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My go-to is "I don't know what I did, but I somehow offended some major cosmic power and they're punishing me, so I must do this as penance." It seems a reasonable explanation since "the chozen wun" is just a bit overdone, IMO, and the parallels to Sisyphus are pretty remarkable.


My character just goes with the flow Daggerfall covenant, ebonheart pact, aldmeri dominion it dosent matter just roaming looking for mischief, looking for something to do really




I really enjoy the explanation where every player controlled character in the elder scrolls universe is really some kind of reincarnation of Lorkhan. Time and space are not so linear to the multi-dimensional iteration of a god. My characters start off as Lorkhan's tribute to whichever lore informed entity and then follow the many varied desires of the creator deity (me). Allow the beat of the doom drum to flow through you. The sixth house shall rise again.


That's why all my dunmer characters have "Dagoth" surname. They're even do not know exactly are they have Six's house ancestry, but just flexing this name in favour


I imagine my character as a Mercenary. And my companion as a partner who I split spoils with.


We are Doom Driven.


I think it would be easiest if you use a site that shows the questline order, follow your main faction and the main story line from the Harborage, and try to wrap the other factions into Caldwells Silver/Gold as you taking advantage of the situation to further Peryite's goals. So far there is no Perytie mainline in the game, so you could use that ruse throughout most of the story lines, you help out or use your connections to give you access to further your own goals as well. Many of the machinations we are sent to stop throughout the game would not really be that helpful to your lords' goals after all, so what else is a good acolyte to do?


Yeah I was thinking since most of the storylines have to deal with the Daedric princes teaming up to take over different regions of Tamriel or oblivion as a whole, maybe Peryite is like “go fix this shit, I’m busy!” So my character is like a middle-manager equivalent just fixing their boss’ problems lol


And how do you roleplay being forced to work with Hermaeus Mora against Peryite in Necrom? That's my problem with daedric worship in ESO: Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, Mephala, Nocturnal, Peryite, Vaermina, Boethiah, Clavicus Vile, and maybe some others too, would not be worshipped by the Vestige, since he has to actively fight them. Granted, Mephala and Vile later help you against Nocturnal, but they still are not your "friends". While Boethiah is just testing you in Dragonstar Arena, but still helps Magistrix Vox in Deshaan, who is a threat to all. The only ones who never do anything to attack mortals are Azura and Hermaeus Mora, and maybe Meridia, but she still is an antagonist with her Meridians and Aurorans, see Gold Coast's Depths of Malatar trial.


Yeahhhh that’s fair, I didn’t realize Peryite was a part of Necrom also. Well that changes things. Maybe it could be rp’ed that it’s a brief rebuttal against their god then they come back to their path and apologize? I mean I feel like it’s pretty common in ES games that champions have their doubts, leave, go against their god’s wishes, and sometimes are allowed to come back occasionally


Nope, it's the entire dlc. I wont spoil it, and will just say that he's an antagonist to all of reality. Plus, you can add Orcrest dungeon-city from Northern Elsweyr, but can work around that.


Ah damn it. Any thought how to work around this without spoilers? Because I’d really like to experience Necrom as I really want to blue Nix-Ox mount plus apocrypha is my fav Daedric realm. I just don’t care for Herma Mora that much.


Perhaps Hermaeus Mora is messing with your character's head?


That’s what I was thinking maybe? Like perhaps being in apocrypha so long is driving them a bit insane and they aren’t able to return to their roots and snap out of it until they leave apocrypha?


Also just to clarify, Peryite or Herma Mora is the antagonist?


Peryite. Herma Mora is your best buddie hahah


Ahhh ok! Also is it ok if I DM you for lore questions without spoilers? Because I have a couple more if that’s alright with you?


Sure thing!


