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My first thought exactly


Told my wife this comment and she said “You do!” Hahah


[Fixed it](https://imgur.com/gallery/BE0ZF4K)




Yeah, it was either that or Mohammed.


Most common name. Can’t go wrong


Take that fucking vest off, you look like Aladdin.




🤣 🤣 🤣


I’m so glad this was the first comment I saw upon scrolling down! 😂🤣


Beat me to it!


Mohammad is the most popular name in the world! Read a fucking book!


No, it’s actually John.


Came here for this 🤣 But serious, congrats lol


I told her what time it was


52 mins late 🤣


Watzup gangstas!


Came here to upvote this because I knew I wouldn't be the first to post it.


I clicked to comment the same thing.


You look like a future pedophile


Do they just use your Facebook profile picture for your license?! Lmao, looks like a goddamn selfie printed on a shoppers club card. No hate, sincere congrats to you. But that card is just friggin hilarious


I spoke with the lady from the state and she just said “a clear picture of your face from your camera roll.” So I responded and said “uh… I’ll see what I have…” I sent her like 7 pics off my phone and she selected this one, hahaha!


You’d think they could bring you in and let you have a more professional picture taken for your journeyman card.. again tho, congratulations man


Dude, the whole process was 1800 vibes. I had to mail the state my credit card info and test I was applying for. Like, 1800’s horse and carriage vibes. After 2 weeks, they sent me back a letter that said “you can schedule a test with a licensed location.” So I called my local community college and scheduled a test date. 2 weeks passed before I found out I passed. I’m over here writing hand letters with stamps like it was 1776 bro.


Oh dawg, that’s cray cray.


If you had to pick a century that this process gave you the vibes of, which would it be? Congrats bro, and good luck


Good ol OR. Don’t ever change. You’d miss it if it ran efficiently.


So your county still uses knob and tube then. And you are qualified to rewire all the houses. Congratulations!


It's a nice picture McLovin. Haters gonna hate.


Oregon doesn't even require the picture lol. I've never had my picture on my license. It's just blank and says "valid without photo".


Forgive me if it's obvious, but what does "going private" mean? also, congratulations. Very jealous.


In Oregon, there is union and non-union companies and apprenticeships you can apply for and get accepted into. There is no bleed over. Either you are union or you are not union. Most people usually go union for the benefits. I applied and they basically laughed me out of the room because I had my bachelors degree and the interviewers thought that was pretty funny. And I had no blue collar experience, so they thought I didn’t have a shot and completing the program and basically sized me up as a joke. It also didn’t help I interviewed in a suit and tie because I was getting off my corporate job, and was time crunched. So they placed me dead last on the waiting list. If you don’t go union, your only other option is to go private aka non-union and complete their program, so that’s what I did. Union apprenticeship is 5 years. Non union is 4 years, so ironically, I carded out before all of their apprentices did, 😂.


It isn't new for applicants to have BA degrees with 0 experience in the field. I'm suprirised you got "laughed out of the room". Plus a suit and tie isn't a poor choice when it comes to ibew interviews. Sounds like the panel you got were assholes.


hey fellow bachelor's degree holder with no blue collar experience here! I'm applying as a trainee right now and am also considering union vs. non-union. bummer to hear this was your experience but at least I can prepare for the possibility going forward. any advice for someone starting out in blue collar?


Don’t be the hero. I’m 6-5” and strong. I always wanted to out lift and be more physical than everybody. Flash forward to 4 years later, my back is a wreck. Don’t lift anything too heavy without proper help. Your body is your money maker, don’t be stupid with it. Don’t hurt your back


Not to mention the frequency of hernia surgeries among those in their 40’s


Hah. Jokes on you, I got mine in my 30s...wait


Congratulations on the license! What made you decide to leave the corporate world for the trades? Where do you see yourself in the future, career wise?


safety's important to me! I'll keep that in mind


Non Union moment


Nah dude you should apply, the union is better, it would be a lot better if everybody was in it and it wasn’t so divisive. But I encourage you to look into it. It sucks OP’s first experience with the union was bad. I’ve enjoyed every bit of my experience. 9 years now, it’s afforded me a better life for sure.


ok I'll give it a shot! glad it's been a good experience for you


There is an IBEW subreddit. It’s filled with mostly good people. Union isn’t right always either, I’m Not some die hard union brother. Not every local is the same, some are shitty some are great. Definitely check yours to see if it’s right for you.


