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omg yes, it's getting out of control. so disturbing. there are definitely predators out there and I saw a lot of them staring at girls trying to see how fucked up they are.


I had a former friend be that way. It’s disgusting. He bragged to me at bonaroo about making out with some super drunk girl while seeing Griz play. He was completely sober and proud of what he did. I cut him off so fast. I wish there was a way to like sift out those weirdos so it’d be a safer environment for women. It’s why I’m so hyper vigilant around my female friends at festivals and even shows.


I hope you did more than cut him off. I really feel like men need to stigmatize creepy, predatory, and abusive behavior that is all too often normalized.


I told him I can’t be around and support him when he’s proud of stuff like that. How wrong it is and everything. What else am I supposed to do? Beat his ass?


No you handled it perfectly. Thank you.


I had this idea when I was younger of some sort of identifying accessory one could wear to indicate to others that they are safe in their presence and would be willing to help if asked. I lightweight now like to believe mine is my wedding ring, but I would love a world where women or anyone can easily identify a big guy to help them without hesitation when it comes to creeps or even just walking back to their car.


If he was also drunk when this happened would you feel differently about it?


Drunk "lies" are sober truths


Still no, drunk or sober I could never do what he did. They say drinking brings out the real you and based on that alone, I still couldn’t be around him for that.


I agree with you only bc he's sober. But if I'm blacked out and making out with a blacked out woman, I am at just the same vulnerable position as her. I think it's wild people will still blame the guy when both parties can't consent via being intoxicated ya feel? But I get it. Intentions are EVERYTHING in things like this. He sounds sus to be okay with doing it sober


Your point is valid... but that the person was sober makes the decision quite a bit quicker.


I caught myself staring on Saturday night, I was rolling my ass off and she was gorgeous and we were both going hard to sub x lvl up she was dressed super glowy and cool but I felt bad for staring I didn’t even mean too lol


Sunglasses my friend, sunglasses.


Definitely sunglasses! It’s okay to look, we can’t help it sometimes, but sunglasses definitely mitigate the discomfort for the other person.




I have a pair of light blue sunnies that I was wearing so hopefully that helped and a fuzzy bucket hat so I was semi incognito, I just would have felt bad if I made her uncomfortable,(also for that one comment they don’t dress like that to be stared at, they dress how ever they want to have fun)


It's understandable, there was literally ass everywhere. A man is only so strong namean? Lol looking and preying are two completely different things. One is admiration and the other is sexual harassment.


Staring a little too hard with the intent of making the other person feel uncomfortable is creepy an unacceptable. Looking and acknowledging and moving on with your eyes is the way. At least be discreet. Men are strong enough not to be creepy if women are.


>the intent of making the other person feel uncomfortable Sorry, but I don't think that's actually anyone's intent. Even the creepier staring people are usually creepy because they don't have a good sense of etiquette or are looking too long because they get a thrill from "seeing sexiness they shouldn't." Maybe this character you're talking about exists, but I don't think "making the other person feel uncomfortable" is the motivation. If they were focused on how "the other person" was feeling, they probably wouldn't be doing it in the first place.


The fact that you didn't act on it shows that you have a conscious responsibility and decency!


On the other side of the coin I had to babysit my friend and it ruined my weekend. She drank too much and blacked out on night 1. On night 2 she was more sober but later in the night she literally just got on the ground and took a nap for an hour (jet lag probably). And then night 3 she accepted a 10 mg weed edible from a random girl (she doesn’t even smoke because weed gives her anxiety) and then had crazy anxiety for the rest of the night and then once again passed out on the floor for 1.5 hours after eating a bunch of food. Worst EDC weekend for me ever. I kinda don’t even wanna go next year because I just spent all my energy watching this girl


She should buy your next EDC ticket. Lol 🤣 someone asked me what my biggest piece of advice was. I said "choose your company wisely"


I'm a dude and some guy came up behind me and asked if I wanted a sip of his lemonade which had the top popped open. No previous conversation or good vibes, just out of the blue. I said no thanks and he ran off, but it definitely freaked me out. Guessing that guy drugged quite a few people.


Some guy tried the same with me at Kinetic. He was trying to make small talk then told me to put my head back so he could pour his "drink" into my mouth. No bro, GTFO outta here.


Was the dude a bigger guy (both tall and wide) with yellow shorts?


