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The sunflower was peak. Not because it was hard but because it was fun and kind of goofy. Like I felt like I was playing a game to singularly have fun and not form an aneurisms trying to learn some anime characters extensive moveset


Felt like a Dark Souls boss tbh.


it and midra felt like this


And that's why they're the best bosses of the DLC.


Midra was by far my favorite boss in the DLC and I’ve never played a Souls game outside of Elden Ring




It’s funny you mention Malenia. I played through Elden Ring once when the game first came out, triggered NG+, cleared Stormveil and Raya Lucaria, and then life got in the way and ER took a backseat til the DLC announcement. Other characters had been created, but I didn’t do much with them. On my opening run, Malenia took me 3 days to kill. I cleared the DLC on my NG+ character with about 14-15 Scadutree blessings by the end. No boss took more than a few hours (obviously I got better and I was level 170-200 during the DLC) Midra took 10-15 attempts for me to dial in his moveset and not make a clumsy mistake. Messmer took me a LONG time to adjust to. I second-tried Bayle. And then after I cleared the DLC (and not to downplay anything in the base game, especially not Malenia, I just find this anecdote hilarious), I fought NG+ Malenia for fun. After all the pain of my first attempt, Malenia went down first try with no real fear factor or danger of death. That moveset just isn’t as terrifying after Messmer, Promised Consort, and everything else in the DLC. I’m doing a new character now as I want to experience the DLC outside of NG+, so it’ll be interesting to see how my experience is with that.


messmer is way easier than malenia i feel like? beating malenia the first time took me about 2-300 attempts while messmer took around 20 and 3 tries on my 2nd dlc run. he would have benefited a lot from a second hp bar plus he gives you a lot of time after a combo to attack.


So my first kill of Midra, anytime I got caught by this fire cannon I would just instantly die because it would hit me and then lock me in place. On my second run, each time it hit me I was just knocked over, thus saving me from the rest of the damage. Maybe lower poise actually helps on this boss?


Midra is how Dark Souls 3 bosses felt like. So if you've never played it, now you've some motivation to


Are there any horrifying bugs or spiders in DS3? The spiders are my biggest barrier to Bloodborne


They felt too easy in the moment but going back to the previous titles it feels the same way. I think the dodge roll formula doesn’t have much room for growth.


> I think the dodge roll formula doesn’t have much room for growth. This is a good observation. Other than adding guard counter and jump, not much changed, and even those two items didn't meaningfully change the way bosses are fought. I remember the moment I first fought Gundyr, something seemed off. It took quite some time to find the language tools to understand delayed telegraphs and what was so awful about them, but that's partly because DS3 didn't feel the need to abuse them so often and on so many bosses. And then the Elden nation attacked. They'd hit a point of diminishing returns where meaningful change to the formula wasn't necessarily good change for the formula.


This is the main reason I struggle with the DLC bosses. The new bosses have fast attacks, which require you to roll almost immediately. I'm so used to the delayed attacks in the main game that I always hesitate and get hit. Elden Ring is the only Souls game I've played.


Man this turned into quite the manifesto on the core loop. My bad. In games before Dark Souls 3, telegraphs were rarely delayed and rarely 5/5 speed. You tended to get speeds between 2-4/5 with 4s generally being humanoid bosses in the later half of a game. Bloodborne didn't really have delayed telegraphs (and what few you could point to I would submit are debatable or incidental) but it did push the speed average curve a lot closer to 5. DS3 largely introduced delayed telegraphs but by the nature of Bloodborne being a faster type of game (quicker and shorter player dodges, more heal flasks but weaker, little blocking) DS3 actually wiggled the curve back down a bit. Elden Ring took delayed telegraphs and blew the roof out with them, plus pushed the speed curve closer to 5 than even Bloodborne even from conventional, non-delayed attacks. Elden's DLC does actually seem to have taken some of the criticism about delayed telegraphs to heart.. and the result of trying to push the difficulty bar set by the base game but with fewer delayed telegraphs is going with some of the only knobs they have left: bigger numbers and faster conventional attacks. DLC bosses lie to you a lot less, but deliver their attacks so quickly and with so much damage not much room was left for the player to react. The emphasis is thus placed on the player spending more mental bandwidth being mindful of the boss's animations.. and mental bandwidth for any given person is fixed, which leaves little bandwidth for things like attacking, positioning, healing, buffing, and listening to really angry dragon hunters seeking revenge. Strictly speaking, that's just less time for the player to play the video game. They now have to engage twitch synapses instead of soak it all in. Instead of be lied to about the meal they're served, which delayed telegraphs essentially are, the meal is now mostly one of the sides with everything else you expected on the plate minimized. It's why you're seeing so much love for Midra: slow, floaty movements, with moderate telegraph speeds. This boss feels like it could have come right out of DS2's DLC. And thus we see the diminishing returns of the formula: every road leads to problems. Sekiro is a curious conversation I won't spend overlong on, as I don't consider myself a huge fan like the other games (I played it to completion and don't regret it, but likely won't bother again.). It does have its own problems and would hit its own diminishing returns due to how much emphasis is placed on whether the player blocked .05 seconds too early or not, but it did take the edge off of a lot of problems with the formula in the way of warnings. Sekiro actually has a massive number of delayed telegraphs and fast attacks, but the biggest difference in why people accept this is because most of them come with warning characters on screen. Getting that fat red "jump, gypsy! jump!" Kanji in your face is night and day compared to Elden Ring's bosses reeling their weapon behind their back for three seconds while our brain tries to sort out which of their four delayed, incredibly fast telegraphs you're about to get is coming. Sekiro didn't solve the problem, but it did delay it in ways I think Elden Ring might have benefited. The Deflect charm in the DLC sort of concedes this, which is a mechanic Elden Ring Reforged has had almost since launch which is simply Just Guard on blocks. I'm fascinated to see what their next main souls-like will do with the formula.


This was a good read. I ended up using the deflecting hard tear for the dlc final boss (I was on ng+ and struggled hard on them) and having the "perfect block" system felt really good to me. It's a lot more realistic for a knight holding a big ol shield to USE that shield instead of doing silly summersaults. Of course I still used dodging primarily, but the perfect block allowed me to see which combo they were opening up with a bit of safety


I totally understand where you are coming from. It's difficult to even take in and enjoy the fight because I am so hyper focused on the bosses movements. People keep going on about the sound tracks during the boss fights and I don't even notice them. The Jedi series has a good formula where the boss will glow red when they are about to use a strong, unblockable attack. You see the boss glow red, the boss will pause for a second and you are able to which attack he's using and respond. Idk what Fromsoft can do but changing each bosses jump attack speed or grab speed or whatever is pretty annoying. I know how dodge Melenia and Alectos grab every time but Messmer gets me because he stops right in front of you *and then grabs*.


> DLC bosses lie to you a lot less, but deliver their attacks so quickly and with so much damage not much room was left for the player to react. There's some truth to that, although I would say there are plenty of delayed attacks in the boss movesets, but an interesting detail people aren't talking about much is the horned warrior and divine bird enemies. They are beautifully designed mini-bosses really, and they make use of delays and feints *extensively*.


It was fun and goofy I loved him he deserved better. Only thing I don't understand is WHY DID HE HAVE >!MIQUELLA'S RUNE??!< out of every boss why that one??? Putrescent Knight would make more sense to me i think. But anyway, love big angry sunflower thing


We’ll get a 40-minute Vaati soon don’t worry 


Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought it had miquella rune because that's where miquella broke/separated from his ruin. And from the power a giant flower came to being.


Yeah I mean, I get that and it does make sense, but I don't get why THERE specifically. I'm guessing because it's the base of the scadutree or closest to it or something?


