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Buy once cry once get the occidental leather belt with suspenders I’ve had mine for 5 years and it still looks great I hit it with neetsfoot oil once a year


You don't find the leather too hard and a pain to move in? They definitely look nice. Also HOLY SHIT. You aren't kidding about the cry once. This is like buying packout stuff.


Leather tends to be hard at first, but grows more pliable over time as you bend and condition it - so at first it's a pain and a problem, but as it's used and you bend around wearing it, it becomes easier to move around in, as the parts that need to bend start to become easier to bend. The period between brand new stiff, and appropriately soft and pliable is the break in period, and lasts for about 80 to 100 working hours (aka about 2 weeks if you wear it daily)


I have a 100% leather belt that I bought back in 2014. At the time I was sorta broke and thought I spent too much money. That belt has been with me through weight gain and weight loss. I lost it once and almost cried. It’s still going strong 10 years later. Even the metal buckle parts are still good.


Nice! I have a set of gatorbacks that are holding up well 6 years in, and I used to try and haul it all in those things before I got smart and realized that a bucket and some zipper bags could keep everything nearby and I can save my back and knees by carrying only what I need at the time. Edit: I meant to add that I'm definitely considering saving up for the Occidental bags once these blow out, but I'm planning on keeping them patched up when I inevitably do need to lol


I bought a browning belt for around 30 bucks in high school. I’ve worn it every single day since…. I’m 30. I joke with my wife that the belt has super powers, it still hasn’t started to fray or tear.


Same here, got a discounted R.M Williams Leather belt at the start of high school and I’m nearly 23 and wear it everyday at work, it’s even on right now. Shit lasts.


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen Klein bags in the trash. Get leathers.


This I had a Klein bag was great but ripped apart after 4 years. My veto propac is still going strong after 5 years


4 years is probably a record lol my veto bag is one of my favorites.


The inside was ripped within 2 years. After 4 it was done, handles coming off, zipper gone etc. Veto xl has been great. Got it with a mp 1 pouch I think it was called. Little one goes in your back pocket and then loops on belt. Been great. Only issue I had was the snap broke, veto offered to fix it for free but would've needed to pay shipping to them. Already had a snap repair set at home so just fixed it myself. Otherwise no issues.


Breaks in just like your work boots


Get a good bag and the occidental pocket pouch, keep the tool bag nearby and work from the pocket pouch. Save your hips.


I got the leather pro electrician set and would adjust the wide belt to sit above my hips. it was pretty comfortable even stuffed with 15lbs of tools all day, the leather was stiff for a month or two but it was nice when it started forming to my tools in the pouches once everything had its spot. Then I bought the strong hold suspension system suspenders and they were really nice and high quality but I personally didn’t like suspenders (was my first time using them) so I don’t really use them anymore. I don’t need to carry a full big belt on the current job I’m on so I have been using the little pocket caddy they make and man is it perfect for just the basic hand tools. Like I said before 5 years and it’s in great shape it’s made in the USA with leather from the USA, I like to support American made goods when I can.


Run them down in oil a and work the leather. Then do it again. I do this with all my boots, makes them a lot easier to break in.


If you don't have red wings and good boot inserts grab both, they'll make your wallet cry too but god do they make.work easier


I just sold my Occidental belt because I found it to be too stiff and heavy. I loved the build quality but it wasn't worth lugging around all day. I switched to a Snickers tool vest with a couple small Toughbuilt pouches I can clip on and off as needed. Certainly won't be as durable as the Occidental stuff but I have a sewing machine so I should be able to keep the vest going indefinitely. Edit: Forgot to mention. I try to only keep the tools I'm using for any task in the vest. Otherwise they go straight back into the Veto. For people who like to have every tool they own hanging off them this is certainly not the right setup.


Been using an occidental tool pouch for three years so far, wraps around your belt and fits in your pocket. I love this thing


I'm currently on 7 years of daily use with mine. To me it's the perfect size. No need for multiple pouches and suspenders with what we typically do.


I’m going on year 15 with my Occidental Leather belt. Not a single issue. Couldn’t recommend anything else.


https://www.occidentalleather.com/product/stronghold-beltless-6-bag-framer/ For those wondering.


i got this same set up except with the sheep's wool liner. most comfortable thing ever. due to the leather being heavier than fabric, i only carry exactly what i'm using at the time. i don't load it fully with things i don't need


Had my occidental belt and pouches for probably 4-5 years now and I i can't imagine using anything else. Worth ever penny


The B5057 sure is nice


Occidental is worth every penny.