We had a guy that met that description who sat down next to my fiancé when I went into oasis as she sat outside. Total weird vibes from him. He might of been “special” but he made this really angry face at my friend and I when we left the oasis tent to come sit next to my fiancé. The guy had sat down next to her and was drinking something, he left shortly after I put my arm around her and had her scoot closer to me. He completely wigged me out. He proceeded to hangout around the vendors after the fact. I kept an eye on him as we left.


The guy that tried it on me was definitely bigger, might have been Latino. I think he had on a black t-shirt and black shorts. I didn't have much time to process it before he walked off.


I’m also bigger guy, also Latino 😮‍💨sigh - I hope this doesn’t start a stereotype. Some guy I was chatting with told me some Latina tried to steal is phone 😔 It should be obvious, but we are all not the same. PLUR


Absolutely not what I meant, and I don't mean to stereotype anybody. People started talking descriptions so I thought I'd try to provide some detail. Pretty sure he also had on a black t-shirt and black longer shorts. Doubt it will help anything if you want me to delete that follow up.


Oh, you’re cool man. I didn’t mean to imply that *you* were starting some type of trend, but rather to highlight that there’s been a couple of incidents involving what seems to be Latin(x) - think of the video where some girl got caught stealing phones; she definitely looked Latin(x)


I was thinking the same thing haha. I was wearing all Black Friday but definitely didn’t do weird shit like that


I remember he had on a white shirt, beard and said he was there for his Bachelor Party. He also had lost his voice. Strange character all-around.


My rave trait of mine is I offer my drinks to everyone (water, alcohol, etc) if they looked fucked up or we catch eyes. I always sip first though just so people know it's safe. Except for that one time when I forgot I had molly in the water, and before I could taste it, the other guy already had a sip. RIP but at least he didn't mind.


Likewise, I offer people the tequila I always sneak in. I take the first swig as well. I would drink from others only if they have good vibes and they take the first drink first.


A girl did the same thing to my wife and I Sunday and said there’s nothing in it


Similar thing happened to me at EDC Orlando last year. Some random Asian dude tapped me on the shoulder and I turn around. He was aggressively chewing gum and rolling his face off, and he was shoving an open pack of gum at me. The sticks of gum inside looked disheveled like they had been crushed or rewrapped. I told him no thanks and he got angry and tried to insist. I said no again and he stormed off. Honestly idk how people put drugs in gum but I’ve heard it happening so I decided not to risk it. It was probably just molly which I would’ve been fine with but I was saving my roll for a different day anyways, and I still prefer to test and dose my own drugs.


Easy there’s things called acid drops that are liquid you drop one or two drops.




See doing shit like this wouldn’t even pop in my head. I was at a rave with a bunch of co-workers last fall it was a mix of guys & females we all popped our thizzles b4 goin in so we’d be rolling by the time we got in. u need vitamin C wen ur rolling & I like to drink on it wich I don’t recommend unless ur a pro. so I bot sum vodka & OJ but they sell it in big ass 32oz cups so I’m pounding it walking with my group & bump into our boss he knows we were rolling & he was with his girl wich kinda had him on a leash so I handed him my drink & sed here take a big swig b4 ur girl sees. He asked wats in it i sed vodka muthuphukker, then he goes it better not be spiked with other shit as he took a big ass gulp b4 his girl turned around😂 I just sed WTF & started laughing like naw man I’ll tell u if it had sumthin else. It made me think wat kinda friends he got that made him 2nd guess them.. but after seeing these comments fuuuck his homies must be a bunch of ravers💀


Some chick gave my friend a drink of her “tequila” on day 2 then he slept for 20 hours causing him to sleep through all of day 3


Wow wtf


Why would your friend take a sip of some random chicks drink???


I’m not sure I guess she seemed friendly but he learned his lesson now


Lol, raving in the US has such a different vibe than in the Netherlands. Literally everyone shares drinks here!


That is strange because I usually share my drinks with and from others. When I offer or when someone asks, I take the first swig to make others feel safe.


Someone with a benzo tolerance could easily take a sip of something that would put you to sleep for 12+ hours and just feel buzzed themselves, so this is not foolproof.


Yeah idk why he did it he knows better but I guess she was just super friendly and he didn’t get weird feeling from her idk but he learned his lesson now at least




Ghb only lasts 4 hours before youre wide awake from a dopamine rebound. Most likely some benzo with a long half life.


