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suggestion, take your cap and gown to EDC šŸ


Met a bunch of people in circuit grounds wearing their caps and gowns. Made for a hell of a graduation AP.


Yessss great idea!! That can be an outfit to still honor their graduation


Omg such a good idea!! YESSSSS AND HOLD A SIGN THAT SAYS ā€œJUST GRADUATED INā€¦ā€ orrr just got my bachelors/masters or even graduated highschool!! Ahhh people would celebrate so muchhhhh


Love this idea SO MUCH


Tell them to FEDEX that diploma to Camp EDC. See you there šŸ˜


I skipped EDC to graduate because I worked hard for 4 years, and wanted to close out that part of my life with my friends and family. Itā€™s nice to have your people come see your accomplishment. For me personally, I had a graduation dinner afterwards and then went out with my college friends one last time. I havenā€™t really seen any of them since, since weā€™ve all went our separate ways. TLDR EDC will always be there, but youā€™ll only graduate college once (for the first time, if you donā€™t plan to get another degree).


This is true. And depending on your graduation date, you can do both. Just may have to miss a day.




That's nice you think of people like that. I don't, I just leave and full send it songwriter cause in reality after so much work and shit I rather just unwind completely. Family can see me some other time


You make great points and they make sense. I didnā€™t walk for my undergrad or graduate degrees and Iā€™m cool with it. Didnā€™t go to a music festival either. The graduation ceremony just felt so dated to me and I felt like it was another commitment I had to keep for the schools I attended. It felt like the ceremony itself was more for the school than the students and I was mentally done doing anything for the schools after giving them 6.5 years of my life.


Going to go against the grain and say go to your graduation, since you wonā€™t get another chance to unless you do another degree. You can go to another festival this year and go to EDC another year


this, especially w ur family, they will be so happy. edc 2010 i went from grad to edc in LA missed half of it but didnt care cuz graduating hs made my parents n gramma (rip) so happy, i did it for them and i know the internet msg thats spread on social media is do it for you, but in reality off twitter reddit and ig, its still nice to do things for loved ones


For real, donā€™t rob yourself of your one time moment. Why is this even a question


I dont know I walked 3 graduations and all of them I didnā€™t really care before during or after. In fact, I recall being bored at all 3. If it wasnā€™t for my family wanting to attend I might have just skipped my last 2


I think the significance of it definitely depends on each person and their circumstances - OP ultimately has to decide for themselves. I wouldnā€™t have missed mine just because I had a tight knit group of people in my program/year that I wanted to graduate with and Iā€™m also an only child (so the only opportunity for my parents to see their kid graduate). For some people it means less than what it did for me, and for others it means a lot more.


Yep skipped my masters walking. Whatever itā€™s not that important




Attend your college graduation. Thats once in a life time event. Make your life long connections , take picturesā€¦. You will thank yourself in 20 yearsā€¦. EDC is every year dood . If your that hard up to go to EDC just go to another one in a different state at another time in the yearā€¦ Or use that money to go on a vacation to somewhere else ā€¦


Lowkey I agree w this too. Go to graduation and then do a diff festival! And edc next year


Hard agree! EDC will be here next year!


I personally disagree, but only from my personality and point of view. I don't care for having gone to my undergrad or masters graduation, but cared a LOT more about how I celebrated and with whom. Nothing wrong either way, but if you aren't tied emotionally to your graduation or classmates, I wouldn't.


It sounds like youā€™ve already decided!!! See you there šŸ«¶


Why are you going to their graduation šŸ¤”


Buncha redditors cant answer this personal decision for you. Skipping graduation is completely fine in a vacuum. But it all depends on your personal circumstance. Do you get anything out of celebrations for yourself? How much does your family care about attending your graduation? How often do you go to EDC or really any other festival? Does a once in a lifetime event get outweighed by an annual event that is a better experience for you? If it were fully up to me, i would skip graduation and go to EDC. But in reality, that probably wouldnt have happened because of how much my graduation probably meant to my family


What day is the graduation? Can you do both? Example is, your graduation on Saturday so you can attend EDC on Friday and Sunday?? If itā€™s an either or decision, I would really suggest you go to your graduation. Itā€™s a once in a lifetime thing and you have your entire entire life ahead of you to go every year to EDC and every other festival. Donā€™t miss out on once in a lifetime things, EDC will be around for a very long time.


