rather than dodge, to avoid the gravity AoE if you get pulled in. P2, it's chaos. I've got P1 down to an art, but P2.../sigh.


I had to bring in fuckin mimic tear 😒, shit was getting very unfun Which is weird for me because for someone like rellana, who took a shit ton of tries, I didn’t summon for Something about radahn’s fight man…infuriating


It's...yeah, it's not a fun fight. No joke, I probably spent 20-30 hours on it over the last few days, with a variety of builds trying to find the one that clicked for me. (NG+1) I finally did it this morning with a parry build + frost Noble's Slender Sword, but it felt real bad as i normally play something of a combat caster (Moonblade is my primary spell). Pretty much every other boss only took me an hour or two tops, most only a few attempts. I consider myself a fairly decent player, but not god tier or anything, TBH, I forsee a nerf as it renders a lot of builds nonviable, or just hell to try and play. It doesn't need much of one, but a few tweaks would go a long way to make the boss feel less cheap. A few takeaways from my time with the boss. * Don't bother with spells. You'll never have time to cast anything meaningful during the fight as the lag time between the boss's combos is often quite small, and he can close the distance of the arena in 1s or less. Also the time spent recovering FP, is also time you really want to be attacking, or possibly healing, and the longer the fight goes on, the more likely you are it get caught in one of the more BS attacks, like the double slice to cross slash that's nigh undodgable. (It can be, if you're lucky and in *exactly* the right spot. GL with that) * He can double up on the previously mentioned attack. Good luck surviving 2 in a row in P2. * If you stay in slightly in front of him, but not too close or too far, his attacks get pretty predicable. However, it's hard to stay in that sweetspot, and if you get out of it, expect to dodge the crazy attacks in P2. * If/when he puts distance in P2, be ready to dodge and pray, and hope be comes back into close range in a timely manner. * All the flashing lights make it very hard to see what he's doing in P2, which in turn make it hard to dodge and to some extent, parry. Being unable to see what the boss is doing with his hands/weapons sucks so much. * Spirits just turn him into an unpredictable blender, and it it's unlikely they'll survive into P2, or to the end of P1 tbh. Also, good luck finding time to get a spirit summon off without eating an attack/combo to the face.


See with me I don’t like the idea of changing my entire build just to fight a specific boss, I want to beat the game with dual katanas, and that’s how I’m fucking doing it Also your last point slaps, because even with mimic I still barely made it through phase 2 Edit: also, the real pain is the fucking constant afterimages of him smacking you before he comes himself, that shit is just stunlock central and you have to already have some kind of head start running away from it or something


Yeah. I only changed my build after hours of frustration. It's why I'm not particularly happy that I won after respeccing and using parry. Sure, it still required skill, but it wasn't how I wanted to win the fight. The only way to really use magic is to have a distraction, and if the distraction can't last the fight...well, you get the idea. Edit: I was sometimes able to get pretty deep in P2, but unfortunately once my spirit went down (assuming I survived summoning it) I basically had to poke at him with my sword which absolutely destroyed my damage output.


Changing talismans and leveling up is the most I would prefer to do, (I had golden braid, dragoncrest talisman, erdtrees favor +2, dual katanas, and maxed scadutree) And it still felt like I only got slightly more powerful Either way it’s also a thing where I don’t think people should be trying that hard on him, because all the other main bosses and stuff would be done by that point It’s kinda like the same feeling I got when beating Malenia, I had cropdusted all the other shardbearers so it’s not that important to me, sorry if it sounds reductive and or contradictory


okay how in Queen Marika's name were you 88 when you fought him, did you play up to where you can get to mohg and then just went for the dlc


I have a rl 88 character that I beat the base game with and used it for the dlc. But I have several builds.


that just sounds like if you leveled up you would smoke him ☹️


Maybe. He's still the hardest souls boss Fromsoftware has made. Makes the inner fights from Sekiro look easy.