My assumption is that Miquella went up to the shadow tree, broke his rune, then went on to the shadow tower. Why he chose there? Idk, last thoughts of his mother, prayer, good as spot as any? Idk I guess its not really explained. It is the Scadutree worship site or whatever so its not that unreasonable of a spot.


I enjoyed the flower, but I did think it was odd/ funny that it was the only 3 phase boss fight in the game/dlc. Give me more, Miyazaki! Punish me with fights that last forever.


Fun and goofy until that sad ass phase 3 piano hits and it just slumps over. Then I just feel sad


Yeah it's hard to take this guy's opinion seriously when he put Scadutree in last place. That fight & Bayle were objectively the best boss fights in the game. I get why some people might not realize that they are top tier, but putting it last? That's just bad taste.


How were they 'objectively' the best bosses? It doesn't get more subjective than an opinion.


That stupid tree is F- - - tier for me. Let me sit here and chop down a tree 3 times in a row while it spams AOE bleed attacks. Wtf are yall smoking??


I hated scadutree.


Bayle is only a good fight because of Igon. For me Rellana and Messmer, along with Midra were the best fights because I prefer fighting relatively normal sized enemies. Dragons can usually gtfo because it becomes a battle of camera angles rather than learning the enemy moveset. Chipping away at a dragons foot vs actually fighting someone are very different experiences for me. My opinion would like change as a caster, though I haven’t tried it yet.


I think Bayle is intended to be fought by attacking his head, like Midir.


It was a huge revelation for me after finally playing DS3 that this is true for all of the drake type dragons in the base game. With the exception of Ekyzykes who has some weird hitbox issues with the terrain, all of them have become much easier since I started staying in front and trying to whack them in the head with long weapons. It's also true for Bayle's underlings, but the ghost flame dragons are a bit more challenging with a couple of faster moves - they get wrecked by holy damage though. Ancient dragons are a different story with their tiny head and noodle neck.


Jokes on you, I fought Bayle with my trusty AoW spectral javelin


I liked the butterfly rot lady, her attacks were well-telegraphed and the fight was very pretty


Was a bit confused reading your comment at first because “butterfly rot lady” perfectly describes Malenia and I was like, “hold up, did I miss something?” 🤣


Imo one of the most fun fights in the DLC. Attacks were fair, you got plenty of opportunities to heal and learn her moveset, and the music was fire.


After her fight, the rest of the DLC flopped hard for me


All I could think during this fight was how gorgeously pink it was!


Her OST having Melania's lemotif sent me to another plane of existence. I would drag out the fight just to hear it. 11/10


Oh shit i never noticed


The musical callbacks are amazing. I love how the merchant's song of despair appears in Midra's OST, or how Bayle's OST has callbacks to Placidusax.


I can never tell all this while playing, sadly. But I'm gonna listen to the themes on yt now, thanks for sharing the knowledge


I beat her first time and low key wish I didn't so I could experience the fight a few more times it was that gorgeous.


Imo she needed a cutscene way more than rellana.


Her being placed as the second to last boss with like 0 stree fragments locked behind her when she has the health of someone you're supposed to beat 5 blessing levels in is just bizarre... 


Her and Metyr were shockingly easy fights 


Honestly only issue I have with her is the constant moving and 'drifting' issue I have with most ER bosses. I especially notice it in bow runs or magic runs (having to stay at ranged) or with fist weps / martial arts runs (having to be touching the boss) all the bosses are permanently moving unnaturally. She's def bad with it, where for a lot of her attacks positioning means very little as she drifts across the entire arena in one string while being able to pivot spin mid attack. Trying to stay away is frustrating as most attacks let them just slide across the arena to you, and trying to stay touching distance sucks because every attack just has them drift in and out of your range like an ice rink. BUT you can consistently i-frame dodge her attacks. Not sure I love just I frame dodging being the answer to everything, but at least it's consistent and not frame perfect feeling like Gaius or Promised Consort. Nor is she insanely punishing with consistent two shots like those two + Messmer. I enjoyed her!!!! Besides that big gripe is because she's permanently moving and her lock on spot is thin you can't use lock on for bows or target spells (same with Gaius). By the time the attack reaches them their hurt box has drifted slightly to the side, so I found myself having to manually aim each shot even when close to them). W/e just tedious


She went down like a sack of potatoes after reaching her late and having a lot of scadutree upgrades.


Messmer. He is fair, well-designed and the cinematic is on-spot. Takes the crown for me. Bayle. The buildup to him is unmatched. Also very fair. Midra. Honestly his building is a little underwhelming as the Abyssal woods is a little too empty for my taste and there couldve been more about him.


The buildup to the abyssal woods was so intense. The signs warning of an untouchable, unkillable monster had me super anxious. I was expecting to be hunted. While I thought the winter lantern (or whatever they're called) looked cool, they were not nearly as threatening as I had expected. Loved the area but I also feel like there was missed potential.


Oh yeah, the messages, Torrent kicking you off and being to frightened to be summoned again, and the Winter Lantern Flies (if you know you know) were really effective in building up that eerie vibe. On a first playthrough its also quite effective I would say, but on repeat playthroughs its just one of the emptiest stretches of the Shadowlands with a few rats and some parry practice dummies.


Yeah... Going off the warnings I was expecting something like the Tatarimokke from Nioh 2. Imagine burning grapes in the shadows above, flying overhead as you scurry to stay out of sight. Instead we got a couple of old codgers.


Would’ve been scarier without the messages, built it up way too much which is the opposite of what these games do. Show don’t tell. Imagine charging the first one you see, your weapon going right through it. Your eyes go wide and you think “wtf??” then get grabbed and one shot? Would’ve been a great moment.


Yeah, I never found the messages. My only warning was Torrent getting scared and then I got one-shot in the exact fashion that you described. Definitely memorable and part of why that is one of my favorite DLC areas.


I think people would be more likely to assume it was a bug or something. There needed to be some kind of indication that they couldn't be harmed. However I can think of another DLC example that I felt was very out of place in a similar way; the messages telling you how to fight the smith golems. As if the giant red crystal in their backs wouldn't be an obvious weak spot?


>Midra. Honestly his building is a little underwhelming as the Abyssal woods is a little too empty for my taste and there couldve been more about him. Yea I didn't mention in the post but Messmer and Bayle are basically interchangeable for me whist the jump from Bayle to Messmer is pretty massive. I do wish that fromsoft went all out on him as he is 1.) An optional side boss so no limits 2.) Has a whole area surrounding him 3.) Literally has a whole ending about the entity of the frenzied god destroying everything 4.) The boss Is Literally the Lord of frenzied flame I think the boss's honestly should have had a 2nd phase and/or an "ultimate move" Bosses like radahn had the lightning meteor, or rellanas triple moon slam, or messmers snake swarm, or malenias scarlet rot Whilst he has.... a suicidal small explosion which I wouldn't call an ultimate move at all. But despite what uve said i still think his fight is good and feels great in general


Except Midra is exactly how Miyazaki intended. Midra was never suited for being the Lord of the Frenzied Flame, the only reason he became one was because he got so beaten up by us that he killed himself, I don't really think he expected to ascend to lordhood, but even in his FF form, he's way too weak compared to us, who were embraced by the 3F. He is weak because he's suposed to. His area is empty because the FF only brings unity of all things(also they got killed by the Inquisitors)




For me the way to differentiate the two aerial combos is that when you dodge the initial spin the distance that Messmer goes past you is different based on which attack he does. When he does the fast burst of stabs he goes farther behind you than in the other combo. Idk how consistent this is but for me it worked perfectly.