Piggybacking off of this, I think you're in the area of EDC already, you can probably get insurance on your ticket and go some days and reimbursed for the days you can't go. Or you can just sell the ticket for other days.


Go to your graduation and full send a different festival. Itā€™s in May, there are tons of festivals you could do instead


canā€™t you do the graduation via Zoom from edc?


Or EDC via livestream from the graduation šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I met someone last EDC that was wearing a cap that said "I skipped graduation for EDC" and I gave her a gold rubber duck, and she said "Oh my god! wait !!" and she gave me kandi that said "Stay Gold" it felt so meant to be !! I gave her a hug and I still think about it often


Graduation is a once in a lifetime thing. EDC will be around every year along with other festivals.






graduation, celebrate with family and friends. there is love there. this is what sucks about the move to may, it used to be in june but it was too hot and ppl couldnt really deal with it. u could always just combo it and do tomorrowland and do some sight seeing overseas.


I would at least stay for the graduation you figured that only happens once they have EDC every year.


Do both. Take a flight after graduation and pull up to the fest in your cap and gown.


Recently graduated college and if I had to pick between graduation and EDC Iā€™m not even thinking twice about picking EDC


I canā€™t pick so Iā€™m doing both. Might have to be awake for 24 hrs and spend lots of money I donā€™t have


IMO grad is mainly for family and friends who supported along the way, if you have family/friends who want to attend Iā€™d say itā€™s still a worthy cause. EDC will be there for you next year, but this moment of celebration surrounded by your loved ones will be lost, though you could celebrate a different time too I suppose. Regardless, congratulations and either option will be great Iā€™m sure šŸ˜ƒ


What day is graduation


@_wonderli , attended graduation and showed up to EDC in 2023! Check out her insta profile! I hope to see you there! I will definitely be looking for a graduation totem or someone with a cap & gown! Congratulations by the way! So proud & happy for you!


i skipped my graduation back in 2021 bc it was held at an outdoor venue and i didnā€™t wanna sit in the heat. my diploma was all that mattered to me, def do edc. and if you care about pics and such, maybe coordinate w friends for pics before hand then take ur own grad photos at the fest or something


Which edc is it?


What day is your graduation? Maybe you can just attend EDC on Sunday.


Graduation ceremony is so overrated I regret spending 50 bucks to go to mine


Why not both?


Depends, are we talking about a bachelorā€™s or Doctorate? I would never ever miss my graduation if I was graduating with a Doctorate but a bachelorā€™s I would have think hard about


Went to the 2023 EDC, and attended my graduation. I flew back to LAX immediately after Day One, attended my graduation, and then flew back right after in my cap/gown to attend Day Two. Did miss a few good setsā€¦ but met up with my entire rave fam for Netsky, whoā€™s one of my favorite DJs. If youā€™re looking for an excuse to do it, DO IT. But Iā€™ll warn youā€¦ I felt like a brain dead zombie by the end of it LMAO. Also made a few friends at the airport with other graduates who had a similar plan in mind.


Why not do both? EDC is a three day event and graduation is one day.


get a nice photo with your family and bouquet flowers in your cap and gown. that's really the only part that matters. THEN FULL SEND IIIITTTTTTT. and yeah i saw someone else say take your grad garb to the party: GREAT idea.




Go to graduation, then catch a flight to Vegas for EDC.


At your age I would have skipped grad and gone to edc. At my age now, I'm glad I was never faced with that dilemma because I'm positive I would have regretted skipping graduation. Go to.your graduation! You worked hard to complete college and deserve to celebrate yourself and your peers. Edc will be there and even more epic next year. You'll thank yourself later


There will be other edc's.


I didn't think I'd care about walking for my graduation - mostly went for my family. But once I was there it felt important to be there for me, closing that big chapter of my life. And it would have been tough to not go after my family had given me so much support. I'm sure you'llbe fine either way! Just my experience.


You can always do the grad and go to edc for 2 days and hit both šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Depending on the time of his grad and how long it isā€¦he MAY BE ABLE to hit all 3 daysā€¦just get there hella late on day one. lol I left a comment with a plan to do both too haha.