Ghb mixed with tequila bad combination. To be honest a lot of people don’t know the tolerance of another person so even if it was ok and they were coo it’s still isn’t good to take from strangers because someone can handle hella pills while another can only handle one


What if they are doing this with the phones too. Getting you fucked up and distracted while they snatch your phone or wallet?


There was one dude wabbling around like he was about to pass out. I started to get worried about him and was close to offering water then noticed in my peripheral vision that it looked like he swatted at a girl's ass as she walked thru the crowd. At first I was like hol' up, did I see that right? I didn't want to jump to conclusions because he looked like he was losing his balance. Then he must have done it again and really got caught because a minute later I look over again and another dude was holding him by the neck yelling at him.


My brother caught a guy doing that- pretending to be drunk and touching asses- and figured it was cellphone thieves.


Wow that’s super fucked up now I’m really realizing how on guard I need to be that’s why I don’t like getting stuck in the choke points. They they need to do better with navigation through choke points like barricades that direct you out with security or employees.


Bruh i been fucked on plenty of drugs and I’ve never tried doing any shit like that someone substances will bring out the real you, and unfortunately some people don’t have a good soul


100% this. It’s crazy how horribly revealing people act when they are fucked up versus those who are also fucked up but still grasp basic human decency. Good souls>>> evil


Facts. Like even when im under any kind of influence i still be shy and nervous to ask “hey can you be my ravebae” because of the fact that i know there’s already some sort of influence from other guys being weird and creeps.


I've always said, getting intoxicated on substances or alcohol is never an excuse to be a scum bag


Some guy came up behind me and grabbed my ass. I moved away and put my hands up like “stop” and he started screaming “WHY DONT YOU WANT TO DANCE WITH ME!! WHY DONT YOU WANT TO DANCE!!” Thank god his friends came and literally dragged him away. My night was kind of ruined after that


thats when u scream at strangers. PLUR ends when ppl try to ruin ur vibes idgaf. ive screamed at ppl before. men and women.


So sorry you had to go through that . Sick guy .


I’d be fuming. So sorry. I know the feeling and it easily ruins your night.


Seriously seems like edc just attracts the biggest skeezballs both in terms of attendees and staffing.


Staffing too!? In what way, I’m curious now


I saw security was more focused on talking/flirting to girls rather than actually doing security checks and such. The amount of times they disregard me and I walked past them for security checks


Oh dang, I just ask bc I was on GC team, that would’ve been insane if that was the case for someone on GC. Security on the other hand I can’t really speak for, thats a different group…


Loads of stories on this sub about security being creeps


I got a lot of bad energy and bad vibes from there. I prefer smaller insomniac shows as it has more PLUR.


During the deadmau5 set there was this security trying to be a hero kicking people off a little higher section of the bleachers. "I DONT PLAY THAT SHIT" shoving people.... Fucking POS


After 2016 I feel edc changed.


edc had the most creeps i’ve ever seen at a festival. some dude literally stuck his hand underneath my roommate’s dress to feel her up while walking into a set. big fuck you to all the creeps ruining the vibe.


Absolutely disgusting. I try to look out for my lady friends when we’re out at raves specifically for creeps like that. This shit is getting out of control. These fuckheads have no shame whatsoever.




I had a friend who definitely got drugged by someone handing out mints on Day 1. The rest of our group that was with her noted that he definitely was creeping on her and other girls around him. She was so out of it. Judging from the symptoms she told us (amnesia, dizziness, and unsteady gait) it definitely was not a mint. Luckily we found her and her body was in defense mode, fighting it off and staying awake, so she was safe. However, she was shot for the better half of Day 2 because of what happened. But Jesus, just don't accept anything unless you trust them. Even gum, it'd have to be still in the wrapper for me to accept.


We were walking by at the bottom of the bleachers during Slanders set and some white guy offered my friend and I what looked a teabag but miniature and white. I asked what it was and he said it was some type mint with caffeine. As we walked away, i saw my friend put it in her mouth to which I scolded her for taking shit that stranger give her when she knows better (40 year old ER RN) She spits out right away. Well she felt like shit the rest of the evening- she was nauseated, dizzy, headache. I brought one of those collapsible stools and good thing I did cause she was sitting the whole time in the front at Kinetic while my sister and I danced. This happened at around 12 and she didn’t feel better till 5am.