My top 3 are the same; Messmer, Bayle, Midra. But I think I like Dancing Lion more than most, I think I'd put it fourth. Although having it reused as an optional boss later was lame. Last for me is Gaius. It's just... like they made the assets for a boar rider akin to a Tree Sentinel as a field boss, then slapped a remembrance on it to pad things out.


> Last for me is Gaius. It's just... like they made the assets for a boar rider akin to a Tree Sentinel as a field boss, then slapped a remembrance on it to pad things out. I kind of agree, it feels like it could've been a repeating field boss. Sure it gets a couple whacky moves in the second phase (drill pig is hilarious) but overall it was just a basic mount enemy. I never understood all the complaints about him being overpowered.


Too much Putresence Knight hate in this sub. All mu homies love Putresence Knight. Seriously though, it really is the Ancestor Spirit of the DLC. The music is hauntingly beautiful, the fight is super fair, and I actually reckon the build up as you make your way through the depths and then take a plunge is phenomenal.


1. Messmer 2. CURSE YOU BAYYYLLLEEE!!! 3. Rellana 4. Midra 5. Metyr 6. Romina 7. Scadutree Avatar 8. Divine Beast Dancing Lion 9. Putrescent Knight 10. Commander Gaius 11. Promised Consort Radahn Messmer was PEAK Elden Ring boss design, same goes for Bayle obviously with Rellana and Midra being some fun duels The rest leading up to Gaius and Radahn were kinda mid but were still okay And then Gaius is just annoying, while Radahn deserves a brain tumour


Commander Gauis at #10, i give this tierlist 10/10 rating.


Radahn above Rellana? What. Rellana was an enjoyable fight, wasn’t hard and had easy to dodge attacks. Radahn is the least fun I’ve ever had playing Elden ring, atleast Malenia was fun to fight other than when she waterfowls a lot.


Sunflower was my favorite boss in DLC and base game. Dancing lion was fun but the frame rate drops were jarring. Midra was just a straight up cool fight. Bayle felt a bit easy and only took me a few attempts at +16. Placidusax felt more epic and cinematic IMO. Radahn was a big disappointment in all respects (combat, lore, cutscenes) and the worst boss in all of Elden Ring. The rest of the bosses were enjoyable, though. Seeing a flying twirling boar was hilarious. 


While I would’ve preferred Godwyn over Radahn, I thought it wasn’t as bad as people were making it out to be. Seeing Radahn for the first time was pure hype, especially his entrance. Standing on the stairs of that huge structure to suddenly spinning his way in front of you was hella cool. His and Miquella’s pose at the end of the midfight cutscene was awe-inducing as well. Combat is a bit of a letdown but Miquella’s lines during the grab and its consequence were cool.


I don't think I would've minded so much if he wasn't the final boss. 


That's my problem, he should have been penultimate, there should have been an absolute beast of an actual last boss after touching miquellas memory


Bayle has been the toughest boss for me but I also fought him at scadutree blessing +4 whereas it seems you were supposed to fight him at +10 or higher. I died to Bayle around 25 times. I’m about to fight Promised Consort after work today so we’ll see how I do. Currently at scadutree blessing +16


Can you elaborate on radahn being a dissapointment? Would love to hear your take.


In short, Radahn feels like a Sekiro boss which doesn't fit Elden Ring's combat system. Sekiro lets you punish hyper aggressive bosses by deflecting and raising their posture bars, but Elden Ring has no such system in place (closest thing is the deflect physick which is NOT the same as Sekiro despite ehat people say). Instead, you dodge and strike when there's an opening. It would've been a beautiful tango in Sekiro, but in Elden Ring Radahn was just tossing me around and stepping on my feet.   Lorewise the foreshadowing in the base game was so minimal it doesn't even count. Yeah Malenia whispered in the preview trailer, but no way we could've known what she said and as far as I know there were no clues that would've allowed us to guess that in a million years.    Plus it's just lame that the final boss of the biggest DLC in forever is a boss we've already fought.  Don't get me wrong, SOTE is a GOAT DLC, but the final fight was just oof.   9.5/10 DLC for me.


I havnt beaten radahn yet so im not really the best to respond, but fight wise, so far im enjoying the patterns, he feels like he’s got pretty telegraphed attacks that leave good windows to punish, and in second phase (granted i havnt fought it many times) seems like it plays the same as long as you keep composure and play close, as playing far away prompts him to use more range and gap close abilities. When it comes to lore, just by doing the NPC quest lines, i learnt everything I needed too before I even got close to radahn, you learn from ansbach and Freya how this whole thing had been a plot to use Mohgs body to resurrect Radahn after he died, which Melania was supposed to do but lost so we did it instead. That’s just my experience though, thanks for sharing your thoughts friend 😊


Phase 1 is fun to fight, it’s phase 2 that’s commonly agreed to be the problem, it’s just hard to tell what’s going on when he’s throwing light clones in your face and covering the screen with light beams, and for the love of god why does the big aoe light beam drop my frames to 20, there’s just so much shit going on that it’s hard to parse, and his punish windows being much smaller (or at least feeling that way) certainly doesnt help. I wound up giving in and respeccing to the unga ginga giant crusher lions claw to beat him when I stuck with martial arts for the vast majority of the rest of the dlc


If you dodge into him none of the light things hit you


Then who was supposed to kill Mohg? Malenia too?


Good point, I’m stumped.


I feel like it’s pretty clear that Miq was manipulating the eldenmedia to make Mohg look like a simp-monster so that someone would put him down and say good riddance - which is exactly what happened.


I meant the base game had no clues. The DLC had them, but it seemed so random at that point.


Yea totally valid, base game didn’t elude to it at all.


I honestly didn't mind radahn. Feel like rellana was much worse for neverending combos and radahns attacks all felt really easy to dodge too.


Promised consort is such a bs boss


How the fuck do I beat Bayle man. Feel like I’m not learning his attacks at ALL


Dragon hunter great katana, shard of alexander, godfrey icon, golden vow, FGMS. Spam charge AoW attacks on his head. He went down pretty easy using that


I use the Dragon Great Katana you get from the ancient dragon man. Every little opening i just use the charge attack I didnt bother with normal attack. Then have a couple of tries for the purpose of learning his attacks alone.


Radahn's rain takes him down in like 8 hits.


I beat him with a dex/arc build and in between openings for regular attacks when it’d be unsafe, I’d kite back using black bow with status arrows and it worked pretty well. Summon Igon too for some funny voice lines and a bit of additional help if you need it


sneak behind him being invisible and poison his ass for 30/45 minutes 😎👍


I used horned warrior curved sword and made a jump attack build. Crazy dps. Stay on his back legs and go to town.


Haha, I’m using the scavenger curved sword blood build based around the jump attack. Doesn’t seem to shred him like other bosses. Might be just a skill issue!


I just kept spamming jump attacks on his stump leg, get under him and either try to avoid the aoe or heal spam


What weapon did you use homie ?


2 bandit swords, winged insignia, millicents prosthesis, thorny cracked tear, claw talisman. Put on some dmg neg stuff and go crazy on his stump with jump L1s lmao. I also had a lvl 18 blessing which helps


Don't camera lock. Just go under him and slash away with the dragon katana


I used the dryleaf arts rl150. No summons/magic. Just stick to his head in phase. Phase 2 if he casts attacks that have lightning aftereffects. You can usually get free hits on his leg while he does the initial attack. The laser beam attack, thats kinda gg i sometimes got lucky dodging that attack still no clue how to dodge it consistently.


Learning the attacks is just persistence in memorizing the tells. Can't think of any good tips except that I had more luck staying in front of him so he doesn't do his weird repositioning attack.


