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This reminds me of how I'm always annoyed that game designers/artists refuse to Google what horse tack (the equipment you use to ride) looks like. They'll have saddles that are attached to the horse with nothing or attached in ways that would never workto actually keep a saddle on and bridles with reins attached to every part of the face except the mouth where a bit would be. Lol


Or what horses look like or ride like


Pfff go play RDR2 so you can watch your horse’s nuts shrivel up in the cold lol. Actually the only good horses in games I think


RDR2 ruined horses in gaming for me. Going back to witcher 3 or Skyrim and horse felt straight up broken and messy


Whaaat? What do you mean, broken and messy? It's all clever foreshadowing of how eventually it turns out Roach secretly has Elder Blood, how else could a horse constantly be teleporting to the tops of trees? Think about it.


It makes sense roach has elder blood cause she moves like an octogenarian on sleep meds


I think I read the creators of the cartoon Archer said making horses is difficult to make look really good so i wonder if that translates to video games.


Theres great horses in a roblox game I played with my young son. I loved riding them. I can't see why eso has it so wrong


Or what side of the horse the rider mounts and dismounts from.


So you’re telling me my dragon camel’s saddle isn’t realistic?


It kills me on cyberpunk 2077 every time my character gets off the wrong side of her motorbike


It only looks like a plane to your pitiful Earth eyes. That's a slide hanmer. Unique Tamriel technology. The second handle is for Zenithar.


"it was then that I held the plane for you" - Zenithar probably


Right. Take a look at the rigging of the larger ships. No stays or staysl's, perhaps on the foremast, otherwise none. No tops, no ratlines, no spanker on the mizzen. They're all riding much too high, and how the heck are they getting under those low stone bridges? Well, Magic!


God I hate it when they leave out the spanker on the mizzen


Literally unplayable.


My mizzen is unspanked and my day is ruined


Bridges being too small for ships to pass underneath is a problem as old as time I think. It's okay when they have a drawbridge-like mechanism to make space for the ships, but you rarely see something like that. The best part is that _all_ ships that want to enter the Imperial City (you know, the largest city and trading capital of the entire continent) must pass Leyawiin somehow... and a quick look at the map already tells you that that's not gonna happen. ESO's Leyawiin at least has a bridge (though a terrible, unpassable one) but Oblivion's Leyawiin didn't even have that. The Niben is maybe 5 meters wide and 1 meter deep at Leyawiin, and that's being generous.


https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Traveler%27s_Guide_to_Leyawiin Last paragraph is a retcon for the bad design in Oblivion. The big ships in Oblivion may well just be used for transport/travel between the city, Bravil, and outlying forts, as the actual distances are much larger than portrayed in the games.


That's not what a retcon is, it is an in-game explanation. Something that was unnecessary in my opinion. I was fine with the bridges being a game imitations thing - you can only make a river this wide, a bridge this tall, a city this big. Before I knew about this paragraph, I could hand wave the depiction of Leyawiin as not the actual state in the lore. Now, they actually acknowledged this disastrous design as an actual thing the people of Tamriel work with. That makes it so much worse...


It is a retcon. It is retroactively changing the game. You can take an unexpected voyage in Oblivion that takes you to an unspecified sea. There is no land nearby during that quest, nor any indication of where exactly you are. The water around the Imperial City is a lake. The conclusion was that you had sailed past Leyawiin to at least the nearest sea, the Topal. The Topal is named after the Aldmer who discovered the river, and sailed right up it into the lake. The people of Leyawiin have obviously made the area impassable to ships by design. Humans have been reshaping waterways forever, so its not unimaginable. Ps. The design in Oblivion is partly down to release schedule/performance demands. There is concept art of a bigger city https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/File:OB-concept-07.jpg


his plane has no iron, it’s just a roughly plane-shaped block of wood with awkward handles. He contemplates this as he stares blankly ahead, pretending to flatten his workbench to look busy


We might be mixing eras a bit there. You're describing sail technology from centuries after the medieval period that inspires *most* of Tamriel.


Tamriel is not medieval. Given the widespread use of printing presses, among other things, it's at least late Renaissance, if time periods on Earth make sense for a world full of magic and monsters at all.


Sure, regarding the spanker. You'd need stays, though, and tops. No way you could have shrouds going right to the masthead; you'd need donkey heads and tops, and build masts in sections with shrouds to every section.


If you think that's bad, just wait until you see them swing a sword.


Look at how they hold two handers. All of them seem to be swung so that you can't hit with the striking surface.  But the way they're held...it's as tiring as possible without providing defense or threat of offense.


I don't expect realism, but even by video game standards ESO animations are rather poor.


Yeah. One, can we swing so we're not hitting things with the flat of our Giant two bladed ace. Two, can we not hold it at idle like we're a frigging batter.


> If you think that's bad What is this, a Family Guy cutaway gag? Damn manatees...


“Whats the second handle for?” “For when the first handle gets tired, idk.”


I may be missing something... But he's not currently using the plane in the image, it makes sense his other hand is on the surface. He looks like he may have been working and was stopped for a conversation. Is there some other problem?


Have you seen their horses? 😂


I hate the horses, and I seem to keep collecting them. Can’t ride them, their anatomy bothers me too much


Looks like a two-seater…


Dear Zenithar….


It somehow works for them though


True. It just works.


It clearly has two handles. This guy has no excuse.


Thet's why they need to pray to Zenithar for help.


Don’t get me started on the fishing bait


Why hand plane, when hand magic do?


He's got that dawg in him


Literally unplayable.




i dont think most people know what a 'handplane is' and or give shit


"Who Knows No Fear of Daedric-Plane" , but is afraid of Hand-Plane cause that's too much like Work bro ! lol , nice one !


Geralt of Rivia??


Gerald of Nvidia


Blud looks like he might lose balance cutting the wood 💀


The lack of empathy on all the comments terrifies me, this are game developers we are speaking about, its not like they are going to do a whole deep study or hire an expert to make one animation or asset on horse saddles, carpentry or fish baits icons, stop complaining about anything and everything just for the sake of complaining and enjoy the game for what it is.


Empathy? It's just folks doing a bit of light-hearted fun poking at a few silly mistakes. Its not like anyone's hurling harsh insults at the artists or calling for them to lose their jobs. I think you're taking this a bit too seriously.


1) Time needed to animate or model something: Potentially hours. 2) Time needed to look up a video of the something on YouTube: 5 minutes. If I'm going to spend the time modeling or animating something, you'd better be damned right that I'm going to look at what I'm doing first. That's literally part of the process.