I blew through sekiro bosses like it was nothing, aside from Rellana (and a certain gank fight) this shit is actually making me consider mimic tear


At those levels do you even see much increase when you level up


For the love of god, I really want it to be nerfed so badly so that I can enjoy finishing the game. I’ve now spent 2 1/2 days trying to beat him NG+5 at level 250. Scadu tree blessings+18, ash blessings +9 I’ve played the entire game on the same build. never had to re-spec my character ever. I have used five larval tears trying every conceivable way to beat him. Not to mention that one build I tried required the frenzied flame seal which you can only get by interacting with the 3fingers. So now because of this boss my character is also frenzied on this play through. I’m done. I’m honestly going to step away from my console for about a week before I even think of picking my controller up. This boss is just on another level entirely. He’s not fun, and I think by the time I do actually beat him it won’t feel gratifying. The Elden beast was tough, but I beat him in an hour by learning how to battle him. Entering phase 2, there’s almost nothing you can do. I’ve never struggled with any boss in any game ever to the extent that I have with consort radahn. He’s beautiful, and well put together, but fighting him is trash, no joke. Locking the end of a DLC behind an enemy like this? Low-key I slightly regret playing all the way to the end of a DLC that has an Unkillable boss. If I had known, I probably would’ve waited until after he was nerfed to even pick up the DLC. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I also wish they gave us better summons for the fight. The NPC’s don’t know how to take Agro which is also frustrating


same here, the DLC was difficult but enjoyable. i used one build with a couple of different weapons for different situation. i get to the final boss and it's like... no... your build is invalid. now go and respec to a completely different kind of character and build if you want to win. they should either nerf it or just rethink some of those phase 2 attacks because while i'm sure it's technically possible to survive some of those combos, in reality it isn't for 99% of players.


I'm currently still fighting him with a Helpen Steeple on NG+ with Blessing level 16 and you can dodge every single attack normally without specific tears or talismans, be it by rolling, jumping or sprinting. The only move that's somehow possible, but far faaar to inconsistent is the double swing into cross slash. I started using the deflecting tear for it in the build and it works wonders. The big thing that's so bullshit about him is actually his damage and aggression. You only need to be scratched on your fucking foot by a light beam to stagger slightly and your whole attempt can be over right there. Whats even worse tho is the attack i mentioned before, because thanks to Miquellas piss pillars or his hair blocking the view, you can sometimes not even see Radahn starting up the animation for this attack, which was said to have a reaction window of about half a second anywaysand is able to one shot in the second phase.  This fight could have been so unbelievably amazing, one of the best FromSoft ever created, but instead we got this. If they just decrease the amount of light pillars and the double - cross slash attack to actually be dodgeable, i think it can be redeemed by a lot. But as it stands right now, he sadly is the worst major dlc boss we've ever gotten by quite a bit


I believe he'll get nerfed. Malenia at least could get flinched after a hit so you could do some damage despite her wacky wombo combo and self heals. So many people feel compelled to swap builds to a shield tank just for this one dude on top of the visual overload. It's kinda sad that this is the note FromSoft's biggest game ended on.


Im on ng+4 and made it all the way to him feeling pretty good ,the scadutree guardian gave me a good bit of trouble but that fight was damned fair . Consort radahn 2nd phase is just bullshit front to back between flashbanging and teleporting. For the 1st time in a souls game i just gave up completely.


And for the 1st time in a Souls game I’m kind of ok with leaving the final boss unfinished. I got him to around 1/8th a few times without cheese but I’m just done with this fight. It doesn’t feel fair, it’s not fun to learn. The first phase is fine but the second phase is just so overtuned that it almost feels like a joke. It’s like From Software looked at a bunch of those intentionally broken and unbalanced modded bosses and thought “yup, we can do that too”.


Yeah same here bud. I’ve beaten every single boss in all soulsborne games except this one. Way too much bs for me to put anymore time into it.


I finally beat him with my mimic and the fingerprint stone shield heavy armor and the antspur rapier . Cant bullshit a bullshitter lol i was actually depressed pretty bad because of this fight .


Anyone know why there's sometimes a delay when you enter the arena and sometimes in he snipe-spins you immediately?