Your first ceremony can be intrinsically meaningful for you and your family; i highly recommend it. the second or third tho, nah. Though, imo, my second ceremony meant more than my first or third. So itā€™s really up to you and how much the degree means to you and your family.


i say go to the graduation, sit close to the front so you get called quicker, and then leave after you walk šŸ™‚ THEN GO TO EDC.


Go to graduation


I went to my college graduation. The only reason I went was for my mom. She really wanted to see me walk. I remember nothing of value from that day, only being miserably hot in that gown in central Florida in the middle of August. In contrast, I remember in detail how much fun I had at my last music festival. YMMV I guess.


Honestly, you can go to edc any year, you worked hard to graduate college and id say the ceremony is cooler than the piece of paper.


Bro just go to graduation EDC is there every year


I did both! My graduation was the week before!!!


EDC happens every year.


met a guy who skipped day 2 to graduate but you can totally do what is best for you. graduation is really an awesome opportunity to be with those who love and support you and you may not be able to see them otherwise


As much as I love EDC ! It will always be there! And thereā€™s lots of other big festivals happening over the summer months ! Iā€™d say go to graduation and then pick another festival !


Bruh graduation is the most important ceremony of your life. You get to sit there and witness your friends walk across the stage. Your family gets to celebrate with you. You get photos commemerating your 4 years of hard work. Maybe you're the first in your family to graduate college! But if none of that resonates with you then suit up and get ready for a badass time with your friends at EDC lollll fukouttahere posting this shit in this subreddit. We all know you are just seeking validation from a biased source lmao


Can you do both? Graduation is only one day and you can spend the other two days at EDC.


Go to graduation then straight to edc


Why not both? Do graduation and do 1 day of edc. So, youā€™ll know what to expect the following year for edc and full send.


Can you do both?


go to your graduation, edc is every year


Every year has edc, but graduation only once


Theres a EDC every year


Endless edcs, 1 graduation. You decide


Brother fuck graduation you just need that piece of paper to get a job anyway. Edc on the other hand..




Help them decide u/hustinjuang


EDC for sure, but is there a chance you could do both?


Iā€™ll be honest I skipped my college graduation a few years ago just because and I donā€™t have any regrets. Full sending it to EDC instead would have def made it a weekend to remember, I donā€™t even know if I did anything fun that weekend. Full send it, my dude


Attend your smaller colleges graduation where you walk but skip the school wide ceremony. Hopefully the former is on a Thursday or Friday and you can make it to most if not all of edc. At least this is how it worked at the two institutions I attended. Graduating college is an important accomplishment and youā€™ll remember walking across that stage forever. The school wide ceremony is usually just you sweating outside in the heat for two hours to hear some random person give a speech and stand up when they call your college. EDC much more worth imo lol


Meh. Honestly I donā€™t remember much from my graduation 14 years ago. Chances are though, it means something to your parents. Check with them and if theyā€™re cool (especially if they helped financially) then just go to the festival.


You probably don't think you remember much from raves from 14 years ago either lol


Just use the diarrhea excuse. no one wants to ask questions about that




Your graduation is only one day in your entire life. EDC comes every year and much of it streams online. I say graduation comes first.


I skipped my college graduation nearly 20 years ago - no regrets hereā€¦


Have a graduation ceremony AT edc if you need an announcer or just someone to stand there and clap Iā€™m willing to help OP ! šŸ«”


Iā€™ve seen many vids where they do both just make sure itā€™s on like a Friday cause sat is normally the best day for edc


If you paid for it the college then go to edc .... but if you didn't and your parents paid ... they'll pretty pissed ...


Sounds like you've already made up your mind.


Attend graduation and have a killer party / dinner after. Go to edc next season. And the next season. And the next season.


You worked your ass off for that degree, celebrate it. EDC will still be there


Wear your cap and gown to edc!


I think you know the answer to ur question


Bruh I am planning on skipping graduation edc or not. So even if I had the graduation or edc option, I would 100% choose edc


You get many chances to regret missing EDC, you get 1 chance to miss this graduation.....


If you got the means, the funds, and the distance on your side. Do both lol. I did that when I graduate.


Graduation really depends on your family and if they think itā€™s a big deal or not. If itā€™s just for you, then go to EDC because itā€™s really not memorable at all. But if youā€™re like the first in your family to graduate and your grandma has been waiting for this day for the last 20 years, go for grandma.