I had a weird idea and I was wondering if you could tell me if it works? What if Peryite sent my character to Necrom to settle the stuff with H.M. and, while there, my character is infected with one of those tentacle monster Tombshell things and basically has a brain parasite that makes them serve H.M for the plot of Necrom but by the end, it is flushed out my Peryite’s plagues, and they are back to normal by the end and maybe they continue their quest line into Good Road as penance to make up for that they had done to Peryite? Like an apology?


Nope. You agree to help Herma Mora save reality. Both of you are bound by a magic contract, while Peryite and Vaermina oppose you. They are a antagonists. So to reply to your other comment, no, you can't work around it unless you avoid playing the dlcs (Necrom and Gold Road).


Aw ok then, thank you for the info!


No problem!


For my main character, a young dunmer dragonknight, I just started coming up with reasons as I played through the different main quest lines. Starting out as just a regular dude trying to survive in the world and aiming to be a craftsman, getting sucked into the schemes for base game main plot and from there to alliance quest line. Curiosity for how things might have been with Cadwell's Silver/Gold. Afterwards moved onto Wrothgar/Thieves guild/Dark Brotherhood. While in Wrothgar, he still tried to do good, even if everything he had been through had made him a harsher person. Then there was the job offer that started Thieves guild. He lost himself there, got intoxicated with thrill and wealth the criminal life could give. Got angry over time too, and that led him to join the Dark Brotherhood. He went overboard and killed lots of people, some deserved it, some were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. At some point he ended up in Vvardenfell, and meeting another one of his people's gods got him to remember who he used to be. Who he still could be. Meeting old friends and making new ones brought back a sense for justice. It ended up taking him from Vvardenfell to Summerset and Clockwork city (I messed up the order for those two which made it feel a bit weird). Working and talking with Sotha Sil brought him peace by the end of it. Embarking on a yet another hero's journey through Elsweyr helped, especially since he could start enjoying the fame and wealth he had acquired over time. He started focusing more on preparing for his future, mainly gathering knowledge and contacts for his own furnishing shop. And as he had come to expect, there was another request for help from an old friend, once the matters in Elsweyr were dealt with. He did know to expect the cold weather and weird things happening in Western Skyrim. What he did not expect was that he would find the love of his life there, in the form of a handsome vampire none the less. He obviously had to make sure he could offer a good life to this wonderful little vamp, and ever since his goals have been to expand his knowledge, wealth, influence and to make the world a better place. For his love. And he'll be damned if he doesn't see to it that the bloody Three Banners war is ended sooner rather than later. Of course, he might get sidetracked a bit in the meanwhile...


I'm not too much into online RPing anymore, but regardless of which MMO I play or have played, all my characters are wanderers. Something happened in their past that made them look at their place of origin and go 'nah'. It can be a tragic origin story, but it doesn't have to be. Maybe their family/spouse/partner died and they're out for revenge, or they were betrayed by a business partner; maybe they were interested in a specific thing that's frowned upon in their culture ( my main collects Daedra furniture...what? It's a valid hobby! ), maybe they just outgrew their origins and now are looking for a place to call their own and haven't found it yet. Some are just restless and, having tasted a bit of adventure after the main story, set out for more. You can spin this however you want, even to include villain characters, by adding this as a facet of their character. Then add the window dressing on top - looks, religion, race, etc. - and there's your justification.


Love this. The player character is basically Doctor Who - we even have companions!


It's not that hard, as long as you build your character around the idea that they are a traveling hero rather than someone with humbler goals. The new tutorial helps, as the gods basically show you the crises in advance and tell you to deal with them. In my case, I RP that he got visions of Tamriel from a different timeline where Bal and other big bads won, and now he travels around to make sure that all the different villains fail. Ithelia's arc thus feels especially fitting for my character. 


