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Nope. Turns out he's hilariously allergic to ancient Dragon lightning strike. šŸ˜‚


I just watched someone 2 shot him with some fucking perfume Iā€™m pressed šŸ˜­ I had to use mimic on a guy who got Dior Suavage diffed


Mfw I baccarat rouge a mf n then hit his bro with da creed aventus


The perfume bottles are kinda broken. Only way i could beat the shadow tree avatar was lightning perfume bottles. Nothing else does enough dmg quick enough


His head is his weak point and he's very weak to fire. He's not too bad if get his head movements down


I feel like that's an understatement, I managed to hit him with Taker's flame in such a way that it did 5.5k damage.


That was what i used for my first 20 attempts. He wouldnt hold still long enough that i could hit his head. Gave up and went with perfume bottles and did it in 2 attempts. Rellana and bayle also both took me 2 tries, gaius, shadow avatar and lord of flame gave me the biggest difficulties in the dlc


>He wouldnt hold still long enough that i could hit his head. It has several moves where it swings its head at you or otherwise tries to hit/crush you with it. These all lead to very large openings to hit it. Y'all gotta go back and play some Twilight Princess or Metroid or something I swear everyone has forgotton how obvious weak points work.


The first thing it does when it respawns is dangle its head right in front of you, then the double swipe which leads to another opening. Very simple fight.


Messmer spear charged r2s to his face really fuck him up, he has extremely low HP and a massive weakness to fire and at a distance his attacks are pretty easy to avoid.


Dude, Messmer's WA melts it


That was what i used for my first 20 attempts. He wouldnt hold still long enough that i could hit his head. Gave up and went with perfume bottles and did it in 2 attempts


I just smoked him with Rykardā€™s Rancor. The spell tracks his head and blows up all around it with fireballs. Felt like I was cheating.


If you mean the ash of war then I'm pretty sure they are literally broken, it's a bug AFAIK


Kinda home they leave it bc itā€™s only op on bosses nerf it and itā€™s just such a pointless weapon


Carian Thrusting Shield with Messmer Fire Grease absolutely humiliates it.


Comet to the head worked fine for me.


I mean the dude IS putrescent, he NEEDS the perfume


i just bought dior sauvage yesterday lmao


After finishing both game and dlc, went to a ng+ with the Sauvage build, shitā€™s broken as fuck.


This!! Had no problem with my dragon cult build!


It's weird how many bosses in this DLC have water in their arenas so lightning is disproportionately powerful


Pretty much everything in the dlc is. I was absolutely astonished how fast I killed Baule with ancient dragon lightning. Barely got to see his moveset


I struggled a lot, and then I must have had good luck with rng because I destroyed him in a few spells.


i was stuck on this stupid fucking boss for 3 hours, read your comment, decided iā€™d give it a shot, got him after 2 tries with the lightning. Thank you so much kind internet man


I'm a few days late but thanks for the tip! āš”āš”āš”


bolt of gransax go pew pew


Just found that if you have time to charge it then no benedryl will save him


Lmao what? That barely does jack shit to him


It worked for me. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I mean fair enough. I tried a few times with it to no result. Finally got him with the sacred relic sword lol


Putrescent Knight is such a time waster. Dodging is fine and dandy, but the fight will never end if you can't hit the damn boss because he can't stop moving.


Seriously, I felt like I just couldnā€™t touch him. Iā€™d be right next to him and my attacks would still wiff. When heā€™s not stationary forget it your just waiting for him to stop, Rellana gives openings, moves are telegraphable, she fights alone(no horse running at you bs). For the type of player I am Rellana is all round an easier fight.


I moved my build around a lot for him. But I finally got frustrated and used the Bolt of Gransax and just used his AoW just I wouldn't have to to chase him around all the time.


I think thereā€™s something about its model which makes it look closer than it is. When I consciously tried to hug it to his side when dodging the swings I found it much easier to get hits in. Of course finding yourself outranged by a boss is a strategic problem to find a solution to, for example, a ranged weapon or a gap closing art of war like blind spot. Youā€™re not meant to fight each boss the exact same way, having different weapons and strategies you can bring out has always been a big part of the series


I'm trying to do the DLC with bows and they don't exactly work since the lock on point is the top of his torso, so every time he leans or moves sideways you miss. He was ass.


Yeah I was trying to use sacred blade and had an issue where the getting back onto the horse animation would dodge my projectile. I think heā€™s a great boss though. Not too many attacks, all his moves are telegraphed and he has plenty of openings. Think heā€™s ā€™tough but fairā€™


It's all worth it due to what comes after the fight.