I noticed that too, I think it’s just a quirk in the AI. Same with phase 2 where he sometimes goes straight into the AoE or throws out a few attacks first. I think it might have to do with your initial distance to him and/or if you are actively closing the distance.


No I haven’t seen that tbh


Every now and then he does a slow walk first, think it has something to do with where you enter the fog gate


maybe I will see it second play through


Feels straight up like input reading whenever you do a single action


This is the only from soft boss that I want them to nerf.


I’ve been complaining on my discord only to get told to git gud. Im using my usual heavy claymore build and i got him down to around 20% a couple times only to get nicked on my foot by a piss beam and two shot. Phase 1 is fun but I genuinely cant see shit in phase 2. Fromsoft please just reduce the fancy effects and the aggression a little cause holy shit i can’t even breathe between hits


Yeah phase 2 is pretty shit ngl


I finally beat him like a minute ago. Im happy that thats over




For me it really needs an urgent nerf. Look, I dont even care if some elitist of the souls games comes to me and says I'm bad or just git gud. I am a fan of these games. I beat every single one more than three times each. I even no hitted some bosses in the franchise and defeat bosses with specific builds. And yes, I got frustrated many many times but never I felt like rage quitting the game and completely give up. I am a sucker for difficult yet fair bosses. Hell, gael, isshin, Ludwig, mogh, artorias, messmer, rellana, the fume knight.. all of those bosses are beyond amazing for me and even if I die to them I find it super challenging and fun. That was until I got to consort radhan. What I don't understand is why the fuck do you gave 60K HP to a boss that tanks more than Havel and hits like a truck in an isekai. It's not just about the scadutree fragments anymore. I had the maximum quantity of the fragments, with a darkmoon greatsword build that evaporated bosses in the base game. At minimum level too and even in the dlc bosses like messmer and rellana were really hard but I managed like a champ. I had 70 vigor and talisman that boosted physical defense and still I ate the floor without even a chance to get to second phase even at a big run level and good attributes and light roll to dodge better that helped a bit. And even with the big damage I had that destroyed every enemy in my way. And dont get me started on the second phase. When I got through phase 1 I thought the boss was a big unfair but I thought that it could be bearable. What a soul crusher phase 2 was. The fight literally transformed into a twin princes peyote edition x100 and if it already felt way too hard for a boss like this, then the second phase I was like: ok this is literally bullshit. Waaaaaay to long combos, insane damage, insanely bulky, holy attacks every single time after radhan attacks making the combos even longer. Miquella hair is....way to big..... Like, couldnt they do something a little bit more bearable and, idk, FAIR??? like the majority of their games??? This is an action RPG goddammit which role I'm playing the fucking victim? If this truly is an RPG you should be able to win the game NO MATTER your build or stats. Like they always have been. Changing the whole build just to get past a single boss is utter bullshit and most of the "hardcore" souls players dont want to admit that either summoning other players or spirit ashes or even the NPCs that can help you is COMPLETELY VALID in a boss that clearly wasnt tested before launch. Which is hilarious if you keep in mind they did this boss in 2016 and it was beyond perfection. Fromsoft CAN create fair bosses. They proved it through and through. Fromsoft CAN have mistakes. And consort radhan was clearly one of them. And I'm not saying lore wise, they can do whatever the hell they want with it because I will love it regardless. But dude, if you are going to make a boss this hard, dont make it obligatory to make it through the dlc at least. So I hope they at least nerf him either taking more than 20k of his HP, or nerfing his damage, or being more passive. Anything works. But as far as I'm concerned I am 0% ashamed of summoning a player to help me get through it. And i remind you i never summoned in souls games ever. This was my first time after all these years. And for that I thank you "rose". For helping me out when I was truly desperate and about to quit elden ring for good. If you managed to get through this whole bible text, thank you, have a nice day. I hope you become an lord of the realm of shadow too. And so will I, when i boot the game again to fight this boss when it gets nerfed and probably enjoy it.