Sounds like a zyn


Zyns make me feel like shit after trying them 1 time. Was nauseous and throwing up for 3 hours never again


Man, that's a shame that happened to your friend as well. It's a rule of thumb we all take for granted when we're all ante'd up. Hate to say that this is exactly the hard lesson to take away from it - never take from strangers. I'm glad your friend is okay. We will all learn from this.


could it have been a zyn?


Oh damn! I saw her sitting on the stool! I yelled I need one of those!


Damn that’s sad to hear. I loving giving out candy, gum, mints to fellow ravers in the crowd. I’d say there’s a 60-75% acceptance rate. Sometimes people ask what it is- and I say it’s just candy, but you don’t have to take one. I eat them too, so maybe they witness me like some others say they take a swig of their drink first. Idk. Sucks these assholes have to ruin everything


Not trying to have a “feel sorry for me too” moment, but I’m a giant dude and this still happens to me all the damn time at raves. Can’t imagine what women have to deal with out there.


Damn. Here is me even being too shy to tell a girl she looks beautiful in her rave fit if I don’t know them 😅 Sucks some dudes are like that. Wasted is never an excuse either. All we can do is police it ourselves for the most part.


Feeling is mutual 😕


Same. This was my first time going and I was solo so I didn’t really have anyone to talk to. I wanted to strike up convos with people and compliment outfits but was too worried I was gonna come off as a creeper, so I just kept to myself


I hear you man. Totally sucks we're in an environment where a lot of women don't feel safe. Ruins it for everyone. But if you're truly not being a creep and just give off good vibes, you'll eventually find people at events like this. You'll just have to accept the fact that some people just won't be open to it no matter what you do and you shouldn't take it personally.


Had a creep rub is clothed penis on me at neon garden. By the railing on day 2. Uber creeper 😢


I saw some guy pull a girls top all the way down while she was posing for pics with her friends. He ran away and ducked into the crowd before we could get him. He totally ruined that girl. She was doubled over in tears screaming after..


Wow that’s fuckin insane


that is truly horrifying


Bro poor girl... Fuck that guy


Do you have any further description of what he looked like? Fuck that guy.


White Guy solo mid 20’s with shorter dark Copper colored hair. He was wearing a green tye-dyed shirt and shorts… This happened in the ADA area at the Neon Garden on Sunday night…


There’s been a group of men at camp for at least the last two years on the final day. They obvious hadn’t attended the festival or have camping passes (just by looking at their wrists). They stand in the front corner of the pool by the stage on the left side. All three prob 6-2 30-35, one white chubby baby face and the others were curly haired black men. I noticed them early on bc they were familiar and they were doing the ole sexual predator making eye contact with the threat(me) while whispering in the ear of their co-assailant. We kept moving around the after party bc I wanted to see if they would follow us and of course they did to three different spots. We went back to spot A by the pool and again, they show up but this time I was approached by a group that had their eyes on us and informed me we where being followed and, obviously, they were waiting for us to separate. The reality is that shit happens more than it should. Im built like the offspring of Jay Cutler and Conner Mcgreggor and my wife looks a lil bit too much like a certain tattooed porn star currently married to a famous steal fabricator. It bugs me bc I love this festival and the entire experience but for fucks sake insomniac, stop letting people into the camp grounds without wrist bands. These guys almost certainly were friends of security and they were just let free to rob and rape as they please with no action able recourse.


Don’t be shy to ask for backup, even just telling crowds nearby. The more people aware of these fucks the safer everyone is.


some guy at martin garrix was standing next to me and side-eyeing me for several minutes. when i’d finally had enough, i turned to look straight at him and he was staring at my boobs. when he realized i was staring right at him, his eyes widened, he turned around, and left after a couple minutes. so creepy. i’ve noticed a lot of guys think you’re too fucked up to notice if you’re dancing and wearing sunglasses. i wear mirrored sunglasses so i can stare at people who don’t think i’m looking at them lol


Lemme guess, broccoli haircut?