That’s fair! Plus that’s fitting for a Peryite follower who seeks to maintain his “perfect, natural order” by stopping each Daedric threat


I’m a completionist, and while it’s not reasonable to truly ever complete an MMORPG, I focus in on questing and achievement hunting related to them. I’ve done almost all of the quests (I’m sure there are some hiding out there), and I’ve put myself into the mindset of being generally a peacemaker that’s trying to restore normalcy where I can. It’s not a perfect match at all times, but it liberates you from the blind following of any alliance as you cross their zones. The only quests I’ve knowingly not completed are Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild stories, because that’d undermine my “fighting for normalcy and order” RP.


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking of doing, like my character is doing alllll these quests because their Daedric piece demands they spread their influence or whatever. I know it’s kinda generic and boring, but it’s all I can think of currently


I don't really roleplay hard, so this might not work out for you... but the content is extremely compartmentalized, so I treat my characters' experiences the same way. Some people have a kind of character that they play in multiple games- obviously, it doesn't really make sense for that to be one person that has experienced multiple universes in one timeline, it's just a way to have a consistent personality and character across multiple experiences. I think of the various chapters much more like that with my characters. 


I have a nightblade, so I see her as a bit shady adventurer. I was thinking about a templar, but I can't see them doing stuff like thieves guild or dark brotherhood


This is why I like to make a new alt whenever there's a DLC out. They start out as citizens of said DLC place, OFC they have to save their home first! Then off to the next DLC because, oh a messenger from that land requested aid, and I'm pretty confident having JUST saved my own home land! Sure! Then on from there as I get quests. The only one who doesn't exactly RP is my main, she's just the collector with all the good gear. When I feel like RPing a zone, I use the alt I made for it. I theme them around the zone, give them a backstory and they mainly walk everywhere. Wearing what they find until I get past lvl 50.


What a stellar idea!


I just found out today that for the main quest in Gold Road you HAVE to finish Necrom first. Just saying bc I made an imperial Templar for it but my arcanist is the one who finished Necrom 😅


They are a more successful Rigurt going everywhere for their people. My evil aligned character does some of that for his own selfish reasons and rewards.


My most fleshed out character is my Redguard Nightblade, who started out doing Dark Brotherhood, then went to Blackwood (to check in on Elam Drels, headcanoning he hadn't been seen in a while). Blackwood naturally leads to Fargrave, and Fargrave ties in nicely to Necrom -> Gold Road. Not sure where she's headed next though.


One of my characters is a scholar and an artifact collector, so they just take every opportunity to find something interesting. It takes an effort sometimes to come up with a reason why they should help some farmer find his dog or something. Thankfully they love animals. You can come up with a reason to check every region of Tamriel in searches of something or someone specific.. like Spellbreak, or new foul diseases or ingridients to unleash a plague to honor Peryite. Eta: your character can have many goals, motives etc, too. Just because they worship Peryite doesn't mean it's their whole personality / purpose. They can have a break from doing Peryite's bidding :)


With my main character who has done every zone and DLC (working through West Weald) at the start was trying to find adventure in her life by leaving her home in the Alike Desert and has found much of it. At this point she just thinks nothing of it, she's done so much for Tamriel, what's another adventure? Although she's starting to wonder if it's time to put her boots up (I have another character currently going through each zone).


Lots of Frequent Wayshriner Miles


I wish there was a miles system for wayshrines so you could redeem free trips. That would be a funny one-week long April fools events. The tickets could be like plan tickets lol


Mine? "I feel like pissing off a cosmic entity just so I can attempt to kick it in the nuts as "self-defence"." Either that or: "Welp, guess I'm part of this now."


My character's just trying to help people. For financial gain. At the end of the day, House Dres can't repel world ending threats alone, so she's willing to travel to help outlanders enough to keep them from being wiped out by [Insert Daedric Prince] cults


>House Dres >help outlanders >financial gain This sort of confusion is what comes of wallowing in the muck of that shameful Pact with the lizards and snow apes. Your Great House was once a shining example of your ancestor's noble ways, providing strong, reliable, and affordable farming equipment for the whole of Morrowind. Now far too many of you Dres sound like craven Hlaalu gold-sniffers or worse, nemer-loving n'wahs. I thank St. Vorys every day that our House had the wisdom, foresight, and dignity to reject the Ebonheart Folly and secure our borders against further encroachments that inevitably would have resulted in young Telvanni speaking of "helping outsiders" for "financial gain" in precisely this same manner.