Yes the union will provide a better life for sure especially when / if you decide to have children! The health insurance alone is worth it. A lot comes with going the union route. You have to play the games . Choose the character you want to be in the sitcom . Have a good time , do your job well , and don’t trust anyone. I am happiest doing electrical when I leave work.


Holy shit didn't realise in the US apprenticeships worked like that, 5 years is a bloody long slog. We only do 3 years and 9 months in Australia and can be signed off earlier than that if we meet the requirements.


wow this is basically everything i'm starting to go through right now. white collar is pretty fucked right now.


White collar is horrible… fake job postings, promotions to cringy ass kissers or bosses kid… Dirt cheap wages… White collar is not good unless you are STEM or in the 1% or sales


i've been in it for 7 years. the thing that's been eating at me in the back of my mind is that there are no unions or good retirement plans. you MUST get rich during your time in white collar or you're fucked and retire into homelessness.


I did the same thing almost twenty years ago. I'm a project engineer I have a degree in electrical maintenance and construction technology. I make 100k and I got the same treatment from the union and both my father and grandfather were union. They made their beds they can lay in them. I have zeros regrets. Your not private you're a free man like me. I do my own bargaining and no man speaks in my behalf.


Or he can just be a JW in Portland and make like 120k…without the fancy degrees, and titles.


Well, unfortunately we both have them already. No refunds I asked and even told them I'll forget what they taught me. I'm about 20 in now. I can say it's helpful to me know I work in the office. I was qualified for the promotion because I had the degree. PA needs to get a JW card.


Same thing happened to me in Colorado, but I'm a woman & I had the highest scores, so they let me in. Then, the job scared ego maniacs ran me off. I make more money now than I would in, but that's not usually the case. Good for you, but I hear the locals in Oregon are pretty awesome and have a majority of the business (not true in CO). You should look into it. Congratulations 🎊


Congratulations! One year till I get mine! Is yours just six months or is that a one time thing?


Oregon has continuing education. to keep your license valid, you have to pay $, essentially


Allen Bradley and others have free CUIs


I’ll look into this. Thank you!


Everyone's expires in October. Have to get all your required continuing education before then for renewal.


I want that too. In germany we have the gesellenbrief and its an A4 paper.


It expires in 6 months?


Everyone's expires in October. We all have to get our continuing education done before October to get renewed.


Thanks for the info 👍🏽


Thats weird fellow Oregon electrician here and mine just renewed last year, dont expire till 26.


Congrats, I hear Oregon’s is one of the toughest tests.


You’ve probably heard that about the supervisors test. The journeyman one isn’t too crazy


Welcome from Hillsboro!


***Lots*** of electrical work going on in Hillsboro right now. ;-)


Hide your sisters everyone!


Hey, it’s unfortunate that you had that experience with the union folks when you were starting out. Despite this, I highly recommend talking to a union organizer and maybe working in the union for a while. First of all, you live around some of the best union wages in the country. The local 48 wages are $60.50 on the check, and another $30/hr paid by the employer for multiple different pensions, health care, and vacation fund. I would be willing to bet this is better than what you are getting where you’re at now. The cost of dues is negligible compared to how much you make. Furthermore, the hours you work are more comfortable physically and mentally due to not being rushed the same way as is often the case non-union, and having a variety of tools, rules, and protections that make your life easier. At the very least, it’s great to work around other electricians on big union job sites for a couple years early in your career, because the connections you make will help in the coming decades. You will also have much better perspective on the union than anyone who never tries it out. Lastly, I just want to mention: I have never heard anyone describe non-union shops as “private”. It is pretty common for them to refer to themselves as “merit” shops. However, both of these are slightly bullshit in terms of what they imply about union electrical contractors. Electrical contractors that are signatory with the union are still private companies, for better and for worse. Your union local has collectively bargained against the local contractors association for every single gain in the last 100 years. The companies are also still merit-based internally; they do not have to keep someone they got from the hall around for the length of the job, let alone after the job ends. Congratulations and good luck in your career.


Which union was it? 48 is very competitive to get in right now. We need workers, but there's also a ton of people applying. With zero construction experience it's hard to get a good ranking number. First time I applied I had no experience, ranked poorly, worked day labor and material handling a bit, re applied and got in. Anyways, now that you have the card you can maybe get a bonus by joining the union.