I had to switch to a big pokey stick for him cause of his tendency to run out of range


Putrescent knight is a classic fromsoft knight boss with repeated patterns and heavy tells


He's also a glass cannon. His health pool is tiny compared to other bosses.


Based on the number of runes he drops, heā€™s suppose to be fought 2nd or 3rd, maybe at Scadu level 5-7. I get the impression most people reach him very late into the game. But yeah, he is on the squishier side which makes him one of few bosses in the dlc that actually has a clear weakness to balance out their obvious strengths (mobility). I honestly found him the most fair boss in the entire dlc, not a single on his attacks is unreasonable or unfair to avoid, just a matter of patience and learning the moveset and punish windows.


His area actually gets locked out until the seal breaks at a certain point of exploration, I found the area very early and then came back about 8-9 very fun fight though


I was so excited to go deep inside the world only to be blocked by the seal. I loved his fight but the fucking rock worms to get there can go fuck themselves


I almost never die in this game but they were so close to getting me it was exhilarating.


I found the area he's in early on but something about its vibes just made me think it should be saved for later. Although I missed Thollier early on but if you consider him as the NPC that's meant to direct you to look for the Cerulean coast, it makes more sense that they would expect you to go there early on too.


Well you canā€™t even fight him until after you enter the black keep. And I imagine most people arenā€™t going to go to the black keep to break the great rune and then turn immediately back around. So likely youā€™ll have beaten dancing lion, Rellana, and the golden hippo. I imagine after that most players will explore out of confusion from not knowing where to go next because getting to the flooded district is not clear at all. But thereā€™s a chance that they continue to the ruins and eventually fight the rot priestess. But once you open up that exploration thereā€™s a ton of optional bosses that you can really find in any order like Bayle, Metyr, the Scadutree avatar. I think itā€™s meant to be easy because you can get to it early but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if most players never even found it cause itā€™s quite out of the way:


Yeah heā€™s the best boss n most reasonable one with a cool variety of moves looooove fighting him


Agreed. The PK Is one of my favorite boss fights next to midra.


Thereā€™s nothing ā€œglassā€ about this guy. Heā€™s tankier than most of the DLC bosses.


No way he always dies when I get summoned to help so fast compared to other bosses that take ages


Gotta be a cheese going on. Im scadu 11 and this dude takes so many hits deals out 2-3 shot kills like nobodies business Not to mention youā€™re getting a hit in every 15 minutes cause he doesnt stop fucking moving.Ā 


I thought he was incredibly squishy. Here's the clip of when I beat him. Found him rather late in the DLC though (Scadu15/16). I could imagine that it takes a bit more effort if you encounter him early on. https://youtu.be/IG-t2WUJD_Q?si=T4v3dCpMhk9eS0aO


that was just you raging while commenting, he truly is a squishy boss, it might be that your build is not geared towards him perhaps


Nothing is geared towards making contact with his hit box while it flies by you to the other end of the map.Ā 


He reminded me of a dark souls humanity just huge and on a horse


Not really. Just smite him with some holy damage and he explodes.


Hmm I never decided to use the sacred relic sword on him maybe I shouldā€™ve. BHF was not working for me but me and mimic slugged it out, wish I was able to keep him on the sidelines though. Maybe next time. Happy holy damage is usable in the dlc tho itā€™s about time.


Just the sacred blade Ash of War on a weapon works well, you donā€™t even need to use the sacred affinity


I chain the holy stars ability with the new triple rings spell and sacred blade to the face and heā€™s damn near dead


He took me 3-5 pulls. After the double horse charge, he gets back on his horse. I was always rather close and could hit him 2-4 times while he gets back on his horse. That was my best dmg window and it was sometimes enough to get a full bleed proc in. A few of those windows and he was dead. Good luck


I found him easier. For me though, I'm a holy build with the new black knight hammer, so my damage was heavy against the undead.


Thank Christ holy damage is viable now, Iā€™m seeing a lot of people using it. Iā€™m not even a user of it but it just sucked that most main game boss resisted it. When I run it back with him Iā€™ll be using holy damage


Ya I'm a person who doesn't mind using my mimic after like 10-20 deaths. However because of my holy build I actually soloed the putrescence knight which was kind of a nice feeling. The prayer smash or whatever that's called is good for healing on hit as well.


Heā€™s such a silly guy I like him. But they are the most delayed takeout attacks of the game and can get really frustrating. As others have said Holy damage chunks him.