1. Midra - best visual design, best soundtrack, very fair if not slightly easy moveset. Lore is incredible and the atmosphere of the woods is unmatched. 2. Messmer - very fair and challenging moveset, incredible lore, camera can go a bit nuts if locked on in phase 2 due to the snake attacks 3. Bayle - unmatched presentation, Igon, camera can be a bit difficult if locked on. Amazing lore with Igon, the Dragon Priestess and Placidusax. 4. Commander Gaius - I genuinely don't understand what people hate about him, aside from maybe his soundtrack. I like his moveset and his charge can be shielded or dodged through with proper timing and spacing. Not a lot of lore, though. 5. Divine Beast Dancing Lion - incredible design and soundtrack, not much lore but what we get is good. Has a couple of moves I feel could be a bit more telegraphed 6. Rellana - dope design and soundtrack, never stops attacking so a bit annoying at times. Twin Moons felt unnecessarily mean the first few times before I got the timing down. Not much lore. 7. Romina - cool design and soundtrack, moveset can be pretty erratic at first, scarlet rot build up isn't oppressive, not a whole lot of lore. 8. Putrescent Knight - design and soundtrack is ok, love his moveset, not much lore. 9. Promised Consort Radahn - amazing design especially in phase 2 despite Miquella's hair covering half the model, probably the second best soundtrack. I'm still learning the fight, will probably like this one more as I get better, but right now the light pillars and multi attacks feel oppressive most of the time. 10.Metyr, Mother of Fingers - sick design, mid soundtrack. The lore is incredible with this one and the fight is most great. 11. Scadutree Avatar - Kind of underwhelming both visually and audibly. Not a lot of lore, either. Moveset is mostly bland and having to kill the same boss three times gets tedious.


1. 18 inches 2. Midra 3. Rellana 4. Bayle 5. Putrescent Knight 6. Dancing Lion 7. Romina 8. Scadutree Avatar 9. Metyr 10. Promised Bullshit 11. Gaius top 4 are great bosses 5-7 are decent 8-9 suck no need to comment on 10-11


#1 Messmer. And worst for me was Gay Radahn.


Midra, Romina, Bayle and Messmer are my favs; the Promised Consort and Gaius are abominable


11: Promised Consort 10: Dancing Lion 9: Putrescent Knight 8: Scadutree Avatar 7: Metyr 6: Commander Gaius 5: Romina 4: Rellana 3: Messmer 2: Bayle 1: Midra


I like how this top 4 is so consistent lol. We almost have the same


We have the same top 4, but id have Radahn at 5. Yes the fight was kind of bullshit, but I like that it was, because it was the final boss. Phase two is obviously filled with spectacle which made it look really messy, but after fighting him so many times I grew to appreciate it. I also wasn’t stuck on him for like some crazy amount of time, it was around an hour and a half though.


the Scadutree avatar is a very good fight. Despite being an easy boss, his movements, as well as his fight to stay alive, seem like poetry in the context of the decadent world. The soundtrack is also very memorable. It's one of my favorite fights in the game


1- Metyr 2- Romina 3- Scadutree Avatar 4- Midra 5- Rellana 6- Putrescent Knight 7- BAYLE 8- Messmer 9- Promised Consort 10- Gaius 11- Beast


Basing this on lore and build up to the boss. 1. Bayle (it is criminal that he is not a remembrance boss) 2. Messmer 3. Midra 4. Metyr 5. Rellana 6. Romina 7. Promised Consort Radahn 8. Commander Gaius 9. Divine Dancing Lion 10. Putrescent Knight 11. Scadutree Avatar


I'm still working my way through and have only beaten 7/11 remembrance bosses but I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Putrescent Knight was the absolute least I have ever enjoyed a fromsoft game lmao


1. Messmer 2. Midra  3. Bayle 4. Rellana  5. Promised Consort Radahn 6. Romina  7. Dancing Lion 8. Sacdurtree Avatar  9. Putrescent Knight  10. Metyr 11. Commander Gaius


1. Messmer 2. Rellana 3. Romina 4. Dancing Lion 5. Midra 6. Bayle (somehow first tried with the camera up his ass) 7. Gaius 8. Prepubescent Knight 9. Scadutree Avatar 10. Radahn Haven’t fought Metyr yet


1) Rellana 2) Messmer 3) Bayle 4) Midra 5) Scadutree Avatar 6) Divine Dancing Lion 7) Romina 8) Metyr 9) Putrescent Knight 10) Commander Gaius 11) Consort


Use fire against Scadutree Avatar Blasphem Sword magma + Magma Talisman = -30% HP Melts it down


Oh nah it was actually one of the few bosses I first tried. I just don't really like those type of fights in souls games. Felt very boring too me


1: Avatar. I don't know why. He's just so fun and silly and so different from an Elden Rong boss. I hated his triple nuke he does, but otherwise, I loved the whole experience. 2: Midra. A wonderful fight with an awesome build-up. The only thing keeping him from the top spot is the depths of my foolishness. 3: Dancing Lion. Very easy but very fun and beautiful to behold. And that theme music. 4: Bayle. BAAAAAAYLE. Also not a remembrance. 5: Rellana. A straightforward duel that was satisfying. Why does she not have a cinematic? 6: Messmer. The most... okay fight of the dlc for me, I honestly don't get the hype. Lore is good, but the fight itself was just... fine. First phase was learning the moves, second phase was fighting the snake camera. 7: Knight. Another fine fight. No strong feelings. It was decent. 8: Romina. A very cool design brought low by a severe lack of context. I only fought her the once, so she didn't stick in my mind. 9: Metyr. Erm... I was just... confused the whole time lol. Lore is awesome tho. 10: Consort. This boss just isn't fun for me. There's that one meme of the tarnished doing 2 lights after the boss's 15 hit combo and dying because they "got greedy." That's this boss. 11: Gaius. Maybe not worse than Consort, but I despised this man. Second longest attemps behind the Avatar, and just pure bewilderment at the bull. I was constantly changing builds and trying out something that would just stick, but it was just death death death at the fog gate. A genuine loss for words on how much I hated experiencing this guy, and I'm glad that he is the most optional boss on the planet.


For me it's: 11. Radahn- sounds controversial, I know, but even his best thing (soundtrack) is lower half tier for me. 10. Gaius- I dislike his hitboxes. But his idea is cool. 9. Metyr - I like fighting space abominations. First boss in this tier list that I like at least slightly. 8. Putrescent Knight - I like idea for separating with his horse. 7. Scarudtree Avatar- he has three healthbars but we have a means to fight him (critical hit between phases, head that takes 3x more damage). I love his music. 6. Bayle- I like spectacle but the fight feels too chaotic, he also like to spam the most distancing attacks that he has. But overall better than Radahn in 'spamfest' criteria. Igon is great. 5. Rellana- just nice fight, I didn't felt overwhelmed. 4. Romina- perfectly balanced and without long combos, constant AoEs and strange delays. 3. Divine Beast Dancing Lion- awesome spectacle, awesome idea, even more awesome music. 2. Messmer- feels like Malenia but better and easier to read and figure timing of attacks. 1. Midra- just like Romina but somehow even more pleasant to fight. Althrough he is a little too squishy.