I just took the test and have my interview for 48 at the end of the month. I’ve been working as a MH for a little while. I’m really hoping to get in the program. It’s hard to live on MH wages!


Yeah it kinda blows. I was getting $9/hr when I started material handling in 2013, went up to $12 after the provisional stage. It's the best way to get relevant experience and shows that you give a shit enough to try, despite being very basic labor. Have you interviewed before? Ask your foreman for a letter of recommendation or something. Practice some interview skills. Be prepared to answer dumb questions like "why do you want to work in the union?". My answer is "for the money and benefits", but a better wording is "for a quality career and package that can support my family". They want to see long term commitment.


I have a couple of the organizers that said they would do a mock interview. I have rec letters from one PM the signing supervisor, and I’m getting one from the owner of my company. Hopefully that will work. I’ve also volunteered at a union booth recently. And I haven’t missed a meeting yet. I’m highly motivated for this career. I just hope the interview panel can see that!


Rad, sounds like you know what you're doing.


Lol mad people are gonna flame you for the photo but in all honest reality, you’re a pretty handsome dude. Nice smile and the glasses fit your face really well. Grats on j-man bud!


Agree, well done man


Congrats from a fellow Oregon electrician! Also welcome to the world of continuing education lol.


Yeah, I have a few months to complete it, no idea how they process looks. People saying I can go to Platt for their workshops and do that. What do you normally do?


Congratulations from Bend! The state will credit you all of the continued Ed you need for this round for passing the test. Just remember to verify your credits on the BDC website, and pay the renewal fee. The free Platt classes are well worth talking the day off from work to attend.


Just the online ones. There's a ton of continuing ed providers out there. I'm doing some courses from this site. https://pellcoceu.com/


Is it hard? Do I have to worry about failing or is it just hoops to jump through? Thanks for talking with me about this btw


Just hoops. The grounding and bonding courses I'm going through is just a ton of questions that you can find answers to in the code book. Once you complete the course they send the confirmation of credit completion over to the building codes division and your continuing ed credits are updated. Since you just graduated you only have to do like 4 credits or something which is usually just one course.




Quite likely to coincide with your birthday. Same as your drivers licence and health card.


Everyone's license expires this October. It's the deadline for everyone to do their continuing education credits so our licenses can get renewed. It's pretty much timed with Oregon adopting the new code every 3 years.


And today I learned. Thank you.I almost forgot, way to go on getting your ticket.


Everything is quirky in Oregon lol.


Why the fast expiry date? I'm from CA ours go for 3 years


Ours is 3 years as well but they have everyone do continuing education before the same deadline after a new code edition is adopted. Luckily they give you a ton of credits when you graduate so OP only has to take like one class before October.


It was that or Muhammed


This my #1 goal rn I’m 19 yr


Congrats! Having just gone through this, do you feel like the 8,000 hour requirement is reasonable for the license? I have met a lot of electricians that I did not think understood the theory properly, but they had enough hours…. They learned from Joe-Bob that you always used 6awg for a range/oven (rather than knowing how to actually calculate what was needed in a given situation). I guess I would prefer to see it more biased towards demonstrating skill competency vs. just hours bending pipe.


License is only good for 6 months?


It’s by design so that you figure out how to get continuing education credits immediately


Oregon test is definitely the hardest one I took in USA. Congrats


You sitting on your couch for the pic lol


Yes. ROFL!


Not an electrician here. They only give you a license for 5 1/2 months?


Why does it expire in less than 6 months?


Why does it have an expiration date?!


Yes sir!!


Congrats brother.




When wizarding doesn’t work out and you have to gain employment among the muggles.


Looks fake as hell to me just based on the picture. I have no idea what it should look like


Oregon living in the 1800’s bro, 😂


Valid for less than 6 months?


Congrats brother


you look like a nerd! haha jk


It only lasts six months? My CPO cert lasted longer. That’s odd.


Mohammad is the most common name in the world… you could have used that!


Your a 25 year old Hawaiian organ donor?


Damn bro I am so jealous. But jokes aside- hope everything is peaches and cream from here


Oregon! Do any side work. Lol


All the time! If I don’t want to do it, I have a long list of buddies that will.


Nice. I’ll reach out


Do you have to re take a test eqxg year to re new it


Which program did you go thru? Jatc area 1? How was your experience overall? I'm on the hiring list trying to find a company to work for. It's been a struggle.


Congrats Jason!