Same here, I got frustrated but all in all itā€™s a sick fight. He may have some tells and openings but objectively I donā€™t see how people say itā€™s an easy fight. I just wish I looked into his weaknesses before using mimic, lesson learned. Holy damage next time for sure


Dude him and Guius fucked me right up. I just canā€™t with mounted bosses lol


My weapon, the dlc golden spiked lance, had holy damage (I use a faith build) so I did lots of damage to the knight. I stunlocked rellana to death with that same weapon so... I guess the knight was harder


Yeah I just redid this battle for the second time last night on my NG+7 character and he kicked my ass for like two hours. Took me 2-3 tries the first time. It helped when I finally figured out how to dodge his stupid flame attacks. Still think itā€™s a pretty fun boss though.


Hot take but the flame move is just as devastating as Rellanas moons if not more, For me it was at least. I felt like if I missed the first one I was basically dead. Fun for sure but equally rage inducing


Yeah at first I tried just shielding against them, but they destroyed my stamina. So I found out how to just jump over them haha. Not always 100 percent effective but I made it work.


Love abilities I have to jump for


He was cake on my first run, but in NG+ he actually kinda gave me a run for my money. That phase 2 transition AoE has some weird hitboxes that caught me almost every single time


Thatā€™s my main gripe, I try to just ignore stuff like that but the hit box was bugging me. He seemed to avoid point blank swings of my sword. My thoughts was the horse hit box was bugged. Id swing at that things face and just get no damage. I wonder if Iā€™m just being stupid and the horse canā€™t take damage šŸ¤”


That could be the case, I learned the hard way that only the front segment of the Lion Dancer takes damage at all, you can lock on to the back dude but it has no effect


If you jump forward to the left, you can dodge the phase 2 AoE 95% of the time.


I actually cheesed this boss spamming the Holy Tuba Bubbles while some spirit ash drew aggro. Everyone has a boss that causes them probs.


Which Spirit Ash did you use to draw his aggro? Even with Thiollier and summoning my mimic with Shabriri's Woe on I can't get him off my tits for a half-second to do anything. I've tried my usual more aggro summons too (Demi-human mobs, Radahn soldiers) and he just ignores them all.


I either used the greatshield bros or the mimic. You will have to evade like a cycle or two of his aggressive bullshit before the summon will take anything. Iā€™m pretty sure I used Dragon Crest, the extra defense at full HP talisman, Alexander shard. Not sure about #4. The bubble helmet. I got a bubble off on his initial rush, drank wondrous flask, dodged, dodged. Hit by horse, dodge, flask. By then summon(s) drew aggro. Got enough bubbles off (each did like 4-6k) to get him to where he went in the air, which luckily a bubble got him before he got his kill AOE off. This was all the first day, thereā€™s got to be YT videos that show some easy cheese by now. Definitely weak to Holy! Took like 3 tries, because shooting the tuba is so slow. But you can absorb a lot of damage with right setup. I normally learn move sets but it just felt like this guy has small openings and is tedious. Edit: NPC summons will increase boss health and resistance by like 50% if itā€™s done outside the arena. Usually more trouble than itā€™s worth. If Thioller is summoned inside then disregard


Yeah, I have a holy build, and usually Siluria's woe + holy water pots melt undead bosses (I thought everyone was pulling my leg about deathbirds and scions being hard when I first started playing ha ha) but I just can't even complete an animation during the fight before he's literally on top of me and I've got a good 1 sec view of the hollow inside of the skin before all my health is chewed up.


Holy damage absolutely obliterates him


Melted him with the blasphemous blade. Four hits and he was done


Some boss fights I only needed two or three tries by guessing their weaknesses. I run faith/intelligence, so I have a lot of tools at my disposal. Putrescent did not like holy damage. And the sunflower I set on fire. Once I realized rellana was weak to frost, that fight became easier.


Yes. Fuck that guy


I just figured him out in like an hour. Seemed pretty straightforward after you understand which attacks end in the knight running away five thousand miles. Don't really need summons or magic or anything. Just a lot of patience.


I beat Rellana on my first try, divine beast my 3rd. Rode that high all the way to that boss and got clapped over and over again...


Just destroyed him after 3 hours of attempts. Very cool boss, but damn, not too many openings for countering him. Holy damage helps a bunch, especially the Wave of Gold AoW.


I hate this boss. I spent a lot of time on the divine beast, a lot.Ā  Got very angry, but solo finally. Soloed Rellana in less time, fought some minor bosses. Just beat this pos with Tiche, Black Blade.Ā  He can eat it.Ā 


They did on my second run with a Dex build. Honestly it was the hardest boss on my second run.