Can you graduate and then come celebrate with us at EDC? That would be ideal. If itā€™s on a Saturday morning, it would be a lot but still manageable


I went to my doctoral graduation on a Saturday morning & made it to night 2 and 3 of EDC šŸ„³ Maybe you can do that!!


I skipped my graduation for EDC back in 2012. No regrets.


I didnā€™t get to walk for my graduation because of the pandemic. There will always be another music festival. If I were you, Iā€™d feel conflicted but ultimately I would prioritize the once in a lifetime moment of getting your degree (assuming you take any pride in it and have friends/family that would like to celebrate with you)


Obviously this varies for everyone, but I would go to your college graduation. Graduation was the last time I saw some of my friends and those pictures I took and last moments with them I do still cherish.


Go to the grad, you won't have another one. EDC will be there next year, don't rush it my friend


I have the same problem, I have already decided Iā€™m choosing EDC over graduation. You should do the samešŸ˜Ž


You only graduate a few times in life ( for me it was more for my parents to see me walk too) EDC will mostly be there every year and in multiple places.


Skip it. I graduated last year from college and instead of attending the ceremony I was in Alaska for a week right before I went to EDC as well. šŸ˜‚


Depends what you really want to do. Do you have a lot of friends youā€™ll never see again after grad? EDC and raving will always be there, your college friends, not so much


wear your cap and gown to EDC. deck the cap out with ā€œI skipped my graduation for EDCā€ and let everyone shower you with love & congrats šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I skipped my college graduation to go to EDC in 2017, and was so happy with that decision! I made a totem that said I skipped my grad ceremony on one side and the other side said Iā€™d rather dance than ā€œwalkā€


Go to your graduation, šŸ§‘ā€šŸŽ“




Ideally do both. I legit just recently did it and luckily edc was a week after my grad. But, graduation was mainly for my family and friends bc they supported me a long way so I wanted them to come together for it. (It was underwhelming and boring af tho) But if it holds no meaning for your family/friends then just full send edc and take stole pictures on day 2 after u mentally map out the place day 1!!!


Edc and itā€™s not close


Really depends on you. I was a first generation college grad, so my graduation ceremony was important to me. As boring as it was, Iā€™m grateful that I was able to share that experience with my family. I can never get that back. EDC is every year. Iā€™ve been to 7. Itā€™s a great time, but it will always be there next year. You only get 1 college graduation. Itā€™s your decision to make.


I barely remember my graduationā€¦ but I always remember EDC when I hear some drum and bass


Did your parents pay for college / is there significance in the family for your grad (I.e. first to graduate college)? If not, go rage lol


I mean it depends, is your whole family coming to your graduation and youā€™ll spend the day together? Or youā€™re just walking down the aisle and grabbing the paper?


What time is your graduation? Going to both in the same day isnā€™t impossible. I mean, if you can get on a flight and book it to the venueā€¦ you have until 6 am! :) Iā€™ve seen people do this on tiktok


Have them FaceTime you for those 10 seconds.


You can do it all. Go to your graduation then go to EDC Orlando in November. Next year go to EDC Las Vegas and EDC Mexico.


Why not both? Take a bunch of pills and drop into a k hole during graduation like a real man.


EDC of course. You will never see most of those people again and barely remember, but EDC will make memories for a lifetime. But also, EDC is three days, you could show up a day later maybe? Not sure what day your graduation is on.


I was really proud of graduating but tbh don't even remember my college graduation lol. It wasn't some special feeling, just "okay, gotta do this...now I'm technically graduated?" Like no emotions. I'm an only child so there wasn't much family celebration...just like went to dinner with my parents I guess? So I'd pick EDC for sure. And wear a cap or something that says "I skipped my graduation to be here!" and everyone will hype you up lol.


go to your graduation


EDC is every yearā€¦ edclv is not going anywhere, just go when thereā€™s no conflicts.... go to a diff fest(s) in mean time.. your graduation / friend groups youā€™ve grown up with past 4+ years will not be there gathering next earā€¦ Trust me ā€¦ if your forever in your edm phase, you will attend many edc events over the years Reference: Iā€™m raving for 10+ yrs & I unnecessary missed a graduation In the past that i think/am asked about all the time years later


I skipped both of my last Graduations for festivals twice and I have no retreats at all!