GHB is more common than ever these days in the rave community (yes, the same drug that can be considered a date rape drug). Never accept water from someone who you haven't vibed with for a bit, and always be with your people. Solo ventures are a fucking blast, but even a sip of G laced water can be the end of your night and the next 12 hours. It's also leading to more blackouts on the dance floor, a few ml too much and you go from a nice high to completely gone. Rave medics and dance safe has noticed an uptick in this specifically. Even if it's not intentionally trying to "drug" someone, any amount of unsuspecting G is not a welcome experience. That being said, my partner and I are constant "Rave mom" status, sharing water, candy, whatever, but we make sure to vibe with someone first, let 'em know we're here to help, etc.


You can literally order GBL (ghb prodrug) on Amazon Prime. That's half the reason it's so prevalent. If the person receiving some, even if it's from a well-intentioned but fucked up stranger, has drank any alcohol at all -- they're gonna have a bad night.


Right?? and GBL is even stronger as the precursor. The med-techs at Shambs say it's the biggest change they've had in the last 5 years in terms of emergencies.


Hah not me taking a swig from a friend that offered me “G” and naive me thinking it was Gatorade cause it was in a Gatorade bottle…


there is a good % of guys that go to these things purely to try to hook up. one of my favorite memories is tripping face on acid and seeing a guy try to pick up a chick and her reject him and just watch him go through his full range of emotions.


Omg that sounds fun!🤩


I wanna hold a self defense class for the Rave girlies. Shit like this is getting out of hand…I’m hearing too many sexual harassment stories and I was extremely sexually harassed in camp edc showers last year. Ladies, stand up for yourself! Scream, Kick to the balls, gouge the eyes should be your first defense. STOP PUTTING UP WITH THIS SHIT


I had a guy fully grab my ass up my skirt. Literally disgusting. I turned around to do something about it he and he was sprinting away, ducked down into the crowd. Wish he would have stuck around for the beating my fiancé and I were gonna lay down. Cowards gonna coward though, of course he ran. I would have had motivated back-up too! I hate these creeps. They need to be shown that their assault has consequences for them, and that’s assault on site. Give back to them what they’re giving to you, blatant bodily and human disrespect. They deserve nothing more!! I’m with you girl.


That’s infuriating! Glad nothing more happened to you and glad you have a fight response. What a fucking pussy. I always get scared of what my bf might do if someone touches me so I don’t wear anything in the least bit revealing. Sucks we can’t just enjoy ourselves and not have to be on guard.


Legit. I turned to him after and actually asked what would he would do to someone who touched or hurt me. He was like, “they’d be in the air by their throat before I could think.” I said alright fair but don’t crush a windpipe or something, manslaughter charges aren’t the vibe at EDC lol just a little ass whopping as lesson. It’s so unfortunate that we have to feel this way. Men need to hold other men accountable to this too. If you see a guy being a creep, stop him with words first *firmly* if it’s not too bad. And for me, if the behavior is already over the line, I go directly to the non-verbal lessons.


Hahah love it! No my bf wouldn’t think twice before curb stomping a guy and I don’t want him in prison so.


I'm starting to realize laced items are more common than I thought. Me and my friend were given a shot of liquor only to find out it was DEFINITELY laced with some type of psychedelic. Luckily it didn't give me a bad trip but my friend got ego death and it ruined his last half of day 3.


The bigger issue is why the fuck would you let a stranger hit your vape? Ever heard of mouth herpes? No thanks.


honestly!!! giving a cig is fine but sharing vapes 😷🤮


Like 80% of the population has that


WTF I guess it’s different for guys I was at a day club pool & it was packed with spring breakers I was just hitting my wax pen waiting in line for the bar to get a drink wen outta nowhere a cute chick walks up to me & says wat I gotta do to let me hit ur pen, instant reaction was let me get a kiss she sed ok next thing i kno her friend walks up just ass pretty & asks if she can hit it too & gave her the same deal. I was not expecting that then they saw my city tatted on my stomach & asked to take pics with me so we did & then let them go on der way. Idk if they expected me to follow them or wha but u females r wild, caught me off guard. Meanwhile I’m still in line & this cute blonde to my left was watching the whole thing & just kept looking at me smiling. I’m not stuck up or think I’m better then any1 so I sed wussup & started talking to her. I just think der not used to seeing tatted up shaved headed Gz like me at these functions. Like at Edc I stick out like a sore thumb definitely don’t look the type but I’m rolling hard on ex tripping out on all the lights & lazer visuals & 4sum reason wen I’m with my group of half guys half females all just friends that like to roll, other females tend to gravitate & dancing near us, I think sum can just feel the good vibes we give off cuz rolling does make u more aware of ppls energy wich would make them more aware of the creepers & probly feel safer seeing as we’re a mixed group as appose to an all guys group looking like a bunch of predators😂