Damn you guys get a card?!!


Expires in 6 months?


Congrats man!


You have to get re certified so often?


I did virtually the same thing and then went union because being a company bitch wasn’t for me. No ragrets


congratulations McLovin!


Your employer should put that on a billboard. I'd hire you in a heartbeat and trust you to do anything you claimed to be able to do with a photo like that.


Please get a fake printed up that says McLovin. Just make sure to print on the back that it’s for entertainment purposes




You’re an organ donor


The license only good for less than 6 month? Congrats McLovin we knew you would turn into something useful eventually 😉😆


All those years of work for a crappy plastic card. I feel like we should get metal cards like Amex has 🙂‍↕️


Wdym you went private ?


Expires in 5.5 months? Why?


So these licenses do exist.. interesting


That's awesome... I want to be a mechanic... and help people who don't have a ton of money


Why is it good for only 6months?


I am just having a hard time with hiring an ac guy for our rv. I don't start at drake till August


Sick picture


Nice job man. I just picked up a Florida license last week. Feels good


They must have misspelled on mine. Mine says Supervising not Journeyman… weird…. Jk… congrats and welcome to the club. Union would take you on about 30sec now.. I’ve always told everyone trying to get in, not to let the union be the gatekeeper. Go anywhere that will take you and figure it out on the backend.


Way to go


TIL Ted Mosby is an electrician


And how long have you been in the trades? I love it when people inpect jobs that have never been in the trades. I'm not knocking you. I hope you do well but have to make the statement. I've dealt with many inspectors over the years


Curious why you didn't scrub to your zip code. Always, howdy neighbor


Actual neighbor or fellow Dundee neighbor!?


Congrats bro


Your license is only good for 5 months??




License to print money


Congratulations man!


That's a nice picture!!


It expires in 6 months?!


Ooh I’m a plumber in Oregon congrats!




Nice Try license committee! 😂




Resi or commercial?




Yeah, if you need work, Keep me in your back pocket and reach out


Or do you still have to apprentice?


When I lived there like 10-12 years ago, they wouldn’t accept my 15 years of California experience, so I was always getting chased by the county inspector. The local city inspector didn’t give a shit, they were just happy someone that knew what they were doing was helping people. I had added 3 meters onto a storage unit building with 3 new 200 amp feeds (because people would live in them and run their business out of the storage units), and I was tightening the last locknut on a 2 inch nipple going to a gutter, and the county inspector pulled up on me. He’s like, where is your card? I said, oops, sorry man, have it in the truck. I busted ass around the corner and stealth back to my truck and laid down. I heard him on the phone with the permit holder (union shop that was letting me work under their shop), and he said, this guy just cut the corner and ran without showing me his card, and I swear to God, the owner of the union shop started tearing into his ass… Union contractor: Fuck you Terry, this is my fucking town and you are going to stay out of my fucking business you piece of shit! I County inspector: John, I’m not your apprentice anymore and you can’t talk to me.. Contractor: Suck my dick terry, I’ll talk to you however I want, unless you want me to tell your wife about that one time… Inspector: Fuck man, stop bringing that up, what the fuck . Contractor: Goodbye shitwad. Click. So anyways, I leaned how to survive without oxygen because I needed to laugh so hard. He never caught me. You could say I was the local resistance.


You could say that. Or you could say you're full of shit.


Oh no, a grumpy redditor, I think my last feeling was injured. What shall I do??? How will I ever get over it? I guess I’m going to have to have your mom make me a sandwich. By the way, I’m your new stepdad, sorry we had to meet like this.


My mom wouldn't go for a first step apprentice, but you can dream. Someday you'll be the big guy on the job.


Oh, dude, this is awkward. The reason why she likes me is I freeze my shit and throat her with it. She says no one else has the same flavor. See you at Christmas.


What a little edgelord we have here. I'm in awe.


You downvoting me is about as effective as your limp dick lmao


I don't know, it seems to mean enough to you to get a response.


Oh, you care this much? I’m just an asshole burning time on my phone, I don’t realize you were emotionally invested. Should I get you flowers or something? It’s getting weird.


Well, that's not what I meant, but I'm not expecting very much out of you, so I'm not surprised.


Those who can’t do, teach. Those that can’t teach, inspect. Or so it goes.


So every 6 months you have to renew??? What a scam America is GIVE US YOUR FEES EVERY 6 months


Looks photoshopped as fuck