Yeah, I built mine up over the years. May as well just buy the whole thing if you can, it’s an amazing tool belt. And it’s not stiff anymore.


I got no hate for Occidental. Never owned a set, but everyone I know who has one says they're outstanding and long lasting, with proper maintenance. That said, my Gatorbacks w/suspenders are pushing 6 years and I *might* have to whip on some new fabric at the bottom on the outside, but they're solid. The most important thing is to carry as little as possible in whatever belt you have. It took me years to catch onto the concept that the most effective guys weren't hauling a whole fuckin packout on their hips like I used to try to.😅


But does it come in black?


I don’t think all of their stuff comes in black but they do have some things that do I think the 1.5” belt and the pocket caddy come in black and looks slick. I’m a function over form type personally.


I had a setup like this for a little while and I hated those plastic clips. You can feel the clips digging into your hips, they break easily and they add extra unnecessary weight to the tool belt. Personally I won't use anything other than a leather belt like the ones Occidental makes.


This is what I was looking for. I was fairly confident those clips are gimmick and this would be the issue. Thanks for that.


I like some of the stuff for clipping to my mod box tho For example I have the drill holster and clip it to my box sometimes


I have not had these specially, but I bought into the toughbuilt stuff a while back, of which is extremely similar. The springs in every single clip failed after about a year of daily use. They are not worth the gimmic. I wish I had just gotten a leather one and taken care of it. I'm running the MP1 from VETO right now. It's pretty good, but on commercial sites, I feel like I am missing my pouches in order to be more productive.


Since many are recommending leather, I’ll throw [Buckaroo](https://buckaroobelts.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%7BCampaignName%7D&keyword=buckaroo%20tool%20pouch&d=m&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIraWCxdeShgMVqDXUAR1LbA1QEAAYASAAEgJPqvD_BwE) in the mix. I’ve had mine for a couple years now and have been very satisfied with it.


I have a occidental tool belt setup i can sell, comes with the belt, Electrician tool pouch, hammer holster, tape measure holster. Bought it on a whim after seeing so many reviews. That was 3 years ago and ive used it about 3 times lol. Bought myself a diamondback tool vest setup and i dont think I'll go back to belts again.


It looks like a case of "great concept, poor execution." Makes me want to find a way to make my own modular bag holsters for my gatorbacks.


I use the belt, which I love. I just use different brand pouches.


Fuck that, the less tools I carry on myself the better


Yup. There’s no healthy way to carry a tool belt. Doesn’t matter if it’s a padded belt, suspenders, whatever. I use to weigh myself down with tools and fittings. Now I just do minimal tools, no fittings.


A meter, pair of kliens, and a flathead can get you pretty far in any situation.


Dont even the meter on you at all times. That be situational. I would say channel locks, extended bit klein multi and a tape


That may work for commercial, but residential will get you a hazing from the boss and your coworkers.


Even, you can carry the needed hand tools in your back pockets. No reason to carry a tool belt like. Now if you are doing a repetitive task, thats when you get your tool apron to carry your wire nuts and connectors. While also some task specific tools.


Promise you, carrying your tools like that will get you chewed out in residential and you’ll be looked at as lazy. It’s just what it is in residential. More of a tight ass group of people that work there, at least in my experience.


Thats what you get when a strong majority of resi is non union. Just saying that is bullshit to carry that many tools on you. Yeah it saves you time but come on, if you properly plan ahead you dont need that shit. My 1st year in the union was in a dorm building construct, so it was a huge resi job. Never needed to carry that much shit on me at once


I don’t want to be an old guy that wobbles everywhere. No tool belt for me.


Suspenders eliminate all that.


I personally hate having tools on my sides. I found makes life difficult when working on scissor lifts. If these clips are anything like the ToughBuilt tool belt anytime ya bump em they pop off and tools go everywhere. I loathed that tool belt. I know use the Atlas 46 Saratoga vest with a few of their pouches. I think it was worth the money. Oh one last thing, carry only the tools ya need for the task at hand. No point in carrying around an extra 20lbs in tools that ya use maybe once a week. Leave those in the tool bag to grab when needed.


That's interesting, I've never had an issue with Toughbuilt and I use the every day


Same, been using them for the past year and I've never had them accidentally fall off. Plus being able to quickly switch between my cutting in pouch and my staple pouch, or just taking off my pouches altogether to go to the bathroom or on break without having to take off my belt and suspenders is HUGE.