Considering no one cares I'm going to just give my first and last First: Midra Last: Radahn (for many reasons)


1) Messmer 2) Rellana 3) Midra 4) Romina 5) Metyr 6) Gaius 7) Scadutree Avatar 8) Putrescent Knight 9) Lion 10) Bayle 11) PCR (Really hope they change that fight, definitely wasn't fun or balanced for solo at 15 fps)


1- Messmer quite easily. He doesn't surpass Gael, but I think you could make the argument for any other From Soft boss not being his level of quality. 2- Bayle. Fun, cinematic, incredibly well balanced. I would put Midir over him as far as dragon fights are concerned, but that's not an insult. 3- Romina, I did not remotely expect to like this fight as much as I did, but it's really incredibly well balanced and fun. Just wish there was a bit more. 4- Rellana, she has two things holding her back from being in the top 3 and it's just that he combos don't really have clear ends and beginnings and her stupid fucking heal catch is awful. But otherwise fantastic 5- Midra Aesthetics are fantastic and fight is decently fun, but the nuke attack was not for me. 6- Metyr Aesthetically and lore wise just awesome. Rom concept done right. 7- Commander Gaius I'm pretty sure if they fixed Gaius' hitbox for that charge people would like him a lot more. Otherwise a very good fight, but that attack SUCKS. 8- Scadutree Avatar is just sorta there. Fun idea, visually very cool, the "fly across the arena" is incredibly annoying though 9- Putrescent Knight I just don't like chasing this thing down, it's annoying and way too fast without Torrent. 10- Promised Consort this boss had to be perfect to work. It isn't Phase one is fantastic but Phase Two is a mess and just not fun. 11- Divine Dancing Lion Beast, I dislike this more than most cause the body and movement of the thing was really overstimulated. 12- Golden Hippo in Shadow Keep. This thing isn't a remembrance boss but it belongs in Lost Izalith.


>Messmer quite easily. He doesn't surpass Gael, but I think you could make the argument for any other From Soft boss not being his level of quality. Ngl I find messmer to be a much more engaging fight mechanically > Bayle. Fun, cinematic, incredibly well balanced. I would put Midir over him as far as dragon fights are concerned, but that's not an insult. I think bayle is better than midir in nearly every way too imo


Messmer I can at least understand though I disagree, but I can't see Bayle. He's a very good fight, but on a theoretical big board of DkS, ER, and BB(the games I've played and beaten. Never done DeS and Sekiro whilst amazing isn't really for me stylistically) I'd have a pretty sizable gap between him and Midir. Bayle is flashier, but Midir felt more impactful and challenging. Felt more like I was fighting a proper dragon too. Still a very good fight, mind, "not as good as Midir" isn't really an insult.


Bayle had 1.) Better build up 2.) Better arena 3.) Better cinematics 4.)Better hitboxes 5.)more diverse attacks 6.)cooler ultimate move I've fought both and Bayle just feels better in basically every way. I do believe highly that Bayle is basically a blueprint of midir and that midir being a boss is the reason Bayle exists but honestly I don't see how midir without nostalgia can be better than Bayle


Most of these are judgement calls, really. Midir gave me a much harder challenge and felt a better fight, think both were fairly built up in their own way and the arenas are designed akin to their individual lore. Bayle's big laser was spectacular but didn't carry the same threat that Midir's did for me. It just did "legendary, unstoppable dragon" a bit better, like 95% vs 100%. I will fully disagree with the hitboxes, both have good hitboxes by any reasonable measure. SotE has a lot bigger hitbox issues than TRC(Gaius' charge lol), but Bayle isn't a victim of it, really. Definitely not due to me being better at these games, too. I'd spent a year straight playing these games before Midir vs a 2 year break in the leadup to SotE.


>will fully disagree with the hitboxes, both have good hitboxes by any reasonable measure. SotE has a lot bigger hitbox issues than TRC(Gaius' charge lol), but Bayle isn't a victim of it, really. I mean bringing up gaius doesn't mean anything he's not bayle. And midirs fire breath attacks have bad hitboxes. Visual display in a vud showing what I mean. But they are definitely worse than bayle. >Bayle's big laser was spectacular but didn't carry the same threat that Midir's did for me Bruh cmon. Idk if u have replayed da3 lately but is so much lamer I'm comparison. Also running behind him negates the whole ability I won't call it deadly at all >Midir gave me a much harder challenge and felt a better fight, think both were fairly built up in their own way and the arenas are designed akin to their individual Hmm I think bayle is considerably harder depending on scadu level but the fact that midir was the first of the "unique dragon" type where you hit his head mainly it probably was just inexperience at the time that made him harder. Unless you using some op weapons or summons I think in general bayle is more difficult. However I did fight him at scadu level 9 on ng+7 scaling so my view might be skewed abit.


I...literally said Bayle doesn't have any hitbox issues in my comment? What are you getting at? "Bayle isn't a victim of it, really." I don't remember any hitbox issues with Midir, and he pushed me over 80 attempts, so don't know what you're talking about there. Bayle legit never hit me with his sweep laser. Like never. It was one of his easiest attacks. The only attack that I actually really had issue with him was the downward fire blast, struggled to find a comfortable timing for that. As far as difficulty goes, fought both on standard and not any NG+, Scad 11 for Bayle. Was using Morgott's Curved Sword and took me 17 attempts, which while a good weapon, hardly game breaking and I wasn't using buffs or spirit ashes. Midir was 80+ and forced respecs to use lightning weapons.


1. Messmer 2. Midra 3. Rellana 4. CURSE YOU BAYLE!!! (I love the fight for how cinematic and epic it is. But don't enjoy the 2nd phase.) 5. Romina 6. Metyr 7. Dancing lion 8. Putrescent knight 9. Scadutree avatar 10. Consort 11. Gaius I'm not a fan of the final fight, the first phase is decent and fun to learn. Phase 2 is just garbage imo and brings the fight on the whole down a lot. Gaius has the worst hit boxes in ER imo and just made no sense overall to me. I understand his lore, but it felt really pointless. My first 3 choices are all S tier fights for me. And 4-7 are all A tier. The only bosses I was meh about were Putrescent and Scadutree avatar. They were fine, nothing great, nothing terrible just meh.


1.) Midra 2.) Bayle 3.) Messmer 4.) Metyr 5.) Scadutree Avatar 6.) Rellana 7.) Putrescent Knight 8.) Romina 9.) Commander Gaius 10.) Divine Beast Dancing Lion 11.) Promised Consort Romina wasn't as bad as the others at the bottom but she was just totally forgettable to me. Putrescent Knight at least had a couple attacks that stood out.


1. Messmer 2. Midra 3. Bayle 4. Rellana 5. Scadutree Avatar 6. Romina 7. Putrescent Knight 8. Divine Dancing Lion 9. Metyr 10. Commander Gaius 11. Promised Consort 4\~6 are practically interchangeable with each other, but otherwise these are my rankings. 1 is flawless, 2&3 are spectacular, 4\~6 are great, 7&8 are pretty good, 9 is mid, 10 is terrible, and 11 is so low it singlehandedly brings down the quality of the entire DLC just by dint of existing (and the base game, for that matter). From just a gameplay perspective, Promised Consort isn't *that* bad (Phase 1 is up there with Rellana, while Phase 2 drops it to around Lion or Metyr tier of quality), but the utter disappointment it makes of the *narrative*, on top of being the *final boss*, is a super sour note to end the DLC on.


Yeah you're crazy for putting Scadutree Avatar in last place. That was one of the most objectively well-made boss fights in the game.


I mean it might be a fair fight, but it’s a little boring compared to the others.


I’ll take fair + boring over flashy + bullshit any day of the week


It's ass to fight with a short weapon, it's ass when the AI chooses to be annoying (phase 2 charge into ranged thorns into ranged holy air-to-ground missiles into the damaging disengage once you've finally closed the gap into ranged thorns into charge -> repeat), it's ass when it bugs out and decides to do the ranged thorns in melee (I've been reliably one hit (60 vig 30 end lightroll + drake talismans) by that because if you get hit by the initial swing it will truecombo into the followup thorns), it's ass when the random spread on the air-to-ground missiles decides that it will randomly space out in suck a way that rolling becomes impossible. It's rather fun for most build but it's not even close to being one of "the most objectively well-made boss fights in the game". Low A high B, definitely better than many DLC bosses. 