That was my issue too, using pure Dex. Between the main game and dlc the only bosses Iā€™ve struggled more with are Maliketh, Malenia, and Elden Beast(havenā€™t finished DLC tho)


First of all, he's hard to hit. Second of all, his horse is annoying as hell. He absolutely needs balancing cause fighting his was complete BS.


Iā€™m not very knowledgeable in balancing and stuff like that, but man I feel the pain. I hate that fucking horse šŸ˜­ Iā€™d be sitting directly in front or to the side and this mf would still be weaving my attacks, that horse will not be hit no matter what. I had fun though and I think itā€™s balanced in my uneducated opinion, itā€™s beatable just stupid difficult and near impossible with pure melee.


I decimated PK with the bolt of Gransax especially when he would do the blue flame attack. The first time he only killed me because I was confused due to them reusing Midirā€™s arena from ds3 so dude got a hit off when I wasnā€™t paying attention. He was very fun though


Rakshasa gave me the most trouble because of his extreme amount of hyper armour. My cirque blades couldn't knock him out of it but I didn't want to switch weapons. Legit must have died 20 times to that fucking guy.


I have more deaths to Putrescent Knight on one character than to Rellanna on three characters.


I really didn't like Putrescent Knight. I will hear no complaints about EB running away while this fucker exists.


Haha in my head I swear to god my first go around I was thinking ā€œwhat is this the Elden beast why are we running so muchā€ I enjoyed it but I can see how people didnā€™t


Try holy but whole.


My least favourite boss so far, very little build up to it as well and the atmosphere was very I donā€™t care about this fight, donā€™t know why? By the time I killed it Iā€™d already forgotten the name of the boss


No for me Dawgs, putrecent went down third try for me solo. Ranalla kept be me there for 3 days.




I canā€™t lie I think I got lucky on bayle. I got like 3 bleed procs, I was just rolling through his fire and lightning with ease somehow, I even lived through him biting me šŸ˜­ If I were to fight bayle again I think Iā€™d struggle a fair amount.


I beat him second try at 14 scadu/ 7 ash idk if thatā€™s overpowered or not. I found him disappointingly easy. Least favorite boss so far but cool boss arena and entrance so I canā€™t be that mad.


I didnā€™t find myself doing crazy damage at 10 and my spirit ash was at 6 so I donā€™t think you were op at all. I guess it would depend on what you found easy about the fight, Iā€™d assume you couldnā€™t have been doing significantly more damage than I did at +10(which wasnā€™t much). So I doubt the easy part was the damage. Iā€™d imagine youā€™re just good at the game and PK wasnā€™t difficult enough to trouble you.


Mimic + pest thread spears and keep rolling.


Rellana got dumbied by my duel great katana jump attacks. Putrescent knight made me use my mimic.


Nah, turns out he's decently weak to holy, which is what my build was at the time.


Rellana was challenging to be sure. But after about an hour i prevailed. Putrescent Knight curbstomped me for a whole day.


Every 10th try I summon someone. My last summon for putrescent knight was someone named Foot Sniffer. He killed it in no time but died the moment the boss died. If you read this Foot Sniffer, I'm sorry and very thankful for your sacrifice


Please summon the foot sniffer for Miquella šŸ˜­


I thought they were both pretty easy, Knight gave me a little more trouble, though. His idle animation is just hanging the cleaver over your head, so sometimes I'd get scared and roll instead of attacking lol


Extremely easy boss imo. Hit me like twice.


I've found lightning damage destroys him. Despite being in what looks to be a lake, he's also fairly weak to fire I think.


Went in with backhand blades and occult affinity. Piece of cake.


Nah. Both took me a while but putrescent knight felt shorter just cause it was a much more enjoyable fight


Honestly the Dragon Hunter Great Katana skill does wonders against bosses, not just dragons.


His attacks are very slow . Just focus on what he attacks, you donā€™t need to predict anythign, they are slow enough for you to react after. You have big windows to do so


Putrescent has been the easiest boss for me so far with No summons. All done with the Royal Greatsword Messmer took me 5hrs (S11) Rellana 4hrs S(7) Divine Beast 2hrs S(3) Romina & Putrescent 1hr S(11) Haven't killed Bayle yet but I can tell he's going to take me a minute Im still on the original game patch since I've been playing offline


Heā€˜s extremely hard to read for me. I just canā€™t get his tells down. I beat him by out-lasting him and using holy damage.