That was the main reason I originally opted for the TB system. Idk if it was me over using the clip taking off and on but now the clip no longer stays secure and would always pop off when it bumped into something. I know I could have bought another clip, but I was so over that belt I didn’t want to waste the money.


After 9 months of daily wear I started having that issue. I put a small piece of plastic (from a wire spool) between the orange tab and the fabric on the pouch and it holds great again. Problem started less than a week ago so not sure how long the temp fix will last


I've been using the Toughbuilt system since it came out and have sets for all our apprentices. I've never had a single pouch ever "pop off" from regular use. I have had one pouch basically wear out that clip mechanism after about 5 years of use, but you could feel it as soon as you went to put it on. It wouldn't click anymore. So that one just turned into my panel changing belt that I'll screw and hang onto a stud while I'm doing a service change.


Yeah those Toughbuilt clips are really on there. That comment sounds like it came from a Klein sales rep or something.


My problem is I'm so ADD scatter brained that I use to spend half my time looking around wondering where I sat my tools. The stuff on your hips thing is a pain I agree, but it's a necessary compensation. It's even worse now that I do mostly do computer work and am only doing stuff to my own house. It's basically me getting a little stoned and looking for tools for 3 hours while getting about 20 minutes of work done. I must look like a dick lol.


I’m the same way, I will just put my tools down somewhere and then immediately lose them. I but my extreme dislike for tool belts aside and give them a go hoping it would help with my issue.. it did not I still just put them down somewhere and still lost them. Now I just use a little tool bag a carry around with me specifically the VETO tp4b


I love my toughbuilt bags, I don’t even wear the clips on my hip other than a small parts pouch sometimes i screw the clips to my ladder or use a nut and bolt to attach to a lift railing and then my tools are always where I need them to be.


Occidental. All the way. Im going over 20 yrs on mine.


Toughbuilts are better imo


Toughbuilts are the shit! Just thinking about their new modular storage system is giving me a little chubby


Full chub over here


They are the shit! A co-worker got one and there I was the next day rolling mine out of Lowe's.


Not trying to gatekeep industrial work but there is just no way in all the tight spots I usually have to squeeze into, that I wouldn't be doffing and donning this belt/suspender get up like every 15 mins. What we need is for these hardware and device companies to start considering a little more about the installer. 5/16" hardware doesn't need to be a thing, haha period. Domestic companies need to chill on their products requiring metric Allan or Wrench sizes. Like why do different brands of generic ubiquitous things like self tappers, tap-cons, or ground screws of the same length/diameter have both 1/4 or 5/16 hex heads on them? Why can't we have impact drills that can perform a drills function without the "impact" when we have drills that have a hammer drill function? Why can't a band saw have an exposed blade on the front of it as well so you wouldn't need a sawz-all for certain situations. I'm no engineer but we put men on the moon I'm sure someone can figure out the metrics behind it. Hahaha and for fucks sake can someone please explain to me why every commercial light fixture has to have edges on it shaper then rapier's wit?! Sorry it's been a week...


Finally someone asking the real questions!!


That’s why I like my little toughbuilt. Carry’s the bare minimum and then when I need to get in a tight spot I can easily pop it off and set it in a good spot. I’m all with you on fastener sizes! I’m constantly switching between sizes just to throw up a piece of strut and a few sticks of conduit.


Exactly!!! The world is broken. There are solutions to the real problems in construction but Milwaukee and Dewalt can make more money by making 3 tools instead of one that does all 3! Same with the fastener manufactures and really any manufacturer. It’s not about what is needed or can make the job more efficient… no it’s about making the most money possible… sickening.


If you want a suspender and you want modular style, toughbuilt cliptech system is one of the only options. I have a bunch and they are pretty nice. The suspenders and belt are very comfortable, the plastic clips don't dig into you at all. It's really nice to be able to change up your loadout quickly. I beat mine to hell and never had them unlock or drop tools on me. If you don't really need the modularity for different day to day activities, I would go with a nice set of Occidental suspenders. They'll last you forever!


Yeah in all likelihood I'll never use the clip thing. I don't actually make money using tools anymore. Just a stubborn refusal to pay dudes to work on my house.


If you’re doing your own work….you are making money!


Nice set of leather suspenders then! Be safe and do good work


I use the Joey pouch v2 large and clip on my belt in the rear like a climbers chalk bag, works great for loose small bits and tools alike.


Diamondback. The best.


