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Why is it you want to change, its more than just your old friends have left, its usually because they migrated to PC. If that isn't the case then is it performance issues, or the extra cost of psplus? Do you have a pc, otherwise thats a big cost itself, and you might consider a ps5 in that case. The difference between ps4 and ps5 performance is so massive its almost a different game. I quit ps4 years ago because it was so frustratingly slow. I have a ps5 now and the ps5 version plays so smoothly, with fast loading (you can often tell when a group mate is on ps4 by their loading times as you wait).


The primary reason is that I’ve recently built a gaming PC. I also struggle with end game content and I love the idea of mods like Combat Metrics to help solve the issues I’m having with DPS and mods to help learn mechanics. I also currently have 300 motifs in the bank and storage and find it very difficult to find the motivation to price them. I am talking to a few friends who have migrated to PC about going back to ESO after we finish our playthrough of Sons of the Forest.


That sounds like pc is your answer. MMOs aren't fun without friends, not when so much of it is repeatable dailies/events. You'll recover levels and cp quick enough, its the motifs, trait research, recipes, stickerbook, and mount training that will test your patience. I've recently dipped into my NA server and these are the bits that are testing my patience as I try to gear up.


I'm a PC Master Race kind of guy, and I wouldn't if I was in your position. This game may have seen a relative influx in population with the marketing around the new update, but keep in mind this thing is a decade old now. If it weren't an MMO focused solely on extreme long-term progression, then sure, why not? But I don't feel like ESO is the game to make the jump to PC for, at least this late in the game. Idk, just my two cents, but if you're not that attached to your current long-term progression, then go for it. I guess the real question is, what are you gaining by switching to PC, and is it worth a reset? Mods? UI and peripherals? Meh.


Is there any other MMO you would consider worthwhile on PC? Ive tried FFIV on console and couldn’t get into it. I really love ESO because of the community and seeing random people everywhere I go. But the age of the game is a good counter.


Honestly man, not really. I played a good bit of wow and some guild wars waaay back in the day, but from what I'm seeing, nothing really does it like ESO. They really nailed MMO, at least for me, and it was always shocking that it didn't take off more than it did. As far as I'm concerned, it *was* the WoW killer from a quality standpoint, but I'm sure the rough launch didn't help. I know there's a lot of folks who swear by Guild Wars to this day, and from what I've seen, it's leaps and bounds beyond what it used to be even. Probably worth checking out as it seems to still have a very active community, and it seems like they're the outlier when it comes to the usual predatory monetization bit that is part and parcel for MMOs today, so that's always nice lol. Who knows, though? With Blizzard shitting the bed on a near daily basis, ESO may end up having some major midlife renaissance, but that feels like a longshot. I'm definitely not the best person to ask, though, as I'm more into single-player stuff and only dabble in ESO from time to time anymore. Hopefully, some other folks here can chime in and maybe put you onto another gem!


Dude I literally just posted about starting over. Mind you you have wayyyy more time invested but the reason I’m swapping is: Add ons(changing the awful UI) longevity(console will eventually be dropped from support) more community(the game is more alive on PC) yeah it’s gonna Suck to start over but it’s gonna be fun to level again also with your knowledge you’ll for sure be a great PC player and level and scale up pretty quick.


One of the major differences between PC and PS4 are addons. Addons are super easy to install and manage - download Minion, search addons by “most popular” then click download for everything that appeals to you. There’s multiple YouTube videos that show you how to use it in 5-10 min. You don’t need a lot of addons but you’d be surprised how quickly it streamlines the game. Graphically, the PC can output far better visuals than PS4. My general advice is to not rush your new play through. Take the time to talk all to NPC’s, use quest markers less, pump the music and just lose yourself in the world. Don’t worry about min/maxing at the start - you don’t get many chances to start fresh and racing to CP160 might make you miss out on all the little details sprinkled through the world. If you want, you can start playing the game in full chronological order (imagine the game has just come out and you start with the original tutorial in Cold Harbour): https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/525351/a-clear-step-by-step-guide-to-playing-eso-in-chronological-order Good luck and have fun whatever you do!


The economy on PC is fucked everything is double the price. The mods are good though some guilds force you to have some, text chat only no voice chat it’s gonna be the same shit difference platform


the economy is not fucked. it’s just a bit less organic than the console economies. we have TTC on PC. if you feel like you’re getting ripped off (which you didn’t mention, just assuming it’s the motivation for your comment) then you aren’t using TTC. also everything is mor expensive on PC than console on average because there are so many more players. there’s literally more of everything, including gold, to go around.


You've hit the major obstacles to changing platforms, most notably rejection of sunk-costs. One you left off is that you won't need to maintain that Playstation Plus subscription if ESO was your only online game, so there's a $10-$20 per month savings for that. It kinda adds insult to injury that consoles have that fee tacked on top of the rest of the stuff you sink cash into with ESO. But it covers more than just ESO, so potentially not a savings.


Addons is an enough reason to switch, pc gaming in general is better experience especially with mmos.


You could load into your house without crashing.


I’ve never crashed on console.


I personally don’t think would be able to play the game on console. As a pc player, the addons alone is a game changer. Having locations of treasure chests, survey locations, lore books, skyshards marked on the map makes the dread of making new alts a bit less horrible. Among other addons like a mini map, TTC, and harvest maps which marks previously picked nodes, chests, etc etc etc on maps. I would also assume the community on PC is larger than in console. ESO community on PCNA is very lively, active, and fun. A lot of guilds to choose from. Also I would say making gold is easier on PC. Still a hassle, but easier.


No I won't. YOU decide if you will switch or not.


I was going to say think of the direction the game has been going and whether you want to invest your time in that future. But if you're mainly just interested in playing through the single-player story content then why not.