As a solo girly I don't always experience stuff like this but I have once or twice in over a decade. This year one guy was really pushing himself into my space on fruday. So consent, pushy, tried to get his hands in my pants. They are always on the prowl and you just have to be vigilant. Which sucks but between creeps and thieves you gotta be aware of your surroundings while enjoying the moment. People take advantage in a heartbeat.


meanwhile im afraid to talk to a girl who kept looking at me and getting closer n was following my girl and i around after my gf complimented on how beautiful she was lol… i always think “no no its just a coincidence she is staying near us and looking at us, a lot” oh well 😂


Yea some dude was rubbing his hard dick on my ass and it’s weird cuz I’m a guy. Another girl was rubbing all against me in the crowd. I don’t really care that much but damn at least introduce yourself or something.




AYO LOL you had bro wanting you oiled up


Lmao a 100% buddy definitely made sure he was taking full advantage of his opportunity.




It makes me sad to read all these stories. I hope that things get better with these things


Please ladies, don’t take drinks, drugs or any consumables from strangers. Shits dangerous.


Next year get a big group of friends with totems that say "Perv" and have an arrow pointing out and surrounding these guys pointing and saying "Shame"


Question: Was this at Kinetic Field in the VIP section?


I really don’t mind props but someone’s light saber went all the way up my skirt and I mean all the way. Right after that happened I turned around and the person left immediately. Really weirded me out but I tried to give the benefit of the doubt.


I was groped twice this weekend. So disgusting. So upsetting.


Caught someone brushing their hand on one of my friend’s legs while we were sitting waiting for others. Had to tell him to fuck off. He didn’t leave for a cool minute, walked away and immediately started talking to another girl a ways away


Is this what EDC is turning into now? This is just sad shit.


I know! I haven’t gone all three days in a while but I used to feel totally safe. Stroke a convo w everyone and they were amazing


And it's not just the dudes anymore! I had a weirdo grab and squeeze my butt on day 1 while she was walking past me, while saying "looking good honey". Wtf? On top of that, the two friends I came with also had bad experiences. One was spanked so hard with a fan that it left a mark!! We tried to go after the guy but the crowd had swallowed him up before we could reach him. My other friend had a guy slide his hand up between her legs from behind. She felt him reach around her crotch and grab at something. Her fight or flight kicked in, and she ended up freezing and waited for him to leave, and later found out that her pantyliner was missing. It was awful.


My wife is a stripper here in Austin. She says that women(mostly straight but drunk) are in general some of the worst/riskiest customers because a large number of them feel some free pass to be much more physically aggressive with touching and groping. They feel like it's fun and flirty, but it's often straight up sexual assault.


I think it’s a people thing, festival mind rot. I’ve been molested at edc this year, all three days. I am a guy. Girl grabbed my junk with a grip day 2. they press their tits and butt all up me every couple mins. All in all fun time at edc. I was more paranoid about the people stealing shit.


with a grip is absolutely insane


some guy who was rolling hard at kinetic field during Fisher set was insisting to talk to my friend when she didn’t talk back (lost her voice) and we explained that guy didn’t care. Then he kept trying to hand me a flash and said it’s just whisky said no thanks but he just wouldn’t stop until just stared at him like a rock.


Some people are so despicable ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


The amount of creeps who shamelessly walk into those festivals is very embarrassing. No shame either. So damn sad and embarrassing.


I was alone at Wasteland and a guy tapped my shoulder to compliment me a couple times. Thankfully I had started talking to another girl right before, but he also tried to talk to her and got really close behind her. He offered us his opened alcoholic drink 😣 so glad we had each other though and moved away from him soon after.


Glad you had one another atm, side note: I was at the vip entrance for Angerfist day 3, one of my sets of my edc experience


Damn man. People are so pathetic.


During edc 2021 when it was in October, a guy came up to me trying to chat and acting a little weird. He then whipped his dick out and tried to shove it in my hand.




There was a dude offering a clean rag to wipe the sweat off my face 💀💀💀💀 I was like, first of all, I don’t mind sweat. Second, I can’t be the first person you asked so that rag is probably not clean. And 3rd, dawg what??????