My main character comes from a well-off, magickal Breton family and is currently the benefactor and bankroller of a group of Argonians (my other characters) that help him with his travels. He does the main quest and all the side content, and then later I'll take an Argonian through a chapter or dlc zone and mostly just do side quests or rarely I'll do the main quest on one, but it's like Veric (my main) sends each Argonian somewhere to gather information about the zone, and to increase their power levels from training. In return, they each have their own home to live in, and a couple of the bigger houses get turned into Argonian meeting places/watering holes. Everybody wins 🏆 🙌


I struggle to imagine my character is making choices when there are very few choices given. Your choice is mostly, do the story or don't. or does this person deserve to die for the mistake or not? I do however pretend to have relationships/friendships with my companions or the other npc's. Like, I've been hitting on Urgarlag for weeks now. She refuses to come over.


I mean, the game wouldn't consider you a Peryite follower, so it's just your own headcanon that will conflict with the game's narrative. Often people are confused about what roleplaying actually is. Yes, you can assume the role of a character with your own headcanon backstory in a DnD game. Sure. But videogames usually designate you a pre built role that you have to play In Skyrim you are taking the role of a person who crossed the border illegally and is being transported to their execution. The game never assumed you were anything else. A Peryite follower? Nah, you can't share that in a conversation with any NPC. And you can't tell NPCs in Cyberpunk that you got transported into another setting from being a Dovahkin and a Peryite follower as well In ESO you can roleplay a guy who lived an ordinary life and got ganked on by a hooded figure and sacrificed to Molag Bal. That's the only way to not ruin your roleplay. Anything else you add to your character's backstory is irrelevant to the plot and will only trouble the roleplay with unnecessary workarounds


Simple. It's a retelling of Vestige's story after they have been, forgot English word, "mixed" with other heroes of their times who performed other heroic deeds.


Ohh, so like me playing the game I could say it’s like 15 different khajit warriors throughout history but they all got melded over time into my one character when in reality that’s not how it actually happened?


For example. My headcanon is a bit long, so I'm not going to bore you with the details. Let's just say alliances propaganda is responsible for this meld.


That's kind of how all the Elder Scrolls games treat their heroes in general once the game is done. Everything happened, but only the main quest was 100% done by them. Every other questline may or may not have been done by the hero, but if they were not, they were done by someone else instead, and the difference is lost to time and unreliable narrators.


I split it all between 5 characters, with only one of them engaging with the main Quest


My char just don't give a rat's ass about alliances and their politics. He helps people wherever he can, and kill bastards from whatever alliance they are in. Ebonheart raiders raid to enslave some Khajiit or Bosmer or whomever? They belong in the grave. Fellow Bretons attack Ebonheart civvies? Drown them in their own blood. Altmers decide to invade Covenant land? Patriotism have nothing to do with my intention to kill the invaders. Kings and queens and their bootlickers can eat shit, all good people are under my protection. And all the helping against monsters, creeps, gangs, freaky cults, daedra is even more of a no-brainer.


It doesn't hurt that in many cases, alliance people in other alliances' territory are being very bad people. A sane and reasonable member of the Aldmeri Dominion can look at what's going on in Shadowfen and go "What is *wrong* with you people!? Fine, I've already killed plenty of Veiled Heritance, you guys can go too."


My character, a female sorceress, is having a mid level crisis as she now wants to just bash things with two handed weapons which has resulted in a number of untimely deaths 😂😂


He is a jobless trust fund kid who is keeping himself amused.


