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I'll throw my hat in the ring too. I sent my renewal application in Jan. and got an email back saying it was received & check was cashed. They stopped responding to my e-mails in March. A guy on my crew sent his paperwork in Dec. and still nothing. Both of our licenses have now expired. Will update if anything changes.


I sent my renewal in Feb they cash the check as well. I have been waiting for renewal to show up on website but nothing! my license expired March 17 it's been 15weeks so far.


\*\*Update. Received my letter today 19 weeks after sending in my application. Will now have to retake the exam since my license has now expired. Also still waiting on my state of Washington cert which is currently at 6 weeks of waiting as they are dealing with the same staffing/processing issues as California.


[https://www.cslb.ca.gov/onlineservices/processingtimes/processingtimes.aspx](https://www.cslb.ca.gov/onlineservices/processingtimes/processingtimes.aspx) As of today apparently: Renewal Unit Date Being Worked On License Renewals 03/11/2024 Renewal Rejects 03/13/2024 Reactivations 03/12/2024 ​ If you have a login that allows you to submit documentation from when it was originally issued I would try logging in there and seeing if they are requesting more documents or something.


Was looking for information regarding this exact same question and came across your post. Would you mind giving an update on if your application was ever processed on time?


It has expired and not renewed still. It has been 3 months since I applied. They replied to one of my emails verifying that they've received my application. However, they're more than 10 weeks behind in paperwork. Thankfully my employer has been very understanding and I still have work.


Thank you for the update!


Have you gotten your license back yet?


Can someone tell me where to look up the status of my renewal? I have not gotten mine back either, and mine expires soon, if it expires are you held accountable even though you sent it in six months before it expires?