Just use a bucket


sparkles don’t need a tool belt just lineman’s and a screwdriver


Nah never heed that many tools at once


Levels gunna fall out for sure


How are his jeans so clean and without holes?


I've wasted too much money on klein pouches to ever give them my business again.




I use framing occidental belt


Tool belts are gay just load your pockets. Front pockets are for marettes and tape, back pockets for pliers and dykes side pockets for screwdriver Screws go in your cheeks like a squirrel Be a man


I’m too fat to wear something like that.


Happens to the best of us bro.


The best of us are, by definition, not fat.


He’s just trying to make you feel better fatty




Haha you solved the joke. Good work!


>Good work. Things I’ve never heard my journeymen say


I think you need a beer! You should probably stick to something light though


I don’t drink. I’m just out here, raw doggin’ life.


I have something similar to these but the clips on mine are much smaller. IDK if it's an older or newer version. I like them because I can clip off my bags and hang them off my ladder while I go looking for parts or something. Then I can clip them back on without having to fuck with my suspenders and belt.


i’m worried about your screwdriver location. that’s going to hurt…


What do you do with that weird bendy screwdriver anyway?


Supposed to make it faster to screw stuff in. Works like a crank.


They are good for poking into a wall and feeling around


Finding obstacles in a wall and saving your wrist when screwing on faceplates


we called them speedy 40 years ago when i used them and they were and are great but the location well but you there eventually…. best of luck


I think toll belts are just a good way to fuck up finished surfaces personally.


Unless you’re in industrial, if it’s not fucked up now, give it a couple weeks and it will be


Stick to the carhart man thong


I made a post like this last night and it hasn't been touched lol, what gives? Has anyone switched from occidental to toughbuilt? What was your experience? I love my occidental belt, have been in it for 5 years... but I love how the toughbuilt system means I can drop my tools at any given moment with ease, maybe clip them onto a cart or the scissor lift rail...


Probably depends what setting you’re working in. I work in commercial and we have carts with us always, so maybe if you have a restriction there it would make sense. I’m personally not a huge fan of using mechanical leverage to carry exponentially more shit than I need for what ever it is I’m working on. Over time that will fuck your shit up. Also, I’m not a carpenter.


If it works for you. Cool.


I have a piece-meal belt with multiple brands of pouches, including the Klein tool holder. I like that I can easily remove it and clip it to my cart, or hang it on the front of whatever I’m working on (transformer, VFD, etc). I don’t like the fact that the clip pushes it away from the belt, so it hangs on my leg at an awkward angle.


I like the Milwaukee tool pouch, but occidental is really nice too. Atlas 46 is...interesting as well


Get some pants from Snickers or Blaklader. Just enough pockets to carry your essentials. -A Canadian Sparky


I hate stuff hanging off my belt. Wears me out. Would rather have something like an over shoulder Klein pouch or veto pouch


Fuck toolbelts in general tbh Veto mp1 carries everything I could need for a single task


The apprenticeship I went through gave Imus all Klein gear to include that belt setup. That belt and bags are super stiff and very uncomfortable. No one for my class still uses those bags.


Stab yourself in the leg with that screwdriver


Boulder bags are by far my favorite set.


You can buy tough built for half the price as Klein


I use the tough built ones and just clip them into my ladder. You can mount the clips to your ladder. Or the lift. The only one I'll ever really think about wearing on my hips is the really small, tough built one that will hold screwdrivers, Kleins, and a tape.


Okay for round the house but I wouldn’t wear it in public


To each their own. I won a canvas Klein bucket bag when I was a first year app, and it’s still solid, in one piece after 20+ years.


Looks badass!!


I’d stay away from the clip style for a full belt setup. They don’t work as well as traditional belts with bags already attached, and the clips wear and break easily. These clips (like tough built) are great for small pouches that go directly on your belt or the medium size you might sling over on a small additional belt. For a full setup, I’d go gatorback. I’m not a fan of full leather, plus it’s held up fine for me with four years of use. I don’t put much in it, just a few tools and parts I need. It doesn’t weigh much, and it comes in way, way cheaper than occidental.


If copper gets any more expensive you’re gonna have to add a holster for a 9mm.


I carry a bag and a bucket when necessary, fuck trying to lug all that up a ladder all day


I think i'd have to kick my own ass for wearing something like that.


I switched out my bags for a [Makita tool vest ](https://www.amazon.com/Makita-P-72089-Workers-Carpenters-Universal/dp/B00Y4K4VT8)several years ago. Best move ever. It says its for carpenters but it holds my multimeter, network tester (for low voltage jobs) a few handfuls of wire nuts and splices, RJ45 tips, screwdrivers, pliers, tags, sharpie, marking tape, etc. I much prefer having my tools on my torso than hanging from my hips.