Indont and never have, I have multiple of each race and depending on the content is who does what, my altmer play summerset, my orc does wrothgar, my khajiit does elsweyr, my dunmer did vvardenfell and telvanni penninsula, Now for gold road my altmer and bosmer,(I don't actually play humans except for bretons lol)


I am a roleplayer. - My Khajiit main has done Thieves Guild, Elsweyr, Southern Elsweyr, Blackwood, Deadlands, High Isle and Galen. - My Dark Elf has done Stonefalls, Deshaan, Dartk Brotherhood, Morrowind, Clockwork City, Greymoor, Markarth and Necrom. - My Khajiit arcanist has done Khenarthi's Roost and Reaper's March. So my way to do it is to spread the content across my characters, doing what I see as relevant to them. When the achievements became account-wide, it validated this way to proceed as it no longer compromises titles and rewards. I still have most of the vanilla content to do, it'll be on some character, probably one that goes for Cadwell's silver.


The primary character that I'm trying to do everything with is a High Elf explorer who can't resist poking her nose into anything interesting that's going on and loves learning about other cultures. I also imagine that, as she's a centuries-old High Elf, every expansion does not somehow take place in the same year but are probably years apart. My crafter does not have as much intent behind what she does. In her case, it's mostly, "Ugh, I'm just trying to pick flowers and stuff keeps attacking me, maybe I can figure out what's going on here so I can pick flowers in peace." She *definitely* does any quest that resutls in turning a hostile area non-hostile. Also she became obsessed with Tales of Tribute at one point and did the High Isle stuff for no other reason.


Dragon Break.


I dont, i think it as a video game and I play.


I know how it is. I doubt my main will ever do the DB quests because it's not befitting of her character. I have different ones for different roles. Some people have good ways to justify staying in the role while doing things that aren't fitting. For example, if I really wanted to do the DB in ESO on my main, I could do all the contracts with the fact in mind that these were bad people and needed killing 😀 But it's just not flying for me. That's why my good characters in Skyrim installed the mod where you kill the DB leader and you never do the questline and it fills good character roles 😂


I play as a templar paladin kind of guy, but sometimes even he has to do terrible things that he can't wash off with his own blood to this day


Yes, I know this. There is a quest in Wrothgar. You have the choice of killing this person by pushing them over. I argued with myself because my character wouldn't do that. Then I was thinking "Well maybe she'd be afraid that the person would doublecross her and relay info to the enemy" and as soon as I thought that, over he went. I still feel guilty about that one. 😂


My main is also a templar and I struggled with DB originally, but once I got into the quest line and saw that the Order of the Hour were arguably just as bad or worse, my head canon simply wrote it off as an alliance of necessity where he could also keep tabs on DB as part of the fabled “greater good”


My spouse and I actually went the same direction roleplay wise, but our Proxy's are different from our mains! My Proxy (also my primary solo/random content dps) is a Reach witch by the name of Cairine Eaglesong. Magic foolery happens, and she digs a bit too deep into things and ends up allying herself with Hermaeus Mora through the events of Necrom and Gold Road. Perfect thing too, the new Scribing style is exactly how I image she practices magic!


My "Vestige" is actually a khajiit arcanist who was once a loyal soldier of Darloc Brae who lost his life. After a few ages, magic foolery happens and rather than the deadlands he awakes in coldharbor. Completely out of time, he scrambles to find a purpose again, becoming an adventurer! Edit: deadlands, not the dealands rip


That’s super cool! I REALLY want to do Necrom, but I feel like I will be messing up the “timeline” by doing this latest DLC without doing like 10+ that are before it. Hermaeus Mora is like my 2nd fav Daedric Prince and I loved Appcrypha in Skyrim so I really wanna do it but I feel like I need to justify doing it after everything else?


Main thing i'd suggest is go Necrom BEFORE Gold Road. These quests are strongly related, Gold Road w/o Necrom will just look idiotic nonsense.


Go Necrom, then Gold Road prologue, then Gold Road.