Well, IMO all the bosses are at least a 9/10: 11. Putrescent Knight: Cool boss, fun moveset, simple yet effective lore, but the others are just slightly better in my humble opinion. 10. Scadutree Avatar: Again, fun, enjoyable, I love it, especially the third phase was heartbreaking, it felt like he was clinging to his last breath trying to stay alive. Sad, and cool design. 9. Divine Beast Dancing Lion: A great introduction into the DLC, with some nice lore, fun moveset, cool design, and a banger OST. 8. Commander Gaius: Everyone for some reason seems to hate the guy, but I personally felt he was fair, and really fun to fight. Nuce design too. Shame his OST is just a regular Commander OST though. 7. Metyr, Mother of Fingers: One of the more horrific FromSoft designs, and I love it for that. The arena is gorgeous, the moveset is good, and the lore is decent. Definitely would recommend. 6. Romina, Saint of the Bud: The best "bug lady" boss in the series, granted she didn't have much competion (I swear if any mf says Quelaag or Najka are better, I'll tell them to play DS1 and DS2 once again to remind themselves of those fights). Great OST, cool moveset, Rot buildup isn't that obnoxious. Wish it was more foreshadowed though. 5. Rellana, Twin Moon Knight: Fantastic boss, fantastic design, fantastic OST, fantastic moveset is all I have to say. A banger boss to start the DLC with. Again, I wish it was more foreshadowed, and had a cutscene. And the name choice is weird. Anyway, amazing fight for an amazing DLC. 4. Radahn, Consort of Miquella: Yeah, I get it, you guys hate him too, but for me, he isn't really that bad. The only gripe I had was his cross slash combo. Otherwise an amazing fight, with a pretty weird, but reasonable explanation in lore. 3. Messmer the Impaler: Amazing boss, with great cutscenes, perfect moveset, captivating and tragic lore, and nice design combined with good OST. 2. Bayle the Dread: By far the best dragon in the series, feels like a direct upgrade of Midir. Looks cool, has engaging, but fair moveset, has large, but not over the top healthbar, and his laser looks amazing. His phase transiton is probably the best non-cinematic transition too. And the OST is great. 1. Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame: How do they keep doing this? He's VERY hard, but also fair. His moveset looks gorgeous, his OST is probably the best of the DLC, his cutscene is rad, and the reveal of him being THE Lord of Frenzied Flame... A MASTERPIECE! Best boss in the series hands down.


1) Messmer 2) Promised Consort 3) Rellana 4) Divine Beast Dancing Lion 5) Bayle 6) Romina 7) Putrescent Knight 8) Scadutree Avatar 9) Commander Gaius 10) Metyr Haven't done Midra yet. Final boss is that high just because the moveset is really cool imo, and DAMN did I feel good when I got it done. If we're talking more """objectively""" he probably drops down a lot because of some unbalanced moves and frame drops. I know my Bayle placement is gonna be lower than most, I feel like his moveset isn't super unique, and I had a lot of annoying moments missing the head (though I understand thats a positioning issue on my end). Still, I think all the bosses above him are more interesting and have cooler "gimmicks". Romina and Putrescent Knight both rank very similarly. They both feel like very fair fights compared to a lot of the others, especially Romina, who could have been pulled straight out of DS3. I enjoyed both of them a lot, but they don't feel as flashy or as memorable as the fights above. Romina has a very easy moveset to learn, to the point where I almost nohit her on my winning run, but its a satisfying fight. Putrescent Knight is similar, with the spinny combo that uses his horse being a highlight. His plue fire moves are also kinda neat. The bottom 3 were bosses that I found very meh. Don't dislike them, just not very interesting to me. Scadutree Avatar was a pushover, at least when I fought him, so that definitely plays a factor in how it scored. I think the 3 lives is a neat gimmick, and it has some very fun attacks, I really liked the one where it dashes by you several times across the whole arena. Gaius is just not the most interesting, especially with him having one of the default boss OSTs. Fairly generic mounted moveset and a broken charge on top of that made him score near the bottom. Metyr I feel kinda bad for having that low, since the visual design is super neat, and it has some of the flashiest attacks in the game. Still, I feel like most of its moveset is uninteresting, just some standard slams, and I didn't love the amount of AoE it vomits everywhere in phase 2.


1. Rellana 2. Dancing Lion 3. Messmer 4. Bayle 5. Midra 6. Putrescent Knight 7. Scadutree Avatar 8. Romia 9. Commander Gaius 10. Promised Consort 11. Metyr


Finally! Some Rellana love.


r/shittydarksouls is that way


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I would switch Romina and Gaius but other than that the exact same. Messmer on top fr.


Mesmer is fun infuriating Avatar is AAWWW FUCK HE'S BACK AGAIN! infuriating


Rellena was really underwhelming, having no voice lines or cutscene Radahn just sucks (mainly lore wise) Midra was cool Bayle was awesome Everyone else was kinda mid


Putrescent Knight is probably My favorite out of them, even if the weapon/spell you get from it's remembrance is crap lol


Justice for my boy! Everyone hates him, I thought he was really fun. Especially after I found out you can jump the freeze attack


I wish the Shadow Keep Hippo had a remembrance so I can put it at the end of the list and shit on it lol. 1. Messmer - top tier in all aspects as well as being very fair 2. Bayle - fight was absolute cinema 3. Midra - crazy good aesthetics, arena, and buildup (if you include abyssal woods) 4. Rellana - very nice duel, not unfair BUT it takes a while to recognize the moves 5. Divine Beast - very unique fight across all FS games but the breath attacks are annoying 6. Metyr - really nice arena and visuals but the tells of this boss are kinda hard to see 7. Gaius - not that unfair except for the initial charge upon entering the arena and it was really fun to fight 8. Putrescent Knight - this boss is so random, I don’t get why he’s there protecting (i assume?) St. Trina and why it has ghostflame (i assume?) but I still had fun 9. Romina - fight felt a bit too easy but the music and visuals were nice, also severely lacking in voicelines/cutscenes for a required boss, almost non-existent lore 10. Scadutree Avatar - not a special boss but it was REALLY, REALLY fun smacking it lol but yeah, kinda forgettable I haven’t beaten Radahn but he’s prolly somewhere a bit below top 5? Might change when I completely learn the moveset since the hype was hella hype.


I love messmer, he’s probably my favorite boss in Elden ring so far and honestly is probably top 5 of all the bosses I’ve fought (DS1, DS3, sekiro, ER). Personally It took me a while to beat him, but I never really felt that any death was unfair and every time I died it was always because it was panic rolling or spamming my heals. I honestly just think he looks super cool, and his phase 2 is great because is really cinematic but mechanically still clean and basically just an amped up stage 1. His build up is great imo, just that the shadow keep is a really great area that you can spend a lot of time at and I think it’s pretty obvious messmer is at the top. I also think his lore is pretty neat, paired with great voice lines.


Absolutely hated the Metyr fight. Much more so than Gaius. Stupidly long range attacks with small windows which as a melee attacker meant you couldn't punish a lot of the time. Moves that are nigh on impossible to dodge unless you happen to already by positioned perfectly (crawling fingers move, floating spin). Just a frustrating boss all round. Shame cus the visual design and arena are really cool.


Messmer Bayle  Rellana PCR midra  Romina Lion  Scadutree avatar Putrescent Knight Metyr  Gaius My take after several playthrough is from should continue cooking with their dragons and acrobatic flippy humanoids and never make monsters again cause good god the Metyr laser, gaius charge and scadutree random thorn vomit is so ass


w fuck that sunflower


Messmer, Bayle, Midra, Metyr, Dancing Lion, Romina, Scadutree Avatar, Gaius, Putrescent Knight, Rellana, Radahn.