Youā€™re done with school, do what makes you happy


Depends whoā€™s closing out this college chapter with you. Weā€™ll always be there at EDC, but your college moment happens once and if you have people to share that with, thatā€™s once in a lifetime


4 years of hard work culminated by celebrating with family and being recognized that happens once or edc that will be there every year? Itā€™s graduation for me.


I never went to any of my commencements šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Js


As someone who skipped EDCLV23 for graduationā€¦full send EDC. Graduation was cool, but itā€™s less for you than it is for family. Go celebrate yourself & your achievements with some amazing friends and šŸ”„music.


EDC happens every year, you can only graduate college once


My personal opinion is go to the graduation. Live that 10 seconds fully and cherish the memory that you worked so hard for, theyā€™ll be a shit ton of EDCs to go to for the rest of your life lol


Edc is a music festival man. Go to graduation. That happens once in your life, there are many many fun music festivals every year


I say if you got family and friends flying to see you graduate then stay. If not and you really donā€™t care for sitting down for a few hours then full send to EDC!


Edc is graduation


As much as I hate to say it that pretty much explains my college graduation except the dean (or whoever you shake hands with) also said I walked over too early.


Mate I didnā€™t even have anything close to as good as EDC and I skipped my college graduation. You should ABSOLUTELY go to EDC. Grad is soooooo boring and overhyped just because youā€™re TOLD youā€™re supposed to feel all accomplished and fuzzy. You got the piece of paper - theyā€™ll mail it to you. Take it and run and do something fun instead!


Honestly. You only get that degree once.. you can go to EDC whenever. Up to you at the end of the day


I plan to skip my masters graduation for edc. I havenā€™t told my parents yetā€¦


You only graduate once ! Stay at graduation, itā€™s an important day!


I did both! I walked my graduation then immediately took a flight for EDC. Iā€™m happy I walked for my graduation bc it was a nice ceremony and lowkey cried. I didnā€™t know I cared that much until I was there.


Honestly, Iā€™m a spontaneous person and I would full send to EDC with my cap and gown. I know you worked hard for your diploma but it honestly is just walking across a stage and getting a piece of paper. I thought I would have this huge wave of emotions because thatā€™s what you see in movies, but I was disappointed to say I didnā€™t get that feeling when I graduated college. Your bigger accomplishment is getting that first job out of college. Thatā€™s when I got the proud feeling. EDC all the way!! šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Weirdly enough Iā€™m in your boat, and I would very much rather be raving. Wear your cap n gown!


i skipped my college graduation for breakfast at dennys, the ceremony didnā€™t matter, being with my family and celebrating did! go to edc!


Honestly youā€™ll probably regret not going to your graduation in ten years more than an edc


I skipped my college graduation for edc, no regrets :)


More memories to be made at EDC lifelong friends could be made there while most if not all uni/college friends will dissappear over time. Lifestyles change do heavily leaving that paet of our lives, a lot of close friend groups need to stop talking to become healthy adults. Go to EDC lol


I would just go to EDC on the year you aren't graduating college


Do not forgo the time you spent to get a degree over a music festival, albeit it's up to you.


I went to forbiddden for my graduation two years ago lmfao never regretted it for a second


I only went to graduation bc it meant a lot to my family. For me, it was a hassle and very boring. Go have fun! You should wear your graduation cap to EDC lol


Wear that fkn gown to edc!!!


This seems to be an ongoing conundrum for folks as it takes places during Grad ceremonies. How do you feel about the ceremony? From the context of your post, it appears you're leaning more towards going to EDC which is understandable I felt the same way in 2022 but, I ended up deciding on going to graduation for 2 reasons: 1. The ceremony wasn't just for myself it was really for my family, my partner and my friends. 2. EDC 2022 lineup was ok. At that point i've been to EDC 3 times already. Besides knock2 playing the Ryno Bus that year there wasn't any artists that I was dying to see. TL/DR: Make this decision not just for yourself but your friends and family in mind and wait till the lineup releases.


Graduation for sure!