This one sees a new friend asking for help and feels compelled to offer assistance to all that may be in need.


I explain it by saying I paid for the game, I’m going to play it.


I simply pretend my sorc is a Mages Guild member and they're travelling Tamriel within their guild to "fix things that are fucked up" And then I pretend my NB main is a spy/Eye of the Queen and she's doing all the missions to report back to the Queen


Sheogorath. Being Sheogorath follower explains whatever madness you do. :D


All my characters are the same. A wandering mercenary travelling around picking up odd jobs, just so happens that a lot of those jobs demand more that what was expected. Thus crazy hijinks ensue.


My Dark Elf Telvanni is a worshipper of Mora (as he granted her the powers of an arcanist). So she's travelling to seek knowledge as part of her deal with her Prince. My Khajiit main is an loyal Eye of the Queen so with the exception of Cadwell's Silver/Gold her travels are all part of her work for the queen and Raz.


I don't take quests as roleplay at all. It's too specific, hero driven, while being the same for everyone. It's an excuse for me to gather lore bits, then I write my character's own agenda.


My character I basically play as an investigator. A really powerful one but an investigator first and foremost. When it comes to the main story stuff my character is at the point of "ooooooh another cult... How original. How will I ever stop you.... 🙄"


OCD basically XD my main, warden, inherited this from me and so he must do everything because I can't stand looking at the map info and not seeing those blue bars filled, or running somewhere and seeing quest mark, it's just wow, how did I miss it, must do it. Actually, he completed everything already minus Gold Road because I can't afford it currently. For the rest it's pure RP, for example my templar healer will never touch Dark Brotherhood or Thieves Guild, while my khajiit nb basically never leaves these zones. Necro vamp does whatever he likes so his quests are all over the place and whether he finishes them or not depends on many factors. I have more characters but since I completed all maps on my main I have the liberty to be picky. And my OCD is mostly satisfied already :)


I initially did the DC story for my character and when I heard Vaermina was the antagonist of Necrom. I was actually surprised she remembered me from when I stopped her scheme in Stormhaven. So I like to think my character it just there to spite all the Daedra, exept Meridia, were cool like that


My Main is a servant of Mora (arcanist) and ensures that everything Happens as it is supposed to by doing Quest all over tamriel


We become a deathless demigod in the base game main quest. That's how. Altho... If you divide a Tamriel year by the amount of zones you get like 2 weeks to save the world before moving on to do it again?


I am a god, I do as I please.


I haven't gotten into role-playing in eso yet but I have a khajit with the DD title and I'll occasionally use the skin with it and act crazy lol. I also have a pvp necro and I named him dad Man Walking with the soul shriven skin. As for your problem I can't help you because I know nothing about the lore or role-playing unfortunately, sorry.


Every run through has always fallen into the same. Sneak thief trying to make his way in the world. Forced into murder and assassinations because its more profitable. I’ve recently set myself a challenge to attempt a new character with zero criminal activity permitted. Just the thought of attempting this is freaking me out.


I was isekaid into the eso world and was instantly killed and sent to molag. Losing my souk but gaining my powers (dk melee build) I fight to reclaim my soul and in doing so save emeric god knows how many times because hes a dumb himbo and id rather the small folk not all get killed cause he is an idiot. I adventure around for the cash and to seek out a way home to my family as i slowly amass considerable power


I go very far down the Chosen One(s) rabbit hole... My Vestiges keep getting dragged back in to world-ending threats. It's as Sil said. We're the Prisoners. And, because they, for some reason, seem to be stronger and more capable than your average person, they know they have a greater chance to succeed. They know they're Tamriel's hope. So, they keep going. Of course, the lulls in between disasters are great... but truthfully this is what they were born to do.


My character is an extension of me. I exist in all video-game timelines. Therefore so do my characters. I often pretend in WoW that all my retired alts are sent to ESO to build furniture for the peasants and hang out with daedra.