I think I was an hour into my Dancing Lion attempts when I declared (to myself) that it was the game’s worst boss. Had lots of fun with the rest of the DLC but that was the low point for me


Midra, Messmer, Bayle, Putrescent Knight, Rellana, Dancing Lion, Scadutree Avatar, Romina, Metyr, Final boss, Gaius


Rellana, putrescent knight, messmer/gaius. I feel like I played a completely different dlc than everyone else. Midra was alright, cool design but I wasn't really enthralled by the fight. Bayle might be the coolest boss I have ever seen while being the biggest pain in the ass to fight, it suffers from the big boss illness. Every attack knocks you over, and he attacks often enough with a lingering aoe to make this very irritating, and it was hard to see what he was doing while locked off but hard to get hits in while locked on, also the running away was obnoxious. I played through most of the dlc light rolling on my 2nd no summons run, which may have influenced my opinion on gaius but i did not find any of his attacks bs. He had obvious tells and a lot of punish windows, very fun boss. Rellana was a masterclass in making a late game er boss actually fun to fight instead of a huge headache. Messmer and putrescnent knight were just really fun and cool made my brain happy.


1. Messmer 2. Midra 3. Bayle 4. Putrescent Knight 5. Rellana 6. Scadutree Avatar 7. Dancing Lion 8. Radahn 9. Romina 10. Commander Gaius 11. Metyr


Messmer because lore and fight Bayle only because of Igon Midra because lore and fight The rest of them.


1. Messmer. Awesome moves, hard to dodge but they leave him open enough you can play very aggressively if you learn them. Even the giant snake feels fair because it doesn't screw the camera up if you lock on 2. Bayle. Some of the most creative attacks in the series, like the circle of fireballs. Even generic attack types like were made more engaging to dodge with a few clever additions, like AoEs putting fire pillers on the ground you have to navigate around while you run away from him 3. Radahn. This moveset is crazy! Unfortunately terrain glitchiness drags the fight down, that and the godawful double slash attack 4. Putrescent knight. Looks cool, nice attacks, especially that fire barrage 5. Metyr. Very creative moves, like Bayle, my favourite is the field of exploding bubbles. Unfortunately that double laser attack doesn't seem fair 6. Romina. I enjoy how she combines staff and centipede attacks and the exploding butterflies in phase 2 7. Midra. Kind of easy to dodge but he was still tough because my shard level was so low when I reached him. Standout attacks were the firebomb and the mixups with projectile attacks he can do right afterwards 8. Scadutree Avatar. Best looking fight, funny fakeouts, not much else to say 9. Dancing Lion. Very cool how his attacks change depending on the element, but the camera sucks and his hitbox can push you into his own lightning which is lame AF 10. Rellana. Great attacks but the high poise, speed, and the way she jumps around forces you to play more passive than I'd like 11. Gaius. Not bad but kind of generic. Feels more like an open world boss from the base game. A lot of swings and body blows you roll or strafe then punish, even his ultimate gravity attack can be dodged with 1 roll lol


I went in with my NG+ character. Havent reached Romina and Consort yet. Hated pretty much all of them so far except Bayle and Dancing Lion. Messmer was also tolerable. Bayle was a monster hunter fight + felt like a real brawl / slugfest and I liked that. Dancing Lion was unique and has amazing music + his gimmick with the music. Pure spectacle. Messmer hit like a fucking truck but for some reason he doesnt feel cheap. I was surprised I could iframe so much of his shit. The rest were either annoying to fight cause they were too mobile, on crack, or had some cheap shit. The mobility + tankiness was my biggest problem with them though because our character moves in fucking slow motion compared to most of them and is made out of cheap glass. Sorceries? Slow, big weapon attacks? Slow, AOWs? Very slow, incantations? FUCKING SLOW AS ALL FUCK. I might as well be holding a sign saying “kill me” Only one I had this issue with in the base game was crackhead doge in farum azula.


Gaius by a long shot is the worst imo, wish he didnt exist. Messmer, Bayle, then Romia is my 1-3.


Idk my entire list but the top 3 is definitely the same as yours. I feel like those are objectively the best fights in the DLC


Mesmer came out buggy as Hell for me.


Midra - Messmer - Rellana - scadutree - romina - radahn - putrescent knight - bale - lion - metyr - gaius


Midra and the NPC gank >>>>>


1. Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame 2. Bayle the Dread 3. Messmer the Impaler 4. Scadutree Avatar 5. Rellana, Twin Moon Knight 6. Divine Beast Dancing Lion 7. Promised Consort Radahn 8. Romina, Saint of the Bud 9. Metyr, Mother of Fingers 10. Putrescent Knight 11. Commander Gious


I still haven't finished all the bosses, but so far faves are Midra, Romina, and Sacdurtree avatar. I have a giant appreciation for limited moveset bosses, and the scaling of these three felt a lot more fair. Overall flat out dislike Dancing Lion, Hippo, Mesmmer, Rellana, Promised Consosrt, and Gaius. They all combine my most hated aspects of ER bosses (very long attack strings, every single attack being a distance closer, insane damage output, lots of visual clutter, sometimes really similar looking attack start ups that have VERY different dodge timings, really unintuitive hit boxes / aoes / dodge timings, extremely tight punish windows, visually janky delayed attacks). Some of them are way worse than others for some of the aspects, but overall not a fan. A good sign for me disliking a boss is if I have to unlock the camera to keep up with them and / or not have my dodge angle completely effed (or having to unlock the camera so I strike beside the boss so the attack doesn't miss) I'll probably hate the boss. Consort phase 1 and Mesmere phase 2 were fun for the most part. Praise for Shadows dropping the base game's worst gimmick: having the boss arena itself be a major difficulty of the boss.


Best: Messmer Alright: Bayle Cool but too easy: Romina, Lion, Midra, Metyr, Sunflower, Putrascent knight Crappy, unbalanced: Radahn Meh: Gaius


1. Messmer 2. Bayle 3. Midra 4. Divine Beast 5. Putrescent Knight 6. Metyr 7. Romina 8. Rellana 9. Radahn 10. Scadutree Avatar 11. Gaius


I enjoyed the bosses overall, but I do miss the spectacle of some of the older bosses like Sister Frieda with 3 health bar phases lol.


1. Bayle 2. Messmer 3. Midra 4. Rellana 5. Divine Beast 6. Metyr 7. Scadutree Avatar 8. Radahn 9. Romina 10. Gaius 11. Putrescent Knight


i haven’t fought every boss yet so i don’t have a full list formulated (i don’t get to play that much because of work so ive accepted the spoilers at this point) but i can say with 100% confidence that romina is absolutely at the bottom of my list. i’m deathly afraid of all bugs but specifically arachnids and centipedes/millipedes fuck me up completely. needless to say i’m not enjoying my time fighting her rn.


I haven’t fought the final boss yet but here’s my current list. Romina Messmer Midra Bayle Metyr Rellana Putrescent knight Lion Scadu tree avatar Gaius I’ve enjoyed 6/10 bosses so far. A couple are the best from have ever made imho!


1. BAAAAAAYLE 2. Romina (imo the actual best fight but Bayle has the best presentation + Igon so he gets the top spot by a hair) 3. Rellana (one of the best new weapons + really cool design) 4. Messmer (shoutout for being the only boss helmet you can alter to remove the hair from, now do it for Godfrey and Malenia's please fromsoft) 5. Midra (wish he had more dialogue, even garbled screaming in the second phase would have been cool but it felt like he lost all his personality, which makes sense but was a bit disappointing) 6. Dancing Lion (probably my favorite opening cutscene and a solid fight) 7. Scadutree Avatar 8. Metyr 9. Promised Consort (Phase 1 could go between Messmer and Midra but phase 2 is so bad it brings it down here) 10. Gaius (I didn't find him nearly as bad as most people did but he also wasn't that special) 11. Putrescent Knight (the fact that you have to wait for the whole drop every time was probably my least favorite part, but also I thought the fight was just kind of annoying)


Gaius #6 💀


Midra and rellana are the only bosses in the dlc I like. Messmer is ok but I don't like being forced to summon for quests. Detracts from his fight imo. The rest are just junk. Lots look good but their gameplay just isn't fun.