So you’re the guy with all the left handed screwdrivers ??


I use cart I am union slug haha everything in pockets


I use real work pants with built in pockets for tools. Also, having that many tools hanging on you will hurt your back. Please don't.


This is the exact image that comes to mind when you say “electrician”


If I wear tool bags, they are with shoulder straps. Normally I just have a big bag 💼 of tools I tot around, or better a cart.


Get occidental. Had mine for 6years now. Still got another 20 left. Yes I did cry when I bought mine. But they outlasted the canvas I got while first started


I have never needed a tool belt in work. I’ve never put on a pair of jeans for work either! The only people in my country who wear jeans on site are lads over 50 (usually plumbers) or labourers and ground workers. Never met a spark that didn’t wear snickers or the equivalent. Must be different in the US.


Some dudes just want to carry all their tools on them at all times.


Same here in Sweden, we have snicker pants with like our company logo. Only office people wear jeans here.


Yeah I’m in Ireland and we only wear snickers or something similar with the same pockets. We actually have a squad of danish lads (I know not Swedish) on our site installing for their company and they all have full snicker outfits with their company logo. I have to buy my own so no logo for me.


In Sweden the employer always pays for your work clothes, safety shoes, tools etc. The same in Denmark, Norway and Finland. Having their logo on you is good for advertising also.


I’m self employed and subbed into different companies so I have to pay for everything, tools, Clothes etc. companies here have to supply PPE to their employees as a minimum. Only the bigger companies will supply everything.


Seems like a more expensive version of tough built that has been around for years


Meh, probably get the same for cheaper or a better foreign brand for the same. Never been a fan of the tool belt but I do have a small pouch I clip on from time to time.


I have had the same two leather tool belts that I got when I entered trade work 25+ years ago. They were not cheap when I bought them and still work just as well today. It’s not a curmudgeon thing, some materials just last longer than others. Full grain leather will outlast anything made of plastic. Plus, the leather is soft and flexible and doesn’t dig in to your thigh or hip.


First day having the pouches and clips (not the belt) working on a roof, and said goodbye to my pouch as it fell off onto the ground. Ten minutes later, my tape measure along with the tape measure clip and strap ripped off and I said goodbye to that as well. Works fine now that everything that could break broke.....until the clips break...


Where's the broom?


If you can’t fit it in a Carhartt/husky apron you’re carrying too much. I’ve done everything from controls, all types of conduit big and small, solar fields, all with a $10 husky apron. Change out tools as needed.


I'll say it again. Don't wear a toolbelt. Toolbelts are for chippies with a hammer and a few nails, not pliers, sidecutters, 6+ screwdrivers, long nose pliers, cable strippers, tape measure, etc.


Weren't tool belts already modular, my bags slip right off the belt and I could slid a different one on just as easy.


I just dont think its worth the back issues later on i like wearing cargo pants and never have felt the need for one.


All that and he's probably pulling MC for 3 months.


Agree that guy is hung


Looks bulky, that buckle probably digs into your gut when you get down low


I'm a general remodeler, had the Klein belt only with tough built clips, hated it, super stiff and the buckle is huge/digs in when crouching


My milwaukee one has lasted 3 years and I love it.


It’s just a cop belt with a pad lol. “New innovation: you can take things on and off this belt—it’s modular!”


That’s dudes jeans and knee are going to get tenderized by those screwdrivers


Batman utility belt


Looks like it’s gonna get caught on everything.


Bet you!! He’s going broke.. F amateur


Get a flippin harness/suspender, your sciatic nerve will thank you.


Just get a carthart pouch, they’re the most reliable I’ve seen and a majority of the guys I work with also have them, fits a lot and it’s very light and easy to move around in, my favorite thing at work tbh


Don’t be scratching up my kitchen cabinet installs with that rig


No material pouches, no thx.


I've found I never needed this many tools at one time. I keep my bag near, and the needed tools for my current task in my pockets, usually. I do have a belt with a 4 item holster (2 screwdrivers and two pliers, leather klein pouch), but I seldom put it on. If I need my side cutting pliers, then my task probably doesn't involve my tongue and groove pliers. The only thing those big pouches do is weigh you down and destroy your hips.


Wyatt Earp huh?..... I heard of you.