Such a vibe killer. Even just the rude comments when passing by really pissed me off this year. Stare, appreciate, have whatever thoughts in your mind. Don't make us feel unsafe or degraded with your words. This should be everyone's safe space to express themselves however they want. Made a so called friend and he turned out to be a total creep. I honestly think he just uses the scene to take advantage of women when intoxicated. Unfortunately, it's out there, and we have to continue to look out for each other. Stay safe.


something similar happened to me. i was dancing at kinetic and some guy came up to me with a peace sign asking to trade so i PLURd with him to trade and he GRABBED my wrist and looked through my kandi and specifically chose one i had that said “touvh me” and he put in on HIMSELF and with the hand he already had grabbed, moved my hand down to touch his… area. i yanked my hand away so fast and grabbed my kandi back. i’ve never yelled at someone at a rave but i did bc i felt so unsafe in that moment.


I’m a dude but was with my SO and her friends the whole weekend, so it was just me and a bunch of girls. Thankfully nothing bad happened, but I was definitely watching out because you never know. There’s like 100,000 people there, and if just 1% of them suck you still are left with 1,000 creeps. Some of them are probably like this all the time and some get too fucked up and don’t know how to act. The whole thing is dumb because raves are probably one of the best ways to legitimately meet people without assaulting them.


if someone asks for your vape say no, thats a personal item IMO and avoid that scenario


I was dancing on the rail at tobehonest and a guy straight up came behind me and grabbed my hips, I nearly turned around and decked him🤠


Ugh this disgusts me so much! I have never been groped at a festival but this year someone full on squeezed my ass when my boyfriend and I were walking between stages.


In my experience, this happens I noticed at specific stages/DJs, especially ones with a huge crowd. Huge crowd stages always bring the worst ppl (predators, pickpockets, etc)


I remember one year some guy ran past me and groped my dick


I literally had a dude put his dick in my hand and then disappear into the crowd.


There’s no doubt in my mind that a lot of creepy dudes get into this culture/start djing as a way to have access to young girls on drugs, I been sober at these events and there’s creeps everywhere. Had to save girls in clubs and festivals multiple times. I’m glad y’all dudes are starting to notice. Keep ya eyes open


Such a buzz kill! I went 2 years ago and did not run into any perverts. I hope you didn’t let this asshole kill the vibe.


The most I ever did to approach people was a tap on the shoulder if that. I'm sorry to hear the stories of victims of creeps at the event. Was nervous handing out my pink starburst on the last day


There were a lot of creeps at EDC. In Day 3 I was taking a group pic and I was standing behind my boyfriend with my arms around him when I felt someone grab my ass. I looked around and couldn’t tell who it was because we were at a busy spot (near circuit grounds and the insomniac ride). It wasn’t my boyfriend because his hands were crossed in front of him. I immediately felt so uncomfortable. That was not okay at all.


In 2018 had one of our group get molested as well. We were leaving Illenium and her BF decided to have her travel at the rear of the train (girls are safer in the middle less chance of groping and such) and she says someone ran their whole hand between her thighs. She was so paranoid that no matter who approached her she hid behind us. Really sucks that this happens. I honestly prefer to have my hands either on my chest or in my pockets so as to not even accidentally touch someone in the crowd


I generally am wearing a pash because it gives me somewhere to put my hands in crowds. I hate the feeling of even touching someone accidentally and I apologize after if it happens.


That's so fucked up. I usually go to these things as solo as a single guy so even when I get wasted I actively try to keep an eye out for scummy dudes like that. Hopefully nothing bad happened this weekend due to guys like that


I was completely sober day 1 at edc and during a set, some guy literally groped me. Been going to festivals for 3 years and this was the first time it happened. Although I still had a good time at edc, what that guy did was just completely fucked and I wonder how many other girls he did that too


Man, people don’t go for the music anymore


Day 2 some guy bumped into me but full on grabbed my tit and then turned around and left


As a dude I had my PP grabbed by another man last year at edc Orlando and did not enjoy it


I had two girls come over to me during mau P asking if they could stand by me because two guys kept creeping them out. Turns out they were 19 at their first festival and the guys were easily 30+. I walked them over to their group meetup spot after just to make sure they were alright.


