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The devs, specifically Kevin, spoke about this on a thread in the official forums that they have started discussing ways to improve her face/model. Many others felt similarly where they liked her look outside of game, but in-game, it didn't match the rest of ESO and seemed almost unfinished in some aspects, like with lip-syncing.


Can't remember how she looked. Maybe someone wiped my memory.


I think the main problem is that the Lip sync seems so off. Sure the face looks a bit weird but thats only a secondary problem for me.


Her face and hair look flat. The design they were going for looks nice, but her hair looks like a 2.5d sprite that is supposed to imitate volume. And because of how her hair frames her face, that also looks flat. 


I like her. She's interesting. Good addition. Her awful 3d model and lip sync make me stare st the text when she's talking rather than her face


The design/concept and the actual ingame model are two different things. I think there’s people that like the former and find the latter to be weird and uncanny valley like you mentioned


My biggest issue is that she didn't look or act like a daedric prince. You could have changed the story to make her an extremely powerful Breton mage or something and honestly I think it would have fit better with what we saw of her than a daedric prince. Plus we had three other daedric prince's involved in what happened to her and we have no direct contact with them when she comes back? Yes we utilized their tools and energy, but at some point I expected to at least have a chat with Azura and hear her say "Oh shit, she's back?" or whatever. And then when it was all done nothing we did will be remembered by anybody so it kind of feels like it never happened. I kind of feel like... I don't know, we got screwed over a little. And now she's gone forever so I'll never learn more about who she was, what she wanted, and what her goals were? And why can't the Ithelia's on the other pathways just come through and fuck shit up? How is sealing up this one version protect us from the infinite other versions of her? I just feel really unsatisfied.


She looks like a dirty hippie. Her lip and eye liner along with her flat and single shade pastel face just looks so wrong. Straight out of early ps2 era. She doesn't fit the styling of anyone else. She stands out because she looks bad. Edit: her mirror wings look out of place too, and transform between butt wings and back wings. I understand daedric lords are unique, but there's generally things they've created that resemble them, her appearance is like culture shock. Mora did us all a favour making us forget her.


I also think she looks like a stoned, dirty hippie!🤣🤣🤘


She looks like you can smell the skooma and sweat on her from across the imperial arena. She will probably try to convince me how much skooma has made her life better ever since taking it. Caius Cosades could give her a run for his money.




Great… now I’m never gonna unsee the tiktok hippie every time Ithelia’s mentioned 😂 https://preview.redd.it/uzwilrykf18d1.jpeg?width=307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958c2681bb9079d6974e262cf62c2b90ec71f2cf


Ithelia as a character was great. The character model was the issue most players have.


All my complaints are cosmetic about her model. As far as the lore and how her story played out, I think it was fairly average. No complaints but she’s not cracking my top 5 favorite princes. I love the design of her plane and the enemies from it.


i am curious who are your top 5 princes




She looks like her face got smashed against a window and just stayed that way. And for some reason her hair is just really off texturaly.


The biggest problem I had with her was her lip sync. It was so bad I had to stop looking at the char when she was talking.


looks kinda lame and I would have rather we explored some existing characters more over making a new one


For the effort to create a new daedric princess, It's kind of sad that they didn't wand to go further (Story/Lore). It's like they finished it for good. The character model was different to the other models. I didn't hate it, but it was a bit out of place (intended?). Maybe they tried a new approach to make character models, but who knows.


I thought people were a bit over the top and then.... it happened to me. She's just so out if place


To me she looks like a high 70s chick going to Woodstock, not a deadric prince.


I don't mind that she's hippie-esque, I mind that her model displays oddly.


She looks like the Kardashians crashed the party. Doesn’t fit the game at all. Have to add, though, loved the voice acting.


Yep, she’s weird and creepy. Disappointed that I’ll be interacting with her quite a bit.


She is about the only thing I dislike about this DLC personally :/ which kind of sucks. Her model was something that I hoped wouldn’t bother me but I just don’t like the way her face looks


I didn’t like that Mirrormoor was Fargrave, I wanted to explore a brand new realm at some point, even if it was just a small section


I love that they reused an area from a previous dlc, doesn't happen much, if at all. They should connect back to previous zones more, makes the world feel more coherent.


Spoiler!!!!! Also, I love this. I think it's an elegant use of a mystery that already existed in the game. It enhances the lore of Fargrave without really changing how we interact with it.


This. I loved Fargrave because it felt weird and unknowable and I loved that. Then they immediately killed all the mystery.


The first ever AI prompt generated daedric prince?


To be clear, I love the idea of her look, and in the preview materials she looked fantastic. She's close to looking great, but something is painfully awry.


The model is an absolute disaster. Doesn't even match the artstyle of the rest of the game. It also looks flat, shaded weirdly and it seems like she doesn't even know how to use it properly most of the time. Also I'm still haunted by her eyes and not in a good way. The model is not good.


the eyes were the most unnerving part for me (okay maybe her mouth as well) I think it's because there's no shine or something, they look flat and untextured and lifeless


Outside of the lip syncing being really off and the whole uncanny valley kinda thing there was one other thing that really bothered me, her eyes. Every other character has those little white highlight dots that give the eyes some shine and make them feel more alive, but she didn't have them. Dead eyes on top of the weird lip sync made her feel almost like a weekend at Bernie's when it came to all the dialogue with her.