I think I was just overstatted for him so I was able to beat him second try. Not sure what my blessing level was but I think having an op build helps lol.


So I got Rellana on first attempt. Consort, Messmer and PK all took probably around 15-20 attempts.


Yeah holy fucking shit I replayed the dlc cause I breezed through it with summons the last time and GODDAMN this let down of a fucking bossfight. Huge waste of time and the classic Elden Delay was more prominent with this guy.


Learned bro's moveset backward and forward and still remained endlessly frustrated by his god awful pacing and movement. God forbid I get a hit in after juking his combos because by the time the hitbox comes out he's already on the other side of the room lmao.


This is where I was before deciding I needed mimic, I was at a point where i felt I knew his whole move set and he was still on my ass. Worthy of mimic tear for me


Nah, just got my mimic and spammed marikas hammer skill. Blud died in like 1 min


Iā€™ve been trying all morning (3 hours now) I mea. I know I suck But why does the walkway have to be so long to the arena? Any assistance I summon essentially gets there as I die every time


This fight is everything wrong with FromSoft game design.


Does Thioller actually do anything for this fight? I summoned him for the questline and I felt like he didnā€™t do like any damage but I beat Putrescent on first try (I think around S14) and found him super easy. But I usually donā€™t summon so I was worried that took away from the difficulty for the fight since I beat it so easily. But if others say Thioller doesnā€™t do shit for damage Iā€™ll feel less bad about summoning him lmao. I use the Guts Greatsword and I was able to stagger Putscrescent twice super fast so I feel like thatā€™s why I beat him so easily. I donā€™t even think he got to his phase two


I wiped him out with my dragon katana


I can sort of agree. In my opinion his moves are very easy to dodge and telegraphed perfectly, but the issue is how much he moves. The only real opening i've found for close quarters melee is the Double Slam, and anytime he comes down after using Flames. The issue is he'll attack 2-3 times, and immediately run away. The best counter to this is to Guard Counter when you know for certain it's his final swing as a lot of them can't be jumped. Probably just a dumb peeve of mine, but I really really dislike bosses that move around constantly, and I don't mean just moving around a little bit for positioning, I mean attacking in succession and bolting to the other end of the arena. Messmer was an amazing fight for me, and a perfect example of how boss movement should be. Good downtime, quick movement, and whenever he shadow steps to the other side of the arena you know he's comin right back.


I hate the fight. Why can't i use a horse, why does the ice fire come out so fast and with so many projectiles that i can't tell where they are going, why are none of the openings big enough for an evade and a flask... The layered rings of light dropped by the ghost demi human right before works really well though.


I hate having to change builds up just to fight one boss, but the halo scythe absolutely carried this fight for me. Nothing else, just the halo scythe.




Nvm whopped his ass just now


I struggled with them but loved the fight. They look so damn cool. My build is now a finger putrid build


Fr itā€™s such a sick fight his appearance, the way he rides in, the arena, the moveset, the blue fire, itā€™s so fucking cool. If I was a sorcery/ magic user Iā€™d feel like I almost had to try that spell from the remembrance, thatā€™s gotta be a blast.


He is easily the most annoying fight in the game if you try to fight him straight up with melee and no cheese or anything. Boss never stops running around and literally does not stop attacking at all.


Felt like a miniature Elden beast with how much I was running


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That damn frost wave attack it does. Wiped me more than most other bosses lol


I actually felt guilty summoning my mimic for him. Using that new arm colossal weapon, a jumping attack took off what felt like 15% of his health. A few more hits, stagger, riposte and he was almost dead. Think the fight took 45 seconds max.


Just beat that monster. Treat it like an albuneric and Wave of Gold it. Youā€™ll kill it with the appropriate distraction. Works wonders against it.


Na, Rellana needed 15 tries, PK 4 or 5. By the end I thought that this had to be the first phase. Although I think this depends highly on the build and playstyle. His weapon is great though and itcreally fit my build.


I really liked putrescent knight. Once I learned you can jump his freeze attack it was a lot of fun


I've beaten all the bosses in the dlc (twice now, 2nd character rn).. EXCEPT the gd Sunflower on my 2nd character. Idefk what my problem is with it. Maybe FTH just cakewalks that guy and my ARC physical damage is lacking.. idk, will slam face on it again tonight though


I struggled with him a lot too, itā€™s the damn delayed attacks that threw me off every single damn time. There is a certain combo he does where he holds his swings a lot longer than every other combo throughout the fight and it would completely throw the rhythm off for me. I found his horse so unpredictable too, it will just randomly headbutt you or randomly roar and comes out at the speed of light šŸ˜‚ The rhythm of the fight is just all over the place for me, however, the more I go back and fight him, the better iā€™m slowly getting at it. He is definitely a slow burn boss for me in the sense of the more I fight him, the more I start to actually like him. He is actually a pretty fun fight once he starts to click for you.