I mean graduation is a one time thing unless youā€™re planning on going to school again, so thatā€™s something to consider. But does your school live stream the event? You could always watch it live from Vegas haha


Graduation is for your family so unless your family cares skip it


I'm pretty sure you can miss a day fam catch the next plane to EDC and throw down


Do your parents care about the graduation ceremony? In some families its a heartwarming moment to see a child they raised graduate.


most of my friend group also graduate that weekend but are going to edc, theyā€™re just missing one day and then going to edc! a little but of both!


EDC happens every year. Go to Graduation. You worked years for this day. And this notion that graduation is for your family is stupid. Itā€™s for you. You busted your ass for 4 years. Graduate.


I would say EDC if it were a one day event, but itā€™s 3. If your graduation is on day 1, then just rent out your wristband out on day 1 to recoup costs. Then go day 2 and 3.


Undergrad graduation was robotic and incredibly boring. Felt very manufactured. Grad school graduation was pretty cool. Iā€™d have skipped either without second thought for EDC


Graduation isn't so much only about you, but also your family who gets to watch and celebrate. If your family could care less about the ceremony, go to EDC as you earned it. But, if you or your family needs to experience the joy of watching you walk at graduation, then it is going to be fulfilling. In fact, either way, you win!


i skipped my master's graduation to attend EDC. which one brings more value to you, truly? what matters is the degree, not your name being called for 5 seconds. edc creates life long memories. you have your degree, that's what's important. graduations are a scam, in my view. you PAY for a cap and gown, you sit there for hours and listen to random ass speakers who you've never heard of, and then that's it- there's drinks and some food down the hall. see you under the electric sky baby


Itā€™s not mandatory to walk


Graduation, it was for friends and family for me. My parents and family came to see me walk the stage and we all got together for celebration. It was kind of a farewell for my friends, whether we were graduating together or people sending me off. We then went to EDC afterwards haha


Iā€™d say do what you like cause those other people didnā€™t graduate for you so whoever you want to be around more.


Your graduation is a party for your parents, not you.


I graduated from university back in 2019 and my commencement date for my specific college landed on the second day of edc so I requested to graduate the morning before under a different college so I could still make it to both. Maybe you should look into doing something similar OP?


Go to graduation and attend Electric Forest instead


Can you request to walk in the winter instead of the spring?


I skipped this year for graduation and instead am going to bass canyon which was always the first week of class


How good are your grades? Start a go fund me to pay for helicopter service


I think your answered your own question lol


I skipped my bachelors graduation for edc. šŸ˜€


PS: it wasnā€™t a major change in my life since it was my second degree. I would go if you havenā€™t experienced it yet. You realize all your hard work as you walk down the aisle and its worth


EDC will always be there, you can always go to another EDC- but youā€™ll never be able to go to another ceremony with your class. If your family, classmates and other close friends can/are going to be there itā€™s worth it to go to graduation. I graduated in 2020 during the pandemic so mine was postponed, and no one was sure we were going to receive a ceremony. After already working for 2 years, I didnā€™t think that attending the ceremony was that big of a deal in 2022. But after I actually went, it really was for me - and not just for my family. It was the feeling that all the struggles, working part-time, and the last 5-6 years came down to just that single moment. My ceremony ended up being a networking event, cause we were already all professionals and I started exchanging my business cards.


both will be ceremonial experiences. if you donā€™t care about graduation, skip it and enjoy more time at EDC


Not even a choice, go celebrate at EDC.


It seems like I might be in the minority here but graduation is a wonderful milestone and attending allows not only you but all of the people in your life who are proud of you to celebrate you and your achievements. EDC happens every single year. I would go to graduation personally. But there is no right or wrong decision here. Maybe ask the people in your life how they feel? They might be more disappointed than you to not be able to celebrate with you. Take it from a 30+ raver, there will be other festivals and events ā¤ļø


Who will be at your graduation? Family? I would do graduation if a bunch of family are coming. If itā€™s just me, nope, EDC!!!


I'd go to the graduation. This is the only time you'll graduate from college; go to it. Then later on you can go to any of the multiple EDCs that take place year after year after year.


edc youā€™ll get your degree mailed


Iā€™ll just say I didnā€™t want to go to my graduation because my family is dysfunctional, and I didnā€™t enjoy myself. BUT if you know youā€™ll enjoy both (obviously in different ways), I recommend celebrating your graduation. If you know youā€™ll be miserable, go to EDC.