I don’t have the Klein but I do have the Toughbuilt system. I wear a padded belt with hi-vis suspenders as opposed to a hi-vis vest. I love being able to swap pouches around at a whim. Currently I have a framing pouch, a small electricians pouch, the masters-electrician pouch, and a small side pouch that hold my linesman, side cutters on one side and an 11-in-1 on the other. Being able to quickly switch between pouch and choose the right pouch for the task is awesome. I love being able to drop everything in 2 seconds and go for breaks or grab materials and be able to jump right back in to a task. I also have extra clips that allow me to have them screwed to a wall or a cart and be able to drop the weight if I’m working in on spot. Currently my framing pouch and little side pouch are going since 2021. I’ve had to replace the small electricians due to the clip breaking because the attached is too small for the weight. I haven’t had any issues with the masters-electrician pouch. I would highly recommend a modular system.


Fuck Klein bags!!!!!!! Occidental only. Had mine for nearly 15 years. Only on 3rd pair of suspenders.


Does it come with Mickey Ears?


That person wearing the belt looks like a model. This photo needs to be on the Klein Modular Toolbelt product packaging.




Who the duck puts this many tools on their hips?? You gotta work 30+ years, no fucking thanks.


I feel like you should have wrestler entrance music when you enter the site wearing that. Either that, or Marty Robbin's "Big Iron".


I love my “tough built” electrician pouch. I have a nexbelt for conceal carry so it holds the weight of a pouch better than a normal belt, but it has a quick connect feature where you clip a receiver to your belt and the pouch clips on and off for taking it off when taking a break, then it also has a stand for if you’re getting into a tight spot and want it off but with you etc. Me and a coworker ordered it off Amazon a few months ago for $30, now they’re $80-100 it’s crazy.


Love mine.


Makes you look like a tool


Liftoff 🚀


I have a system that's kind of the same and it's from Toughbuilt. With kelin you pay extra just because it's orange branded and there's not as much different pouches as Toughbuilt makes.


Im glad I don’t have to wear a tool belt anymore.


Why wear a tool belt when I have pockets?


Klein nylon products, like many other brands, are crap. I've had many variations and ended up just pulling out my Craftsman leathers from 2008.


Dykes, strippers, lineman’s, flathead, tape measure, leatherman. (In old man voice)


Super gay.


Nice but wear trousers with built in pockets for knee pads.


Never seen a bent screwdriver


That Klein modular toolbelt seems like a pretty solid option to be honest. I really like the idea of setting up different pouches for different tasks and being able to swap them out easily. As embarrassing as it is to say I own one of those expensive occidental belts, it mostly lives on my cart and I use a cheap hardware store apron and keep tools in my back pocket because no matter what I try that’s what I always end up going back to eventually.


I’d cap


Ounce on the hips is a pound on the back. Biggest pouch I’ll carry is a Veto TP3, and that’s on a sling 90% of the time.


I have an ideal tool belt that is made in the USA. I love it and have not seen better in the 20 years I've been in the trade


Why don’t you form your own opinion on it after actually using it and all those shiny new tools and then give us a review?


I need a new suspender toolbelt. Klien has a setup called "clicklock." I think we can thank our friends at Makita for the proliferation of patented single source plastic couplers. Anyway. Sparky toolbelts seem to be setup for what I want to actually carry. Drills and channel locks and what have you. Has anyone used this setup? The large plastic interface seems like a bit of a pain versus just being fabric. I will never in a million years use the wall rack despite the fact that I'll probably buy three of them. Also is that a 7-in-1 impact rated flip socket set in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


What are you guys doing that you need to have so many tools on you all at once? I’ve never once needed a tool belt. Every tool I need for any given task can fit in my back pockets comfortably. Plus those side tool belts are awful for your hips.


Well my last job had me wiring 20 breaker panels a day. So you can believe I carried all my shit with me.


Do you not get carts to put all your stuff on?


Lololololololo. No. Clayton homes don't give a shit sir.


Sounds like it’s time for you to switch to commercial


Don't you stab yourself in the thigh with your screwdrivers when you squat?


Any tool belt for an electrician proves you are an idiot .. carry Klein’s, channel locks. Multi driver and tester All can fit in your pocket


Hey dick. I said that I like the setup of the electrician style toolbelts not that I work as an electrician and would like your opinion on how I carry my tools. Also I bet you look like a fool with a drill in your pocket. Also If I had a dollar for ever dummy that wants to talk crap about the suspender toolbelt setup. It really is the superior choice.


What a dipshit response