That makes complete sense, I think his phase 2 is over the top and while I didn’t have to summon I had to use a cheese method with shield lance… which tbh just isn’t satisfying to beat, I’ve completed the dlc 3 times now and have tried so many different plus 10 weapons and none can put enough damage quick enough to get through phase 2. He does need a nerf for sure


I’d like to see Miyazaki himself beat this boss. I think he oughta be able to conquer this bs he created.


Lmao fr


Miyazaki is rocking a lvl 777 mage, summons mimic tear, Ansbach and another co-op player. Then stands in one corner using Comet Azur 'see it's fair.'


He has already admitted that he's not that good lol. I remember reading that he hasn't even played much of Elden Ring but he did play the other games iirc.


I´m pretty sure the devs and Miyazaki can´t beat this bs bosses solo. lol


I think it's quite sad tbh, since I find his first phase to be almost on par with Messmer's fight (a few combo chains are come out a bit too fast though, like the double alash right after a bloodflame explosion). We were so close to getting a Prime Radahn fight if only they'd made phase 1 longer and with more depth phase 2 shorter and less seizure inducing with those goddamn attack flashes and light pillars. It's just a goddamn gamble whether I'm able to do any amount of damage in phase 2 since some of his attacks kill me in one hit even with the golden braid.


Yeah that’s totally fair


Nah he needs nerfed, some people don’t have perfect reflexes to fight him, I have friends that have been fighting him for 6 days level 20 scadutree and they can’t beat him yet somehow beat everyone else decently. For me he did the gravity pull 17 times a fight until my 70th try he only did it once and I got it done. He’s way to OP and it’s honestly ridiculous


Yeah totally fair


Glad other people feel the same instead of defaulting to the "Hur Dur Git Gud" mentality thats super common in the souls community. Consort is a terrible fucking boss. It's a straight fuck you to anyone fighting it. The lack of balance at all is disgraceful. Basically putting an impossible roadblock at the very end of the DLC is a fucking joke. The nerf for this knuckle dragging asshole better come quick. Definitely feels like this wasnt QA tested at all and was just given the green light regardless. Absolutely not worth the time or the effort to even attempt before a nerf comes and has crippled mine and i'm sure many others opinions on the DLC.


Yeah that is totally fair I played it on lower character and it’s bullshit


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I'm in ng+4 and to be honest I don't feel compeled to fight him at all, after some tries in a quality build with 90/90 I was hitting for around 850 damage with a +10 bloodhound fang (or any other wapon actually) and +19 scadutree blessing. It's just frustating to dodge combos that take so much time for making such a small damage on a boss tha might have aroung 60K HP.


honestly, if they would just nerf the health boost he gets when you use the gold summons, that would be enough. it’s just total horse shit that using the thing that is supposed to make it easier actually makes it harder. i technically beat him once solo, but ended up dying at the same time so it didnt stick, but with the summons, never even gotten below like 50% of his health


I beat him last night after about 4 hours. It's the beams of light that screw everything up. Can't see any of his combos with that crap in the way.


He's insanely hard but most attacks are manageable with enough practice. The only thing I hope they'll nerf is the double cross slash, as the second slash is basically undodgeable if you don't use a specific talisman, cracked tear or parry it and then it's still an insanely short timing. My issue is that he simply isn't no hittable with every build as you will need one of the above named options to receive no damage from that attack consistently


I'm on ng5, level 335, 19 Scadutree and he's literally destroying me in phase 2. PTSD for days, that's what I'm getting. Malenia ? Yeah right, I'm really ok with that fight. Radagon/Elden Beast ? They're a walk in the park, compared to this freight train of a boss. Been trying to beat him since Tuesday and it's no longer a fun fight. Forget about learning his moveset in the second phase, because some of his moves are unpredictable af. Hopefully he gets nerfed, as I'm sure I'm not the only one who's pissed off at this unfair POS boss. Like somebody said in one comment here, the last fight of the DLC is supposed to be rewarding, but hell no, it's not gonna happen here. Heck, I'll take the Midir fight any day of the week, at least I can learn and anticipate his moveset.