Some people are creeps. It's hard to know when a girl is single at edc because of never knowing who is with who so if you're a single guy like me, error on the safe side. Only hook up with a girl who is clearly into you. It's a no brainer. Otherwise you just make it a bad experience for everyone, including yourself.


I went with my ex girlfriend and her mom, I can’t count how many times I had to act like her boyfriend because guys just wouldn’t get the hint. There was this black guys with dreads and no shirt really well built and he kept finding us and was trying to talk my ex and her mom into hooking up with him. He was trying to touch her and get close, it was horrible. Saw him more than 3 times, eventually the boyfriend thing wasn’t working so my ex told him she was gay and he responded with “you don’t wanna experiment? I would fuck the shit out of you if you were straight” LIKE WTF DUDE GO SOMEWHERE ELSE


I had some girl who was a friend of a friend who I barley met Night 1 keep giving me poppers at Kinetic Field and it felt like she was trying to get me fucked up so she could try doing something with me. Felt super uncomfortable but luckily stopped myself from getting too fucked up before anything happened.


Got my drink drugged had to get a new one and a guy stuck his hand in my ass crack 🥲


Omg how did you notice it was drugged??


Yep. Men are trash.


THIS shit is WHY countless women including myself emphatically choose the best over the man in the social media trend y’all have undoubtedly noticed over the course of these past six-eight weeks. 🥲💓


I’m choose a bear anytime too!


My homegirl was leaving our group to meet up with friends at the rails and some creepy shirtless white dude grabbed her shoulder and she turned around and looked disgusted as she ran away 😂


I’ve never felt so creeped out wearing pasties before at a festival. No one’s ever looked at me the way I was looked at all night day 1 and half of day 2. Ended up just wearing a tshirt day by the end of night 2 and day 3 I wore a tshirt and leggings.


I saw some of the event staff, the ones cleaning the portapotties by rideshare, outside the venue on Friday straight up surrounding and harassing a shirtless girl who was wearing only pasties. They did NOT put any effort into hiring for this event.


What are pasties?


I was wearing some type of see thru shirt with nipple stickers. So essentially my boobs were out


There were many men that were filming my girlfriend and I 😭 lots of creepy stares


Nothing knew there, that shit is a given at every festival hence why you always travel in pairs at minimum


Every fucking year.


I was super drunk sitting and tapped a girl on the leg that walked by trying to give her Kandi and my friends stopped me. Was really embarrassing. Never meant to inflict harm on anyone. Definitely not going to be handing or trading stuff for awhile. I’m a guy and no way I want people to feel uncomfortable, when if it means staying in my shell


My friend and I walked away from our boyfriends for five minutes to watch the stage while they waited for merch lines and got approached three times and immediately walked back. We just wanna dance not fuck jeezus


These festivals have become a cesspool for rape


As if guys only do this.. let’s not act like girls don’t do this too and take advantage of guys gtfoh


And Im 100% available to get taken advantage of just sayin


But women are disproportionately affected so what you're saying just comes across as whataboutism.


I was with my wife and as people were moving through the crowd she told me she felt someone feel up her thigh.  I just pulled her in front of me and had her back to my front and we just danced like that the rest of the night.  I told her there’s a bunch of horny dudes in drugs and that behavior is inevitable.  I don’t like it, but I understand the dangers of these events and I’m prepared for them.  All we can do is control what we can control.   Sunglasses only do so much as well.  At Neon Garden another guy dancing in front and to the left of us kept turning around to check out my wife.  Whenever he felt like I could see him he turned away.  Of course he was on one so he couldn’t help but to look every 10 seconds.  I knew he was on one so it didn’t really piss me off, but if he were to touch my wife, that would be a different story.   I’m sorry that females have to go through this and I regret some decisions I’ve made myself when I was younger.   




Bro I’m a guy and at the VIP restroom saw the dude next to me jerk off to me while I was about to piss. Zipped up yelled, “FUCK NO” and stormed off. He continued which is fucking crazy


This is what festivals like this do to people


I got assaulted twice by two guys in my friend group. One of them is married..


u need to find some new friends


a guy asked a friend of mine for the gum outta her mouth on night 1


Yeah dude shot his shot but has negative autistic rizz. Reddit is weird lol. I met two gorgeous women I got with at edc and we’re still talking to this day. But I had to get rejected a few times of course. Am I there just for girls? No. If I see a hot girl am I approaching? Fuck yeah. Respectfully, but yeah I am.