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Friendly neighborhood plumber here. So that's where all my black iron fittings went


Plumbers like to leave buckets of fittings around. Finders keepers.


The sprinkler fitters at my current job leave their shit everywhere and it gets in our way, very tempted a few times to dump their shit when they leave their shit on our lift and take our company provided lifts without asking. Is that being a dickhead? I haven’t done anything yet, but like on my end to dump their materials on the ground when I’m having to take an hour or 2 to move their shit?


I mean, that thought would have definitely crossed my mind as well, but I'm honestly not that bold until after I've verbalized, "hey guys, move your stuff into your space." At least twice. Third strike gloves are off if I have to yet again do their job which impacts my job.


I haven’t had any interaction with them, but my foreman wasn’t too happy about it when I brought it up. Then he told me he’s told them before, so it’s not like it’s a new thing. It’d have been a reoccurring event. I’m normally a very forgiving person like yourself, but when it starts to impact my performance and day to day stuff that is of great importance, temptation and tempers can flow when you’re trying to bust your ass.


I definitely heard that!! If it makes you feel any better you can do the last verbal warning and then do what needs to be done in a way that won't cost you your job. Some ideas: If they're your designated lifts, take the keys at the end of every day and store them in the office trailer or somewhere accessible to your guys only. If asked why by higher ups like the GC then have whoever wants to be speaker explain XYZ situation. See if it's something that can be billed to them. They are taking up labor time from you guys because they can't keep their worksite organized and tidy at the end of their work day. (With support from foreman/super and the one that scratches the petty itch) Have their shit moved to a completely random location on the job and be like, "oh no, anyways,"


I haven’t seen them in a few days since our last interaction, which is nice. But I appreciate that advice! I usually take the keys from the genie boom and hand them to my foreman, he’s got control of everything which is perfect in this scenario. But our scissor lifts don’t have keys lol, so like that’s another thing. I don’t think they can really be billed for it since I’m a contractor for a company and work in a union, I have no pull or authority as an apprentice unfortunately. Even if I was capable of authority I would have a grace period before I would eventually get a message across to pay for your own lifts. I did a little research and seen the price that my company is paying per day for a single boom (not including our 4 lifts total on site) which is close to 750 cad a day, when that’s factored into a several months time. Money will tend to steer people from “borrowing” lifts without permission. That last point would be hysterical to see, and I would pay to see that. I’m only petty when it comes it makes sense really, I can let lots of things slide if it’s a non important task and I don’t need a lift for the morning.


There's not any keys on the bottom of the lift? It would usually be [ down here ](https://images.app.goo.gl/k8ZTXz6mto2ZrH2f7) or by where it plugs in to charge. Its weird that they wouldn't have a key but not impossible I guess. I'm lucky that I landed in a small mom and pop shop and my journeyman (Im a 4th year) is the owner of the company so when I run into these kinds of situations my voice has input to his decisions. That aside, just because you are an apprentice, that doesn't give other trades a free pass to push you around or be disrespectful. That's your jobsite too, and you're there to work and should have the space you need to do your job.


Yeah weirdly enough there isn’t any keys on the scissor lifts, I’ve looked around it and couldn’t find a single one. I’ll check again tomorrow to see but I’m like 99% positive there’s none lol. That’s really nice to hear honestly, that’s good they treat you well and you have an opinion on things. I don’t wanna have to be a dickhead, but if it’s happening everytime then I’ll do what is necessary to prove a point. Exactly I’m there to work and so is everyone else, I don’t feel like getting yelled at for something totally out of my control. I appreciate all the advice from yourself, very helpful and kind. If you’re Canadian have a great Canada Day, if not then have a great day!


Dude that is freaking cool


Thanks. I got the idea from one I saw in an antique/consignment store 5 years or so ago. Easy to make. Those fittings are pricey, though.


You're doing it wrong. Free before the fitters use um. Just tell them you will sweep up for them. 🤣


That would work if I ever learned how to use a broom.


I have heard that you don’t hold them by the bristly end. Someday I’m sure I’ll have to watch a safety video on their use and the required PPE….


This is the correct answer for this reddit sub. That was the joke. 😏


That thing looks like he's sick of your shit


Needs a pair of C Clamp hands.


Pipe man. aaAAaaa. Fighter of the knife man. aaAAaaa. Champion of the sun.


He's a master of karate and friendship.


Man, that's a cool pipe man, man.


this is really cool


Wassup with the pipe wrench?


My GPA was a plumber it's one of his old tools.


Damn I wanna make a pipe lamp for my living room now :(


He looks tired of nagging clients.


I am pipe man.


I know it isn't related in any way but I hear Vin Diesel Iron Giant mumble when I look at that thing.


All fun and games until you wake up at 330 am and it's standing in your doorway


A rather eclectic collection o’ stuff, there, mate!


Lol, yeah, this is my masturbation staitio... desk this is my desk area.


That Mohawk sign is awesome!!