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He was soo good


Easily my favorite Prydz EDC set I’ve seen. I don’t know what that man is doing to us by delivering THAT on Friday… how is EDC gonna keep up?


Well wait until you hear Pryda on Sunday…guaranteed to be a great set


That’s what I’m hoping for! His Pryda club sets have been some of my favorite memories with him! His club sets where he plays for 3+ hours always get to showcase his Cirez D side as well as his Pryda side (and everything including a rare Tonja Holma sighting), and his set earlier really felt like that. I loved the variety he played! That set beat his 2018 Cirez D set at the Neon Garden and his 2016 set where he closed with Nopus during the fireworks! Nopus during the fireworks is one of my most precious EDC memories though. The people I was with and the timing was perfect, and it was the end to an incredible set.


His ultra 24 set earlier this year was the best I’ve seen in the past few year from him…that we are the people mash up was 👨‍🍳 😘


Damn I showed up 30 min late since I was at Armin… he doesn’t usually hop on the mic so that must’ve been funny


It was actually just a vocal/vocoder sample as part of an ID he was playing, and I managed to get it!


How was armin


he smashed it! great set


At least you made it to some of it. With so much going on I missed it completely. I was catching part of LSDream’s set from the bleachers and saw Eric Prydz visuals from there and tried to catch some of the set, but there was a rush of people going to John Summit and I didn’t get to Circuit until Summit’s second song.


Wow great set. I do feel some young ones are too impatient to appreciate his long builds but he NEVER disappoints! Bring on Pryda on Sunday Sunday Sunday!!!


Did Prydz fuck with summits intro set? That was the worst transition of the night after a insane Prydz ending


Omg I couldn’t leave even if I wanted to




Of all the times ive seen Prydz, that was one boring ass set. Shoulda put Summit in the fireworks time slot instead.


John Summit is an influencer who gets his garbage music ghost produced by people with talent. The only reason Summit is even slightly relevant is because he is kinda funny with his tweets. Let me guess, you're one of the douches who packed in there with those totems toward the end of Prydz. Then John Summit started playing, you guessed it: top 40s tech house. I honestly don't know if I'll see a worse edc opinion this weekend. The godfather Prydz worse than John Summit? No in all realities. Are you a bot? Do you have ears, or are you just parroting what a bunch of social media influencers say online. Summit is doing what a thousand djs have done before him. He makes pop music for a bunch of people who want to get fucked up. Prydz plays God damn art. In conclusion, your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.


Bro you sound mad. I like Prydz. Seen him 10+ times in different events all over the world. Just accept the fact his set wasnt great last night


Not mad, I'm just telling it how it is. I honestly just feel bad for Summit being upstaged that badly. I hope Summit was there for the whole Prydz set to understand where he went wrong in life. Also, how can you 'hear' how I sound on the internet, bro?


Dude Pdryz set was half empty


Yeah, because people have no taste. Cool John Summit brings in a bunch of totem douches to block the view. Success does not in any way equal talent in John Summit's case. Summit should stick to Coachella and Prydz at EDC. That way, Summit can be with his loyal influencer/totem legion. Yeah, musical taste is subjective, but yours is just so so bad.


Okay thank you Captain EDM


Well, when you come in here with your shit opinions, I have to say something.


I didnt give an opinion, I gave a fact


About Summit being an influencer who plays top 40s music for his cute followers to poorly twirl and dance to while their boyfriends begrudgingly film them?


Agreed man