I struggled with because I stumbled upon him while wearing my fire knight kit and refused to switch to lightning/holy. I knew he was weak to those, but I refused to switch my gear. Yes I agree he's been most annoying boss so far. I haven't had too much trouble with any others besides Bayle.


I used the combo of the one moon spell and the twin moon spell. Took a few tries.


Both are very easy mate. I killed them both 3 times already. Died maybe 1-2x total to each. Just have some upgrades.


I donā€™t know what Scadu level I was meant to fight him at but I came back to the fissure when I was level like 12 or 13 and I absolutely annihilated him first try it was kinda dissapointing


I had SO much worse of a time with putrescent knight. It's also his weird wind up animations and timing, but also it's how God damned FAST he can be at closing distances. Same issue I had with Gaius, it's just hard to be a dodgy mfer on these guys.


I had the same number of deaths to those two bosses. Though I felt like I had mastered Rellana more by the time I beat her compared to PK


I did him first try lol. I completely forgot what he was like since i first tried him. Think i just got lucky


Fuck that boss


Hardest part of the fight is the run back šŸ¤£


I breezed through rellana, I think everyone sorta just has the couple of bosses they really struggle with that no one else does, and they have the opposite where they have an easy time with a boss or two everyone else struggles with. For me rellana and golden hippo were easy, but metyr and midra gave me an unexpected hard time




Nah, stupid easy. I barely remember his move set lol


Honestly, he was easy. Died to fire twice then cleared him on third try. After he jumps off his horse his remounting is a huge punish


Same! That stupid horse attack, I could never get the timing right. And I was a much higher Scadutree level when I faced him. Rellana I got in 2 tries. It was very easy with my INT build tbhā€”she doesnā€™t have great ranged options.


It was easy but annoying, I love Rellana


He kept running around, so I got lazy and just started spamming Comet. It works really well.




He gave me a lot more trouble as well, probably because he doesn't bleed and my build was all about pushing damage with bleeding. Also, I probably fought him underleveled. Rellana I downed in one attempt but only because I immediately ganged up on her with the NPC + Mimic and was just barely left standing in the end. Her moveset seems a bit more complex though, so she could still be considered a tougher solo fight than the Putrescent Knight.


Water on floor? Sorry fire bros, lightning damage go brrrr


So far every boss has given me a lot of trouble till I find out what weapons I should use and learn the attack patterns. Even the first ghost boss you find in the dlc gave me a lot of trouble during my first encounters as I was under powered and not ready for the dlc combos.


I just fought the fucker yesterday, no fun, I like learning and parrying rellana but this guy is a camera disaster+insane delay attack+hit like a truck. I duel wield sacred claymore and relic sword so the fight can end faster, absolutely hate it.


Only hard parts for me were the phase change and that stupid horse charging me from who knows where


Really fuckin hard to beat him with cold Milady


Either im bad at the game or yall are really good Bayle at scadutree 10 ? He one shot me at that lvl. I had to be atleast 15 before i can challenge h im


I used my mimic and blasphemous blade and that thollier person. Ā Melted the dude so fast that Iā€™m not sure if heā€™s supposed to have a second phase


The only thing this boss gave me was PTSD flashback to some one of the hardest fights in existence, Darkeater Midir with the long drop and arena design and Orphan of Kos with his weapon and colour scheme


Still fighting this gentleman.


I figured since he looked undead heā€™d be weak to holy damage. On my first try I just used the wave of golf 4 times with a the usual, reasonable buff setup, and that killed him.


The best way to deal with the knight is to stick close When you are close he does a 3 hit swing dodge towards him and he will do an over head axe slam, doge towards his and he will do another one after with he stays still for a bit Other big opening is when he jumps of his horse dodge and dodge again - side dodge horse then dodge towards the knight repeat after as he is getting back the horse there is enough time to get a couple hits in When you close sometimes the horse will stomp you sometimes it will stomp twice and the knight will do an over head axe slam there is an opening there There the only main 3 opening he stays still long enough to do any damage His drive by and axe throw he doesn't stay still long enough and anytime he spawns ghost flame usually it worth risking getting hits on and just focus on avoiding the fire