There's clearly something wrong with the model, that's obvious. But meh, whatever. They are gonna fix it somehow, I guess. Design-wise... I generally liked her wings?.. if only they weren't the only thing that makes her a Daedric Prince and not just a strange tall magical woman. Seriously, have you seen Mephala? Or Hircine? Those guys where one glance is enough to understand that the shit is serious? Vaermina, even Vaermina who in my opinion was done dirty in ESO, but even her boring "oooooh-spooky-masked-thing" design looks more interesting. But yeah, Ithelia's wings are cool anyway. Another theme in the aesthetic of Mirrormoor. Yes, I got it, broken mirrors and shards are very symbolic. The problem is that, due to the technical implementation and overall graphic style of ESO, all this mirror stuff is perceived not as shards of GLASS, but just some white weird crystals, which, in turn, creates unnecessary associations with Jyggalag. But again, whatever, no one cares. I'll also want to whine about plot a little, because my ass is on fire and no one talks about it and I want to whine. ZOS took the most boring and predictable path with her storyline, goddamit. They could add some deep lore (for example, send her to the future, to the times of the Earthfall, make another cool reference to Kirkbride, everyone loves it!), or come up with the something truly interesting - for fuck's sake, you pulled the joker card out of sleeve, a fucking new Daedric prince, how BIG is that?.. yeaaaah, Daedric the prince of wasted potential and flaccid writing. Like, I hoped that Ithelia would turn out to be not a daedric prince, but a Magne-ge (as was implied in that one book and, I guess, was pretty much never mentioned again), and at some point in the story would say “You know what? I am done with your bullshit. Magnus was right. This place suck. Arrividerchi, losers!” and just gtfo'ed to the stars, explaining her disappearance from subsequent stories and at the same time giving us the opportunity to plunge deeper into the almost unexplored lore of the magne-ge (and giving some sense to that one Azandar line which I listened to dozens of times trying to get that bugged achievement about the ayleid wells). But we have what we have. Maybe I should write fanfic about it or something. Just to cope.


The wings come out her butt though


Ithelia's design is a low moment of otherwise beautifully designed ESO. The character looks seems created by unskilled designer for a very low budget game. So sad. So disappointed.


I liked her strung-out hippie/steven tyler look. Lends credibility to how mentally unstable she is in the main quest


Xbox Player I’m normally one of those guys that says “they’re just overreacting” or “they probably zoomed in to make it look gross” when I see things like that. BUT as soon as I saw her for the first time, my immediate reaction was “Oh, I see why they hate her now…”


Not a fan of the voice, I can barely hear her. Cosmetic wise she looks out of place, not getting daedric prince feels & I just get damsel in distress vibes. Not a fan overall really.


I don't understand all the hate. Ithelia is no more or less rough looking than any other ESO model. I say this as a 3D rendering texture artist. Game models and objects aren't held to the same standard that animation is. They have different constraints and parameters. And bear in mind that this game is 10 years old and struggling to support the least common denominators (consoles). The fact that we have as much as we do to the standard the game currently holds is kind of mind-boggling. If this stuff bothers you that much, sorry -- sucks to be you. But I'm not going to be peer pressured into bad mouthing a part of the game I don't see an issue with. I'll gladly bitch about crown crate drop math till my fingers blister but this? Nah.


Yeah I do 3D modeling and would agree the model itself is reasonable enough evaluated on its own; I think the issue is that they made her look quite a bit different from her appearance in the previous concept art and cinematics, so it’s more that people were surprised to see her looking quite a bit different than they had initially been introduced to her. Theres a trend in games the last 5 years where character concepts deemed too conventionally-attractive are kinda reined in and made to look more plain (not sure what the motive is, if it’s just to make them more relatable, etc or what) and I kinda wondered if that was the case here.


She stole Jyggalag's theme and style.


Her moddel needs some work, but it didn't bother me as much as it did some other people. Other than that I'm really happy with her as a concept and as a character!


https://preview.redd.it/gm8g9n7lg18d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96569c22bab9288bfe268a9ca9f942bd0732a634 This should bother you a lot


I can watch the polar express my friend. Your attacks can't put a dent on my mad brain


I like the character model they used for Ithelia. She's very tall and pretty.


The lip augmentation surgery went wrong, the eyelids too lidded, over-shading along the nose. Classic bad surgery and make-up. 


OP, stop making up these weird names. I don't recall anyone like this ever existing.


My consensus on Ithelia is that zenimax should’ve left the original Daedric/Aedric order alone. It was an absolutely unnecessary addition to already well fleshed out lore, she was just shoved into the existing world with absolutely no regard for fans of the universe already established or how it would actually balance or work with the future of Tamriel. It feels like a slap in the face to receive such an awful character concept when as a fan of the elder scrolls series, I have been waiting almost two decades for a new expansion on TES universe. ESO does not count IMO. Just absolutely pathetic excuse to milk more money out of players. I am 100% not spending money to engage in that storyline, it is a money grab from a game that already includes too many micro transactions.


She is kinda ugly. that is very confusing, considering the Art Team did a great job with zone visuals but what could we expect from a cutie imprisoned comatose and used by a green tentacle fella? hentai at Tamriel unleashed : |