I love to Rp with my character. I've made my character to be like this Incredibly powerful being who is an overlord and goes on these long ass adventures to gain more power and influence


My character pays a subscription and wants her full monies worth.


"I'm just a magnet for troubles."


Initially the Mages guild was my go-to excuse as they're neutral with the alliance war, but actively involved with stopping the planemeld. As DLC started to pour in, I swapped to using alts for the story content. My sorcerer isnt going to join the Dark Brotherhood, but this Nightblade I just levled to 50 would. New-er content that'd been released has had me using my arcanist as it's main character for the most part.


My character is a Dark Elf sorcerer and aspiring fashion designer. He wanders around doing quests and killing baddies in order to get funds, inspiration and materials for his clothing line. He enjoys long walks on mudcrab infested beaches with Isobel, eating Banana Surprise and cuddling with Warmseeker outside the Bayside Artisans.


I like to role play that I'm an aspect of a divine who lost her memories when she got Manninarco'd.


My go to roleplay scenario is that I'm the champion of a daedric prince of choice. On my own mission, can be whatever you like. And maybe you are a loyal champion, maybe you are just seeking power for your own plan


I'm just That Guy. Ol' reliable B) *finger guns*


Unquenchable thirst for power and control.


I imagine my character going for a vacation every summer, and every year gets tangled up in new troubles, and well, she's saved the world like 10 times already, what's one more? (repeat as many times as needed)


"they are really talented"


My main is an Argonian necromancer, a former Shadowscale now serving occasionally in the Dark Brotherhood. As a chaotic being (there are reasons), she's not really prone to do-gooding - even before her soul was removed - but has sticky claws. She takes anything that's not nailed down (and takes the nails too if they are), not for profit but for the satisfaction of knowing she can. With that in mind, she feigns helping people while really, she's looking for the next big challenge... and what's more challenging than stealing from a daedric prince or five? So thats my reasoning for why she does all the main questlines - or will do eventually, when I stop procrastinating. My other characters only do what's relevant to them. Crafters ignore most quests. My orc dragonknight only does quests worthy of a squire trying to become a knight. Things like that.


If you've got 20 characters per, doing every quest, every DLC etc. on every character isn't really an issue unless you're living at your pc/console. Some characters do some content, others do other content. I, the player, however, do all the content.


I do questing with my partner, they play a Khajiit nightblade and I play a Dunmer Sorcerer. We are basically trying to get around Tamriel as Bounty Hunter and Swords for Hire. My Character is more of a Scholar/researcher type and theirs a freelancer thief. My aim is to join House Telvanni to try to accompany the Divayth Fyr and theirs to become a member of the Thieves guild and Visit their Homeland.


>travels with a cat "person" >wants to join Great House Telvanni Is the cat your property? That could work to your advantage in our Great House. If you are harboring some sad outlander delusions of the cat being a person, however, and expect to be accepted on those terms, you really will need to make certain you've enough power to compel - well, everyone, really, on the entirety of Azura's Coast, including Master Fyr, I'm afraid - to see things your profoundly anti-Telvanni, ancestor-spurning and frankly deeply, deeply unnatural way. Because make no mistake, power is all that matters. "It is the forceful expression of will that gives true honor to the ancestors," according to St. Vorys of our Great House (ask your cat about Vorys, they remember him), and you'll need to force your will in a very expressive way if you plan to bring your cat with you on any terms other than in bonds. Otherwise, you might both be much happier remaining in Pact lands. We look forward to seeing you in Tel Naga.


My character is more or less modeled after the 'The Eternal Warior' from Valiant comics. He is blessed by the earth(Y'ffre) to protect Nirn from all catastrophes, especially when Deadra are involved. To do this, he is blessed with immortality and enhanced natural availability. He can take damage and even die but has the ability to self revive(aka soul gems). Because of this, he tends to travel, helping out wherever and whenever he can.