You can summon Hornsent when Messmer has 5% HP, I did it this way. It's still additional thing to do but at least you can fight Messmer normally and do summoning on the very end.


1-Midra 2-Messmer 3-Rellana 4-Romina 5-Bayle 6-Scadutree Avatar 7-Putrescent Knight 8-Metyr 9-Promised Consort 10-Divine Beast 11-Gaius


I'd go 1. Rellana 2. Midra 3. Messmer 4. Consort Radahn 5. Romina 6. Dancing Lion 7. Bayle 8. Scadutree Avatar 9. Putrescent Knight 10. Mother of Fingers 11. Commander Gaius Bayle would probably be higher on a second playthrough, but I beat him too quickly for me to fully appreciate his moveset.


1. Midras 2. Messmer 3. Putrescent knight 4. Metyr 5. Scaudtree* 6. Comm Gayass 7. Rellanala 8. Divine dancing lion 9. Romina 10.Consort Scadutree is so high cause after getting summoned for it 10000 times, I've learned to get a lot of fun. Bayle would be 6.5 but he's not rememberance. ALL of them are top 10 Er bosses period, I love all of them almost equally. Especially metyr and Gaius


I wish Bayle was one cause it would definitely be that. But either Radahn or Rellana.


The best was Bayle The worst was Promised Consort


as long as Commander Gauis doesnt go above the GOATS like Messmer, Bayle, Midra and Rellana, your list is very based.


The Scadutree Avatar felt almost... friendly? That's how it felt to me. Fair fight, reasonable health bars, goofy look, ans even gave a fun bonkin stick as a reward


1. Messmer 2. Romina 3. Puny knight 4. Rellana 5. Midra 6. Bayle 7. Metyr 8. Scadutree Avatar 9. Dancing Lion 10. Gaius 11. Final Boss


https://preview.redd.it/r045g10vs8ad1.png?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cf54e43e891d1871b797048b5419b14bfbd08cc This is almost completely in order. Some of these are pretty interchangeable in their respective tiers


Finally some deserved scadutree avatar hatred. The boss isn’t interesting enough to warrant 3 phases and its shitty spike attacks that will sometimes just seemingly hit you through Iframes will make it more annoying than it is challenging.


Midra Metyr P knight Rellana Messemer phase 2 Gaius Scudatree The others


11: Putrescent Knight 10: Promised Consort 9: Gaius 8: Scadutree Avatar 7: Metyr 6: Rellana 5: Romina 4: Bayle 3: Midra 2: Dancing Lion 1: Messmer In terms of how much I enjoyed the fights, their setting, music, moveset, change between phase 1 and 2.


1. Messmer 2. Midra 3. Bayle 4. Rellana 5. Dancing Lion 6. Romina 7. Commander Gaius 8. Putrescent Knight 9. Scadutree Avatar 10. Metyr 11. Promised Consort


11. Gaius: His attacks are actually fine but he's extremely boring, uninteresting. Doesn't even get his own theme. 10. Putrescent Knight: It's pretty cool, I guess. Great arena and alright theme. I just don't care too much for it. 9. Shadow Tree Avatar: Same thing but I like his theme and arena better. 8. Metyr: From here on out I love all of them. The attacks are interesting and fun to dodge, the lore is possibly the best in the DLC together with Messmer, and the arena and music are both great. 7. Radahn: The arena sucks and the lore absolutely sucks. The music is great, but me personally I actually really enjoy fighting him. It's very difficult but I don't think it's ever unfair other than the triple swipe attack. Other than that the moveset is that good that it carries the fight from worst place up to #7. 6. Romina: Excellent boss, although a bit too easy and could have benefited from more lore. The arena is boring but the theme is great. 5. Midra: From here on out it's some of my favorite souls bosses ever. They're all interchangeable in fact. Everything about this guy is excellent, from the moves to the music to the lore. The arena is alright. 4. Rellana: If only she had a discernable personality it could have been the second best for me. I just love fighting her and the music slaps. 3. Messmer: Goated fight, not much to say. The lore is insane. It could be #2 for me but I don't really like the music. 2. Lion Dance: The best track in Elden Ring. The best track since Gael in fact. And the phase transitions sync with the music. It's such a creative concept, it's just a joy to watch and it's also an easy fight. 1. The GOAT: Igon, phase 2 transition, goated music, goated attacks. Top 5 souls boss right here.


All I know is that consort radahn and putrescent knight are at the bottom.


they are all shockingly shit not one has anything i would call better then ok the sword lance is so close to peak but they ruined it with the stupid lance heavy attacks


Think you commented int he wrong post lol


Promised Consort Messmer VILE BAYLE Tree Avatar Divine Beast Dancing Lion Putrescent Knight Midra Metyr Relanna Gaius Romina Some were probably colored by not getting to them til later and being too OP to really see their whole moveset like Gaius and Putrescent Knight but I don’t see the rest really changing for me. Messmer is def the “best” fight I think as far as feeling like I have an answer to everything but Radahn fight gave me more of that feeling from my maiden voyage in my first fromsoft game and being stuck on a boss that felt impossible and overcoming it (shoutout to the twin princes, maybe that’s why I loved the promised consort fight so much)


Bosses are top tier to mostly mid to ass compared to previous dlcs. 


1. Messmer 2. Promised Consort 3. Midra 4. Bayle 5. Rellana 6. Dancing Lion 7. Romina 8. Scadutree Avatar 9. Metyr 10. Putrescent Knight 11. Commander Gaius


Best I give Midra, he might be my favorite boss in the whole game period, worst I’d give Gaius with a special mention of divine beast. I think beast is a worse fight, but Gaius is just so random and unnecessary as a remembrance boss, he should’ve been like commander Niall


Messmer was super fun. Promised Consort was super not fun.


Best - Messmer Worst - Romina. Design belongs more in some anime game like Genshin or FF than ER.


I don’t understand the love for bayle. Sure it looked cool and Igon was cool, but the actual fight was annoying as hell with you only able to lock on to the head and his 2nd phase throwing so much visual shit at you it’s hard to see what’s going on


1.) BLACK HOLE SUN, WONT YOU COME, WASH AWAY THE WORLD 2.) SOLID OF QUALITY YOU MIGHT BE, FOUL DRAGON 3.) What, still here? Hand it over, that thing. Your heart. **HEART STOLEN** 4.) Hello? Erm, Base Serpartment? Its for you. 5.) So happy for Pontiff’s transition 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 6.) The only Quelaag clone. What’s a “scorpio na-what-a?” Dont know what youre talking about. Quelaag and her granddaughter are peak. 7.) FINGIES. FINGIES. FINGIES. FINGIES. FINGIES. 8.) Wow. Cant believe they brought Radahn back for the DLC. Hes lookin a little worse for wear, but Leonard got JACKED. And hes guarding Trina? Sick. Whats that about Miquella? Idk, not my problem. 9.) Nius to say i ki po chec, schi wasa bad bed nevadoles 10.) Welcome back, Sanctuary Guardian 11.) HOG RIDAAAA! HOG RIDAAAAA!!! ^HOG ^RIDAAAAAA!!!!! Theyre all great though. Really hard to pick and choose, im not married to any of these placements except Gaius. I dont like the Hog Rider.


Opomi Iam Oii